Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Crucible - Write Act 4

Today you will be writing your version of Act 4 of The Crucible.


Must take place in the courtroom
Must include at least 5 characters
Must include at least 10 lines of stage directions
Must include at least 20 lines of dialogue
Must reveal the fate of John Proctor and Abigail Williams
Post as a COMMENT


Kayla Blevins said...

Kayla Blevins
The Crucible Act Four

Mid day, everyone who appeared at the court house in act 3 is there now. Abigail and John are facing each other, John trying to reason with Abigail.

John- Abigail please, just tell the truth.
Abigail- I already have told them the truth john
Abigail looks away from john’s eyes.
John- Just do something Abigail, They will kill my wife Abigail, and possibly me.
Abigail seems frozen, as if she can not move or speak.
Danforth- Abigail, what are you looking at? John what have you done to her!?
Danforth seems enraged, slamming his fist on a table.
John-to Danforth Please, just give me a little longer to talk to them, they are liars!
Danforth- Parris, what do you think we should do?
Parris- Well it is obvious to me, that John Proctor is the liar here, and both he and his wife are with the Devil.
Danforth acts like he is thinking this over, though he already has his solution.
Danforth- We will give your wife one more look over, if she appears to be pregnant, she lives. If she does not, she will soon hang.
John- NO please no, Abigail, STOP this NONESENCE!
Abigail says nothing, still froze, un able to look at John.
Danforth-Leave her be John, or you’ll hang too.
Elizabeth comes into the room, being held by two people of the town.
Danforth- Elizabeth, If you do not cooperate, you will be hung sooner. We are giving you one look over to see if you are pregnant, if it does not appear to be so, you will hang.
Elizabeth is silent while she is being looked at by parris.
Parris- It appears that she is not.
Danforth-I Announce that Elizabeth Proctor will be hung tomorrow, at dawn.
Elizabeth- I Love you John
John-I won’t let this happen Elizabeth, I promise. I Love you.
Elizabeth is being led back out of the room, by the same two people, all eyes on her, no one else is paying attention to anything else but John and Abigail.
John- Abigail, how could you. You must be the Devil himself.
Abigail-a whisper so only John could hear. I did it for us John. Now your all mine.
John-Your wrong Elizabeth. You and I will never be. You’ll get what’s coming to you.
Abigail- Don’t test me John, You can be punished too.
John- I would rather be punished than be with you ever again, Abigail Williams. I would gladly trade places with my wife. You will pay for this.

Curtain Closes.

Anonymous said...

The crucible act 4 Remix

The courtroom is quiet and very serious in demeanor. With john proctor, Abigail Williams, Mary warren, rev. Hale, Dan forth all standing uneasily.

Proctor. Let my wife go. She doesn’t involve herself with no devils work none the less witchery.

Danforth. Quiet you! Now I ask you marry warren; how did this poppet come to be?

Marry warren. I don’t know I…I mean I do but I can’t be too sure of it.

Danforth .what do you mean you can’t be too sure?

Marry warren. Because all I now is that she brought it to the house…as a gift!

Danforth. So you do know something so why not tell it all?

Marry warren. Hastily and fearfully. That’s all I know.

Danforth. Lie!

Proctor. Marry, tell him everything you know!

Abigail. Scornfully and aimed at john and Elizabeth. They both are sporting you! I have done nothing but get plagued by this mans wife ever since I’ve known her and now I’m being questioned! You don’t have the right after what we’ve done John!

Proctor. Stricken with fury and disbelief. How dare you!? How bid you stand in front of this court and tell such a tale? You know it as good as your own conniving ways that every bit of English coming out of you’re mouth is false.

Abigail. In a trance and as if she were a stone she looks fearfully at the ceiling and screams. Why? What did I do? She looks over to john and screams again. Why are you doing this to me? He has cast his body out and he has changed into a bird!

Danforth. Exitedly. Where? Where?

Elizabeth. He does no such thing!

Danforth. Quiet woman! Now where is this bird?

Abigail. I beg you not! Please no! i wont be afraid of you anymore for I have god.

Marry warren. Stay away!

Proctor. Marry what are you doing?

Marry warren. He came with the poppet, he tries to get me to do his evil bidding, and He is the devil!

Danforth. Proctor what are you doing to these girls!?

Proctor I do nothing I do nothing!

Girls. Stay away! You cannot hurt us anymore.

Proctor. Grabbing marry warren by the hair. You will tell the truth or bid me not to whip you!

Marry warren. Thrusting his hands off of her and screaming. You’re truth is nothing but lies! I will not do anything for you!

Danforth. What are you doing?

Proctor. All my life in this rechet town of Salem to be blackened by this bitch!? I have no reason to lie and as for you’re god. He is dead! There is no god in this “holy” town of Salem! Only lowly people overcome with greed and envy strong enough to take others to be hung. And for what? A belief of something that everyone knows is not real!

Danforth How dare you! Release him at once!

Leahmarie said...

The crucible act 4

The courtroom: very crowded, and very anticipating as everyone waited for the fate of the peoples being perpetrated. John proctor is sentenced to get hanged on a count of lying and having the affair, Abigail continues to pretend to see the birds, therefore getting mercy lewis in trouble who then confesses to witchism, even though she wasn’t and so the court rules that god will help her. But mary warren gets sentenced with witchism as well and continues to plea innocent so they want to test to see if shes lying, they throw her in the river and either way she will die. Elizabteh proctor gets hanged next to john proctor and the town has to watch the married couple die hanging there. Judge Danforth then asks the court if theres anymore witches in town and more people come forth accusing more people.

Danforth: so tell me Abigail do you still see the birds?

Abigail: i…she…no I do not.

Danforth: then its final, god has helped you mary since you confessed to it.

Mary: thank yo-

Danforth: enough. So john proctor your fate is also on the line of this courtroom.

Proctor: I have confessed and plead guilty.

Danforth: yes but we all know you only say these things to save your wife Elizabeth.

Proctor: just let her go at least..

Danforth: I can not do that the fate is determined, in two days the town will watch you and your wife be hanged!!!

Proctor: mumbling under his breath now, slams fists against wall in despair, is then taken away and hauled to the jail cell where he will be held for the next two days.

Danforth: Mercy lewis, you have been accused, and you have not proven to I nor the court that your innocent, we shall test your motive by seeing if you float in the river, if you do that means you are indeed a witch and will be killed.

Mercy screaming in outrage pleading shes not a witch.

The courtroom gasps. And the curtain falls.

Shelbie Karker said...

Act 4
Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams are arguing about Abigail having an affair with John Proctor.

Elizabeth: Tell me now!
Abigail: I did nothing with John Proctor.
Elizabeth: Do not lie, I know about your secret.
Proctor enters the room with a shocking face after he hears what the two women are talking about. John does not know if he should confess or lie about him and Abigail.
Proctor: What is going on in here?
Elizabeth: I know about Abigail and you, John. No need to keep it hidden anymore. I want you to admit it.
Elizabeth: She is out of breathe and is angered. You tell me right now John Proctor; did you have an affair with Abigail Williams?
Danforth enters the court room hearing Elizabeth yell.
Danforth: Is that true Mr. Proctor?
Proctor: pauses for a minute not knowing what to say. He decides it would be best if he told the truth. Why….wh-
Danforth: Is it?
Proctor: ashamed he answers. Yes it is true; Abigail and I had an affair.
Reverend Parris enters.
Parris: What is going on in here?
Elizabeth: Your niece Abigail had an affair with my John Proctor!
Parris: You did what Abigail?
Abigail: I did no such thing. She is trying to get back at me for having Mary Warren give her the poppet.
Proctor pulls Elizabeth away from everyone. They talk for several minutes.
Proctor: Elizabeth I told the truth, I love you. I’m sorry for what I’ve done.
Elizabeth: No John, it’s not okay. I don’t want to be with you. You betrayed me!
Proctor has a disturbed look on his face. They rejoin the group.
Proctor: Abigail will you please just tell Mr. Danforth that we had an affair.
Abigail: NO because we didn’t have one.
Parris: Do not lie Abigail. Tell the truth.
Danforth: I’m sorry Abigail but you need to say good bye. We have to take Johns side.
Curtains close.

Michael Flannel said...

Act.4 John and Abby enter the courtroom. In there waiting on them is Mr.Danforth and Judge Hathorne getting ready to find the truth.

John: Hello Judge
Abby: Hello With a smirk on her face
Danforth: What’s so funny!
Abby: I just cant believe that you believe this man over me
John: You are such a liar Abby, you say you are a good women but from what has been going on you are a evil women I tell you with a disgusted look on his face
Abby: Oh I am a liar, if I am such a liar then you are to.
John: How can you do this to me after all my family done for you!
Abby: Why don’t you tell them what happens between us.
John: Happens Between use women you are nothing to me, I hope god damn you to Hell!
Abby: Well if you wont I will me and John has a secret relationship we have been doing things behind everyone’s back I love this man. She start to cry

The Judge has seen enough he is shocked from what Abby reveals. Danforth sitting with his mouth wide open.

Hathorne: Is this true John?
John: No sir its not.
Abby: How dare you! Face is starting to turn red
John: Look women we had nothing going on you were just some women who worked for me.
Abby: Well I damn you to hell!
John: Damn me women, Damn you do you see what all you has caused just to be with a man that doesn’t even love you, like you think in any kind of way! John is heated
Hathorne: Look I don’t know who to believe so someone needs to tell the truth.
Abby: John I did all this for you trying to make your wife go away jus for us my love.
Jonh: Poor women, How many time do I have to say we had nothing! John raising out of his seat
Hathorne: So you confess that all this was a lie just to get with Mr. Proctor?
Abby: Yes.
Hathorne: Then I sentence you to jail! Mad at all the stuff she has caused in this town
John: Looking as if he could do somrthing for her Judge it is true we have been together.
Hathorne: John don’t try and save her now even though you confessed it is to late she already confessed to her wrong doing. Danforth take her away.
John: Sorry Abby didn’t mean for it to end like this. A tear falls from his face
Enters Ms. Proctor
Elizabeth: John how could you! With a slap across his face
Curtain Falls

Anonymous said...

¡The Crucible Act 4!

It’s a cold gloomy day in Salem. Everyone was crammed into the courtroom, waiting to see what was going to happen to John & Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail Williams, and Mary Warren. Everyone was blaming everyone. People were scared to death of John now, because of how he said he made contact with the devil. And Abigail is still accusing Mary of being the “bird” up in the rafters. John Proctor is now called up to the stand and is sitting angry staring at everyone. The rest were all sitting down talking about what was going to happen. Then Judge Danforth starts the questioning…

Danforth: What is going on!!!
Abigail: Mary, she-she turned into a bird and was going to mess my face up.
Mary: NO-NO-NO!!! They are all lying don’t believe them Judge!!!
Girls: NO-NO-NO! Don’t believe them Judge!
Mary lets out a high pitch scream. Girls copy her.
John: Where is my wife!! She didn’t do anything wrong she was just trying to protect my name. It is all my fault please don’t blame her.
Mary: He didn’t do anything judge, believe him. And he’s not a witch like he said he is.
Abigail: OH GOD she’s still trying to come down!!
Girls scared and shaking. Pretending they are frightened
Mary: would you stop lying! I’m right here, I am no bird.
Elizabeth: J-John! Sobbing Let him go he did nothing wrong!
Danforth: Can we all be quiet and let me do my job getting mad PLEASE! Staring John Proctor down with a suspicious look. Okay sooo…John so what I have been told, you said you signed the book with the devil in blood eh?
John: guilty yes I did say that.
Elizabeth: crying John tell him it’s not true!
John: Elizabeth stay out of this.
Danforth: And YOU Elizabeth lied saying he was a good man and everything, when he already admitted to sleeping with anther woman. Am I correct ma’am?
Elizabeth: Yes…shamed of her self she puts her hands over her face shaking her head.
Danforth: And you-you! Abigail is it true that you saw Mary Warren turn into a bird?
Abigail: yes-yes sir she did!
Mary: furious she stands up with her fist clenched tightly. When are you ever going to stop lying Abby!!!
Mary sits down mad.
Danforth: Now Abigail is it true that you have been sleeping with Mr. Proctor?
Abigail: I-I…there is a long pause Abigail realizes she has been lying for too long now and can’t keep it up. She puts her head down. Yes…Sir I have been..
John: YES finally you say the truth! Now tell the rest! NOW!
Danforth: Abigail, that is against the law to be doing that. Now is Mary Warren a real Witch??
John: she’s not a witch. I swear! Trust me.
Abigail: She looks a John he is crying and very upset. Guilt starts to overcome her. John I’m so sorry. No-no she is not a witch. I was lying and so were the girls. We just didn’t want to get in trouble and look where it has ended us up. Everyone I’m so sorry.
Danforth: Thank you Abigail. Now we aren’t going to hang any of you. We will let god deal with you all and your sins.
John, Abby, Elizabeth, and Mary: THANK YOU LORD!
Everyone returns to their homes. But still in the back of Elizabeth’s mind she still thinks Abby is with the devil. John is relieved and grabs Elizabeth and strongly embraces her in his arms and softly kisses her.
John: I love you Elizabeth

taylor. said...

Act 4
Abigail Williams, John Proctor, Judge Danforth, Mary Warren, Reverend Hale, Elizabeth Proctor and Tituba are in the courtroom. There is a large audience, everyone is talking, arguing.

Judge Danforth: Order! Order in the Court! Danforth points to Reverend Hale Abigail.
You may begin.
Reverend Hale: Now Abigail, did John Proctor have an affair with you?
Abigail: Ask him! He will tell you!
Danforth and Hale turn to Proctor.
Proctor: What am I supposed to say—? This has nothing to do with my wife’s accusation!
Danforth, getting angry Answer the question Mr. Proctor.
Proctor: hesitates …yes. audience gasps yes I did. Now can we please get to the point of this—
Hale: Thank you Mr. Proctor. Now, Abigail, you were the one to accuse Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft, correct?
Abigail: Yes
Hale: Why?
Abigail, looks very uncomfortable well because she had a poppet of course!
Hale: But Abigail, we found that poppet after she was accused…
Abigail: It’s been there for a long time Mr. Hale. I was their servant!
Hale speaks to Danforth quietly
Danforth: Mary will you please step up to the stand.
Mary happily sits down
Hale: Mary, is it true you had just given Elizabeth the poppet the day it was found?
Mary: Yes Mr. Hale.
Abigail: Mary! Shhh!
Danforth, stands Quiet now!
the entire courtroom is instantly quiet, anxious to see what happens next.
Hale: And why did you give it to her?
Mary: Well… looks at Abigail, seems to be afraid well I can’t tell you.
Abigail smiles.
Hale: ignoring Abigail, Mary tell the truth please.
Mary: Abigail told me not to.
Hale: Mary, did Abigail tell you to give the poppet to Elizabeth?
Abigail glares at Mary Mary: Yes.
Hale: Why?
Mary: She doesn’t like Elizabeth… She wants her dead basically.
the rest of the girls who accused the people of witchcraft enter the room
Hale: Now girls if you tell the truth you will have a lighter punishment. Did Abigail want Elizabeth killed so she could be with Proctor?
Girls look at eachother and then at Abigail who seems afraid
Girls: Yes! She made us defend her!
Danforth: Get her out of this courtroom!!! She will be hung!
Elizabeth: Oh no I didn’t want it to happen like this!
Proctor: It’s OK Elizabeth.
Danforth: Elizabeth will not be hung, she is proven innocent. You and you’re husband may leave the courtroom.
curtain falls.

Derrin Evans said...

Marry Warren
REV. Hale

Well now were still in the court room and Mr. Proctor is in jail rite now because of lies. So were getting to the bottom of this...

Abigail- she lied to you danforth I swear I saw marry warren turn into a bird in try to

Marry- no u didn’t you are lying.

Danforth- listen up girls tell the truth Abigail what did you see.

Abigail- I saw the bird danforth I saw it was flying around with its big wings trying to attack me and bite me, claw me.

Rev. Hale- Excellency.

Danforth- don’t want to hear it Hale you-

Rev. Hale- what do you mean you don’t want to hear what I have to say –

Danforth- I don’t want to hear your nonsense Mr. Hale your full of it you left my court room and now your back.

Rev. Hale- I can back to solve these lies you are listening too.

Danforth- what lies?

Rev. Hale- the ones Abigail and marry are preaching too you...

Danforth- Abigail marry are you liening to me?

Both Girls- NO

Then enters Rev.Parris wit his head down. Every one stairs in looks at him. Danforth says what’s wrong with you mr.parris he doesn’t say anything back.

Danforth- I demand you to talk to me rev. Parris.

Abigail- he doesn’t have to listen to you.

Parris- thank you Abigail.

Danforth- what you answer to her but not me.

Then parris leans over in whispers in Abigail ear Abigail has a little laugh about what parris says to her.

Danforth- what the hell is this your going to play these childish games with me mr.parris.

Abigail- laughs again at what parris says.

Out of frustration danforth gets up and smacks parris in the face to make him fall to the floor.

Abigail- what is your problem danforth?

Danforth- he’s talking about me to you and he won’t be a man in say it to my face.

Rev. Hale- someone get some ice please his face is swelling.

Marry- danforth why did you do that are you okay mr.parris.

Parris- yes. I’m ok marry no need to worry I will be the better man in not fight back.

Danforth- it would have never happen if you had answer me when you was asked to Mr.

Parris- you don’t get it do you. You just don’t do you. I hate you danforth you listen to these bull crap stories that these girls are telling Mr. proctor doesn’t work for the devil he is a holly man in if you don’t believe it so what I do in I don’t like you for that any way I wish you would die.

Danforth- you wish I would die. That’s what witches say Mr. Parris are you a witch?

Parris- there you go accusing someone again danforth the question is Mr. Danforth are you a witch have you signed the devils book ask your self that one.

Danforth- No - No don’t accuse me of being a witch…

Anonymous said...

In the court room still during the proceedings, Proctor is indignant as well as Hale since he knows that this isn’t the truth. Danforth isn’t to happy himself and he is focused and ready to get the truth out of anyone who’s willing to tell him the truth.

Danforth: “Goody Proctor why does this seem like your trying to play with my intelligence?”

Proctor: “I’ am not your Excellency; I’m only telling you these girls are your problem Excellency!”

Hale: “If I may sir they are your main concern Excellency”

Danforth: “HALE! I will have no more from you, are you two trying to call me a fool? Do you two think that these children are lying?” (Proctor looks at Hale then turns away quickly)

Danforth: “Goody Proctor and Goody Hale Do, you two think these children are lying!” (Danforth is a rage of fury)

Proctor: “Aye sir these children are habitual liars!”

Danforth: “Goody Proctor do you realize you’re going against the Oath. Mr. Proctor I will hear no more from you, you haven’t attended church sir! Guards take him away!” (Danforth points at John Proctor, and the guards takes him away but, Proctor isn’t cooperating)

Proctor: “Aye you will see Danforth you will see the bloody truth, this that you’re reckoning is a mistake, mark my word you will regret this. Those girls are nothing but, whores and you will see that!” (Abigail Williams walks in along with Mary Warren)

Danforth: “Abigail have you ever been around or knew a witch?”
Abigail Looks at Danforth with a sad look on her face: “Aye sir”

Danforth: “Who was it child spit it out!”

Abigail looks up at Mary Warren: “Goody Good and Tituba and Mary Warren Sir. They all were with the Devil!”

Mary Warren: “You’re Excellency she’s lying! Stop It Abigail!”

Danforth (Looks suspiciously at Mary Warren): “Your not with God Mary Warren! The Devil has snuck upon you to and he has got the rest of what’s left of you”

Mary Warren: “That’s not true I love God genuinely as much as you do your Excellency!”

Danforth: “I WANT HER HANGED! She doesn’t need her life fraternizing with the Devil, Guards!” (Danforth points at Mary Warren and Mary Warren lets out a loud shriek and points at Abigail)

Cheever opens the door and walks in the Proctor chained up: Sir we were ordered to bring Goody Proctor back, it seems he has more Information”

Danforth: “What is it Goody Proctor!” (Danforth watches as they unchain Proctor and watches how he takes his seat solemnly)

Proctor (Glances at Abigail with conniving look on his face): “Abigail didn’t we have encounters?”

Abigail (Smiles at Proctor and laughs): “Never Goody Proctor”

Danforth: “Abigail do you tell lies in God’s Court?”

Abigail: “No, Sir.”

Proctor (Rises and rushes over to Abigail and stabs her repeatedly): “You’re a liar and you’re a whore you deserve to die the proper way Abigail Williams and surely you will!”

Danforth (Points at the Guards to take Proctor away): “No Guards this time instead of locking him away, Goody Proctor shall be hanged! In my court room for on the counts of perjury and murder!”

Proctor: “Your Damned Danforth! Damned!”

*Curtain Falls*

TeTe said...

The Crucible

Inside the dark court room, lie Abigail, Parris, Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor, Danforth and Reverend Hale

- The judge calls Abigail to the stand, walking nervously she sits down –

Judge- Abigail is you a witch
Abigail- No sir, I’m no witch, sir, Mary Warrens the witch
- John starts yelling as loud as he cans-
John- she’s lying sir, she’s a disloyal person
Judge- Hush up or I will have you removed from this court
Abigail- Disloyal, I’m no disloyal person, disloyal is when you cheat on ___
-Slight pause, -
John- You hushes up now Abigail, now I say
Judge- Now Abigail, were you dismissed from the Proctors
Abigail- Yes sir I was
Judge- And why is that
Abigail- why, why, Elizabeth doesn’t like me sir, she hates me, that’s why she released me to the highroad
-John starts to stair weirdly at Abigail; he notices that she’s getting extremely nervous, after about a hour of questions , they go for a recess, where Abigail goes into a hallway to see John Proctor –
John- Abigail
-Abigail doesn’t answer-
John- Abigail, tell the truth, my wife’s life lies in your hands right now
Abigail- Tell the truth, I will tell the truth, ill just say how you had an affair with a 16 year old girl, How your a CHEATER, JOHN A CHEATER.
- John grabs Abigail, and starts to choke her-
-Abigail trying to grasp for air-
John- Now you listen hear, little girl, tell them my wife’s no witch, tell them that was your poppet do you hear me Abigail, DO YOU –he starts yelling at her, not realizing how badly he’s hurting her-
- he finally lets go, where he finds that she had lots of red marks around her neck-
Abigail- John you’re going to pay for this
- Abigail starts crying as she walks back into the court room-
Reverend Hale- Abigail what’s wrong
Abigail- starts pointing at Elizabeth the witch
Reverend Hale- What Witch
Abigail- the Witch Elizabeth, she’s a witch, look at the marks she gave me
Danforth- Take her out now she shall be hanged
John- No, she’s lying sir I say, she’s lying
Parris- How can you explain the marks?
-John Hesitantly
John- I can’t sir, but my wife is no witch, that girl is lying
Abigail- its funny you say that because I sure wasn’t a liar when you had an affair with me.
- Everyone starts looking at each other, because the truth has finally been told-

The Curtain Falls

damonKG said...

Act 4

It is a cold day in Salem, temperatures below average, the courtroom coldest of them all with falsehood spread thoroughly throughout. Greed and Envy has overcame Abigail, who sits next to Danforth and Hathorne telling them how Mr. Proctors soul came to her in a form of a disgraced fallen angle and tried to tempt her to right her name in blood in the devils book. Enraged, devastated, and on the brink of death, Mr. Proctor sit silent listening to Abigail manipulate Salem in ways imaginable. The verdict is final. From the shadows emerge three standing hopelessly; gaining Danforth attention, they muster the power to talk.

Danforth: We find John Proctor on counts of attempted murder, and witchcraft, guilty.

Proctor: Your Excellency Shall I hang be hang on the words of a Whore.

Danforth: Aye, you still have the choice to turn yourself into God’s hands.

Proctor rushes towards Abigail enraged grabs her by the neck then stops and begins a prayer.

Danforth & Hathorne: Seize that man!

Men of Salem present in the room charge after Proctor who still stays kneel praying, paying no attention to the men charging after him. Out of the shadows emerge Mr.Hale with, Reverend Parris, and Herrick.

Hale: Do not touch him!

Parris: Danforth leave him, he is innocent, my niece. Confident and determined speaking strongly out against his niece. My niece she’s a liar! She was evicted from the Proctors and after her eviction they never asked for her service. You have a lecher putting a well respected man in jail your Excellency, stop now! Her actions stem from Greed and Envy sir, before the witchery top place we had a talk about why the Proctors never called for her services again, and Abigail response was that Elizabeth was jealous and was blackening her name in the village. Please your Excellency don’t listen to her treachery lies anymore.

Abigail: Sensing danger she screams out. Your Excellency they are trying to overtake the court! Do not listen to their lies they are hear by the devils hand.

Parris: Strongly and firm. Shut up Abigail I’m tired of your lies, the hypocrisy in which you speak is insanity, you were one of the first of this beautiful town practice Witchcraft. I seen you dancing with the Devil Abigail, I will not allow you to carry with this anymore.
Danforth: Listen Mr. Parris I respect your opinion but---

Hale: Interrupting Danforth. No you listen Danforth I shall not condone this behavior anymore, Parris has seen her dancing with the devil what else do we need to prove it sir. Just listen to our story. Please your Excellency will you listen.

Danforth: Aye, carry on.

Parris telling Danforth the entire story, Abigail sits nervously, deep in thought.

Danforth: Hale, Parris, Proctor, & Herrick are you sure that if we lock these girls in jail that the witchcraft accusations would end?

The Guys: Aye, your Excellency.

The girls seeing losing is inevitable trying one last time, one last try of witchcraft accusations, but this time they see through the lies they see the personal gain one can get from doing so. Witchcraft had been successfully defeated, and goodness will prevail in Salem. They can never get back the lives they have lost but they can prepare for the future and be ready for another hysteria like this. For now they pray and hope that one day they can be forgiven for their naivety.

Terrance Smith said...

The Crucible Act Four

Two weeks later from the first testimony in the court, Danforth is questioning Proctor, Abigail, Reverend Parris, and Mary Warren. Danforth is threatening to hang them if the do not confess to working with Lucifer.

Danforth: Now are ya’ll going to confess or will have you will hung. No one answers. Mr. Herrick, please go and get your men and tell them to come to the court.

Abigail: She burst out in tears. I do not work with Lucifer I love God.

Danforth: How do I know that, this could all just be a hoax?

Abigail: It’s not a lie I am telling you the truth.

Proctor: Excellency, she is lying through her teeth. She nothing but a liar and a whore. She is just trying to trick you into believing there is a witch.

Reverend Parris: How do we know that Proctor? You could be trying to protect your wife and make it seem like she is not a witch.

Proctor: With anger in his eyes and fist balled up. Damn you Parris, you for a fact that Elizabeth is not a witch.

Mary Warren faints and everybody crowds around her. Mary Warren starts float into thin air. They watch in amazed.

Danforth: What in the world is going on?

Abigail: I think the devil possesses her sir.

Proctor: No it cannot be! How did this happen?

Mary Warren: (deep evil voice) I will get you girls if it’s the last thing I do. God can’t save you now.

Everyone was speechless. Hale enters.

Hale: What in God’s name is going on?

Reverend Parris: It’s Mary Warren she is possessed by Lucifer.

Hale: How did this happen?

Proctor: We don’t know, she passed out then she started to float.

Hale: That’s a bad sign! That means that Lucifer is near.

Danforth: How would you know that Lucifer is near?

Hale: Because I’m a reverend and because maybe I’M LUCIFER!!! He said in a big evil smile.

His form and appearance change. Everyone was in shock.

Reverend Paris: But how, you said prayers and carried around the bible?

Lucifer: I took over this weak minister body so that I could get close to everybody and learn things about ya’ll personally.

Abigail: I praise you Lucifer; I’m at your every command.

Danforth: Whispering under his breath. Where in the world is Herrick?

Lucifer: Don’t worry about Herrick he’s dead now.

Proctor: What do we do?

Krystal Chattam said...

The Crucible Act Four

Their was many more trails to come. Abigail Williams had Proctor were she went him. After John Proctor stood up for his wife Elizabeth Proctor.

Danforth: Abigail Williams? Do you lie in the court about the witchcraft?

Abigail: no I do no such thing sir.

Proctor: this whore is a lie I tell you, she knows.

Abigail: if I such a lie then tell the court how you raped me. (She whipped)

Proctor: that’s a lie I never --

Danforth: PROCTOR did you lay a hand on this child?

Proctor: I didn’t rape her she let me have an affair with her and that why she is doing all this because she wants to be with me and take my wife’s place. Aye be damned if that kills my name in Salem, aye love my wife to much not to save he life. Damn my name.

Abigail: He lies!

Danforth: Mr.Parris do you know anything of this? If you do confuse.

Parris: I know nun

Danforth: Abigail Williams I think Elizabeth proctor kicked you out for a risen. I believe that you are lie. She kicked you out because she new what you were up to.

Abigail:( crying and yelling) Proctor Is a witch his self he does not go to church one night I saw him over betty window watching her ask she got dress and afterwards he was talking to a man with a long black hat with book ask big as a foot.

Proctor: you lying whore. You are no Christian you lie and you a murder God will punish you little ones for you have bring hell in Salem.

Abigail: I—I see???

Marry warren: what do you see Abby?

Danforth: Mr. Cheever goes get Rebecca Nurse

Rebecca: that child doesn’t see anything.

Danforth: Rebecca Nurse you have been her because you are accused of murdering children. Am I right Mrs. Nurse?

Rebecca: Aye

Danforth: Are you in any witchcraft?

Rebecca: no I never dialed with witchcraft I am a mother of 11 and I would never harm a hair on a child’s head yet a long kill one.

Proctor: she is too nice to harm any one. I think Abigail should be hanged right along with her friends.

Danforth: quiet.

Proctor: she is a liar.

Danforth: quiet Proctor not another word.

Anonymous said...

I was later that night in the court house with elizabeth and proctor.

Proctor: Did you do the crime?
Elizabeth: no i never did witch craft. i would never do that.
(Abigail walks in)
Proctor: What are you doing here?
the meeting is tomorrow...
Abigail: i was just seeing if your were here.. well know i know i got to go. bye
Elizabeth: really i-i would never do that.
Proctor: You lied to us about what is going on with Hale.
(John walks in)
John: this is stupid.. she didn't do anything wrong...
Elizabeth: Its fine...
Proctor: she lied
John: yeah but that was to save my name
Proctor: god doesnt like liers
(Abigail walkes back in)
John: why cant you tell that truth... you rather kill my wife and others.. god doesn't like killers
Abigail: you think i am lying when its your wife who is hurting me
Elizabeth: i didn't do anything to you!!!
Abigail: you cant ly to everyone.. you know you are hurting me
Proctor: well that will all be known tomorrow..
John: she isjust going to ly than too
Abigail: i was never lying.. NEVER!!!
John: god knows that truth
Abigail: DON'T SAY THAT!!!
Elizabeth Zagumny

chelsea ball said...

In the courtroom Proctor, Abigail, Mary, Danforth, and Elizabeth are talking. Abigail is still putting on her act, acting like Mary is trying to hurt her.

Abigail: Mary!! Stop hurting me STOP STOP!

Mary: Abby stop! You know I’m not doing anything to you.

Danforth: What are you doing?! Mary I told you that if you lied you would be hanged! Stop this I say!

Proctor: Abigail stop you know you are not right for this!

Elizabeth: She knows she just wants to replace me!

Elizabeth is standing up shouting very furious pointing at Abigail. Abigail is screaming loudly.

Abigail: Stop it Mary stop it. I can’t take it anymore it hurts, it hurts.

Mary: Stop this I say! You know you are wrong for this! You tricked me in to making that poppet and you know it!

Mary is sobbing now and Proctor is getting angry and he knows that Abigail is acting this whole thing.

Proctor: I’m so tired of this! Abigail stop this. You are not taking Elizabeth’s place and you know it!

Danforth looks over to Mary and points and shouts.

Danforth: Mary! Do you lie? You said you had no contact with the devil say you not?

Mary: No sir. I tell you im telling the truth! I seen no devil! I don’t posses Abigail!

Abigail falls to the floor and starts shaking terribly. Danforth again looks at Mary.

Danforth: Mary I tell you stop! I don’t believe you! You will be hanged!

After that Mary was set to hang. And she did so. Abigail now is fine. The town is still very suspicious. said...

One evening in the court room filled with Aabgial,Mr Proctor, Mary Warren,Elizabeth, and Danforth while they all stand there looking at one another to see who will tell the truth.

*Mr. Proctor- Please let my wife go she didn't do anything. Abagial just won't to take her place.
**Abagil looks at Marry Warren with a serious look*

*Danforth- I ask that you be quite and wait till you are asked any question.So Marry Warren would you tell me how did that popet get their.
*Marry Warren-I not know sir.
*Danforth-Abagil do u wish to speak.
*Abagil-I abagil shall not lie anymore I did everything.
*Mr. Proctor-What do you mean you did everthing.
*Danforth-Mr.Proctor I need you to shut your mouth right now.
**Abagil starts yelling telling she needs everyone to be quite right this instinct.
*Abagil-I am a witch,I did have an affair with proctor,I didn't really see a bird,I'm the reason why Betty was sick,I'm the reason why Ruth was sick, Yup I did everything.
**the audience in the court room is very shocked all amused.
*Mr.Proctor-SO you telling me you did this to my child but why.
*Abagil-I sure did it was all because, I won't you to myself not ELizabeth.
*Danforth-You Abagil will be tooking care of.
*Mary Warren-Sir, she is lying about everything.I did it I did everything stop Abby don't take my side.
**Abagial is shocked herself and don't know what to do as she starts to walk toward Marry Warren.
*Danforth-(Confused)So who really did it.
*Abagil-It was I sir,
*Marry Warren-No, it was I
**Everyone is talking about the situation.
*Danforth- So Mr. Proctor do you ammit that you did have something to do with Abagil.
*Mr.Proctor-YOur Honor I did not.
**Marry Warren begins to talk in then stop.
**Marry Warren faints.
*Danforth-What is really going on.
*Abagil-It was I who just made her faint.It was I who could make her wake.
**The crowd standing over Marry Warren in shocked shaking her.
*Mr.Proctor-Your honor I ammit to what I have did I did to sleep with her.
*Elizabeth-John I just don't understand why you would do something like that I just can't.
** ELizabeth just keep to herself in cry as she walk away.
**Marry Warren looks up and trying to get up but just can't.
Marry Warren-I told you it was I that I could make myself faint.
**Abagil is angry walking toward Marry.
*Danforth-Stop with all of this it is uncaused for.
**Everyone is confused in don't know what to do while the curtain is falling.

To Be continue............

Shantrice Jennings said...

One evening in the court room filled with Aabgial,Mr Proctor, Mary Warren,Elizabeth, and Danforth while they all stand there looking at one another to see who will tell the truth.

*Mr. Proctor- Please let my wife go she didn't do anything. Abagial just won't to take her place.
**Abagil looks at Marry Warren with a serious look*

*Danforth- I ask that you be quite and wait till you are asked any question.So Marry Warren would you tell me how did that popet get their.
*Marry Warren-I not know sir.
*Danforth-Abagil do u wish to speak.
*Abagil-I abagil shall not lie anymore I did everything.
*Mr. Proctor-What do you mean you did everthing.
*Danforth-Mr.Proctor I need you to shut your mouth right now.
**Abagil starts yelling telling she needs everyone to be quite right this instinct.
*Abagil-I am a witch,I did have an affair with proctor,I didn't really see a bird,I'm the reason why Betty was sick,I'm the reason why Ruth was sick, Yup I did everything.
**the audience in the court room is very shocked all amused.
*Mr.Proctor-SO you telling me you did this to my child but why.
*Abagil-I sure did it was all because, I won't you to myself not ELizabeth.
*Danforth-You Abagil will be tooking care of.
*Mary Warren-Sir, she is lying about everything.I did it I did everything stop Abby don't take my side.
**Abagial is shocked herself and don't know what to do as she starts to walk toward Marry Warren.
*Danforth-(Confused)So who really did it.
*Abagil-It was I sir,
*Marry Warren-No, it was I
**Everyone is talking about the situation.
*Danforth- So Mr. Proctor do you ammit that you did have something to do with Abagil.
*Mr.Proctor-YOur Honor I did not.
**Marry Warren begins to talk in then stop.
**Marry Warren faints.
*Danforth-What is really going on.
*Abagil-It was I who just made her faint.It was I who could make her wake.
**The crowd standing over Marry Warren in shocked shaking her.
*Mr.Proctor-Your honor I ammit to what I have did I did to sleep with her.
*Elizabeth-John I just don't understand why you would do something like that I just can't.
** ELizabeth just keep to herself in cry as she walk away.
**Marry Warren looks up and trying to get up but just can't.
Marry Warren-I told you it was I that I could make myself faint.
**Abagil is angry walking toward Marry.
*Danforth-Stop with all of this it is uncaused for.
**Everyone is confused in don't know what to do while the curtain is falling.

To Be continue............
Shantrice Jennings
English 10 4th hour

Anonymous said...


Stage directions: after last night and john Proctor’s wife was taken act act4 takes place in the courtroom.

Danforth: Abigail Williams please stand and tell us what happen that night.

Abigail: thinking of a lie) Sir, I told the court this a million times

Hale: may you please tell the court again the courtroom became very loud

Danforth: order in this courtroom, I’m the only one asking questions today

Just when Abigail was about to speak the doors of the court room slammed open and goody Proctor came dashing though the doors.

Abigail: in shock I-I

Danforth: state your case Proctor

Proctor: Abigail is lying; everything she said is a lie!!!

Danforth: and what proof do you have

Abigail: he has done at all get him out of here with fire in her eyes

Proctor: while my wife was sick Abigail worked for us. To keep a long story short I cheated on my wife with Abigail Williams. Abigail is the devil you cannot trust her .

Danforth: Abigail is it true you worked for the Procter’s

Abigail: yes Sir,

Danforth: is it true you and Mr. Procter had an affair.

Abigail: no, Sir with tears running down her face

Procter: that’s a LIE!!!

Danforth: Orders, order, Herrick go get Mrs. Procter

Herrick: yes Sir

The girls in the court room started to look up at the ceiling and sing a strange song ,like they had the devil in them.

Danforth; quit it, quit it I tell you or you’ll all be killed

Girls; Quit speaking

Herrick: Sir, here she is

Danforth: Mrs. Procter is it true your husband cheated on you with Abigail Williams and that’s why you dismissed her

Mrs. Procter: No, Sir my husband never cheated on me, I fired Abigail because she was not a good worker

Procter: Tell the true

Danforth: is that so, lock her back up

Herrick: yes, sir

Mrs. Procter: NO, NO, I’m sorry baby yelling while she was being beat out the court room

Danforth; Guards take Procter out back and prepare the hanging.

End of act 4

A'licia Chesson said...

The Crucible Act four

mid afternoon,Abigail Williams,Reveren parris,Giles Corey,Mary Wary Warren,Reverend Hale,John Proctor,Elizabeth Proctor,Greorge Herrick,Danforth.they are in a circle in the court room.While the judg is listing to the talk.

John-Abigail why doint we just put everything on the table.
abigail-put what on the table, there is nothing to talk about.
John-your a danm lie abigail.
Parris-there is no room for liers in this court room.
Danforth-what is it girl spit it out!!!
tituba-yes we were in the forset doing witch caft!!!!!

Anonymous said...

*In the court room is Mr.Protor, Mary Warren, Abigail, the girls,Elizabeth,And Danforth. Danforth askes the girls questions about the poppet and how a needle got stuck into it the poppet n who made it.

*Danforth- Abigail who did u say made the poopet.
*Abigail- Mary Warren, sir
*Danforth- do u know who stuck the needle in the poppet
*Abigail- no sir i dont
*Danforth-Marry Warren did u make the poppet
*Mary Warren- Yes, sir
*Danfoth- was you the one who stuck the needle in the poppet.
*Danforth- No sir i do not.

Mary Warren and the girls exit the stage, Elizabeth enters back on the stage, while she enters Mr.Proctor, Danforth, and Abigail is siting down. Danforth starts to ask Elizabeth about what she seen between Abigail and Mr.Proctor.

*Danforth-Elizabeth so tell us about what happen between her Mr.Procotor and Abigail.
*Elizabeth- i told you sir that me and my husband Mr.Proctor relationship has not been the same since we first met.
*Danforth- So what do you mean your relationship has not been the same
*Elizabeth- Well sir,John has not been acting the same since we first met. he has not came home often, he is often out and he dont treat me the same and i seen him with Abigail.
Elizabeth gets up from the stand and they bring Mr.Proctor to the stand. Danforth starts to question him.
*Danforth- John why havent your been acting the same way to your wife Elizabeth.
*Mr.Proctor-I dont want to be with elizabeth anymore i'm seeing someone else.
Elizabeth starts to cry from her seat.
*Danforth-Mite i ask who you are seeing
*Mr.Proctor-It is Abagail
*Danforth-i'm done questioning you you may get up
Mr.Procotor gets up and Abigail comes to the stand.
*Danforth-Abigail have you been seeing Mr.Proctor
Abigail looks over to Mr.Proctor than to Elizabeth. Elizabeth is still crying.
*Abigail-(softly) Yes sir
*Danforth- I cant here you
*Abigail- yes sir
Danforth you are dismissed Abigail, Abigail gets up in walks away feeling guilty.Elizabeth stands up in tell the people in the court something.
*Elizabeth-To Proctor while you was with her you did not know i was a having a baby
Mr.Proctor is shocked
*Elizabeth- Danforth i would like to get a divorce.
Danforth tells her to sit down
Elizabeth sits
*Danforth- So you are pregant but want a divorce
*Elizabeth- Yes sir
Mr.Proctor starts to cry and say sorry and he wants her back
*Danforth- Are you sure
*Elizabeth- Yes sir

Jessica Taylor

christina christian said...

Act 4:

Takes place in the courtroom mid afternoon everyone is confused and angry and irritated and their trying to get to the bottom of this. There all sitting at a long table arguing because some of them are lying and they cant tell what’s true or not. And right now Abigail and John are arguing about what really happened and the judge is trying to understand what’s going on and the other girls are screaming because of all the yelling.

Abigail: yelling looking deeply into his eyes john why can’t you just be honest and tell the truth.
John: calmly but still some attitude trying not to even look at her the truth about what Abigail?
Abigail: you know that you still love me john and you know you’re not over me.
Elizabeth: screaming with rage in her eyes that is not true he doesn’t want you Abigail he never has he just used you he wants me his wife you’re nothing but a little girl Abigail get over it.
Judge Danforth: questioning and confused looking john in his eyes is this true john you have committed adultery?
John: no it is not!
Judge Danforth: Elizabeth is this true that your husband has cheated on you with Abigail Williams?
Elizabeth: screaming and crying badly yes no yes no yes nooooooo its not!
Judge Danforth: yelling please arrest this woman for lying!
Cheever: I’m sorry Mrs. Proctor im going to have to arrest you.
Elizabeth: yelling trying to break free no pleaseee don’t im only trying to defend my husband!
Cheever: I have been ordered to I’m sorry Elizabeth pulls her to the door then exits.
Doors close
Judge Danforth: so John are you going to be honest now and close clean ?
John: aye I already have your honor.
Abigail suddenly screams
Judge Danforth: for what was that for child is something wrong ?
Abigail: Screaming histerically on and off aye yes there is sir I just saw something flying !
John: confused what I haven’t seen anything ? she’s pretending that’s what she is a pretender.
The girls: startled yelling aye we see it is a bird !
Abigail: it is Mary Warren doing this ! for she is an witch !
Mary: yelling I am not a witch and you know this abby stop it !
John: your honor they are all pretending there is no bird in here. Judge please just let my wife go she is not a witch nor a liar and Abigail I will never be with you I rather die than be with you.
Abigail: screaming mark my words John you will pay for all the pain you have caused me I swear ! runs out of the courtroom crying.
Curtain closes

Anonymous said...

Act 4 Still in the court room.Abagail is still in there including john proctor,danforth,mary warren,The girls,Elizebeth,

Danforth- How would you say you see my face ass the devil.
John- Because i dont kno jus do, abigail jus tell the truth do you really see a birds in the air.
Abigail- Yes john i do (shoutin) there they go there above your head.
Danforth- (YELLING)Abagail tell the truth.

John- Please(looking at abagail)
Abagail- I am telling the truth.
Danforth-(walks over to john)I thinks she is tellin the truth john i guess you cant change the truth.
John- I know she is not a witch i jus know it.
(mary warren walks in the room and the girls follow after her)
Marry warren- Says can i Plz Just have another statementand show that im not a witch.
Danforth- Says Yes sure go head
Marry Warren- Ok if i were a witch i could cast a spell on everyone and you all would die.
John- So could abagail i know she is not a witch.
(Elizebeth walks in the court room just listening through the door)
Elizebeth- Says to john if you dont love her why are u takin up for her so much i knew it john u did cheat on me
John- Im sorry But I Did and you cant do anything about it
Elizebeth(runs to him Smack him) How dare you cheat on me.
Danforth-says i will have order in this court.
Marry warren is still waiting for a comment from danfoth.
Marry warren- says so are u going to speak
Danforth-So if you not a witch im goin to hang both of yall and see what happens
Marry warren(CRYING OK)
-Charles Dalton

Andreas Markellos said...

The Crucible Act 4
--Stage Direction-The court room is dark and silent when the curtain opens. John Proctor, Abigail Williams, Judge Danforth, and Herrick are standing in the lobby of the court and arguing.
--Proctor: I am NOT the devil, I have never spoke to the devil, and I never intend to.
--Danforth: What do you mean your not the devil? Just a moment ago you told us you seen the face of the devil, and it is yours.
--Stage directions-Proctor while looking dead into Danforth’s eyes.
--Proctor: Yes, I did say that, but I also said that the devils face is also your face, not just mine.
--Herrick: That is true Danforth, he did say that.
--Stage Direction-Danforth having a very shocked look on his face.
--Danforth: Well don’t be silly Herrick I am obviously not the devil.
--Proctor: But why not! Why is it when I say I am the devil, I am. But when I say you are Lucifer, you are not?
--Stage Directions- Reverend hale rushes back into the lobby while pulling Abigail Williams by the arm.
--Proctor: What are you doing back here?
--Hale: I have come with Abigail to try to end this nonsense!
--Stage Directions- Hale pushes Abigail towards Proctor and she flails herself back to Danforth.
--Danforth: You cannot quit the court and then come back again that easy, there must be a reason.
--Hale: The reason is that I want to know if the devil is among us, or if all those people I put to death was all wrong, if they were all innocent. That is my reason!
--Stage Directions- Abigail thinking that John does not and never will love her again, feels that he has insulted her, so is upset and wants revenge.
--Abigail: The devil is among us! It is John Proctor! He has possessed me and the other girls with witchcraft! He is the one!
--Herrick: Danforth! We have to declare court in session now, before everyone starts telling lies again.
--Proctor: How do you know if these are not all lies now?

Andreas Markellos said...

The Crucible Act 4
--Stage Direction-The court room is dark and silent when the curtain opens. John Proctor, Abigail Williams, Judge Danforth, and Herrick are standing in the lobby of the court and arguing.
--Proctor: I am NOT the devil, I have never spoke to the devil, and I never intend to.
--Danforth: What do you mean your not the devil? Just a moment ago you told us you seen the face of the devil, and it is yours.
--Stage directions-Proctor while looking dead into Danforth’s eyes.
--Proctor: Yes, I did say that, but I also said that the devils face is also your face, not just mine.
--Herrick: That is true Danforth, he did say that.
--Stage Direction-Danforth having a very shocked look on his face.
--Danforth: Well don’t be silly Herrick I am obviously not the devil.
--Proctor: But why not! Why is it when I say I am the devil, I am. But when I say you are Lucifer, you are not?
--Stage Directions- Reverend hale rushes back into the lobby while pulling Abigail Williams by the arm.
--Proctor: What are you doing back here?
--Hale: I have come with Abigail to try to end this nonsense!
--Stage Directions- Hale pushes Abigail towards Proctor and she flails herself back to Danforth.
--Danforth: You cannot quit the court and then come back again that easy, there must be a reason.
--Hale: The reason is that I want to know if the devil is among us, or if all those people I put to death was all wrong, if they were all innocent. That is my reason!
--Stage Directions- Abigail thinking that John does not and never will love her again, feels that he has insulted her, so is upset and wants revenge.
--Abigail: The devil is among us! It is John Proctor! He has possessed me and the other girls with witchcraft! He is the one!
--Herrick: Danforth! We have to declare court in session now, before everyone starts telling lies again.
--Proctor: How do you know if these are not all lies now?

nicole powell said...

Act 4
Elizabeth and John are arguing with what he has done with Abigail.

Elizabeth: Tell me now!
John: I did nothing with her.
Elizabeth: Do not lie, I know about your secret.
Abigail enters the room.
Abigail: What is going on in here?
Elizabeth: I know about Abigail and you, John. No need to keep it hidden anymore. I want you to admit it.
Elizabeth: She is out of breathe and is angered. You tell me right now John Proctor; did you have an affair with Abigail Williams?
Danforth enters the court room hearing Elizabeth raise her voice.
Danforth: now what do we have? the truth finally.
Proctor: Why….wh-
Danforth: is it the truth John Proctor?
Proctor: ashamed he answers. Yes it is true; Abigail and I had an affair.
Reverend Parris enters.
Parris: What is going on in here?
Elizabeth: ELizabeth, the whore had an affair with my husand!
Parris: You did what Abigail?
Abigail: I did not such thing! that is a lie!
Proctor: Elizabeth I told the truth, I love you. I’m sorry for what I’ve done.
Elizabeth: John, it’s not okay but im willing to move forward.
Proctor: Abigail will you please just tell the truth and not lie.
Abigail: why would i lie? i say no such thing.
Parris: now Abigail please tell us what happened?
Danforth: now we are back at square one with the same answers from before.
Abigail: pointing to Elizabeth. she is the one that is the whore and cant face that John doesnt love her!
Elizabeth: bid you not, i see John trying to make you tell the truth so we can be together, not you and him!
Danforth: now now! ladies, you need to tell the truth. now Abigail what did you and John Proctor do?
Abigail:i bid you not, i have no say in what i did, i did not do nothin'!
Danforth: therefore, we must take John to jail.
John: im telling the truth, this is nonsence!
Danforth: lets go Proctor.
Curtains close.

Anonymous said...

Act 4
Elizabeth and John are arguing with what he has done with Abigail.

Elizabeth: Tell me now!
John: I did nothing with her.
Elizabeth: Do not lie, I know about your secret.
Abigail enters the room.
Abigail: What is going on in here?
Elizabeth: I know about Abigail and you, John. No need to keep it hidden anymore. I want you to admit it.
Elizabeth: She is out of breathe and is angered. You tell me right now John Proctor; did you have an affair with Abigail Williams?
Danforth enters the court room hearing Elizabeth raise her voice.
Danforth: now what do we have? the truth finally.
Proctor: Why….wh-
Danforth: is it the truth John Proctor?
Proctor: ashamed he answers. Yes it is true; Abigail and I had an affair.
Reverend Parris enters.
Parris: What is going on in here?
Elizabeth: ELizabeth, the whore had an affair with my husand!
Parris: You did what Abigail?
Abigail: I did not such thing! that is a lie!
Proctor: Elizabeth I told the truth, I love you. I’m sorry for what I’ve done.
Elizabeth: John, it’s not okay but im willing to move forward.
Proctor: Abigail will you please just tell the truth and not lie.
Abigail: why would i lie? i say no such thing.
Parris: now Abigail please tell us what happened?
Danforth: now we are back at square one with the same answers from before.
Abigail: pointing to Elizabeth. she is the one that is the whore and cant face that John doesnt love her!
Elizabeth: bid you not, i see John trying to make you tell the truth so we can be together, not you and him!
Danforth: now now! ladies, you need to tell the truth. now Abigail what did you and John Proctor do?
Abigail:i bid you not, i have no say in what i did, i did not do nothin'!
Danforth: therefore, we must take John to jail.
John: im telling the truth, this is nonsence!
Danforth: lets go Proctor.
Curtains close.

amanda sumpter

Gary said...


the courtroom is quiet and very serious in demeanor. With john proctor, Abigail Williams, Mary warren, rev. Hale, Dan forth all standing uneasily.

Proctor- Let my wife go. She doesn’t involve herself with no devils work none the less witchery.

Danforth- Quiet you! Now I ask you marry warren; how did this poppet come to be?

Marry warren- I don’t know I…I mean I do but I can’t be too sure of it.

Danforth- confused what do you mean you can’t be too sure?

Marry warren- all I now is that she brought it to the house…as a gift!

Danforth- So you do know something so why not tell it all?

Marry warren- Hastily and fearfully. That’s all I know.

Danforth- Lie! You are lying!

Proctor- Marry, tell him everything you know!

Abigail- Scornfully and aimed at john and Elizabeth. They both are sporting you! I have done nothing but get plagued by this mans wife ever since I’ve known her and now I’m being questioned! You don’t have the right after what we’ve done John!

Proctor- Stricken with fury and disbelief. How dare you!? How bid you stand in front of this court and tell such a tale? You know it as good as your own conniving ways that every bit of English coming out of your mouth is false!

Abigail- In a trance and as if she were a stone she looks fearfully at the ceiling and screams. Why? Why? What did I do? She looks over to john and screams again. Why are you doing this to me? He cast his body out and he has changed into a bird!

Danforth- Excitedly. Where?! Where?!

Elizabeth- He does no such thing!

Danforth- Quiet woman! Now where is this bird?

Abigail- I beg you not! Please no! I won’t be afraid of you anymore for I have god.

Marry warren- Stay away!

Proctor- Marry what are you doing?

Marry warren- He came with the poppet, he tries to get me to do his evil bidding, and He is the devil!

Danforth- Proctor what you are doing to these girls!?

Proctor- I do nothing I do nothing!

Girls- Stay away! You cannot hurt us anymore.

Proctor- Grabbing marry warren by the hair. You will tell the truth or bid me not to whip you!

Marry warren- Thrusting his hands off of her and screaming. You’re truth is nothing but lies! I will not do anything for you!

Danforth- What are you doing?

Proctor- All my life in this rechet town of Salem to be blackened by this bitch!? I have no reason to lie and as for you’re god. He is dead! There is no god in this “holy” town of Salem! Only lowly people overcome with greed and envy strong enough to take others to be hung. And for what? A belief of something that everyone knows is not real!

Danforth- How dare you! Release him at once!

gary kostecki 5th hour

javonte jones said...
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javonte jones said...

javonte jones said...
Act 4 takes place in the the court room.AbigailJohnProctor,Danforth, mary warren,The girls,Elizebeth,

Danforth- How do you dare say you see the devil in me.
John- Because You are a a manipulative fool.Abigail just say do you really see the birds in the air.
Abigail- Yes I do (exctingly) they are in this court room with us now.
Danforth- (YELLING)Abigail stop this foolishness at once just tell the damn truth!
Abagail- I am being honest your honor.
Danforth-(walks over to john)I believe she may be telling the truth john.
John- I know she isnt a witch i just know.
(mary warren walks in the room and the girls follow after her)
Marry warren- May i please say something else to prove im not a witch.
Danforth- proceed.
Marry Warren-If i were a witch i would be capable of casting a spell that may kill everyone..
John- Abigail can you do this?.
Abigail-Yes i can.
John-why dont you show us?
Abigail- i cant
(Elizebeth walks in the court room)
Elizebeth- John if you dont care about her and her life then why are you defending her.i knew it john u did cheat on me
John- Im sorry Elizabeth i did and for that i am sorry.
Elizebeth- How dare you cheat on me John.
Danforth-i will have order in this court.(with anger in his voice)
(Marry warren is still waiting for a comment from danfoth).
Marry warren-So will you answer me danforth.
Danforth-So if you are not a witch i will throw you in the river and see will you come back up.
Marry warren-Ok (in a slightly cryied out voice).

Anonymous said...

Dasha robinson
5th hour

The Crucible Act Four
This act 4 where everyone who appeared in act is abigail and john proctor who are going back and forth with one another ,john is facing abby ...

trying to get The courtroom: very crowded, and very anticipating as everyone waited for the fate of the peoples being perpetrated. John proctor is sentenced to get hanged on a count of lying and having the affair, Abigail continues to pretend to see the birds, therefore getting mercy lewis in trouble who then confesses to witchism, even though she wasn’t and so the court rules that god will help her. But mary warren gets sentenced with witchism as well and continues to plea innocent so they want to test to see if shes lying, they throw her in the river and either way she will die. Elizabteh proctor gets hanged next to john proctor and the town has to watch the married couple die hanging there. Judge Danforth then asks the court if theres anymore witches in town and more people come forth accusing more people.

Danforth: so tell me Abigail do you still see the birds? HUH?

Abigail: i…she…no I do not. KNOW

Danforth: then its final, god has helped you mary since you confessed to it.

Mary: thank you-I'M SO SORRY

Danforth: enough!. So john proctor your fate is also on the line of this courtroom.

Proctor: I have confessed and plead guilty.

Danforth: yes but we all know you only say these things to save your wife Elizabeth.IS TO TELL

Proctor: just let her go at least..

Danforth: I can not do that the fate is determined, in two days the town will watch you and your wife be hanged!!!

Proctor: mumbling under his breath now, CLINCH HIS fists WALKS BACK AND FORTH LEANING against THE wall in despair, is then taken away and hauled to the jail cell where he will be held for the next two days.OR TILL THEY GET MORE INFROMATION .

Danforth: Mercy lewis, you have been accused, and you have not proven to I nor the court that your innocent AND tolerance , we shall test your motive by seeing if you float in the river, if you do that means you are indeed a witch and will be killed or even hung .

Mercy screaming in outrage pleading shes not a witch i promise.

Mary Warren:I CANT , I CANT BELIEVE ALL THIS IS HAPPENEING[in tears mary sobs mubbling little words ]she says
''god got me ''.
all the other in teh court room looks and they...

The courtroom gasps.IS point across And the curtain falls.

Anonymous said...

Will Webster

It was the court date in Salem. Everyone was in the courtroom to see what was going to happen to John and Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail.

The judge calls Abigail up, she walks nervously to sit down

Judge: Abigail are you a witch?
Abigail: No sir, I’m no witch, Elizabeth Proctor is the witch
(John starts yelling)
John: She’s lying sir
Judge: Hush up or I will have you removed from this court
Abigail: That makes me a dishonest then , I’m not a dishonest person
(Slight pause)
John: Hush up Abigail
Judge: Abigail, were you dismissed from the Proctors
Abigail: Yes sir I was
Judge: Why
Abigail: You asked me why sir, Elizabeth doesn’t like me sir, she hates me, that’s why she released me.
(John starts to stare at Abigail, he notices that she is getting nervous, they go for recess, where Abigail goes into a hallway to see John Proctor)
John: Abigail
(Abigail doesn’t answer)
John: Abigail tell the truth my wife’s life is in your hands
Abigail: I will tell the truth, I will just say how you had an affair with a 16 year old girl….(2 second Pause) you are a cheater John
John: Listen hear girl, tell them my wife is not a witch, (yelling) tell them that was your poppet Abigail. (Grabs her neck)
Abigail: You’re going to pay for this
(Abigail starts to cry a little)
Reverend Hale: Abigail what’s wrong
Abigail: (Pointing) Elizabeth the witch
Reverend Hale: What Witch
Abigail: Witch Elizabeth, she’s a witch, look at the marks she gave me on my neck
Danforth: Take her out now she shall be hanged
John: No she’s lying sir.
Parris: How can you explain the marks?
(John Hesitates)
John: I can’t sir, but my wife is no witch. She’s a liar
Abigail: O im a liar now but not when you had affair with me
(Everyone looks around surprised)


Black Death said...

Act 4"
Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail are haveing a afair with Mr. Proctor

Elizabeth: Tell the truth plz!
Abigail: I just did.
Elizabeth: Don't lie, I know about it.
Proctor enters the room with a shock upon his face after he hears what the two women are talking about. John does not know if he should confess or lie about him and Abigail.
Proctor: What is wrong?
Elizabeth: I know about Abigail and you, John. No need to keep it hidden anymore. I want to hear it from you.
Elizabeth: She gased up. You tell me right now John Proctor; did you have an affair with Abigail Williams?
Danforth enters the court room hearing Elizabeth yell.
Danforth: Is that true Mr. Proctor?
Proctor: pauses.... knowing what to say. He decides it would be better if he told the truth. Why….wh-
Danforth: Is it?
Proctor: he answers with a unhappy yes. Yes it is true; Abigail and I had an affair.
Reverend Parris enters.
Parris: What is going on in here?
Elizabeth: Your niece had an affair with my John Proctor Sr.!
Parris: You did what Abigail?
Abigail: I did nothing. She is lieing for having Mary Warren give her the poppet.
Proctor pulls Elizabeth away from everyone. They have a quick talk for a few.
Proctor: Elizabeth I tell nothing but the truth and you should to, I love you. I’m ashamed for what I’ve done.
Elizabeth: No John, it's never okay to do anything like that. i think we should split. You betrayed me and thats reason enough!
Proctor has a shameful look on his face. They return the the rest.
Proctor: Abigail will you please just tell Mr. Danforth that we had an affair.
Abigail: NO because there was never anything between us.
Parris: Stop lieing to your self Abigail. Tell the dame truth.
Danforth: I’m sorry Abigail but you need to say good bye. We have to take Johns side.
Curtains close. THE END

michael broxton said...

my cartoon remix well abigail is try to tell john what he doing wrong.

abigail-john why is you doing this
john-all i trying to do is tell the truth.
abigail-they are try to kill me.
john- if i tell the truth i will get hurt.
danforth-what is wrong with you
john-well i trying to save my wife.
cheever- is u tell the truth.
john- yes im tell the truth.
Danforth-im going to make the right decision.
john- all i need to prove they are some lier.
Abigail- please hurry!
paris-how do u know he lieing.
abigail- I do!
paris- well he gon have to tell the truth and prove they lieing.
john- well why do u think im lieing.
paris- I do it just that we can see it in your face.
Elizabeth- thinking about how is she going to tell them.
danforth- abgail said wat is u looking at.
elizabeth- saying she is going to check to be sure.
danfoth- i going to give u one more change.
paris- she not pargent!
elizabeth-how u know that.
danforth- Quiet you! Now I ask you marry warren; how did this poppet come to be?
Marry warren- I don’t know I…I mean I do but I can’t be too sure of it.
Danforth-what do you mean you can’t be too sure?
Marry warren- Because all I now is that she brought it to the house…as a gift!
Elizabeth: Tell me now!
Abigail: I did nothing with John Proctor.
john-Abigail will you please just tell Mr. Danforth that we had an affair.

michael broxton

Cheyenne Floyd said...

Act 4
Mid-morning. Everyone has filled the courtroom. Abigail is sitting on the side with out emotion but believing she has secured the death of Goody Proctor but wondering what John is conjuring in his head and thinking of her next move.

JOHN: looking at Abby with disgust Im telling you she was only trying to keep my name clean. She is a good wife. She would do anything to keep me out of harm.

DANFORTH: sharply You said she wasnt a liar. Even if there was an incident between you and Ms. Williams, she has lied about it and therefore can not be trusted.

JOHN: quickly But sir-

DANFORTH: cutting him off I will hear no more of it.

John falls to his knees and begins to pray


DANFORTH: Silence!

The courtroom is very tense as Danforth tries to think of what to do next. Abigail, still sitting off to the side, begins to slowly move her body into a more comfortable position and catches the eye of the judge.

DANFORTH: I wish to see Abigail in my private quarters for questioning.

Parris escorts Abigail out of the courtroom. John looks absolutely miserable but knows he can not say anything. Danforth follows Parris out. Hale, John and others are left in courtroom wondering what will happen next.

Meanwhile, in private quarters...

DANFORTH: to Abby Have a seat. she sits I know this must be very stressful for you. I need to know the truth. I can not take the life of the innocent without being 100% sure of the accusations.

ABIGAIL: Sir, I speak only the truth. Goody Proctor dislikes me for reasons I know not. I have tried to be good Im still not good enough for her. I think she is jealous of me because I am young and Proctor has a wondering eye at times.

DANFORTH: You are a very attractive young lady. But looks wont get you very far in this case.

ABIGAIL: realizing her chance You really believe Im attractive?

Danforth moves close to Abigail, touching her lightly on the shoulder, looking deep into her eyes confirming to her that she is beautiful. Abigail takes advantage of the moment and Danforth, promising her safety.

A few hours later, Danforth and Abigail re-enter the courtroom.
Goody Proctor is brought in as well to hear what Danforth has to say.

DANFORTH: John, I have reason to believe that the incident with Abigail Williams did not actually occur but was just a figment of the imagination. For this, I excuse your prior behavior.

JOHN: sitting, looking disshevled, reluctantly Aye.

DANFORTH: mainly towards John but speaking to everyone As for Goody Proctor, she will be held until further notice.

ELIZABETH: faintly There is something I would like to bring to the courts attention.

Mary Warren sitting in the back now looks up curiously

ELIZABETH: continuing I am with child.


{L33~L33} said...

Lee'Ora Johnson
Act Four

The John is being sentenced for lying having a affair on is wife Elizabeth Proctor, Abigal sticks to her story and pretends she sees birds, Danforth-the prosecuter, is determined to get to the end of this whole withcraft theory. Mary Warren and Elizabeth Proctor are also sentenced to be hanged for withcraft.

Curtain rises, Action.

Abigal stands motionless and as if she can't talk.

John:Abigal you need to tell them the truth!

Abigal: I see..I see-

Danforth:What do you see?

John: Tell them the truth whore!

Abigal:I see birds...

John:You know Mary tell them! My wife is geeting liued on for something Abigal did.

Danforth:What do you know, Mary.

Mary looks stunned

Mary:I know nothing but the tuth....Abigal brung that gift to the house.

Danforth: You talking about the doll?

Mary:Aye.your honor

Abigal:Lie, your hurting us girls

Girls: Yeah hurting us.

Danforth:In a demanding voice..What are you doing to these he slams his hand on the table.

John:Fiercefully...I do nothing to these girls.They're all liars!

Mary:John,tryed to get me to play with the doll.

John:storms to Mary pulling her by her hair..You liar, you'll tell them the truth now.
Mary tries to push him off.

Danforth:Thank you Mary.

John:Seems to me everybody is taking your side Abigal.Your nothing but a whore and a liar. Your the devils work. So, I'm nothing,I'm already proven guilty.

Abigal: Aye.with a smerk on her face staring right into John's eyes

Danforth:Pointing at John then Abigal..turn your heads.Elizabeth enter!

Elizabeth:wonders what has happened and do everyone know wha she know.I speak nothing but the truth.

Danforth:excited to get the end of may start.

Elizabeth..looks down at her feet and says in a low voice...Abigal slept with my husband.
oooss and the courtroom.

Abigal:he forced me, I was there servant, I was told to do everything, no questions asked.

Danforth:Take MR. and Ms.Proctor away...
Curtain falls..

Chloe Wise said...

The Crucible Act 4

Everyone in the court room is sitting listening intensely to abigail and john argue.

Abigail-It's nothing more to say..the truth is out.
John-Abigail would you just tell the truth.
Abigal tearful eyes stares down at the floor.
Abigail-i have.
John-angrily,You are a liar!
They are going to kill my wife and daughter and you're standing here lying.Would you please for christ sake tell the damn truth.
Abigail-sobbing,what you you want me to do lie!
John starts to move towards her with his fist balled up.
Danforth-proceeds towards john,We are not goin to have this nonosense if you dare try to do something to this child i would have you out of here in a heartbeat.Do you follow my lead Mr.Proctor?
John stares with cold eyes but nothing is said.
Danforth-Mr.Proctor? I asked you a question!
John-says very low,yes.
Danforth-I can't hear you.
Danforth-Okay,we will now proceed.
Abigail are you telling the truth?
Danforth-Mr.Parris what do you think shall be done.
Parris-i think Proctor is a liar.
John-Who give you the right to dare tell me im a liar.
Parris-i do.
John runs toward parris but danfroth catches him.
Danforth to Parris-Get this man out of here.
Elizabeth-sobbing and screaming, No please don't take my husband.Please.
Proctor-Dont worry hunnie im going to fix this,i love you i won't let this happen to you.
Abigail sits silently sobbing.
Elizabeth to Abigail-Please just tell the truth.
Abigail-I Have,it's nothing left to say.
John-Abigail you will pay.

Curtains close

Anonymous said...

Megan Wells’ Act four:

Danforth: chasing hale out the door quickly leaves. Mr. Hale! Mr. Hale!

Parris: runs out after Danforth. Wait! You can’t just leave!

Left in the room alone, the girls giggle, all but Mary Warren. Believing they have won they stop pretending to see the bird and shivering.

Abigail: Approaching Proctor. Why don’t you just give up? You still love me. I know it. I’m doing what is right. I’m getting her out of the way. We can be together out of secrecy. Why are you trying to ruin it?

Proctor: I don’t love you! I never loved you. Lusted, yes, but never loved. I love Elizabeth. I would rather hang then live without her. I will never be with you.

Abigail: becoming enraged. Fine! Be with her, six feet under the ground. You’ll both hang. You will regret this john proctor. Mark my words. You will regret this. I intend to laugh the day they hang you. I hope you watch her die. Abigail turns to the other girls who are now quivering in fright. I swear to god if you tell anyone about what you just witness I will kill you all! Hale, Parris, and Danforth enter. Abigail doesn’t notice and continues her tantrum. I will murder you. You’ve seen how many people have been hanged because of me. I’ll accuse you too. It won’t be hard. She turns to Mary Warren. You will be first! I can’t believe you turned on me! You treacherous little WITCH!

Parris: shocked at what he has just witnessed. ABIGAIL!! What have you done? You’ve killed innocent people. Why would you do this? What were you thinking?

Abigail: quickly thinking of another lie to tell, it’s because of Proctor. I swear it. He loves me! He is the sinner! He loves me! He asked me to bed! Not the other way! He did it he did it he did it!

Danforth: Abigail! You will hang for this. I signed many death warrants for the lies you told. You’re blackening my name. MY name. I think not. You WILL hang for this.

Hale: wait! Maybe she is being made to say this. John has already admitted to being the devil.

Proctor: My name is already blackened. My wife is to be hanged soon. I have nothing to live for. I don’t need this added to my list.

Danforth: Your wife will hang. I’ve already signed the warrant. There is nothing I can do now. But, you have a choice. You can either live with your blackened name or leave Salem forever. Now to the girls: This will all be taken from the record. Your names will not be blackened. But you will never speak of this again. Then to Abigail: you will leave Salem. You will not return. If anyone should ever see you here again you will be hanged on the spot. That is my final word.

Proctor: I wish to be hanged. I cannot live without my Elizabeth and you will not spare her. I don’t even have my good name. What have I got to live for? Nothing, nothing at all. Therefore I shall not live. I shall be hanged at my wife’s side.

Danforth: If that is your wish.

derrick rodgers said...

Derrick Rodgers 5th hour

The Crucible act4
John Procter ,Abigail ,Danforth, was all there IN the courtroom .In the courtroom it was very serious I mean very serious.

John - please ,please tell the truth Abigail.
Abigail-John you know am telling the truth .why would I lie.
John -NO you are not telling the truth tell Mr.danforth the truth .
Danforth-Abigail so if you are telling the truth you are saying that John is a lier.
Abigail-WHy would I sided with the devil.Iam GODS child.
John-danforth Iam telling the truth she lieing and she is fakeing the hole thing her and the girls

Erica Kole said...

Act Four

The girls sit quietly and nervously as John Proctor turns to face Abigail who also looks distraught and angry. Elizabeth stares at her husbands back with a blank expression gracing her features. Judge Danforth is standing as John reaches across the small wall meant to protect the girl, grabbing Abigail by the front of her dress roughly, almost thrusting her across the barrier.

Proctor: shouting angrily, Harlot, you lie!

Danforth: Proctor! Sit down and seize this outburst!

Abigail: Never would I lie of such a thing

Proctor: to Danforth, She wishes to replace my Elizabeth. To Abigail, But never again will I think of you softly

Danforth walks to John. He jerks the mans hold from the girl and lies a hand on her shoulder as if to comfort her. John looks at Danforth with a fiery look.

Proctor: She lies…He begs desperately.

Danforth: If you lie of such a thing, Mr. Proctor, you will hang. I tell you but once. Sit yourself down and remain silent.

Proctor: Looks up at the beams, defeated for the moment. To Danforth, I cannot let their lies continue on. She were willing to bed with a married man. She only wishes to rid herself and I of my wife, thinking I shall stand by her happy.

Abigail: enraged now, He tells lies! That is all he is telling. Screeching, Lies!

Proctor: Oh, but it is not. What reason would Elizabeth have but to out a whore after her spot of life? Angered, None! She have no reason but that!

The whole court is quiet as Abigail meets John’s eyes, a sort of betrayal shining there. He looks away, unashamed. The girls beside Abigail, move down the wooden bench, now shaken to the core, knowing the end of their game is nearing.

Susanna Walcott: Quietly, as if unsure, Abby bedded Mr. Proctor but what reason would we have for murder? Waving her arms to encompass the other girls.

They all nod in unison. Mary Warren still weeps silently beside Abigail.

Mercy Lewis: As quietly as Susanna, We do not wish no one dead at lease they are of the Devil.
A small smile curves Abigail’s mouth.

Abigail: They only speak the truth, Your Majesty. It be the most unlikely that hide in the closed palms of the Devil and only we have seen the bare hands spread wide. There be one more we have not yet mentioned.

John glances at the girl, knowing what will follow.

Proctor: Danforth, they will spout a lie from their rotten mouths!

Danforth looks annoyed as he waves off Proctor, looking directly at Abigail.

Danforth: Silence, Proctor. What is it you have to tell, child?

Abigail turns to look at the other girls and turns back to Danforth a soft look of victory in her eyes. At once, Abigail begins to moan and clutches her stomach as if in pain. Proctor looks stricken. She falls to her knees and looks up at John Proctor.

Danforth: rushes to Abigail’s side, What be your problem child? What ails you?

Proctor: Do not listen to her. Turning to the others in the court. Do not listen to a damned word she speaks!

Proctor turns to Danforth, then strides to Abigail, jerking her up by her hair.

Proctor: Stand up, Harlot! Stand up! Shakes her roughly.

Abigail: Moaning painfully, It is him…

Proctor: Shut up!

Danforth: Who is it, Abigail? Glances at Proctor.Who wishes to hurt a child?

Abigail looks up at John from behind evil eyes, meant to destroy.

Abigail: John Proctor!

Joe Scarantino said...

Joe Scarantino

Act 4

John, Abigail, Danfoth, hawthorn, Marry

(The courtroom was quiet).
John- please tells the truth.
(John is almost crying and pulls out a sword and gun)
Everyone- Oh no!
John- Get on the ground! Now! Marry get over here!
Mary- (weeping) No
John walks over to here
John- MOVE!
(Mary moves to the front of the courtroom and turns into a witch.)
John- What the-
Danforth- This in Nonsense
Marry- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! (She tries to cast a spell. Danforth turns into a frog)
Danforth- *ribbet*
John- This must end now!
(John grabs marry and takes her to the giant hole at the outskirts of town. She is chained up and has 1000 pound weights on her legs).
Mary- Let me go now! I’m sorry! (She falls to her knees. The she stands up)
John yells at the top of his lungs
John- ….THIS….IS ……SALEM!!! (Then he Sparta stomps her down the hole.)
Hawthorn- wow
(Now Salem lives happily ever after.)

Anonymous said...

Kassie Shelton,
The crucible; Act Four.

The courtroom had gone dead quiet. Abigail continues to be extremely frightened by what she thinks is a devilish bird or other wise known as Marry Warren. Which in Abigail’s eyes, is trying to kill her. Marry begs for her innocence. Mean while Mr. Danforth, And Mr. Hawthorn are sure that Marry Warren is indeed a witch. And John Proctor, steadily getting frustrated, when he thinks there all lying to him.
Characters- Abigail, John Proctor, Mr. Danforth, Marry Warren, Mr. Hale.

Abigail: Please don’t hurt me Marry, please don’t.
Mary: I’m here Abby, I’m here. Imp not trying to hurt you. Honest imp not.
Abigail: I’ll do whatever you want Marry, Please stay away.
Marry: I have no idea Mr. Proctor; I’d never wish to hurt her, promise.
John: Now you listen here Marry you tell me right this instant, why does she see you as the bird. WHY!
Abigail: (whimpering in the corner, sobbing) she’s coming she’s coming!
Marry: NO, i'm not.. Honest. Abby I’m right here. Look at me!
John runs over to Abigail, grabbing her in comfort. The bird, swoops down aiming for Abigail. It reaches her, and attacks her.
John: She’s making the bird attack her! Marry Warren is a witch!
Marry: (bawling her eyes out) NO I’M NOT I SWARE.
Danforth: Take her away, she has no place here.
Mr. Hale: aye sir, I shall be sure she is sentenced to death, if not hung.
Marry: I’m not a witch, I shall never be one. Don’t take me!
Danforth: Come this way, now.
Grabbing onto marry’s arm, she struggles as Mr. Danforth and Mr. Hale wrap there arms around her, and carry her out of the court room.
Mr. Hale: People like you have NO place in this town, ya here me. NO PLACE!
Marry: sobbing, in pity. Please…. let me go!
Mr. Hale: I shall not. I’m doing as I was told. You’re a witch. You shall be punished.
Abigail: She’s coming for me again! Take her away, she’s going to cast a spell on me again, take her away!
John: Do as the woman says, take her away. We don’t need people like her casting spells and what not. Marry Warren is not wanted in this town, anymore.
Mr. Hale and Mr. Danforth take her out of sight. Where she is hung. The court room grows dead in akward silence. Mr. Hale comes back into the court room with the news of Marry Warren.
Mr. Hale: I’m pleased to say, Marry Warren is dead.
John: Does her well, Does her good.
They then started to exit the courtroom, Marry Warren had been accused and murdered. Now they were on to find someone else.

Anonymous said...

James Jones

The Crucible Act 4

The courtroom is full of people, yet silent as the wind. Elizabeth is at the stand crying as john walks in.
John: This is an outrage, there is no way that my wife be a witch.
Danforth: You have seen the poppet with your own eyes.
John: yes, but marry warren already explained to you that she made that poppet in this courtroom.
Marry Warren: It was a lie Mr. Danforth, he made me say it. He said that if I don’t that he would destroy my soul.
John: That is a lie and you know it marry. Don’t be crazy and tell them what is really going on.
Marry Warren: But I already have told the truth, your secret has been let out.
Elizabeth walks up to marry warren with a look of tremendous anger in her eyes.
Elizabeth: You are a lying whore, tell these people the truth. Tell them that you really made the poppet.
Marry Warren: I cannot for I shalt not lie.
John walks up to Abigail and looks her dead in the eyes.
John: Abigail you mustn’t lie, please if you tell them the truth I will come back to you.
Abigail: I am not lying if I was then I would make that deal. Me and you were never together.
John gets pissed and pulls out a revolver. He points it at Abigail.
John: If you don’t want to tell the truth then let this bullet pierce through your heart.
Parris enters the courtroom.
Abigail: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Just please don’t shoot. I admit it, I was lying.
Everyone looks at each other astonishingly surprised.
Parris: So then the spirits you claimed to see were never real?
The courtroom stands in complete silence.
Abigail: It was all fake, just a joke. I didn’t mean for it to get this serious.
John: For this trouble I shall still put this bullet through that rotten thing you call a heart.
Parris slowly inches toward john in an attempt to get the gun.
Parris: just put down the gun and nobody will have to get hurt.
John cocks back the trigger.
John: no she took it too far this time. I want her dead.
Abigail: please john I am terribly sorry.
Elizabeth: john put down the gun, its okay now.
As john pulls the trigger Abigail lets out a demonic laugh which is soon followed by complete silence
The curtain falls

Kendyl Brown said...

Act Four

Danforth, Abigail, John, and Elizabeth are left in the court room discussing the issue of what actually happened between and whether or not John is associated with the Devil.

Proctor: pointing at Abigail, Tell them the truth, you filthy whore!

Elizabeth: John….

Danforth: That’s enough! Child did you not commit lechery with Mr. Proctor?

With pure fury and anger, Abigail dashes for the door, running into Herrick at the door. Herrick grabs her arm and shoves her back into the room.

Danforth: shouting YOU WILL SETTLE DOWN AT ONCE! Now you will answer my question or be hanged! Did you or did you not commit lechery with Mr. Proctor?!

Abigail: with bitterness I cannot believe that you speak of such false accusations, Mr. Danforth.

Elizabeth: It’s a lie! All of it is lies!

Danforth: If I ask you to settle down one more time Mrs. Proctor, you’ll be removed from this court room!

Elizabeth: I know what you did. You have sought to murder me and take my place in my family! I will not let you do the Devil’s work! John, tell him---

Abigail: directed at Danforth. Do you honestly believe her?

Proctor: Mr. Danforth, if I may----

Danforth: This is getting off the point! Abigail Williams, for the last time, did you or did you not commit lechery with John Proctor?

Abigail: truthfully Aye sir, I did.

Elizabeth: See! Her aim is to take my husband away from me! She’s nothing but allied with Lucifer!

After a few moments, Reverend Parris and Hale enter.

Parris: What is the meaning of this?

Hale: Mr. Parris----

Danforth: Your niece admits to have committed lechery with Mr. Proctor. Is there anything that you’d want to say, Mr. Proctor?

Proctor: I have to say, Abigail, I do not love you. I love my Elizabeth and always will love her. You mean nothing to me. Elizabeth, I am indeed sorry that I betrayed you and your trust. I never meant for anything to go this far, but unfortunately, it did. He tries to take her hand in comfort, but she forcefully wrenches her hand away.

Elizabeth: I am indeed sorry too, John. Sorry that I ever put my faith into us. I trusted you, and you hurt me. I don’t think that I can ever put my faith into you ever again.

Hale: If I may interrupt, but I don’t think you should be hard on him, Mrs. Proctor. Your husband is a good man indeed, and I believe it is due to God is leading him down the right path.

Parris: with rage I cannot stand for this! How could you do this Abigail? I thought you were following the path of our Heavenly Father? You are a disgrace!

Abigail: saddened by his words. Uncle, I-----

Danforth: I think this has gone far enough. Herrick, please escort Ms. Williams to the jail. As for you, Mr. and Mrs. Proctor, I will release you of your charges.

Curtain closes.

Anonymous said...

the crucible
it takes place in the court room no bigger then a soccer field. there are five people in the court section. there is abby, jhon proctor,,danforth, mary warren.
abby: walks in the court room jhon proctor just looks at her.
jhon: he is very angry at danforth and
danforth: is on marry warren side for abby case.
abby: stands at the judge and tells them she was not poked with a needle she says she just feel.
danforth: says she was poked in the side of her body and did not bleed.
marry warren: stands up and says she was poked in the side of her body and she also did not see any blood.
jhon proctor: stand and says how do you know she did not bleed do you have any evidence of this.
Danforth: no but we no she has a scare on her left side of her body were the needlehit her. walks in and says if she has the scare on the left side of her body then it is true she had sleped and feel on a needle.
abby: lifts up her shirt shows scare and says it is true she has finealy confused.
jhon proctor: says ok that is true but how do you know she has not bleed.
marywarren: says there was no blood on her shirt because it did not bleed threw her shirt but if there was blood then there would be a blood stain on her shirt.
abby: says she was bleeding at home.
jhon: says do you have the shirt on you.
Abby: says yes i do have the shirt on me. asks if i can see the shirt
Abby:gives it to revrend paris.
rev.parris: parris says there is no blood on this shirt.
abby: says that because i washed it.
Marrywarren. says end the case for today.
stage direction
abby is always looking at danforth.
jhon can not admit that abby is a witch bec ause he does not know if it is true.
danforth says she does not bleed.
and marry warren really does not want anything to do with it. says wheather right or wrong.

By Gregory Amerkhanian
6th hour
Danforth says blood does not wash of clothing it stains.

Anonymous said...


Everyone is in the courtroom. And when I say everyone I mean everyone. Is in there sitting down. And the mood is so crazy because everyone feels a Little uncomfortable and even scared. Danforth is at the judge little table and he feels as if he should judge this one b/c it is a very important case. Danforth talks to John who is acting as if he is his wifes lawyer.

John - Your Excellency my wife is innocent and I beleive that Abigail is a liar.

Danforth - But John. you have given me good evidence of to why I should believe you. But we all saw for our selves the Wicked power that she possesses over these girls.

Elizabeth - But your excellency I have no power. They are just liars all Liars.

GIrls - They are just Liars all Liars.

Elizabeth begins to Wimper.

Danforth - Y'see John. YOur Wife is to powerful to be kept alive. I am sentencing you to dea--

John - Wait! Just wait one moment Mr. Danforth Please give me one more chance.

John walks over to his wife and wispers something in her ear.

Elizabeth - Your Excellency can I have one last thing to say

Girls - Your Excellency can I have one last thing to say!!

Danforth - What might that be Mrs. Proctor.

Elizabeth - Well your excellency, all I have to say is .... "HOW MUCH COULD A WOOD CHUCK CHUCK IF A WOOD CHUCK COULD CHUCK WOOD!!

There is a long silence in the court.

Danforth - Excuse me what did you say Mrs. Proctor.

GIles - Wait a minute. Why didnt the girls repeat what she said.

John - B/c They are all liars see I told you so Mr. Danforth.

Danforth - I want them all put in jail right now.

Tituba busts threw the door

Tituba - WAIT A MINUTE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Act 4

The courtroom is tense, Danforth all confused, proctor is also accused!

Danforth- I called order in court! Looking at proctor and Abigial.

Proctor- Abigial is a liar, liar I tell you! Staring at abigal.

Abigial- Excellency!, I will not take this I work for god, and say nothing but the truth.

Proctor- My wife I tell you is not involved at all with the devil! I swear, you must let her go! Him looking directly at proctor.

Hale- Excellency! I have know proctor for a long time. He tells no lie!

Danforth- Mary Warren says that you make her sign, is this true? Walking towards proctor

Proctor- No sir, I don’t and will never work for the devil.

Danforth- Mary! You must say nothing at all but the truth! Do you understand?

Warren- Excellency! Yes, I understand.

Danforth- Is what you said earlier about them working for the devil true? Answer me truthfully! Looking dead into Mary warrens eyes

Warren- yes Excellency, yes it is, every night!

Proctor- this is all lies! All of it! I DON”T WORK FOR NO DEVIL! Banging the table.

Danforth- I don’t know who to believe I say you take them all up and lock them up until further notice, this will be discussed again! Starting to try to walk away!

Proctor- what will happen to my wife?

Danforth- she says she is pregnant, we will keep her until she has given birth then we will see after that!

Hale- Excellency! Looking at danforth.

Proctor- Excellency! Looking at danforth

Abigial- Excellency! In a better mood walking away!

Danforth- Don’t want to hear nothing, I will have to think! Until then all of you stay put! Staring to once again walk away.

Abigial- Will only work for god!!!!!!!!

Danforth- Court dismissed!!

Curtains close!!

-umang mistry 6th hour

Erica Bazman(: said...

Danforth, chasing hale out the door quickly leaves: Mr. Hale! Mr. Hale!
Mr. Parris runs out of the courtroom following both Danforth and Mr. Hale.

Back in the courtroom there is complete silence. The girls stand in a circle near the corner of the room. Now calmed down and no longer shrieking about the bird they saw.

John Proctor, walks to Abigail and quietly says: Abigail. You need to stop this nonsense right here. This can’t go any farther. My Elizabeth will hang!

Abigail, loudly: Then let it be! I will keep the truth with me till the grave! You are forever mine John, and Elizabeth is merely –

John Proctor, my wife! She is my wife Abigail and what you and I had, is no more. It was nothing more than a one time affair. I’m not sure how you got became to in love with me. I love Abigail and –

Abigail, with anger and sadness in her voice: You love me John! You’ve always loved me and you’ll never stop and you know this! Why can’t you just admit that? Are you scared you will too be accused of being a witch?

John, with sympathy: I do not love you Abigail, I’m sorry that you think that way but the truth is I love my Elizabeth very much. I am not one bit scared of being accused of witchcraft. It is you who should be worried –

Abigail, filling with more anger: No John Proctor! I promise you this! If you wish to stay with Elizabeth that is what you will get but you will no longer live your life on this earth.

John, is that a threat, Abigail?

Abigail, Aye, it is John.

A gunshot rings from outside in the distance and all conversations in the courtroom quickly stop. The courtroom is now silent and filled with faces of fear and shock. Mr. Hale, Danforth and Mr. Hale push through the courtroom doors and make their way through the room while viciously arguing and screaming.

Danforth, to John Proctor: Mr. Proctor. I am sorry to tell you that Elizabeth has been shot. Proctor weakens and falls to the ground with anger and sadness both appearing on his face. While being taken from the courtroom she escaped from the officer’s grip and ran through the forest -

Mr. Hale, and this entire time we have been trying to help them find her. Danforth quickly suggested looking in the forest and while we were walking we saw her slowly running past a tree in the distance –

Danforth, so I shot. I didn’t kill her sir, I merely injured her shoulder. She is in the care of Tituba for she that is who Elizabeth wished to be seen by. Until she is feeling better, the trial will be put on hold.

John Proctor, with relief, rises to his feet once again: Aye?

Mr. Hale, Yes John, put on hold. But after this stunt she pulled today I can almost guarantee that she will most likely be hung.

John Proctor, moves forward and grasps Mr. Hale by his shirt: Mr. Hale you cannot do this! You know why she ran! She is innocent! We are both innocent! He points to Abigail. It is Abigail you should be hanging!

Abigail covers her eyes and falls to the floor sobbing.

Danforth, I’m sorry Mr. Proctor but that is the law and your Elizabeth has broken it. There is nothing we can do about it.

John Proctor, hesitates, then loudly says: Fine! Then I wish to be hung with my Elizabeth! Quietly, I cannot imagine my life without her.

Abigail, looks up from the floor with a sad look on her face: John?

John Proctor, ignores her and turns around to be handcuffed: Go ahead Danforth, cuff me.

Danforth pulls out his handcuffs and puts them around John’s arms. The two slowly walk through the courtroom doors as Abigail begins to cry much louder and the girls quietly crowd around her.

The curtain falls.

Anonymous said...

Act 4
The scene is in the courtroom
Danforth: Is yelling and shouting Order.

Proctor: Excellency. Excellency.

Danforth: Says nothing back in respond

Abigail: Is talking to her self worried

Giles Cory: I know what’s going on but you can’t get me involved in this nonsense.

Elizabeth: Is right behind Proctor

Danforth: So are you not going to tell me what’s going on here John.

Proctor: Sir. I’m not even really sure that I can tell you that sir.

Danforth: And why is that Mr. Proctor.

Proctor: Because sir I don’t feel that it’s the right thing to do if I tell you something but what I am telling you I really don’t even know he whole truth behind it.

Danforth: Oh ok is see now; you want to act like you don’t know anything now huh.

Elizabeth: Is in the corner all to her self thinking bout how and what she can say to get all of this drama over.

Giles Cory: If I was you I would just do what’s in my heart and go with it, see nowadays you have to show the man that your not scared of him by standing your ground.

Elizabeth: Yells Excellency.

Abigail: Yells Excellency

Giles Cory: Yells Excellency


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the crucible
it takes place in the court room no bigger then a soccer field. there are five people in the court section. there is abby, jhon proctor,,danforth, mary warren.
abby: walks in the court room jhon proctor just looks at her.
jhon: he is very angry at danforth and
danforth: is on marry warren side for abby case.
abby: stands at the judge and tells them she was not poked with a needle she says she just feel.
danforth: says she was poked in the side of her body and did not bleed.
marry warren: stands up and says she was poked in the side of her body and she also did not see any blood.
jhon proctor: stand and says how do you know she did not bleed do you have any evidence of this.
Danforth: no but we no she has a scare on her left side of her body were the needlehit her. walks in and says if she has the scare on the left side of her body then it is true she had sleped and feel on a needle.
abby: lifts up her shirt shows scare and says it is true she has finealy confused.
jhon proctor: says ok that is true but how do you know she has not bleed.
marywarren: says there was no blood on her shirt because it did not bleed threw her shirt but if there was blood then there would be a blood stain on her shirt.
abby: says she was bleeding at home.
jhon: says do you have the shirt on you.
Abby: says yes i do have the shirt on me. asks if i can see the shirt
Abby:gives it to revrend paris.
rev.parris: parris says there is no blood on this shirt.
abby: says that because i washed it.
Danforth says blood does not wash of clothing it stains.
Marrywarren. says end the case for today.
stage direction
abby is always looking at danforth.
jhon can not admit that abby is a witch because he does not know if it is true.
danforth says she does not bleed.
and marry warren really does not want anything to do with it. says wheather right or wrong.

By Gregory Amerkhanian
6th hour ihad made a miitake on the 1st one so i fixed it up

Steven Fortner said...

It is evening around 8:00, and Danforth, John Proctor, Abigail Williams, Judge Hathorne, and Herrick are in the court room. The court room is a gloomy and solemn place with only a little light shining in it.
(Danforth is pacing around the court room wondering about what Proctor has said. Herrick is holding Proctor back from going off again.)

Danforth: (wonderingly) what is the real story between you and Abigail, Sir Proctor?

Proctor: (sighing with despair) well Sir, before this situation, me and Abigail had relations with each other. And yes! I admit it, I cheated on Elizabeth and I am not happy about it. I didn’t tell anybody because Abigail said she would tell the whole town. Well I am soiling my own name instead of her.

Abigail: (angrily) now you say you’re not happy about it! You didn’t try to stop what happened that night.

Proctor: Mr. Danforth, this woman is… (He pauses)…a witch!

Abigail: I deny that I am a witch! I deny it! I love God more than anything!

Danforth: (Danforth is very shocked about what he is hearing. He sits down and thinks about what has just happened) Well, I don’t know what to say about this. (To Abigail) if you are a witch then we must hang you.

Abigail: (sobbing) I am not a witch. Do not believe the words that he is saying. Please!

Proctor: Do not believe this woman! She is a whore! A whore I tell you!

Danforth: Man! I tell you one last time, sit your self down! (Herrick is next to Proctor waiting for Danforth to tell him to take him out the court room, but Danforth shakes his head in a “no” direction. Herrick is surprised) Let the man speak Herrick.

Proctor: (slamming the table) this woman is a lie! She is only manipulating you Sir! She is a witch!

Abigail: (crying) I am not a witch! I-

Danforth: (To Proctor) is saying she is a witch your final answer?

Proctor: Yes! Sir do you not see that she is?!

Hathorne: (To Proctor) do you have any proof for this accusation?

Proctor: (Proctor stops and looks around). Well Sir, I… Sir she is a witch! Just look at her!
Hathorne: (impatiently) I see her Sir Proctor. But do you have proof that this woman is a witch?

Abigail: (sarcastically) yes John. Let’s see proof that I am a witch.

Proctor: This woman is a Witch!

Herrick: John I don’t think you have any proof.

Proctor: I don’t exactly have any proof but I can feel that she is a witch.

Hathorne: I don’t think you have any proof either. You are to serve in jail for 30 days for not having proof that this woman is a witch.

Proctor: Why! I know she is a witch!

Danforth: Take him away. (Herrick goes and grabs Proctor and drags him into a jail cell)
(To Abigail) Are you sure that you are not a witch Abigail?

Abigail: Yes. I am not a witch. I go to church everyday and serve God.

(When the court session is over, Abigail has a smirk on her face laughing because she has manipulated the court and everyone else again.)

Jessica Duncan said...

In the courtroom remain Reverend Hale, Hathorne, John Proctor, Abigail, Mary Warren, Betty Parris, and Mercy Lewis. With tension, Abigail immediately faces John Proctor giving him the look of death, as if he had forgotten the truth between them in which they kept to themselves. Everyone is standing around after silence and the reveal of Mary Warren as a “yellow bird”. The men are shocked and confused after the imitation of the Mary Warren by the girls. As of now, Mary Warren is accused of being a witch not only because of the girls mocking her, but because they believe she is sending spirits into the girls, all apart of witchcraft. After careful thoughts, Danforth has entered the room with a very precise judgment.

After Elizabeth has left.

Danforth: I’ve come to a conclusion. Mary Warren should be accused of WITCHCRAFT!

Mary Warren: Danforth, sir, the girls¬-the girls are lying, Abby please tell them, STOP it Abby!

Danforth: I have yet to believe a witch. Gentlemen take her away.
(Carrying out Mary, Hale, Hathorne, Betty, and Mercy exit the room.)

Proctor: How could you lie! (Walking up to Abigail)

Abigail: I didn’t lie. That bird was going to tear my face apart.

Proctor: You are a conniving little whore.

Abigail: Well you’re a liar you’re damn self.

Proctor: What do you mean?

Abigail: Why haven’t you told? Are you afraid of what your wife may do? Afraid your name will be ruined? Well I have no sympathy for you or your wife, especially since the court is right where I want them, believing that your wife is a witch.

Proctor: Abby, why can’t you just let it go? How could you be so evil and live with that?

Abigail: Because the truth should be known. And if I have to suffer because of the things that were said about me then you’re going down with me!

(Abigail runs to Danforth. As everyone sits around, Elizabeth looks at Abigail with a despising look. Abigail quickly reveals her secret.)

Abigail: (Talking to the “bird”.) I’m going to do it. Leave me alone you devil bird!

Danforth: What is it Abigail?

Abigail: I think that everyone should hear my secret. (Looking at Elizabeth) See, there is a certain thing that I haven’t quite been honest about.

Mary: (Chuckling) Have you ever been honest?

Abigail: Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, truth is, John and I had an affair.

(Everyone gasps. Elizabeth is in shock and immediately stands and runs toward Abigail. Danforth grabs her and pulls her back. Nothing being said, the curtain slowly closes and everyone is still in suspense and shock.)

The Curtain Falls.

kayla ampey said...

The Crucible act 4:

This scene opens in the “forbidden” courtroom. So much tension is going through the little room.
PROCTOR looks at ABAGAIL in disgrace, he can’t believe that she is actually telling all these lies and MAREY WARREN is falling through with it. And DANFORTH believes the little liars. HALE is the only person that believes PROCTOR. But PROCTOR is no longer worried about persuading them, he’s focusing on making sure his wife ELIZABETH is okay and not killed for lies. He is beyond indignant and nobody knows what to do or say…

PARRIS: Proctor, I can’t believe you would actually say such lies about my niece.
DANFORTH: Scream please do not begin with the bickering, are you 4 or 45.?
PROCTOR: very blunt and with a smirk, you should know your niece is no angel.
PARRIS slowly walks to the back of the room and takes a seat, “avoiding confrontation.”
ABAGAIL: you know john __
DANFORTH: BANGING his hand on the table, Screams “SHUTUP, I SAY”
Every body gets terrified and looks at each other, but after a moment….
HALE: your Excellency, Mr. Danforth, I beg that you let us call goody proctor back in, I’m sure that if she knew that every one in this room was aware of what had happened between John and Abagail, she wouldn’t have lied, sir. Goody proctor is a very sweet and honest women, she just didn’t want her husband to be punished for a mistake that he’d made in the past with Abagail sir___
PARRIS: stands up and walks toward Danforth, and Hale. I will not let you sit up here and disrespect my niece in this way. My niece tells me goody proctor has had it in for her since she started working for the proctor’s and that’s why she was fired. I never heard anything of this foolishness til’ now.!
DANFORTH:ENOUGH.! okay, i'll call back for goody proctor... but she'll be alone. (proctor is on his feet,in tears, saying over and over thank you god".! and abagail if this happens to be true, you will go DOWN.! ABAGAIL:mr. i can asure you____.BETTY mumbles something under her breath... but noone can hear her. everybody circles around her and ask her to repeat it... she just sits there.. everybody except john and abaigail rush out the room, but parris says to abaigal be fore he walks out this better not be true..she drops a fak tear.the door close... ABAGAIL: whispers and moves closer to john, with a grin.. how dare you try to bring me down... i will break you, just like i will break your wife..
i know you dont love her john.. i know you want me.PROCTOR opens his mouth to speak..she put her finger on his shh shhhhhh.!!! just listen..i know that you need me,thats the only reason you told, its not the right time. john stops her, your sick abagail, they will find out about this and they will believe what happened with us... its dead myfeelings are dead.. only women i see is elizabeth.! ABAGAIL says.. with tears in her eyes.. i wont believe that,,i wont.!!!she looks up and kiss him.. the door opens and in walks DANFORTH,ELIZABETH,&PARRIS.. elizabeth has tears covering her face and is lost for words.. danforth says, assuring elizabeth, i heard the whole thing. i know what happened. abagail you will be hanged. parris eyes fill with tears

Anonymous said...

It’s a cold gloomy day in Salem. Everyone was crammed into this courtroom. Waiting to see what was going to happen to John & Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail Williams, and Mary Warren. Everyone was blaming everyone. People were scared to death of John.Because of how he said he made contact with the devil. And Abigail is still accusing Mary of being the “bird” up in the rafters. John Proctor is now called up to the stand and is sitting angry staring at everyone. Then Judge Danforth starts the questioning…

Danforth- whats going on here.

Abigail- mary turned in to a bird and tried to hurt my face

Mary- she is lying dont belive them

girls they copy mary and say the same thing.

Mary- she gets a little angry and screams.

girls- they copy the scream

john- wants to know where his wife is

jhon- tells the court she is only going to protect his name.

Danforth- angry and wants silence

Mary- he didnt do anything belive him

Abigail- she is coming the girls act scared

Mary- ask them them to stop lying

Elizbeth- begins to cry

anthony barley

Anonymous said...

The Crucible

There’s only five people allowed to enter the
courtroom on they day of Elizabeth’s trail. Mr. Proctor,
Abigail Williams, two of Abigail’s followers, and Marry
Warren. The rest of the people in the court had to be
working on the case of witchcraft such as Danforth,
Reverend Hale, Reverend Parris, Herrick, Hathorn, and Cheever.
This scene was cold, muggy, and had a depressing feel in the
Room. No one was happy besides the thoughts in Abigail’s
They all enter and Proctor gets right to the point of
his wife’s innocence.

Proctor: My wife is not a witch! These girls have caused an insanity in the people of Salem.
Danforth: Proctor please calm down and explain why you would think these girls are lying about their torture from the women of this town.
Proctor: She tells no lies and has done nothing to disturb the peace in this town, but those girls have you fooled. I have proof to set her free. MARRY WARREN!!!
Danforth: Marry Warren?
Marry Warren: yes
Danforth: You believe these girls are lying within this court?
Marry Warren: Yes. Abigail is acting and so are her friends too. At first I believed there were but there are not. Later acts to be tortured by proctor for protection.
Proctor: Excellency, Abigail is trying to murder my wife out of vengeance. Silent for a moment. I-I fancied her ashamedly. I told my wife and she threw Abigail out. Abigail has thought to replace her and I will not let that happen.
Danforth orders Elizabeth to come out and tell the truth but she lies for her husband not knowing he has told the truth so she could be free. Now she is getting taken away.
Proctor: Unhand my wife. She only lied to protect me. Can you not see that they are acting? God is with the Devil and he will get us all.
Rev. Hale: This is Ridiculous and I will not take part.
Danforth: Arrest Proctor for witchcraft.

Laurica Lomax. 6th hour 4/01/09

Anonymous said...

Ariel Beard 6th hour

The crucible act
Its late afternoon, in the court room was john proctor sitting as the witness asking questions to Abigail Williams while she is next to Mary, on the other side of the courtroom while thinking of John’s answers.

Danforth: Are you john proctor covering for Elizabeth at all?
John: No not at all.
Danforth: Well in that case we shall start this court. Everyone please take your seats.
Herrick: It’s about time
Giles: Mr. John Proctor do you sir swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth
John: I do indeed sir
Danforth: Mr. John and what is it that you pleed today?
John: Well sir, I believe I pleed guilty
Mary: Sir I beg you not to take this any further then it should.
Danforth: John and what is this young child talking about?
Mary: Well sir he is a- (Silent pause)
Danforth: John what is it that she speaks about. I will ask you one last time.
John: (Hesitating) Well-
(In walks Abigail Williams)
Abigail: Judge this case can no longer go on
Danforth: Please have a seat Ms. Williams
John: please tell them the truth Abigail
Abigail: (softly) I already did
John: No please Abigail they are going to kill my wife
Danforth: Quiet! You two please have a seat. Ok Mary how did this poppet appear in your home?
Mary: I don’t know sir, well I do but I don’t I got it as a gift
Danforth: Mrs. Warren I would like you to tell the truth
Mary: That’s all I know sir honestly
Danforth: Please Mrs. Warren this will be the last time I will ask you tell the truth
John: Mary please tell the judge everything

Abigail: You people can not come in here and ask all these questions I have dispised this man’s wife since the day I’ve met her. John tell them everything we’ve done.
John:Well abigail that was a mistake!
Mrs.Proctor: John i cant believe you would do this to me!
John: Please dont do this to me. Well if i have to I want to be with my wife
Mrs.Proctor we are done.

Brittany Rogers said...

The Crucible Act 4

It’s around noon. Abigail and the other girls are inside the courtroom alone. Mary Warren is still crying in Abigail’s arms from the incident earlier. John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Danforth enter the room. Nothing but silence is in the room. John Proctor and Abigail’s eyes meet with anger. Danforth says without hesitation:

Danforth: Now girls enough crying its time to sort this mischief out. The two who knew for certain what happened with this poppet with the poppet in his hand handing it to Abigail are here and its time to tell exactly what happened.

Abigail: I have al ready told you it’s her poppet pointing at Elizabeth. I’ve seen her holding it before with I work for her.

John: Abigail and Mary you will tell the truth now. Elizabeth has never seen this poppet until Mary presented it to her recently. Snatching the poppet with anger and throwing it to the floor.

Danforth: Mr. Proctor calm yourself now I must address the fact that you say that you have had an affair with this child.

John: She is not a child she is a whore screaming in Abigail’s face. Abigail by this time tomorrow you will tell the truth do u here me. Abigail turning her head. Look at me Abigail look into these eyes as you have when pleasure was upon you. Abigail looking into his eyes says in a deep whisper so only john may hear.

Abigail: How dare you.

John shocked at her response feels almost sorry for her with a tear running down both their faces. He realizes that he still feels for Abigail and has been in denial. Slowly backing away looking at the face of another women he loves he cannot bare to look at Elizabeth’s. Elizabeth sees that she will lose her husband if no action is taken. In spite of losing her husband to a mere child she refuses to lose him for good this time.

Elizabeth: Your Excellency, may I have a word with Abigail alone for a moment.

Danforth: Absolutely not. Out of the question I will not allow it.

Elizabeth: Please it would be a great deal just a few moments alone is all I ask.

Danforth: All right then but if I feel either one of you are in danger the one responsible for it will be sent to prison.

John: What are you doing?

Elizabeth: Don’t worry; I have much to be very civilize with Abigail. Ignoring John. As everybody leaves the rooms Abigail looks at Elizabeth with a very bold face. Abigail I have yet figured out how far you are willing to go with this nonsense. Do you realize how many lives you will be sacrifice if this is kept up.

Abigail: I knew you were smarter then you look. But, I will keep this up until John is in my arms as he has been before. Pain strikes Elizabeth’s heart. Within second before finishing her sentences Elizabeth strikes Abigail’s cheek with great force. Shocked Abigail’s mouth wide open Elizabeth’s bends down so that her face almost touches Abigail’s face.

Elizabeth: Now you listen you will no longer speak of that as long as you’re in the same room as I am. Understood? Not answer Abigail just stares at her. Now my husband has made mistakes but I will die before I give him to you the child of Satan. Now you listen, if you every touch my husband again you

Melissa Kenney said...

Abigail Williams, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Marry Warren, Judge Danforth, Judge Hathorne, and Reverend Parris are all in the boring court room. Elizabeth John and Marry Warren sit together on the left side of the court room, while Reverend Parris and Abigail sit on the right side of the court room. The two judges are talking in private. The court room has hard, wooden benches that they all sit on except the judges have more comfortable chairs. Today the fait of John and Abigail will be revealed.

Danforth: Abigail come forward.
She rises and comes to Judge Danforth. Reverend Parris starts to get up.
Abigail: Yes, what do you want, sir?
Danforth: Is it true that you had an affair with John Proctor?
Abigail: I-I did, sir.
John looks at Elizabeth in fear of her being mad or ashamed of him. She turns to him and tells him quietly that she already knew.
Danforth: Abigail go have a seat. John and Elizabeth come forward.
They walk to Danforth with fear.
John: Yes?
Danforth: Do you believe that Abigail made the poppet that Marry Warren gave your wife?
Elizabeth: Of course! She wanted to replace me.
John: Yes I do.
Danforth: thank you, you may go back and sit.
There is a pause. Danforth thinks.
Danforth: Hathorne will you have Elizabeth examined to see if she is pregnant?
Hathorne: Elizabeth come with me.
Hathorne and Elizabeth exit. John and Abigail talking.
Abigail: John you still love me and I know it.
John: No Abigail I don’t and I have told you many times.
Hathorne and Elizabeth enter.
Danforth: Is she pregnant?
Hathorne: Yes, yes the doctor believes so.
John looks at Elizabeth in amazement and joy. Hathorne and Danforth go into another room to discuss what is going to happen.
Danforth: Do you think that Abigail is talking to the devil?
Hathorne: Yes, I’m afraid so.
Danforth: What about Elizabeth?
Hathorne: No, she is innocent.
Danforth: I think they both are guilty.
Hathorne: You cant do anything to Elizabeth, she is pregnant.
They return to the court room to tell the outcome.
Hathorne: We have reached our decision.
Danforth: Tell them.
Hathorne: Abigail you will be hanged, and John you can go.
Reverend Parris: NO! You cant do this to my neice.
Abigail tries to run but Danforth stops her.
Curtin Falls

Te.Te said...

The Crucible Act Four

Today in the courtroom Mr. and Mrs. Putnam are in there trying to blame Abigail for what she did to Ruth. Abigail is done faking her hallucinations of the “bird” in the air and Mary and the rest of the girls are now crying and screaming because of Abigail. Meanwhile John is being accused of lying of sleeping with Abigail and Danforth is out of control as usual. Now as the courtroom is getting out of control, Mr. Hale decides to come back in.

Danforth: Mr. and Mrs. Putnam!
Mr. Putnam: Get rid of her right now!
Danforth: Sit down Mr. Putnam!
Mrs. Putnam: She did this to my child and she must pay! Jail her this instinct Mr. Danforth! Mrs. Putnam faints at the thought of her daughter being in the devils hands
Danforth: Abigail?
Abigail: Aye.
Danforth: You and Mr. Proctor? Love affair? Is that correct?
Abigail: Abigail looks around then glances at Mr. Proctor’s face I-I… Then she faints
Mary: Abby?! Oh Abby, please get up!
Mr. Proctor: I can’t believe this! Get up off the ground you whore and speak at once! So help you God if they hang my wife-
Mrs. Putnam: She is a liar. She hurt my poor poor Ruth. She must pay! Mrs. Putnam hopes over the chair and leaps for Abigail
Danforth: Thomas, Control your beast! Mr. Putnam reaches for his wife, just after she lands a big one on Abigail.

Mr. Hale has decided that him being absent from the courtroom is to much for them to handle. He re-thinks his thoughts while standing outside in the rain he decides to go back in there and settle everything at once. Just as he was walking in the courtroom, he did not realize what he was getting him self into

Cheever: Mr. Hale?! Cheever jumps at the sight of Mr. Hale entering in such confusion
Mr. Hale: What is going on here? He enters as Mr. Putnam is pulling his wife off of Abigail. Mary is historically crying and the other girls Mercy and Betty are watching with smiles on their faces
Danforth: Your wife is out of line!
Mr. Putnam: No you’re out of line! This courtroom is out of line! And you my friend are a lie!
Mr. Hale: What is going on here? This is not how this courtroom should be. Now we need to settle this. We are falling apart. The Lord, I tell you are not pleased As thunder frightens the courtroom and rain hit against the window, Mr. Hale continues his thoughts starring down Danforth and Danforth only And I for one is not pleased neither. We need to find the peace this is an out range.
Danforth: Where are you goin’ with this Mr. Hale?
Mr. Hale: What I’m saying is-
Danforth: No, what your saying is that you think that I’m causing all the commotion.
Mr. Hale: No…
Danforth: Well. What if I said you your self sir…were a witch because your siding with this whore! The courtroom gasps as Abigail regains conscious and hears as her name is being destroyed
Danforth: How do you feel about that Mr. Hale?
Mr. Hale: Why, with the Lord on my side…there is nothing that can bring me down. Danforth, now if Abigail confesses only then will problems be solved. She must confess to witchcraft and her love affair. And Elizabeth must get another chance to-
Danforth: Lie? To get another chance to lie? Elizabeth will never re-enter my courtroom. And as far as Abigail goes-
Mr. Proctor: What! I tell Danforth, get my wife in here at once. Now!
Abigail: Please…Hear me out at all!… Mr. Proctor told me I was only a mere child. But yet treated me like a woman. Poor Elizabeth must not suffer for what I have done with her husband. I Love John Proctor Mr. Proctor lets out a “Oh Dear” every so lightly because of the guilt as he is being exposed to the town and I know we cannot be together She looks back and winks at the girls…They all giggle, Abigail drops to her knees and prays So help me God…Resent me from all this…I will never wrong you again my Lord!
I will never do witchcraft again!
Mr. Proctor: Bring my wife in!
Danforth: Who made you do it?!
Abigail: Tituba!
Mary: Abby!
Mr. Proctor: Get my wife in here!
Danforth: Sit down Mr. Proctor!…So you confess to it Abigail?!
Abigail: Aye!
Mr. Proctor: My wife!
Mr. Proctor: Damn you Proctor! Your wife is already dead. She hung herself! She’s a liar! Just like you are!
Mr. Proctor: How dear you!
Danforth: Bring his wife in, and Tituba He turns to Cheever indicating he was the one going to get them

Cheever enters with Tituba who is walking with her head down, Elizabeth is following after her. Her face is so pale from fear and emotion not knowing what’s going on she takes her seat

Danforth: I put this on my like Elizabeth, now only God can save you, because I see nothing but lies on our face…Why did you dismiss Abigail?
Elizabeth: She slept with my husband. Tears are filling her eyes And I dismissed her
Danforth: Now you said earlier that you thought wrong, that it was just something you thought.
Mr. Proctor: See…She confessed, now let my wife go.
Danforth: I think your lying Elizabeth.
Mr. Proctor: She confessed!
Danforth: Danforth is ignoring Mr. Proctor Okay Elizabeth, your free to go The court is relived But Abigail and John Must be hung! Elizabeth faints Along with Tituba!

Tessa said...

Courtroom in the late day of spring. A long shadow is cast thru the window. John and Abby enter.

John: How could you do that? He asks with a cold tone.
Abby: John you know that I am right and that I am the right one for you.
John: WHORE! How dare you condemn my wife!
Abby: I did it for us john she moves to him as she reaches out to touch him Mr.Danforth walks in.
Mr. Danforth: What’s this? John why are you here? Abby?
John: I came to confess to being a witch.
Abby: JOHN!!!
Mr. Danforth: walks towards john. Well since you confessed to your sin there is nothing more for me to do but take you to trial and see what other sins you confess to. He takes john by the arm and Leeds him off stage. Abby exists.

The courtroom is cold in the morning as people fill the small space it gets hotter. The accused walk in. They are wearing chains on their hands and legs. Elizabeth and john are the last ones to enter. As they take a seat. Judge Danforth enters there is a hushed silence. He sits.

Danforth: Will the witness please stand and name them self’s.
Abby: Abby
Mercy Lewis: Mercy Lewis
Tituba: Tituba
Betty: Betty
Danforth: you all may be seated. He turns to the accused will Sarah good please come to the stand.

Sarah stands up slowly she is weak and the chains are heavy. As she walks the chains make a loud disturbing noise in the now quite courtroom. As she takes her seat in front of the people that will decide her fate she lets out a small cry.

Danforth: Sarah do you know the charges against you?
Sarah looks at him as if he has gone mad.
Sarah: of course I know the charges against me. I have been falsely accused of being a witch! She raises her fist in anger. Abby lets out a bone shaking scream the other girls follow in suit. The court stunted at the sudden out burst sits there with wide eyes.

Danforth: what did this witch do to you Abby?
Abby: she sent her spirit out to hurt me!
Sarah: I would never hurt a child! Danforth looks from Sarah to Abby and back again.
In the next instance Sarah is being lead out of the court room she has been given the death sentence. Danforth turns to the rest of the accused.
Danforth: will john please come up.
John: walks up he looks tired.
Danforth: what say you to being a witch?
John: I say nothing to it.
Danforth: then you do not confess to this sin? Danforth looks bewildered.
John: I will not confess to lies!
Danforth: Then what will you confess to if you will not confess to doing the devils work?
John: I confess to having an affair with Abigail
Abby: He lies! He lies!
Danforth: I will not have this in my court. Abby is this true?
Abby: No sir I would never do such a thing!
Danforth: Call goody Elizabeth up here. Elizabeth walks up. Now if any of you is found lying then you will all hang at next sunrise. Abby gives a little shrike of horror.
John: I know what I have said and I stick by it and if that means that I give my life then so be it. Elizabeth gives out a loud cry in protest. Don’t worry about me.
Abby: It is not true sir I would not lie to you.
Danforth: I do not believe any of you
He calls all the accused to the front.
John: what is our fate now?
Danforth: Your fate if you do not confess is you will suffer the same fate so it’s up to you Abby which one are you lying about?

*Alexis J* said...

The courtroom is filled to capacity but there is not a sound that can be heard. Cheever enters with John Proctor who is chained and sits him down behind a long molded wood table in front of Danforth. Cheever exits the same way he entered and moments later returns with Elizabeth. She is also chained and placed in a seat next to Abigail, which is directly behind John Proctor. Danforth enters the courtroom from the left and proceeds to the bench.

Danforth: Please rise Mr. Proctor. (Proctor slowly and painfully stands.) Do you wish to confess and release yourself from the Devils dreadful grip? (Proctor doesn’t speak.) Answer Me!

Proctor: I am not now nor have I ever been a witch.

Danforth: Is it true that while in your house, you could not recite all 10 commandments before Reverend Hale?

Proctor: Aye.

Danforth: I would say that that’s a sure sign of witchcraft. Don’t you think Mr. Proctor?

Proctor: Believe what you may your Excellency but I am not nor have I ever been a witch.

Danforth: If you do not confess before everyone in this courtroom your own wife and unborn child will be hanged right before your eyes and I will suffer you to live! (The court gasps in unison and Elizabeth lets out a sob of terror)

Elizabeth: John please confess!

Proctor: Elizabeth I can’t I will not lie. I cannot. (To Danforth) You are not Holy at all! What Christian man would kill a woman and her unborn child just because of lies! You are a sick man and it is you that does the Devil’s work!

Danforth: I am of no service to the Devil Mr. Proctor.! Now will you confess or not?

Proctor: The hell with you!

Danforth: Cheever

Cheever: Excellency?

Danforth: Take this woman to the gallows to be hanged immediately!

Elizabeth: John!

Proctor: I will not Elizabeth! I would rather have my wife and unborn child sing in the Heavens with the angels of God than to have them suffer here with these hateful sinners. It is best Elizabeth. Hang with your pride!

Elizabeth: How could you? You slept with this tramp! (Gives Abigail a sharp look, then refocuses her glance back upon John) And now you will allow me and you child to be hanged because of your stupid, stupid pride! I will never forgive you for this!

Abigail: I am no tramp!

(Elizabeth is now out of the courtroom and John still stands facing the empty door sobbing. The courtroom is loud now, with surprise and excitement)

Danforth: Quiet you fools! Proceed to the gallows. (Everyone rises and Danforth steps down from his bench to escort John to the Gallows)

(Elizabeth is standing on the gallows with a rope around her neck. As everyone arrives Cheever is tighten its grip. She is now sobbing the Lord’s Prayer but no one can hear her because there is commotion all around her. Danforth leads Proctor to stand at Elizabeth’s feet.)

Cheever: Excellency she is properly installed.

Danforth: Aye.

Elizabeth: Why punish me for my husband’s faults when I have done nothing wrong?

Proctor: I am not at fault at Elizabeth. I am only doing what I see right for my family.

Elizabeth: (looks at her protruding stomach, then back at John) You have no family.

Danforth: Ready! (Cheever takes the hanging rope in hand and the crowd grows silent again.)

Proctor: I love you Elizabeth.

(She manages to mutter “I hate you” as the floor beneath her gives way, taking her life away. Proctor collapses to the floor as if in agony sobbing uncontrollably. Abigail comes from deep in the crowd and helps him off the ground. She deeply embraces him and they lock lips in a long passionate kiss at the hanging feet of Elizabeth Proctor as the Curtain is falling)

Anonymous said...

The Crucible Act 4

Proctor and Hale walk in to the court. Mary Warren follows weeping. Danforth, already in the courtroom, wonders why they come in unannounced.

Proctor to Danforth: Alright, it is over. I confess!

The people of Salem are shocked and begin to get a little disorderly.

Danforth: Confess what!

Proctor: I have committed witchery and I am willing to obtain the cost.

Hale: I am confessing also.

Danforth: Why-why do u confess to the court now and not before?

Proctor: I did not apprehend how crucial the situation was until my friends and family were put into jail for witchery, if they are witches than I am a witch also.

Danforth: And Hale. Hale steps up to Danforth.

Hale: Yes your honor.

Danforth: Why do you confess? You weren’t even accused.

Hale: To end this nonsense.

Danforth: Do you two know what you are doing? This may very well end your lives.

Marry Warren steps up to Danforth. I confess too.

Danforth: What is the meaning of this?

Mary Warren: I am sorry your honor, but I have committed witchery too.

Abigail walks into the courtroom. She didn’t understand why Proctor was confessing to the court.

Abigail: What is going on! Stop! Stop!
Danforth: How dare you barge into my court unannounced!

Abigail Williams runs up to Danforth pleading here case.

Abigail: I am sorry your honor but they are lying. They did not commit witchery-

Danforth: And how do you know this?

Abigail: Please don’t put Proctor in jail.

Danforth: I am not. He is going to be hanged.

Abigail: No! Abigail grabs Proctor and cries on him.

Proctor: Get off of me you whore.

Abigail: There are no witches in Salem! I was just lying to get Proctor back and his wife dead! Please don’t hang him!

The people of Salem get out of control.

Danforth: Order! Order! How is this true you had a needle in your stomach-

Abigail: I put it there! Mary put the doll in Proctor’s house. We were all pretending.

Danforth: Well what about the yellow bird?

Abigail: There was never anything there. Right girls?

The other girls run out of the courtroom for their lives with a staggered look on their faces.

Danforth: You girls are unbelievable. What should we do with her?

The people of Salem start to chant. Hang her! Hang her! Hang her!

Danforth: Order!

Proctor: Let her live and suffer for the rest of life in jail. Please get my pregnant wife out of jail.

Erin Zhang said...

Joe Scarantino Act 4 John, Abigail, Danfoth, hawthorn, Marry (The courtroom was quiet). John- TELL THE TRUTH Abigail- ITS EATING MY HEAD John- please tells the truth. (John is almost crying and pulls out a sword and gun) John- THIS IS NOW A HOSTAGE SITUATION! Everyone- Oh no! John- Get on the ground! Now! Marry get over here! Mary- (weeping) No John walks over to here John- MOVE! (Mary moves to the front of the courtroom and turns into a witch.) John- What the- Danforth- This in Nonsense Marry- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! (She tries to cast a spell. Danforth turns into a frog) Danforth- *ribbet* John- This must end now! (John grabs marry and takes her to the giant hole at the outskirts of town. She is chained up and has 1000 pound weights on her legs). Mary- Let me go now! I’m sorry! (She falls to her knees. The she stands up) John yells at the top of his lungs John- ….THIS….IS ……SALEM!!! (Then he Sparta stomps her down the hole.) Hawthorn- wow (Now Salem lives happily ever after.) THE END?

Emily Ramirez said...

Act Four Danforth, Abigail, John, and Elizabeth are left in the court room discussing the issue of what actually happened between and whether or not John is associated with the Devil. Proctor: pointing at Abigail, Tell them the truth, you filthy whore! Elizabeth: John…. Danforth: That’s enough! Child did you not commit lechery with Mr. Proctor? With pure fury and anger, Abigail dashes for the door, running into Herrick at the door. Herrick grabs her arm and shoves her back into the room. Danforth: shouting YOU WILL SETTLE DOWN AT ONCE! Now you will answer my question or be hanged! Did you or did you not commit lechery with Mr. Proctor?! Abigail: with bitterness I cannot believe that you speak of such false accusations, Mr. Danforth. Elizabeth: It’s a lie! All of it is lies! Danforth: If I ask you to settle down one more time Mrs. Proctor, you’ll be removed from this court room! Elizabeth: I know what you did. You have sought to murder me and take my place in my family! I will not let you do the Devil’s work! John, tell him--- Abigail: directed at Danforth. Do you honestly believe her? Proctor: Mr. Danforth, if I may---- Danforth: This is getting off the point! Abigail Williams, for the last time, did you or did you not commit lechery with John Proctor? Abigail: truthfully Aye sir, I did. Elizabeth: See! Her aim is to take my husband away from me! She’s nothing but allied with Lucifer! After a few moments, Reverend Parris and Hale enter. Parris: What is the meaning of this? Hale: Mr. Parris---- Danforth: Your niece admits to have committed lechery with Mr. Proctor. Is there anything that you’d want to say, Mr. Proctor? Proctor: I have to say, Abigail, I do not love you. I love my Elizabeth and always will love her. You mean nothing to me. Elizabeth, I am indeed sorry that I betrayed you and your trust. I never meant for anything to go this far, but unfortunately, it did. He tries to take her hand in comfort, but she forcefully wrenches her hand away. Elizabeth: I am indeed sorry too, John. Sorry that I ever put my faith into us. I trusted you, and you hurt me. I don’t think that I can ever put my faith into you ever again. Hale: If I may interrupt, but I don’t think you should be hard on him, Mrs. Proctor. Your husband is a good man indeed, and I believe it is due to God is leading him down the right path. Parris: with rage I cannot stand for this! How could you do this Abigail? I thought you were following the path of our Heavenly Father? You are a disgrace! Abigail: saddened by his words. Uncle, I----- Danforth: I think this has gone far enough. Herrick, please escort Ms. Williams to the jail. As for you, Mr. and Mrs. Proctor, I will release you of your charges. Curtain closes.