Wednesday, October 14, 2009



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Unknown said...

When George made the decision to kill Lennie. I was shocked because I felt that if he and Lennie were such good friends and close individuals that he would have just ran away with Lennie. But I also understand that he probably came to the conclusion that it would just continue to happen over and over again. So honestly it was neither right nor wrong. But that decision can be changed based on that individuals outlook of the story.

My first reason is that I think George was partially right because in killing Lennie he may have saved the lives of many people. So on that outlook he was generally right, it would probably be the most commonly made decision by any number of people. But in killing Lennie he also took on the role of God. Deciding who had a write to live or die and that isn’t for any human being to make. So yes he was right because he possibly saved the lives of many but also wrong because he felt that he had the right to decide if someone lived or died based on his beliefs.

My second reason is that George and Lennie where supposedly good friends but he killed him so easily. I understand that in killing Lennie himself he probably saved him from a good deal of suffering I’m positively sure that Curley would have conflicted on him. So yes he saved Lennie from a possible great deal of suffering from Curley’s anger. But he also betrayed Lennie which makes him a backstabber and wrong on the moral part. For instance no matter whom it might save no one should be capable of killing someone they’ve been extremely close to for a long period of town. Unless your morals are positively twisted, but maybe it means you just have really high morals in some other sense. But that’s based on the individual.

My third and also final reason is that in my opinion it seemed that in some way or form that George really killed Lennie to save his own skin at that time or for some other point in the future. So that in itself makes him wrong outright. Like that just makes you a backstabber and a horrible person wit a dark soul and bad intention for those around them. So yes he was worn for that and to be completely and irrevocably honest there is no possible way for me to make this right, in this example he was nothing but wrong. So yes he may have had good intentions but in this prospect he was clearly wrong. And to be honest I believe that he should be shot for this but the life or death of anyone is not for me to decide.

In conclusion George was right in what he did in some ways but he was also wrong in many ways. But it all depends on how you view the story and that specific situation. So yes it depend on the morals and beliefs of the reader but also in the morals and beliefs of the character played in the story and also in the general tone of the story. So I will base my belief as Neutral until further evidence has presented itself, (haha! The book’s over).

Nicholas Hinderliter said...

In the book Of Mice And Men, George Milton came to the decision to mercy kill Lennie. Some people have come to the conclusion that he was wrong in what he did. However, another group of people believed he was fair in his decision. I believe that George was right in what he did.

One convincing reason is that Lennie probably would have been killed in the first place. Even if they had run out of town there was still a very high chance of Curley and his merry band of pirates hunting down and killing them both. There was also a possibility of Curley having mercy on Lennie but if that had indeed been the situation they probably would have captured him and kept him in a prison or mental asylum.

A second point being made in the book is that George killed Lennie out of love. It was a mercy kill made by a man who didn’t want his friend to die frightened and alone. He even killed him in a way that was painless and quick. In a way it was better for George because if he hadn’t killed Lennie then there would have been no closure.

Lastly, I believe in a way George was trying to relieve himself from a constant nagging grief that trailed him whenever he was around Lennie. In a way he was Lennie’s caretaker due to the fact that Lennie was slow. George managed to free himself of the weight that Lennie’s safekeeping had required.

Although George was left with one of the hardest choices a human being could make, he chose the right path. Although George and Lennie had many difficult times, I feel that George will always remember Lennie for who he was. Although George and Lennie had many difficult times, I feel that George will always remember Lennie for who he was. Although George and Lennie had very difficult times, I feel that George would always have remembered Lennie for who he was and not what he did. A very wise person once said, “ Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

Lisaebgc said...

When George made the decision to kill Lennie. I was shocked because I felt that if he and Lennie were such good friends and close individuals that he would have just ran away with Lennie. But I also understand that he probably came to the conclusion that it would just continue to happen over and over again. So honestly it was neither right nor wrong. But that decision can be changed based on that individuals outlook of the story. My first reason is that I think George was partially right because in killing Lennie he may have saved the lives of many people. So on that outlook he was generally right, it would probably be the most commonly made decision by any number of people. But in killing Lennie he also took on the role of God. Deciding who had a write to live or die and that isn’t for any human being to make. So yes he was right because he possibly saved the lives of many but also wrong because he felt that he had the right to decide if someone lived or died based on his beliefs. My second reason is that George and Lennie where supposedly good friends but he killed him so easily. I understand that in killing Lennie himself he probably saved him from a good deal of suffering I’m positively sure that Curley would have conflicted on him. So yes he saved Lennie from a possible great deal of suffering from Curley’s anger. But he also betrayed Lennie which makes him a backstabber and wrong on the moral part. For instance no matter whom it might save no one should be capable of killing someone they’ve been extremely close to for a long period of town. Unless your morals are positively twisted, but maybe it means you just have really high morals in some other sense. But that’s based on the individual. My third and also final reason is that in my opinion it seemed that in some way or form that George really killed Lennie to save his own skin at that time or for some other point in the future. So that in itself makes him wrong outright. Like that just makes you a backstabber and a horrible person wit a dark soul and bad intention for those around them. So yes he was worn for that and to be completely and irrevocably honest there is no possible way for me to make this right, in this example he was nothing but wrong. So yes he may have had good intentions but in this prospect he was clearly wrong. And to be honest I believe that he should be shot for this but the life or death of anyone is not for me to decide. In conclusion George was right in what he did in some ways but he was also wrong in many ways. But it all depends on how you view the story and that specific situation. So yes it depend on the morals and beliefs of the reader but also in the morals and beliefs of the character played in the story and also in the general tone of the story. So I will base my belief as Neutral until further evidence has presented itself, (haha! The book’s over).