Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday 10/2 Agenda

Of Mice and Men quiz (through ch 3)

create Google account

3rd hour: quiz will be Monday


sheridynn said...
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shawn said...

i like mice and men because it hust seems like a really good book to me to be at the beginning

Lamiko said...

i like the book "Of Mice and Men" its very interesting and different from any other book i read before

Mark Leonard said...

Guitar Adjustment - Fret Board Conditioning Let's face it, really learning guitar can seem like a daunting task. There are so many different things to learn and practice. What you're really looking for is high-quality, step-by-step video instruction that takes you from beginner (or intermediate) all the way through advanced instruction. A thirty-minute "Learn Guitar Overnight" video isn't going to do it, and advanced instructional videos are usually too specialized and they often assume that you know more than you do. That's never a problem with Learn & Master Guitar, because it is a complete step-by-step video instruction course that takes you from any skill level, even if you're a total novice, through the advanced skills training used by the pros. Not a beginner? Just skip through the basics and jump into the more advanced training. That question of how one can become a more creative guitar player is a very typical one that I (and probably most guitar teachers) am very often asked. Before I go into detail to answer it I need to say that in order to completely overcome such a problem will require one to work at it for a long time. And I strongly suggest working with an excellent teacher to help you through this. He/she will save you a lot of time, effort, aggravation, etc. (Refer to my previous article on "How To Choose A Guitar Teacher".) guitars and tiki bars kenny chesney guitar stands wood guitar tabs for free falling by tom petty guitar hero ps3 release date Learn and Master Guitar is perfect for anyone who wants to learn the guitar. This course covers everything from the very basics of guitar playing through the most advanced techniques.