Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog Post 3 - Of Mice and Men Reflection

Directions for the day:

1. In a WORD document, answer the following. At the end of the hour, cut and paste your essay as a comment:

Did George make the right decision to kill Lennie at the end of Of Mice and Men? Use support from the book, research, and your own experience.

Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Reason 1, examples
Paragraph 3: Reason 2, examples
Paragraph 4: Reason 3, examples
Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Some possible reasons IN FAVOR of George's decision:
  • Curley would have killed Lennie anyway
  • Lennie could have been put in a mental institution or prison
  • George did it in a way where Lennie felt no pain
  • George actually did it out of love for Lennie
  • ...other ideas?

Some possible reasons AGAINST George's decision
  • A friend should never harm another friend
  • There was no guarantee that Curley would have killed Lennie
  • There was no guarantee that Lennie and George couldn't have escaped
  • It is never okay to kill another person
  • ...other ideas?


Nick C. said...

the book Of Mice and Men, George did the right thing by killing Lennie. I think he did the right thing because of what he had done. There are many reasons of why George killed Lennie. One reason I think that George killed Lennie was because he loved him and cared about him so much and he must of thought to see Lennie die would be better than him rotting in a jail cell.

Some reasons why George killed Lennie was because Curley would have killed Lennie anyways for killing his wife. Another reason is that Lennie could have been put in a mental institution or a hospital of some sort, which would only be worse for him.

George had a lot of feelings for Lennie. They were best friends and were always together, so it made it even harder for George to kill him. One reason would be the idea he had gotten from Carlson when he killed Candy’s dog, George must of thought to shoot Lennie right in the back of the head so that he would feel no pain.

George killed Lennie because he had taken another life, another reason would be George would be the one to kill Lennie than any other man on the plantation because of the thought when Candy had told him that he should of shot the dog himself, George must of felt the same way to a certain extent.

In conclusion I think that George did the right thing by killing Lennie because Lennie did a bad thing, and that was by taking another persons life, and in my opinion if someone kills another person, then they should pay it back with their own life.

Anonymous said...

Kyle Harris
1st Hour

George made the right decision in killing Lennie at the end. Many would say that it was wrong for him to do that considering they were friends and all but ultimately it had to be done. Lennie was working on a killing spree and if nothing was done to stop him then who knows. He was going to maybe kill someone else in the future, Lennie would’ve been sent to a prison, or Curley would’ve killed him himself.

My first reason why I think Lennie should have been killed is even if George and Lenny had escaped from the ranch then eventually Lenny would kill someone else. Because statically him killing the mouse, the puppy, and Curley’s wife shows a good chance it was going to happen again. George showed a smart move by killing Lenny and showed courage.

The second reason of mine is Lennie was most likely headed to a prison or mental institution for his actions. After the girl he terriozed in “weed” he showed no progress in getting better, he was just his old self. If he wasn’t killed then and there his life would’ve just been crazy and Lenny wouldn’t even understand was happening. It’s almost as if his death was a blessing in disguise for some people for who may have crossed in path in the near future.

The third and final reason for my decision is most likely Curley was going to kill Lennie. Lennie had it coming he already broke Curley’s hand and then killed Curley’s wife, there was no way Lennie was going to survive. In the end I think George didn’t really want to do it but knew he had to if he ever wanted to make life easier and be able to get his own place.

In conclusion, George made the right decision in killing Lennie. Lennie was too much of a nescience and was on his way to killing spree. He was probably going to kill someone else eventually and if they were caught then Lennie was most likely headed to a institution of some sort. Also Curley was pretty upset and I could see him stopping at nothing to kill Lennie. So basically George made the right decision and showed courage and strength to be able to kill his own friend.

Anonymous said...

Of Mice & Men Essay

George killed Lennie out of love because the friendship they had was special and George couldn’t stand to see Lennie suffer so he thought to kill him before Carlson and Curley would hurt him. I think that George made the right decision to kill Lennie at the end of, Of Mice and Men.

My first reason for saying that George made the right decision to kill Lennie is if George didn’t kill Lennie, Curley and Carlson would’ve made Lennie suffer by shooting him in the stomach making him die painfully and slowly. They would’ve lynched Lennie and made the short rest of his life hell.

Secondly, if they didn’t lynch Lennie they would’ve turned him in to the police and would put him in prison. If Lennie was in prison he would go crazier and would hate George forever. If they had and if Lennie was sent to prison they would’ve put him on death row and he would die slowly and painfully.

Thirdly, if he hadn’t killed Lennie and they decided to run they would be fugitives and they wouldn’t be able to get any jobs. If they decided to run they wouldn’t be able to ever stop, they couldn’t stop to “hold a stake” and couldn’t even go into town for supplies or just go into a tavern and just relax and have a drink.

In conclusion it was the right choice for George to kill Lennie. Because if he didn’t Lennie would suffer more than what George decided to do. All in all it was the right choice.

-Austin Wigley

Justin bazman said...

Justin Bazman

Of Mice and Men Essay

In Of Mice and Men, George kills Lennie at the end of the story. I think that George made the right decision, because he did it out of friendship for Lennie so that he wouldn’t be treated unfairly or badly. I think this for a few reasons.

The first reason I think this is because Curley would have made him suffer. In the story Curley says, “I’m gonna get him. I’m going for my shotgun. I’ll kill him myself.” And then later on says how he’s going to shoot Lennie’s guts out. It is obvious that Curley would not show mercy towards Lennie, and he would most likely make it as painful as he could.

Another reason I think this is because George cared about him enough to make sure that he doesn’t get treated bad. George made it as quick and painless as possible, and made sure that Lennie doesn’t get put into a prison or mental institution. Instead, he’s somewhere that he won’t be hurt or picked on, and he can finally tend the rabbits.

And my final reason that I think this is because Lennie can finally be happy. He doesn’t have to worry about doing a bad thing, or not getting to tend the rabbits. George made everything easier and better for Lennie.

So in conclusion, I think that George was right to kill Lennie. Some people may think it’s a bit drastic, but if Curley or Carlson had killed him, Lennie would suffer, or he’d be thrown into a prison or mental institution, and he wouldn’t last long there either.

Anonymous said...

Alexis Bowens
1st hour

George killing Lennie was the right decision because, I feel that Lennie would have been hurt worse anyways if they let Curley get to him, I also feel that because he did a lot “bad things” he could have been put in a mental institution or he could of even been tortured in prison. George really killed him out of love for him because of all the things that could happen to him.
Lennie would have been hurt anyways because Curley’s lynching mob he got together to kill him after he found his wife dead in the barn. Curley always had a hate for Lennie because he was much bigger than he was so he always messed with him up until he crushed his hand but now since his wife was found dead, he really had a deeper hate and definitely going to torture him because of what had happened .
Since Lennie did a lot of “Bad things” elsewhere people were looking for him everywhere. Lennie was a wanted man probably in a lot of towns. For an example the woman in Weed, he held on to her dress and made her scream and she ran and she tells the police what had happened to her. The police from that town was looking for him and now people from here were looking for Lennie so, if he goes to jail he would probably be put in an electric chair hung or put in a dark chamber underground for all the things he had done.
George really killed Lennie out of love. When Candy’s dog was shot and killed by Carlson he said he should of killed the dog himself instead of Carlson doing it because it was his responsibility to do it . George didn’t kill him because he wanted to because he had to do it. When George had killed Lennie he told him about the little house that they were going to have and about the rabbits and made him feel happier. Then he was shot and killed, George really did that because instead Lennie going out with confusion he let him be in a happier place before he killed him without the pain and fear he was going to have if he was going to be tortured elsewhere.
In conclusion George really killed Lennie because he wanted Lennie to die in peace rather than being hurt tortured in jail or in an institution for the rest of his being treated unfairly.

Unknown said...

I do not think that it was the right decision to kill Lennie, in this essay will explain why I think that it was a bad thing to do to kill Lennie.
One reason that I think that it was a bad idea to kill Lennie at the end of the story is because, Lennie did not mean to kill Curley’s wife, he was scared and didn’t know what to do. It would be like if a 4 year old kid killed someone or did something wrong the kid would not know better, and shouldn’t be disciplined that strictly. By saying this I mean that Lennie has the mind of like a young child and he didn’t know what to do.
Another thing that I think is that even if Lennie would be put in a mental institution or prison George and Lennie could have ran away like they did from Weed and tried to hide. If they would have run away Lennie would have lived and they would still have a chance of getting a new job and getting that place that they wanted.
I also think that George should have helped Lennie because I think that he knew that Lennie didn’t mean it and that is just the way that Lennie is. George should have acted like Lennie’s best friend or like is father almost because Lennie was in the mental state that he could not survive without a leader, or someone to tell him what to do. I also think that one thing that some people would say is that Curley would have killed Lennie anyways, but I think that there would have been the chance that George and Lennie could have escaped.
So like I have said I do not think that it was a good thing to kill Lennie. I think that George should have went ahead and found Lennie and then they should have run away and tried to hid from all the men that were after Lennie and then tried to get a new job somewhere else.

-Alexander Carroll

Connor Gamache said...

George made the right decision by killing Lennie. I think he made that decision because Lennie wasn’t the smartest and didn’t make the best chose’s. He likes to touch things, so when Curley’s wife let him touch her hair, then she asked him to stop and she started screaming he grabbed her hair because he was scared. Then he covered her mouth so she wouldn’t scream anymore and then she stopped screaming and he let go of her hair. Then she was died.

The first reason to support my decision is Curley would have killed Lennie if George didn’t. George killed Lennie and Lennie didn’t see it coming and he died with a good thought of him and George running there own farm, and Lennie could tend the rabbits. And it would be a better life that they would live.

The second reason to support my decision is George killed Lennie in a way that didn’t hurt him and he didn’t feel it at all. He made him turn around and look a crossed the river and think of the house him and George were going to buy with Candy. And that Lennie can still tend the rabbits even though he did a bad thing.

The third and final reason to support my decision is Lennie should have been put in a mental institution because he killed a mice, a puppy, and a young woman, but before that in weed when he harassed a woman and then when they get away they go to another ranch and start working again and then it happens again. He should have been put in an institution just after he harassed the woman in weeds.

All in all, George did a good thing by killing Lennie because it made every one’s life better and there lives weren’t in danger anymore. And he killed him in a good way so he didn’t feel it or he didn’t see it. Then when he died it made everyone’s life better.

Jermarco said...

Jermarco Holloway

Mice and Men

George was wrong for killing Lennie, because they were the best of friends. Even though Lennie had done some bad things, Lennie not in the right state of mind, Lennie did lots of thinks he didn’t no was wrong. George and Lennie went every were together and did everything together.

For George to kill Lennie was selfish, because as close as they were George and Lennie was family in a way. Know one should kill there family, George should have just escaped with Lennie. If anyone calls some one family than they should never do anything to hurt that person.

Lennie was wrong for killing Curleys wife, but Know ones fait should be decided be anyone, but that person. George killed Lennie there for, Lennie never have that privilege to choose his fait.

Eric said...

In Of Mice and Men, the main character George kills Lennie. Lennie and George travel together. George is wrong for kill lennie.
The first reason is lennie can’t really control himself. When Curly was betting up lennie, he grabbed his hand and squeezed cause he couldn’t control himself. Also when he was stroke Curly’ wife’s hair she started scream and lennie grabbed titer and broken her neck.
Another reason is that there were no guarantee that Curly would have kill him. George could have just tried to cool Curly off. There are better was of deal with that problem.
George did need a break from lennie. He also should of been a lot kinder to lennie. He didn’t have to tell him how good his life would be with out him. But he didn’thave to kill him

Tyler Dowdy said...

In the story of mice and men George was faced with a decision to kill his friend Lennie or not. Because there was a big group of people going to kill him and so George had to kill him. And I think that George was right for doing that because.

I think that George was right for killing Lennie because if Lennie was going to die it was best for George to do it. Because then Lennie wouldn’t be very scared and George was his friend and that’s better than a stranger killing Lennie. And if curly would have done it then he might of beat Lennie up before he killed him and it would have been worse.

My second reason I think that George was right to kill Lennie is that George killed Lennie in a way that he wouldn’t feel any pain and he didn’t even know it was coming. So Lennie had no idea and I think that if someone else were to kill Lennie they would have made Lennie really scared and hurt him a lot.

My last reason I think that George was right is that George did it out of the love for Lennie. Because he knew that if any one had to kill Lennie it had to be him. Because if anyone else did it they were going to do it out of anger and hate and would really be trying to hurt Lennie so George had to do it.

All in all I think that George was right for killing Lennie because George was the only one that could really do it without Lennie knowing or being hurt in any way.

Gibran Campos said...

George made the right decision to kill Lennie at the end of “Of Mice and Men”. After Lennie accidentally killed Curley’s wife, everyone at the ranch wanted to kill him. George had to decide what to do with Lennie. He decided to shoot Lennie in the back of the head. This was a good decision for many reasons.
If George didn’t kill Lennie, the others would have. George killed Lennie by shooting him in the back of the head so that he would not feel anything. If Curley got him first, he probably would have killed him painfully.
George could not run away with Lennie again. He could not risk loosing his job again because of Lennie. If he ran away with him, they would have no money and he would have to continue taking care of Lennie. Now that he killed him he would not have to worry about anyone but himself. Also, if he tried running away with Lennie and they got caught, George would have to face consequences as well.
Lennie probably would have been put in jail or a mental institution if he got caught and not killed. Knowing that Lennie is not much of a fighter, and the fact that he sounds like a seven year old child, he probably would not do too good in jail. Also if he was putt in a mental institution, he would be lonely and have nothing to do for the rest of his life.
Overall George made a good decision to kill Lennie. By doing so he let him die without pain and freed him from going to jail or a mental institution. Sometimes it is okay to kill someone.

Unknown said...

Morgan Pearson

George did not make the right decision by killing Lennie at the end of the story. I think that for three reasons.

The first reason I think George should not have killed Lennie is because he could have just let him run off to the bushes. Right before he went to the ranch he told Lennie if he ever got in trouble just hides in the bushes, so I don’t see why George told them were Lennie was at if he didn’t George wouldn’t have two kill Lennie.

The second reason I think George should not have killed Lennie is because he told him all that stuff about how they were good friends and how he had Lennie’s back and Lennie had George’s back. It was really wrong of George to kill Lennie if he didn’t want Lennie anymore he could have just let him go live in the cave like he said he would .

The last reason I think that George should not have killed Lennie is because he knew that Lennie would never harm some one on purpose. So he should have never told those men were Lennie was. They could have just ran like they did all the other times and this time they could have ran and got that little place they were talking about. I think that that just showed that George was really tired of Lennie and this was a perfect opportunity to get rid of him.

So all in all I think that George should not have killed Lennie.

Morgan Pearson 2nd hour

OnFiire said...

In the Book of Mice and Men George made a bad dissension by killing Lennie. Friends don’t hurt each other no matter what happens.

Lennie was all that George had, George was Lennies guardian. They could of ran away together like they did when Lennie first got in trouble in Weed. George didn’t have to take his life like that. He did it for a good cause, I respect that but that was your one and only true friend. They both traveled together for a long time. Why did something like this have to stop there journey together.

George shouldn’t have let Lennie go so easily. He could have fought for his life the same way Lennie would have done for George. George promised Aunt Clara (Lennies Aunt) that he would take care of Lennie. It seems to me like George broke that promise in my opinion. There was more he could of done then to just kill his friend like that. George could of let him go off to the cave he was talking bout then Lennie could of waited for George to come get him.

Lennie wasn’t a bad person. Slim said it himself everyone knew that Lennie was a nice guy. Curly’s wife should have stayed away like everyone told her. Curly should have kept up with his wife. If he was doing his job as a husband. Lennie wouldn’t have gotten killed. If George wouldn’t of left Lennie by him self, knowing how Lennie likes nice things and also knowing Curly cant keep up with his wife. None of this would of happen.

My final reason is that. George knew that Lennie would never harm someone on purpose it was not Lennie fault he just got scared and didn’t know what to do. George could of stuck up for him. But my main reason is that Lennie was minding his own. Curly’s wife should of stayed in her place.

Danny said...

Danny Makowski
2nd hour

Of Mice and Men; George made the right decision on killing Lennie. George didn’t want to do it but he had to do what was right which meant he had to kill him. It was better for him to do it then anybody else could have done it, because he made a lot of people mad and they would do something worse do Lennie then what George did, by making him to look the other way and think about rabbits and then shooting him in the back of the head.

One reason was good that Lennie was in trouble with a lot of people especially Curley. Curley wanted to kill Lennie so badly for Lennie mistakenly killing his wife. If George didn’t kill Lennie Curley and the guys would have killed him with showing no empathy, and Curley would have shot him somewhere where he couldn’t even feel it. Curley could have shot him in the legs, arms, or anywhere first then he would probalary watch him suffer and then kill him.

Another reason is Lennie would have gotten caught by the police and he would either be thrown in jail or the mental intuition. He have been thrown in jail he couldn’t survive, he might kill another person like he did Curley’s wife, or he could get beaten up by people, like what Curley did before George told him to do something. Or if he was thrown in the mental intuition, he would go crazy of being lonely and the people there would treat him like dirt. Still if George didn’t kill Lennie and they started running Lennie would be found because he would be wanted for murder and the police would find him.

Last reason is that even if George didn’t kill Lennie and they ran off and there weren’t caught by the police and they joined another farm. Lennie would accidentally kill somebody else. In the book he has killed a mouse, a puppy, and Curley’s wife. He would end up killing more people on accident, there will problary be another time when George goes out away from Lennie and he is alone with someone it could happen again and another accidental murder could have happen again, and George might not be the first one to notice it and he would brutally kill Lennie and it would be a lot worse.

My Conclusion is that George had grown up with Lennie almost all his life but he had to do it because George loved Lennie enough to do what’s right. From all of these reason’s that could have happen would end up being a lot worse then a shot in the back of the head feeling no pain. No being in jail, no being an outlaw or killing another person or thing. George didn’t want to do it but from the reasons Lennie would have been better dead for what he did to Curley’s wife.

Shaquille king said...

Of Mice and Men

I really do feel that George’s decision to kill Lennie was in between. I feel that George did the right thing, but at the same time I feel that George was wrong. George had a clear option between his life alone and his life with Lennie. I’m pretty sure that was a very intricate Internal Conflict for him.

I feel that George’s decision to kill Lennie was right because Lennie had done a lot of bad things. Lennie had many offenses for example Lennie had touched a girls dress in Weed causing he and Lennie to have to Run away, Lennie killed multiple mice and his puppy, he also killed Curley’s wife. George had no choice but to end it before someone else did painfully.

I feel that George’s decision to kill Lennie was wrong because George was asked by Lennie’s aunt Clara to keep a good look on Lennie. George always told Lennie he wouldn’t leave Lennie. I know that Lennie had done wrong but George knew Lennie never did any of that to hurt anyone. He was just didn’t know any better. George could have and should have stuck it out and keep it moving like he had been doing previously if he was as close to Lennie as he said.

If I was George I wouldn’t know what to do; which is why I chose to say that George’s decision to kill Lennie was in between. George could have just helped them kill Lennie and continue on about his business or he could have done what he had done and killed him less painful than the other guys would have. George could have also told Lennie come on lets go and ran away with Lennie instead of taking his life. I know that this was a big struggle.

Now taking all of this into consideration I realize George had to be going through some things because he was having an Internal Conflict about what to do about Lennie; which turned into an External Conflict eventually. I really believe that Lennie had to be in misery as well. I feel that George understood Lennie’s problems and misery and I believe he made his decision based on that. I also believe George was tired of all the trouble and he didn’t want the other guys to miserably kill Lennie so he did as best as possible. I also feel that he loved Lennie and didn’t want to do it and wanted to escape again but just knew he couldn’t do it forever.

Alex Rieger 2nd Hour said...

In “Of Mice and Men” I am kind of in the middle with George killing Lennie in the back of the head. But, was it a good idea? Well I think George did the right thing because he wanted Lennie to be in a better place instead of there at the ranch, where he could get in more trouble with the law.

Some reasons were that Curley was going to kill Lennie anyway. What Lennie did to Curley’s hand was because Lennie caught it. And when Curley’s wife came to talk to Lennie, and ask what happen to his puppy. After there conversation, she stroked her hair and made Lennie fell it. And of course Lennie grasps onto it like he did in the town of Weed. She screams and Lennie shakes her to keep quiet but Lennie shook her to hard and she broke her neck.

Other reason why George would shoot Lennie was because Lennie done bad things but not intentionally because George could not take Lennie getting in trouble. In Weed he found a red silk dress Lennie sees it and the lady screams and Lennie would not let go of that dress. But George hits him to let go and they run from the law. They hid in an irrigation ditch till the coast is clear. Lennie did some things at the ranch.

I go against some of this because George and Lennie are like best friends. They did every thing together. Worked on the ranch, got the puppy for Lennie. He took care of him because his Aunt Clara had died. He told Lennie to hide in the brush if Lennie did do anything bad. Until he saw what Lennie did to Curley’s life George had went to the brush and found Lennie. And shot him.

In my conclusion George was right and not right for killing Lennie because Lennie did bad things and There was nothing that George and Lennie could separate there friendship.

Anonymous said...

George did make the correct decision by killing Lennie. George only tried to help Lennie and it was best that he killed Lennie than some who had strong hatred towards him.

The reason George made the correct decision is due to the fact that Lennie would have been killed in a worse situation from his actions. By George killing Lennie helped Lennie in his future since Lennie caused a plethora of problems. George only did what was best for Lennie, and it would have been worse if Curley killed Lennie because he would have tortured Lennie, and George only wanted to help Lennie.

George did everything he could as far as keeping Lennie safe at out of harms way. Lennie wasn’t able to be “normal” because of his mental stability. Lennie had problems of his own that were unable to be situated. Lennie escaping was not an option because he would have been caught do to the extreme aversion from Curley.

It was obviously a tough decision for George but it showed that he cared about Lennie because letting him live would have put him in a worse predicament. I personally understand the decision George was required to make. I was put into the same position with a good friend of mine and I really cared about her but she had a very strong influence on me. Some things that she thought was “cool” were also wrong, but eventually I needed to make a decision and refrain from continuing our friendship. Her actions caused me to become a different person that not only I but also my parents didn’t approve of.

With all being said, I understood and agreed with George’s decision to kill Lennie because killing Lennie put him in a better place in terms of safety.

Mone't Torbert

Quan D Parker said...

In the story of mice and men, I think that George had to kill Lennie because if not Curley would and that would kill George on the inside because George has been with Lennie for a long time and that like he said he would never hurt nobody to be mean And it was not all his fault that Curley’s wife died Lennie had the same problem in weed when the lady started to scream it scared him so he held on tighter an tighter and when she tried to scream Lennie remember what happened in weed and did not let her.

But all men have a choice he could have told Lennie to leave but if Curley saw him running he would never stop hunting Lennie down and then kill him or get him put in jail and George could never let that happen because he never wanted Lennie to be hurt by Curley because if George did not kill him Curley would so he did what had to be done.

A reason George had a hard time with the thought of killing Lennie is because they had been best of best friends and Lennie has always been nice to George no matter what even when he told him to jump in the river and he could not swim even after he did he was never mad at George for it.

Unknown said...

In of mice and men George made the right decision by shooting Lennie before Curley got the chance to in the end of the story.

I believe George felt more comfortable killing lennie because he has been taking care of him for so long so he felt like it was his responsibility to solve the problem with lennie always doing bad things for example coming on to the lady in weed.

George wanted to kill lennie before Curley did because he didn’t want Curley to kill him and George probably thought Curley would beat lennie before he killed him and made him suffer for killing his wife (but he didn’t really mean to kill her) and George wouldn’t want that for lennie. And another reason I think George killed lennie is because he did it because he loved him and knew him all his life and he needed to do it because lennie would have been in prison or somewhere worse.

George did the right thing for lennie because he did it in a way that lennie felt no pain and didn’t know it was going to happen and I like how George explained the how they were going to have there own land and be free with the rabbits before he killed him because lennie always like how George explained how there going to be free and how he’s going to be able to tend the rabbits. If George wouldn’t have killed lennie Lennie would have probably got killed by Curley some other time because Curley would have been looking for him anyways.

All in all I strongly believe that George made the correct decision by killing lennie because it would have been better for George to do it than lennie.

mytaneia said...

Mytaneia Fife
Mr. Hughes
2nd Hour

George was right to killing Lennie. In stead of Curly killing Lennie.

Curley was going to kill Lennie anyway. But if Curley would have killed Lennie. The death would have been long and painful. Lennie would have had a horrible death. Curley would have beat Lennie up before he shot him. And George would have to watch and feel guilty about it. When George killed Lennie felt no pain.

If they caught Lennie and put him in a mental institution or prison, either one he would have went to. They would have mistreated him. Or he would have got into more trouble. The only thing Lennie would have had on his mind would be where is George and “Why can’t I tend the rabbits”.

George killed Lennie out of love. Lennie and George have been together for a long time. The had a great bond, relationship. And George took Lennie out his misery, just like with the dog with Candy.

George did not because he wanted to. He did it because he had to. Any other path he would have taken. Wouldn’t have been good for Lennie. George knew it would not have been good for Lennie.

Sara Dyer said...

In “Of Mice and Men” Lennie ends up accidentally killing Curley’s wife, which results in Lennie running away. George then tracks him down, and kills him. I think it was a good idea because George didn’t want Lennie getting into trouble anymore.

One reason why George might have shot Lennie in the back of the head is because he didn’t want Curley to do it. George might have felt bad if he didn’t do it and Curley tortured him, or mad him die in pain. Curley might want to make him suffer because Lennie killed his wife by shaking her and breaking her neck. Curley wouldn’t understand that is was just an accident, and Lennie didn’t mean to hurt her at all but he just was scared.

Another reason George might have shot Lennie in the back of the head might be because George doesn’t want to have him getting in trouble anymore. They always end up running from the law. Before Lennie and George went to the ranch, they were in a town called Weed. They had to leave there because Lennie grabbed onto this young womans red dress and wouldn’t let go. She told the police that she was raped and next thing you know George and Lennie are hiding in an irrigation ditch. Almost the exact same thing happened at the new ranch, but instead of just letting her go, he killed her.

The last reason why I think George killed Lennie is because he didn’t want to leave. Every time Lennie gets in trouble, george always has to get Lennie and himself out of it. George might have had enough running and he might have said enough is enough. Finally when Lennie got in trouble at the ranch, he didn’t want to leave his new, nice paying job, and he also didn’t want Lennie to be alone and get in anymore trouble. So George just decided that it would be best to kill Lennie. It would let him keep the job and he also wouldn’t have to watch over Lennie.

In conclusion, I think it was best that George killed Lennie. If he wouldn’t have killed him, he would keep losing job after job because of Lennie. He couldn’t afford to do that. So the best solution besides putting him in jail or letting him live on his own, was to kill him.

Anonymous said...

Did George make the right decision to killing Lennie? I say that George wasn’t wrong for killing Lennie. Why would he let someone else kill him for something that he knows was a mistake? It would be wrong of him to just let Curley do it.

The reason why George had to kill Lennie is because that’s his best friend. Even though he doesn’t like to show it, he knows that he cares for Lennie. George wouldn’t be able to live with hiself if he let Curley do the job. Let’s not forget that Carlson was also angry because he thinks Lennie took he’s his gun. What more trouble would George want to put Lennie through?

Another reason is that Lennie didn’t mean any harm. He didn’t mean to kill Curley’s wife. To me, if she didn’t come in the barn causing trouble, nothing would have ever happen. Instead of her keeping her distance like she was supposed to, she wouldn’t have been in the position she was in. I think that before Curley went of and ready to kill, he needs to look at the facts.

George had to do what was right because if he let Curley do it, it would have been very brutal. He would have tried to beat him up again and then kill him. George wouldn’t bare to see that happen to Lennie. After all they’ve been through, why? It just doesn’t add up to me. No matter what Lennie had put them through, George knows that he wouldn’t let that happen to Lennie.

I personally think that how Curley tried to beat Lennie up the first time and how he told Lennie to fight back, was similar to that. But I don’t think Lennie could have a chance with a gun. Curley would give him one or two shots and that would be the end, with George standing there as well, watching his friend die alone. It might have been hard to kill Lennie hiself; it would be terrible to see him brutally dead.

-Sterling Jordan
2nd hour

TyrrellH said...

Of Mice and Men

George made the right decision on killing Lennie because it would have been wrong if he would of let curly kill him because Curley didn’t like him because Lennie killed his wife and it would have been a hate crime instead since George was his friend he would shoot him. The reasons of why he did this are the following.

One reason George pulled the trigger instead of letting none of the other people at the ranch do it, is because George was the closest with Lennie and he would rather kill him then instead of letting someone killing him who wanted to kill him through hate. If you were in a situation where you had to kill your friend that you felt that you were above them, and they got on your nerves but at the end of the day you still loved him. And you had to choose to either let someone kill him in front of your face or you kill him and even though he’s gone you won’t have to worry about going to bed knowing that someone took your only real friend life you would have to live with that though your whole life.

If Curley would have killed Lennie how would George live with that another reason I think George was right because he couldn’t protect him any more and Lennies Aunt Clare said to take care of him and don’t let nobody hurt him. So I know it may seem as if he’s wrong but he was actually doing what Lennies Aunt Clare told him to do and that’s to protect him and make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble or hurt. And in a way Lennie was hurting his self being there because he thought things was right when he was wrong and when he was wrong he ended up hurting someone. Like in the barn when he was touching Curly’s wife hair he thought it was harmless when he was grabbing her hair but in reality it was hurting her and he ended up killing her.

I think that Lennie didn’t feel it and wasn’t mad because he knew that George did it and even when George Lennie to jump in the lake when he knew Lennie couldn’t swim. And when George saved him Lennie thanked him it’s kind of like that because Lennie had that much respect for George. So Lennie is probley thanking George for doing it.

In the end of all of this I think that even though George killed Lennie. Lennie still is apart of George and he will always have apart of him inside of him. Things would have been better if he wouldn’t have done it at all but not every story has an happy ending. I think Lennie is happy because he is with his Aunt Clare and he can have all the puppies and rabbits he wants now.

Karlton said...

George made the wrong decision, because it is never okay to kill another person.

There was no guarantee that Lennie and George couldn't have escaped. George was the one who gave away Lennie’s location away. Maybe if he didn’t say where he went, or even gave a different direction they wouldn’t be able to find Lennie. George could have continued to work until him and candy got enough money for the ranch. Then they could have gotten Lennie from the brush and went on to there ranch.

George may have killed him in a way where Lennie felt no pain, but there was a better way to handle it. He could have let Lennie live his life, and if he got caught why would he care? Lennie would have been killed any way. George could have want on and lived the life he said he’d live without Lennie. He wouldn’t even have to get the land they talked about, just get his check and spend the night at the cat house.

Lennie never meant any harm; he’s just not mentally stable. So when he’s put in a tough situation he doesn’t think quickly, he just reacts. So when he killed Curley’s wife he didn’t plan it he just made a reaction to her screaming. He didn’t deserve to be killed maybe locked up or put in a mental institute. They just didn’t understand Lennie’s situation, so they wanted him dead.

This is why George Made the wrong decision by killing Lennie.

jazmin said...

George did the right thing by killing Lennie before Curley did, because that made Lennie comfortable, happy and calm before he died.
A friend does what they can to make each other happy. George was a good friend so before he had to make that hard decision he made Lennie comfortable. He told him about the place and how they were leaving right then, he just made him feel like everything was alright.
George also made Lennie feel happy, he told him how he would get to tend the rabbits, he told him how they were leaving right then. All the things he wanted to hear. The different color rabbits the patches of vegetables, and how they would say to hell with working on the rainy days, all the things that put him in a happy place, and made him feel like he had not a care in the world. Is what George said because that’s what he felt he had to do to make Lennie happy.
George also made Lennie calm. He told him to face the sunset and just told him he wasn’t mad at him, he told him that he didn’t have to worry that, he didn’t do anything wrong. George knew it was no reason the give him hell because it was his last time being able to talk to Lennie. So he just comforted him. He knew he had to kill Lennie before curly did so Lennie could die in piece.
All in all George did the right thing because he wanted Lennie to die in a happy, calm and comfortable state of mind.

Unjanai Thomas said...

OF Mice and Men

George made the wrong choice to kill Lennie because it was wrong on both parts it was wrong for George to kill Lennie and it was wrong for Lennie to kill Curley’s wife and if George was such a good friend to Lennie it is no way in the world someone would have made me kill me friend it was like George and Lennie was brothers they did everything together. How can you kill someone that you are trying to help George was there for Lennie when no one else was there or even when Lennie was not there for him self George was.
George should never killed him because he would have never know what Curley was going to do to him he did not know if he was going to sit him down and talk to him or if he was going to just put him in jail or what he did not know what was going to happen if that was the case he should have just let Lennie run away and be alone rather than killing him because I thought George would have never have let any thing happen to Lennie but to see that George will kill Lennie just because he did something wrong is not good at all Lennie was the one with the problems so George could have came and helped Lennie out so that he would not have done anything to Curley’s wife because he know that she is trouble so why would he not go back in the barn and make sure that everything was still go with him.
George was not right to kill Lennie even though I think it was a little bit out of love but it still was not right.

eric chestnut said...

In Of Mice and Men, the main character George kills Lennie. Lennie and George travel together. George is wrong for kill lennie.
The first reason is lennie can’t really control himself. When Curly was betting up lennie, he grabbed his hand and squeezed cause he couldn’t control himself. Also when he was stroke Curly’ wife’s hair she started scream and lennie grabbed titer and broken her neck.
Another reason is that there were no guarantee that Curly would have kill him. George could have just tried to cool Curly off. There are better was of deal with that problem.
George did need a break from lennie. He also should of been a lot kinder to lennie. He didn’t have to tell him how good his life would be with out him. But he didn’t have to kill him.
In conclusion, George wanted to keep a job. But its not worth kill your best friend. Like Charles Caleb Colton said True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."

Joseph Garcia said...
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zach p. said...

in the end

Joseph Garcia said...

At the end of, of mice and men George was forced to kill his best friend and practically a brother Lennie. Many debate as to whether he made the right choice for his friend Many reasons have been given but here are just three as to why George made this decision for his friend.

The first reason as to why killing Lennie was the best decision is that, Lennie was simply not smart enough to survive on his own in the world he wouldn’t be able to find food for himself or take care of himself altogether. He simply didn’t have enough sense to do something like that.

The second reason to explain that that killing Lennie was the most reasonable choice is that, it was a great possibility that he would have been killed either by Curley or being lynched George didn’t want this for Lennie because he wanted Lennie to die happy.

The third and final reason to think that killing Lennie was the right thing to do is that Lennie most likely would have been put in jail or had been institutionalized which would be possibly one of the worst possibilities for Lenny since he would be strapped down and caged all the time.

George made the right decision for killing Lennie because George just wanted him to die happy with the thought of their farm in his mind and with the thought of the rabbits. George knew he couldn’t save Lennie so he chose the path that would make him suffer the least.

Brian Bass said...

in the book mice of men. George was right for shooting lennie because you should never let some one kill some one close to you.
kinda like candy's dog he shouldnt let no stranger shoot his dog because it belongs to him no one else. So why should george let curley shoot lennie.
George shot lennie so lennie wont suffer a horrible death or suffer in jail for the rest of his life.

Richard said...

In the end of Of Mice and Men George kills Lennie because he thinks it is best for him. Some people think it was the right thing to do and would have done the same thing and other people believe it was wrong. It was the right thing to do because of the following reasons.

If George would not have killed Lennie, Curley most certainly would have. Curley did not like Lennie from the start when he first saw him. Then Lennie broke Curley’s hand, and then he accidentally kills Curley’s wife. Curley would have shot him the first chance he had.

George knew that killing Lennie was the right thing to do. If he had not of killed him, and Curley did not either, Lennie would have been put in jail or a mental hospital. George killed him in a way that Lennie never even knew what happened. George did it out of love for Lennie.

Before George killed Lennie, he reminded him of their dream. He told Lennie that everything was fine and he was not mad at him. When Lennie dies, he dies happy, and that why George did not get mad at him.

Killing Lennie was the right choice for George to pick because it was the best for Lennie.

AntonioH 3hr said...

In the book Of Mice and Men George killed Lennie by shooting him in the head. In the book Lennie was already being hunted by Curley and his gang to be shot dead. George had killed him with a gun that he stole from Carlson.

Based on my interpretation on the situation I thought that George should have not killed Lennie. In the book he could have told him like before to run. In the pass when Lennie has got in trouble he just ran home. I thought that he could have done that instead of killing him.

Another action could have been taken instead of killing him. George could have told him to run and keep on running. Lennie would have still been alive. He shouldn’t have shot him in the back of the head.

Instead of killing him he could have gave him to the police. At least he would have a chance to live his life. Possibly he would have had a chance to maybe get out of prison. That would have been a better option then killing him.

In conclusion I think that George made a bad decision by killing him. Lennie was his friend and he killed him and ended his life quickly. By killing him it was the wrong thing to do.

lisa rios said...

In Of Mice and Men, I say that George did the right thing by shooting Lennie. Three reasons, from the book, I have to support my opinion are that if they toke Lennie to the police they would put him in a metal institution or prison, George love Lennie to much to see him suffer, and George promised that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt him.

If they would toke Lennie to the police they would of locked him up in a mental institution or in prison. Lennie would end up being tortured in they put him in anyone of these places. They would of strapped him to a bed and kept him in a room all by himself if he were to go a metal institute or he would of got into fights with they other guys in prison if they found out he did.

George loved Lennie to much to see him suffer. If Curley would of got to him first he would shot him places where he would feel the pain more and die slowly instead of making it so he don’t feel any pain. George made so he didn’t have to feel any pain and he knew he would be going to a better place.

George promised Lennie he wouldn’t let anyone hurt. George kept that promise by shooting Lennie himself instead of someone who make him suffer. He knew how much Lennie look up to him to help him and when he sent him away he knew he would be able to tend the rabbits in heaven.

All in all, my opinion is that George did the right thing by killing Lennie himself.

Anonymous said...

George made the wrong choice because It is never okay to kill another person. George didn’t have the right to kill lennie because GOD can only kill and create so I think George should of died instead. One of the reasons I think that it was wrong for him to do that is George didn’t care or love lennie and he could of treat lennie better than what he treated him. My second Reason is that because George wanted things to himself and he didn’t want lennie apart of nothing. My third reason is everything was in George’s way but he wanted lennie to work wit him so when they get paid George can just move away and make his own life From davis

Robert Shelton said...

In Of Mice in and Men, I don't think that George did the right think be killing Lennie. Even though Lennie was going to get killed anyway, they could of hid in the brush till they gave up. One ofthe reasons George killed Lennie was because he cared enough about him, and he killed him because he didn't want Curely to do it.

I think George wanted to kill Lennie because, he didnt want him to spend the rest of his life in jail. No one has the right to kill someone because of what they have done. In my opinion he could of jus asked The Boss if Lennie could be put in jail for his life.

Lennie could of ben put in a Mental Institution to help him and others deal with his mental problem. If Lennie would of gone up to the hills and lived by himself, i don't think he would of survived.

If Lennie wouldn't of found George after Aunt Claras' death, i don't think Lennie would of made a name for hisself, in that i mean i don't think he woud of found a home, food etc.

In conclusion, Lennie would of not survived without George, and George shot Lennie because he had feelings for Lennie.
- Robert Shelton

jordan walton said...

The book of mice and men was a very good book. The ending was a suprise to me. I would have never thought that would happen.

i think george killed lennie out of love. lennie was a good friend. he didnt know what he was doing.

if curly would have got there first he would had killed lennie. so george just ended it. i kinda see were george was coming from.

george and lennie were real friends. they looked out for eachother. if george didnt kill lennie, he would had ended up in a mental home or worse in prison. so george did what he thought would be best.

the book was very sad. i feel bad for lennie and george. its not easy killing your best freind. i would read this book again

jordan walton

Jordan Brooks said...

In the book Of Mice and men I think what George did was wrong and cold-hearted because it seemed like they were best friends and George needs to learn how to accept when Lennie does something worong because he is slow.

The first reason is that George needs to accept that Lennie is human and he will make mistakes and most of the stuff he does he actually doesn’t mean it because he is kind of slow. For example when Lennie touch the girl in the red dress in Weed he and he wouldn’t let go that was a mistake by Lennie because he wouldn’t let go of her that was obliviously a mistake by Lennie because he didn’t know what to do because she was screaming and he got confused and just wouldn’t let go of the red dress.

The second reason is that George seemed like he would always be there for Lennie in times of need. For example when Lennie got into the fight with Curley if it weren’t for George Lennie would have gotten badly beaten up and Curley would have never had what was coming to him finally.

The third and final reason why what George did was wrong is that Lennie is kind of slow and George needed to accept that. George knew Lennie was slow because he used to make fun of him when they were younger and he told Lennie to jump in and swim and Lennie and George knew that Lennie couldn’t swim and Lennie almost drowned but George saved him and George knew if he told Lennie to jump off a bridge He’d do it.

In conclusion, They seemed like really good friends and I understand that George didn’t want Lennie to suffer because if Curley got to him they would have shot him in the guts, but they seemed like really good friends traveling together and bonding and working together I think it was just heartless what him did maybe they could have worked something out by just giving him jail time and not killing him.

zach p. said...

In the ending of "OMAM" george decides to kill Lenie because of what he did to curley's wife. i think that it was the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do at the same time.

I think it was the right thing to do because curley and the others were gonna kill Lennie anyway, and the way george did it, Lennie didn't suffer. Curley was gonna shot Lennie in the guts and his death would have been slow, and George didn't want that to happen.

I think it was the wrong thing to do though, because George and Lennie could have just run away like last time and Lennie might still be alive in the story and then they might have still been able to get that little peice of land from those people.

Overall i think it was the right decision, lennie would have been killed anyway, and i think that by killing Lennie himself was the only george could be at peace with himself instead watching him die a slow, painful death at Curley's hand.

in the end george mad a tough decision that, by how it was described, probably leave him scared for life, and thats epected, I want to go to the marines after high school and if I fight in the war i will probably need therapy for what I see.

courtneyyreenie said...

In the story ‘of mice and men’ George killed Lennie. Even though Lennie was his best friend and he didn’t do any harm on purpose, I believe that he was a hazard. He has killed or hurt a lot of people. With Lennie’s past he has once killed animals and Curleys wife, but he has also hut a harmless women in weed. Even if it wasn’t intentional he would end up somewhere he won’t want to be.

My first reason that supports my position is he will end up somewhere he won’t want to be. He will end up in jail or Curley will kill Lennie himself. George killing him was probably a favor. It saved a lot of suffering and I think Lennie would rather George kill him out of love rather than Curley doing it out of hate. Or rotting in jail.

My second reason is that if George didn’t kill him, more people could be in harm. Suppose he liked something that someone else had and he wanted it. He would get it but with him being ignorant he wouldn’t let go. Suppose that someone gets hurt in the process. I believe that Lennie is a nice guy but he is certainly not harmful. His ignorance leads him to violence. When Lennie gets scared or thinks he is doing ‘a bad thing’ his first instinct is to kill the person. He doesn’t even understand what is going on in the atmosphere around him.

My last reason is George. George works his butt off to save Lennie and keep him out of trouble. It is possible that he could lead George to death. It could be from a physical activity from saving Lennie, or it could be that Lennie has driven him to death. I don’t know how much longer George could take it, if he didn’t kill Lennie. Lennie making it so they have to move out of the state and find another job. George has to support him as well as Lennie, finding food for them to live off of until they find a new place to work. I can imagine that it’s not easy.

All in all I believe that George made the right decision to kill Lennie. If he didn’t, Lennie would be killed by someone else or rot in jail. He could harm others without knowing because of his ignorance. And he could harm George for trying to keep him alive and safe and out of trouble. So in conclusion I believe Lennie being killed by George was a good idea.

xoxo- courtneyy from 3rd hourr (:

Brian Bass said...

In the book mice of men. George was right for shooting lennie because you should never let some one kill some one close to you.

kinda like candy's dog he shouldnt let no stranger shoot his dog because it belongs to him no one else. Candy even said he shouldn't have let a stranger shoot his dog. So why should george let curley shoot lennie.

George shot lennie so lennie wont suffer a horrible death or suffer in jail for the rest of his life.Yea So george didnt kill lennie in a way of hate it was as in a way of help. If george didn't kill lennie thier would be no telling what would have happen to lennie.

George was right for killing lennie because if lennie and him would have ran the samething would happen again just in another city. Lennie is not the smartest so he panics whenever some one screams so eventually he will have to be hospitalized. Now he is dead he doesnt have to worry about that happening

These are my reason why i think george was right for killing lennie.

Kiante' Fikes said...

Kiante’ Fikes

In the story Of Mice and Men, George had killed Lennie at the end. I really think that George made the right choice to kill Lennie. There are several reasons why I think this way.
My first reason is that Lennie would have been killed by Curley if Curley found Lennie. He stated when he found out that his wife was killed by Lennie he said “I’m going to get him”. Also on top of that Curley didn’t like Lennie and it gave him a reason to kill him (Lennie). I think George didn’t want to kill Lennie but he had to for his own sake.
My second reason is that Lennie would have ended up in prison or in a mental institution due to his actions. Even for the incident that happened in “Weed” he never learned his mistake from that. Then with Curley’s wife he killed her so he would of eventually when he gets caught go to prison.

My third and final reason is that Lennie didn’t even feel the pain. George had shot him in the back of the head. It’s sad that it had to happen but it was worth it. People would have killed him if he was to get caught.

There are a lot of reasons on why it was right or wrong killing Lennie. The argument may still continue if George did the right thing or not. I think he (George) made the right choice

Anonymous said...

Keturah Reeves
Hr. 1st
Mr. Hughes

Of Mice and Men

George made the right decision by killing Lennie. Even though they were very close friends , that’s the best thing he could have done.

George helped Lennie by killing him, because if he didn’t Curley or someone else would have. In Candy’s case he let someone kill his dog when he should have done it himself. Now he’s feeling sad about it because that was the wrong thing to do. And George doesn’t want to feel that way so, he just did what he had to do. After he killed Lennie he did still feel bad about it, but he didn’t have the pain of someone else killing him.

He also did it because he loved Lennie, and if he didn’t kill him he was going to have to see Lennie suffer. For example they would have found Lennie and tortured him , because he killed Curley’s Wife, even though it was a mistake. They don’t know because they wasn’t there, and they think he purposely killed her.

George killed Lennie because he couldn’t continue to live with him, and take care of him like that is his child. Lennie always got George into trouble, and always messed up something good. For example when they were working in weed then Lennie scared a lady because he like to feel soft stuff, so he touched her dress and she panicked so he panicked.

There for George was right by killing Lennie so that Lennie won’t get in the way of George and his goals, also so that he won’t see Lennie get tortured.

Avion Dixon said...

Avion Dixon

In my opinion i think that george did the right thing, by killing Lennie under the circumstances. George was under alot of pressures trying to save george, and keeping his own life out of danger. He killed Lennie out of love for him.

I think this was the rght thing to do beacause, Curley would have made Lannie suffer. Curely wanted to shoot him in the guts(the most painful place), so he would suffer and die slowly. Curley and the guys might have beat Lennie and scared him half to death. That might have got Lennie into more trouble if he would have got mad enough and hurt somebody else.

Also they could have tried to place Lennie in a mental hospital/institution. He would have been lonely and lost without George. He also could have got thrown in prison. He might have been scared and harshly treated.

As i stated i agree that George made the right decision by shooting Lennie. It was basically Georges job to watch over Lennie, so he did what he saw fit to do. Lennie would never learn. So george just put him out of his misery.

Codi E said...

Of Mice and Men

In the last two chapters of Of Mice and Men, Lennie gets scared and panics. When Lennie panics, he makes mistakes. This mistake was different then all the other “bad things he’s done” this mistake couldn’t be fixed by George like all the others. Lennie had to face his responsibilities of this mistake, not because he did it out of meanness but because it would benefit the well being of everyone around him. This is when George was forced to do something he’d rather not do, but he had to protect Lennie.

George had to protect Lennie because that is what he’s done all his life, he couldn’t just stop now. George killed Lennie because he was afraid of what the other guys what would do to him. What if they decided to put Lennie in a mental institution or prison? How would he know that Lennie is being taken care of as well as he should? No one understands Lennie as well as George does, no one knows what Lennie likes, or what he needs. No one could really take care of Lennie in the way that he needs to be taken care of. George couldn’t let some stranger take care of Lennie, he didn’t know how.

Another reason is what if Curley really did get a hold of him like he had promised? We already saw what Curley did to Lennie just because Lennie was smiling. This was ten times worse; Curley was out to kill Lennie this time. Lennie didn’t deserve to be killed; he didn’t do anything out of hate or anger. He was just simply scared of disappointing George. George couldn’t let someone else kill George, just like Candy didn’t want Carlson to kill his dog.

Lennie never did anything out of meanness, and George knew that. Lennie didn’t mean to kill Curley’s wife, he was just scared. He never meant to kill the puppy or the mice either. Lennie just doesn’t know his own strength, or what he is capable of doing. George couldn’t teach him this, and he certainly couldn’t be around all the time to make sure Lennie wasn’t doing any harm. George killed Lennie out of love, he didn’t want to see Lennie behind bars, and he didn’t want Curley had the guys to get him. George had to protect him, and take care of him like he always had.

In conclusion, George and Lennie were very dependant of each other. They were all that eachother had. George never wanted to hurt Lennie, he always did the what he thought was the best for Lennie. As horrible as it is, given the situation and the setting George was right in killing Lennie.

sexii_drea said...

The reason I felt that George killing Lennie was the right to do, because in the book Candy was telling George that he should not have let Carlson kill his dog. Candy should have killed his dog himself, because that was his dog that he loved and care about. So when Lennie killed Curley's Wife and Curley said that he was going to kill Lennie himself. George thought about what Candy said about shooting his only dog. So George wanted to kill Lennie himself.

After the incident that happened in "weed" when Lennie grabbed the girl dress. Lennie saw her wearing the pretty red dress that he thought look nice and felt soft which made him grab the dress. When Lennie grab her dress she freaked out. he got scared because it confused him he did know what to do but grab tighter and would not let go.George and Lennie had to leave "weed" as soon as Lennie let go of the dress because the girl was scared, she started running, screaming and said that Lennie raped her.

My final reason is that George wanted Lennie to die happy and fast.George did not want someone else to kill him, and make him suffer. He knew that Lennie was not going to change his ways because he didn't no what he was doing wrong.George felt like if He and Lennie was to run away that Lennie was going to do the same thing everytime they went to a new work place.

In conclusion, it's not that George didnt want Lennie to live, but he also didnt want the guys at the Ranch to find Lennie and kill him. Also he didnt want to go to a new workplace and Lennie kills or hurts someone else again.George was always Lennie's protector and knew that he had to protect Lennie,so killing him was George's way of protecting Lennie from pain and suffering.

Toyia said...

In English 10 we are reading a book called “of mice of men”. This book has to characters that are best friends and one of them is mentally retarded. At the end of the book, one of characters make a mistake and his best friends ends up killing him. George was right for killing Lennie.

George killed Lennie in a way that wouldn’t hurt him and he wouldn’t feel any pain. Curley would have killed him but would have made him suffer a very painful death. If I was in that situation where I had did something bad where somebody else was after me to kill me but also make me suffer, I would want my best friend to kill me. George also would have had to sit and watch Curely hurt and torture his best friend and that would be one of the worst things that could happen. It would be hard either way; George made the right choice for him and Lennie.

George killed Lennie so that Lennie wouldn’t have to suffer. I completely understand where George came from and how he felt. My little brother was mentally retarded and when he was 5 years old he had a seizure and fell into a coma. After a while, he was still having seizures while he was in a coma and it basically made him go “brain dead”. We had to the choice to take him off of life support and let him be out of pain and at peace or we could keep him alive but he wouldn’t talk, walk, I don’t think he would even be awake. He would always be asleep and wouldn’t have a live. We didn’t want to put him threw that and we didn’t want to put my family threw that. If Lennie would have gone to a mental institute or jail, we wouldn’t have any life, he would be lost without George.

George shot Lennie out of love. I would hate to see my best friend to suffer a painful death and if they didn’t die, I wouldn’t want them to go to jail or a mental institute especially if my best friend relies on me for everything, to see somebody that you knows needs you to make their life complete and to make sense, to keep you going everyday, to keep you out of trouble and then you leave them and let them go and defend for their self is really hard especially if you have a disability. I would never be able to let my little brother go off to jail or mental institute and be by himself even after he did something wrong but on accident.

In conclusion, George was right for putting his best friend in the right place. I would want my best friend to do the same thing for me or I would do the same thing for my best friend I couldn’t imagine myself in this position but I do believe his love for Lennie and his feelings for Lennie made him do the right thing.