Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Note to a Friend - The Crucible

In MS WORD, write a note, email message, Facebook/Myspace message, or long text message to a friend in which you:

+Explain the basic principles of Puritanism and its positive and negative aspects.

+Summarize The Crucible so far.

+Give an analogy of the Salem Witch trials to a modern-day situation so your friend can better understand the concept of hysteria and paranoia.

+Tell your friend what you think is going to happen in the play.

+Tell your friend if they would like/dislike the play and why.

You do not need to write in standard school language, but you may not use curse words! One paragraph for each bullet point.

If you finish today, go back to last week’s character assignment and complete it. I'm having trouble with NING so you may not be able to post it.


Shelbie Karker said...

Heyyy what’s going on??? So we are reading this book in 2nd hour called The Crucible. It’s different. So I have to tell you about the puritans. They were people who believed in church and god. For you to be considered a puritan you had to be a full member of the church. The women were treated wrong and different from the men. Women weren’t allowed to talk in church. That’s sooo wrong!!

So in the book there is like 6 girls that were dancing around a fire or whatever singing tribal songs with Parris’ slave Tituba. Now Parris’ daughter and another girl are out of it and won’t eat. Betty is Parris’ daughter and she got up for a minute and ran in the wall. Lol. The whole town is gathering around Betty in her room arguing. Procter and Putnam don’t get along and they were fighting over land and fire wood. Mr. Putnam and his wife had lost many children. Parris is the reverend and he is afraid if the news about his daughter gets out he will be thrown out of the town and lose his job. Now Reverend Hale is coming to town because he supposable “a witchcraft master”.

Sooo say you have blonde hair and brown eyes people accused you of being a witch. That’s what happened during the Salem witch trails only if you had a mole and you didn’t feel pain or bleed you were killed and accused of being a witch. Wrong!!!!

I think the play gonna end with Tituba being caught and dying because of what she got the girls to do. Betty and the other girls are going to be let go like nothing ever happened to them. Reverend Hale is going to confess he has no idea what he’s doing and really can’t help the girls.

I think you would read the book and some what of an interest in the book. But I’m not too sure on. I don’t know if you like to read all that much.

Emily Reed said...

Hey what’s up? I’m in 2nd hour and we have been reading this play called the crucible. So I need to tell you about Puritanism is a movement formed in the sixteenth century. The name came from the effort that Puritans made to purify the Church of England. There are negative and positive things about it. A positive thing is they were trying to get more people to believe in god. A negative thing is people didn’t have the right to believe in other religions views.

In the play so far the character Betty is unconscious and is believed to have been cursed by the devil. Her father called the doctor to see if it could be something else but the doctor said that he couldn’t do anything and that it sounds like she had been cursed by the devil. Mr. Putnam and Mrs. Putnam daughter is the same way as Betty. One guy said they seen girls running threw the forest naked and sitting at a fire with Tituba. They end up blaming Tituba for the curse because she was accused of teaching the girls. And when Betty wakes up and she starts calling off names of people she thinks is a witch.

The play is based on the Salem witch trials which are when men and women were accused of witchcraft. People were killed for admitting that they were involved in witchcraft when they were accused so they were hung, or for one man pressed to death. This is where they pile stones on top of you til you admit but that one man did not.

In the play I think Betty will put the girls she called off in court for witchcraft. I think most of the girls will be found guilty of witchcraft and will be killed. I think they will find Tituba guilty of teaching the girls about witchcraft and will be killed too.

If you read this play I think you would like it a little. But I know you don’t like to read that much.

Melissa Kenney said...

What’s up? How ya doin? In English we are reading this book called the Crucible and it has to do with witchcraft.

Puritanism was form the 16th and 17th century. They wanted more purity in worship. You had to be a full memeber of the church to be a puritan. The woman were treated different then men. They could not talk in church only the men did.

So far in the book this girl Betty is in like a coma. Her dad doesn’t want any one in the village to think she is a witch because of the way she is acting. And the night before Abigail (Betty’s cousin), Tituba (Reverend Parris’ maid), and some other girls were dancing in the forest. And Tituba knows songs in another language and she sings them sometimes. But she was singing them in the forest when the girls were dancing. Some people in the village think she is a witch and put a curse on Betty.

The Salem witch trials were like someone being accused of stealing without the accuser having any evidence. Because there was no “real” evidence that they were witches. People just went around accusing people for no reason at all.

I think that Betty will come out of the coma. But I think Tituba is really the witch and talks to the devil and is trying to curse everyone. I think Revered Parris is not going to be the minister of the church after the whole village finds out that his family might be interacting with the devil.

I don’t think you would like the play because it’s kind of boring. I don’t like it as much as the other books we have read in English class but its okay. I just don’t get the whole Puritan thing.

taylor. said...

heeyyyy (: hows it gooooin’?
- oh, so we are acting out this play in Mr. Hughes’ class and it’s called the Crucible. It’s about this small town called salem in Massachusetts where people are being accused of being witches and practicing witchcraft and that’s like against the law so they would be killed if they were found guilty. This one girl, Betty, isn’t eating or talking she just sleeps all day and people think she was involved in witch stuff. Her friend, Abigail, said they were only dancing in the forest the night before Betty started acting weird and she finally admitted that this woman Tituba made them drink blood and dance with the devil and all this weird stuff. So the girls start naming off other people they said were also doing witchcraft so they weren’t the only ones. It’s crazy.
-so the puritans were people who believed in God and always went to church and you had to go to church every Sunday. The women were treated differently than the men, worse. They weren’t allowed to talk in church and they had to do like all the work around the house. noootttt cooool.
- I think they did it to get out of being killed! Eventually, I think the girls are going to be caught lying and probably get killed.
- I think you would like this play because its interesting, you don’t have to actually READ it you act it out and even though there is so much stuff going on at once, your smarty pants would understand it all, whats happening and all that. ahah.
- you know how I said the girls that were thought to have been involved in witchcraft and they were accusing other people? well the people of the town believed them. The girls randomly picked out citizens of salem and pointed out a flaw they had and say it was because they were a witch. It’s kinda like me accusing you of being a witch because you have more freckles than anyone else, or me accusing shelby of being a witch because she makes those totally random noises in the middle of 6th hour. (even though we know she does it on purpose) OH! And people who didn’t like their neighbors would lie to the police or whoever was in charge and say something like “I saw her fly into her house yesterday!” and the judge would most likely get that person hung no matter what they said. like I said; craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy.

Anonymous said...

Well the crucible is pretty interesting and funny and scary at the same time n’ how they accuse ppl Abby n betty do they accuse every woman in the village n its pretty discusting how john proctor who is in his thirty’s messing with a 17 yr. old girl n his wife caught them n’ fired Abby n’ was talking junk about her all around the village ew that’s nasty doesn’t that remind u of sum ppl in our school who shall remain nameless messin with men in their thirties n she’s sixteen lmao haha but yea the girls practiced witchcraft with tituba n betty got in some type of weird trance n’ they had to call a revern who was a so called expert in witches ghosts etc. and I think wats gonna happen is that there gonna finally realize the girls are lyin n’ maybe punish them n pay money to the families who have gotten killed during the witch trials but I love this play better then all the rest of em I mean dnt get me wrng I luv raisin n the sun but the crucible is waayyy better because it keeps you interested all in all I luv it lol and the crucible is sorta similar to when a friend of ours thought u told a secret she told u when ppl told her that u told them when actually they overheard u guys convo and she accused of telling them and she got back at chu by telling ur secrets n telling the rest of our friends not to talk 2 u cause u have a big mouth I guess that was ur punishment but in the crucible they killed ppl jus bc 2 girls said they saw them in the devils book n when thos ppl told our friend u told them n then they got punished without any real evidence ppl that had a good reputation around the village n juss like ppl u nvr talked to kinda sorta same situation do u get where im cming frm lolz.
Well the positive and negaqtive effects with the puritans is that the negative effect was that they were too religious n u had to got ot church like now in these times u dnt have 2 if u dnt want 2 n u can practice any religion u wnt but back in those days u had to be with god n if u weren’t u were punished n ppl judged u like no other but now ppl still judge but it really doesn’t matter now n I think they took it a lil 2 far n’ the positive affect that they did have was that they were religious n into god which is a good thing n when women were practicing witchcraft they stopped it bc they were hurtin ppl n they got punished so yea lol.

Anonymous said...

Heyyy whats up(:!
Omg Lexa!!! Whats upp?soo yeahh…im in English right now. Its kindda boringgg! /:Ahaha.We are reading the Crucible, its alirghtttt I guesss. I hope it gets better tho!

Its like about Puritanism & like a religion or whatever. Where theyy uhmm believe everything should be pure and junk. But they always believed EVERYTHING people said. Kinda lameeeeeeeee! So yeahh Puritanism is a some weirddd…..religionnn that they wanted to purify theirrr churchs by eliminating every shred of like catholic influencesss. They like believed that belief in Jesus and participation in the sacraments could not alone effectt someone. It was in likeee the 16th and 17th centuryyy..It was a movement to reform the Church of England that had like influenced the social, political, ethical, and ideas of england and americaa.

But like dudde you know how like we were getting blamed for messing up the basement & like having a freaking party. Like we didn’t do anddd it was like HUGEEEE deal to everyone.Like everyone thinks we are bad kids and junk. Not cool. Omg I was soo scarredd it wasn’t even funny! I cant believe Mario would blame his doings on us. It is sooooooooo like the Salem Witch trials. Loll.

Loll. & your probably like wth is she talking about but it’s a preettttyyy good book so far dudde! (: Like so far everyone is freaking out because everyone thinkss that betty is possessed by a witch, so reverend parries got a doctor to help her. And parries says that he saw them dancing in the forrest with tutbua and saw someone running nakedddd! GROSSSSS loll! Nowwww Reverend Hale is coming to town because hes “a witchcraft master”.

I think that Betty is goingg to like end up blaming somee one for all the &*@$ she did! they are going to like find out about everything that is going on and somebody is goinggg to dieeeeeeee!! (: but IM OVER IT! (: loll.

Wowww I feell like a complete nerd talking like this but whatevs! It’s a really good book , you should try to read it. EVEN THO YOU DON’T READ EVERR!!!(; But yeahhh I gotta go. Ill ttly babbbehh! Love ya <3 buhbye(:!

Anonymous said...

Crucible facebook note.

Was goodie!?? We reading this book in English called the crucible rite and is based on the Salem witch trials and the real religious puritans: they like die hard Jehovah’s witnesses lol . Okay it start off in this little town and at the reverend house and his daughter is possessed supposedly or bewitched. So she lyin in the bed drunk lol. And they tryna get her to wake up and then the crazy chick get up and run into a wall!!!! Yes a wall loll and then she start talking like I want my momma and some otha stuff. So after that this guy named john proctor and this girl Elizabeth run into eachotha at the reverend house an check dis doe They had an affair! Wow he like and old man and she 17 loll PERV !! but then they start talking and she was like Don’t you remember you grabbing my hips and thrusting my backside or sum like that… WOW. So after they get done with they little chat this guy comes and he doesn’t like john and john don’t like him either.. AAWWW SNAP lol. So they get started ova some little petty stuff and when john was about to go this guy says he stole his fire wood and a piece of land !! What ??!! But anyway he leave and this Special reverend come to try and help the possessed girl. He ame in like he was cold and knew what he was doing. So he got out some books saying that the devils presence is easily known and that he can come in the shape of any beast.. LOLOL this fool trippin. So come to find out the possessed girl was dancing in the woods with some other girls around a kettle with a Barbadian slave chick singing some Barbadian songs and she wanted them to drink chicken blood and otha weird stuff. So they get the slave and she starts naming ppl that SHE SEEN WITH THE DEVIL. And after they stat naming people the act ends.

I think they gonn get caught up in they lie but idk for sure But you might like it. You be watchin desperate housewives. It’s just like it except wit old people lol.

TeTe said...

Tiara Yancey

Dear, A’licia Chesson

Hey, how’s it going in school we have just started our new book called the crucible so far is actually good, only because it’s kind of funny and interesting. The Puritans was created in the 16th and 17th century. Its like a cliff hanger, it leaves you in suspicion. When I first started reading the book it was really boring, maybe because I wasn’t really interested in witchcraft or something, but as time went on I actually started liking the book. In class we have people read the book out loud and our teacher gives us study questions so I think that really helps a lot also. In the book women were totally treated different from men in every way they couldn’t even work, they had to sit right at home; I know you probably couldn’t handle that because you like to be active.

I can’t wait to see what would happen next in the book but right now I have a good guess. What would happen is everybody would try and find all the people that Tituba named, and try to say that they are witches and when they find out someone is lying then they would kill them. Also I think the truth would come out between Abigail and John, and when the truth finally comes out then Abigail’s uncle would be mad about the affair and it would get around town and his reputation would be ruined. And as he finds out about the affair then he would put the facts together and know why she got fired from being the Proctors servant.

I really think you would like the play only because it kind of relates to you. The time when the little girls bike got stolen and someone said you stole it only because it was the same bike you had, so basically you was falsely accused of something you didn’t do, and in the book people are getting falsely accused of being witches.

Rachel said...

Hey bestfriend!! :]
How are you doin???
Omg so were reading this book in English called the crucible and its crazy. There are these people called the puritans. They are basically people who believe in church and god. They treat the women totally wrong. Women are treated better then men. If ur a puritan you have to go to church. Isnt that crazyyyyy!!!

So far the book has been pretty boring. Yuck! This guy caught his daughter “doing witch craft” but she said she was just dancing in the forest. There was this foreign girl saying some spells over the fire while they were dancing and this girl was nude. Hahah. So anyways The girls dad is a reverend and hes trying to keep all this a secret so it wont hurt him in the long run. He is trying to wake up this girl but she wont wake up so they think she has the devil in her. Then she finally wakes up and the two girls are telling peoples name out whos been seen with the devil. Snitches!!!!

Whats basically happening in Salem is people are being dumb and accusing people of being a witch. If you had brown hair or brown eyes you could be a witch. To figure out if you were a witch they poked you with a needle and if you didn’t feel pain you were a witch or they tied you up and threw you in a river, if you floated you were a witch, if you drowned you were not a witch. How dumb is that?

In the play I think that these people that the girls are accusing are going to die. And the little girls are going to get away with it. That’s so stupid. How are they about to accuse people just so they wont die. Its their fault they were dancing in the forest.

If you read this book you would prolly like it knowing you lol. You would prolly be complaining through the whole thing cause of how stupid these people are. Haha.

Rachel Wright :]

Anonymous said...

wat up man we are reading a book

called the crucible. the crucible

is about the puritains. the

puritains tought that if you have

a certain birth mark on your skin

they would accuess you of being a

wicth and they would hang you cut

you or set you on fire they

treated wowman vary bad they would

say that wowmen are not allowed to

talk. so far the story is the salem wicth trial

is nothing like todays world.the

next thing that is going to

happen is they re oing to kill

alot more people and the paranoia

is goning to get wrost. i think

wold wouldent like becaues its not

the type of book you would like

after a while the story will get


Shantrice Jennings said...

Hay how are you doing Ruth what going on? I'm in my 4th hour and we are reading a book called the Crucible.I'm going to start by telling you the positive and negative things about the puritanism.Some postive things about them was they certainly believed in working hard and being rewared for it.The Puritan's had their power came from mastery of the Bible and their moral power came from living the Bible.Some negative things bout the purtines that they belived was women didn't have any rights at all. They were beating as well as children men did whatever they wonted to do.

SO far in the book there were gurls dancing in some type of way two of the gurls are sick and wont eat.Everyone from around the area are gathered around to see what is going on.Rev paris is afraid that if the news get around the town then he would be the talk of the town and end of losing his job.A guy name Hale arrives in the scene to see what the problem is and how did this happen. While mrs putnam go get tituba because,she belive she could talk to the dead and she was there as well and she just tell what happen so she won't get into trouble and be the one dead. Then Abagail and Betty just start saying who they seen with the devil while the curtans are falling. So now everyone is in shock mode.

The salem witch trails are like a modern day its just like say you are under the table messing with your nails or something playing with and item. Right then in their your teacher is going to think you are texting when you look at them and they say bring it to me they don't have any proof.Another example is say you was with your friends and they stole something. People may think you had something to do with the situation because, you was with them but you ain't do nothing. They have no proof or anything bascially you are innocent untill proven guilty.

in the play I feel that tituba is going to get cought with what she has got herself and the girls in. She may die before she begin to get more into what was happing.

I feel that you would kind of like the play after you get toward the end of act 1. In the begging its kind of boring but toward the end of act one their is alot of action that you would find out more about what has happened in why.

Shantrice Jennings
4th hour 3-25-09

javaughn lindsey said...

Javaughn Lindsey

Wat up doe D’brickashaw , I think u need ta kno bout the Puritanism rite quick c look, there was sum positive things about em like, they had good intentions and they believed in god an wanted to make gods laws there laws. Also they were very strict on following gods rules but some of the bad things were that like anyone who didn’t follow gods rules would have to die, an if u didn’t go ta church they could accuse u of being a witch an u could die also. So that meant if u did anything wrong u could be accused of being a witch and if u didn’t confuse they would torture u until u tel them wat they want ta kno.

So in the Crucible so far it starts as these two girls was dancing in the woods wit this lady named tituba an they was doing witch craft so wen there daddy cought them one girl fainted. So they are calling everyone trying to get help an there daddy named parris was scared his rep was go be messed up because he is a reverend an his daughter was doin witch craft. So reverend hale comes an find out watz wrong wit her an she comes bac conches an they wanted tituba to tell them wat she saw or who she saw when they was doin witchcraft an she told em an then the two other girls started telling names and they kept going bac an forth telling names an before u kno it the curtain close.

I think that they will go and kill the people that they are naming an they are going to name a lot mo people to man an that ant cool. Also I think that sooner or later they will c that the girls was lieing bout the names they were sayin an the two girls will get killed.

I think u might like this book because it keeps u on the edge an u like dat kind of stuff an it make u wonder did this really happen an ask questions like y was they jus sayin names an y would the kill innocent people an other things so I think u should read the book cuz real talk u need sum education in yo life lol.

danesha bennett said...

a danesha n 4th hr my teacher got us readin dis book called the crucible.dis book is about people dat r acusin other people of bin witches.and n dis book day talk about puritanism and i kno u like wat the heck is dat.but it was a time period when people were very religis and tryin 2 live a perfict like wit the lord.if u aint live by the bible u got killed(almost)

dis book is about strate up witch craft.people killin peolpe for maybe bein witches.people bont like eachothere for bum it is 2 day lol.but people was talkin about minsters was witches.people was drinkin blood and all type of stuff.girls were passin out and people was thinkin that she had a spell on her.peoples lives were bein were turin on there was crazy

then there was this thing called salem witch trials.salem witch trials was like sayin if you got in any rainbow stuff then you were gay.they were falsly acusin people of bein witches off of accusations that they have and they may not have been true.many people died cause of it.

i think that dis man and his wife will get killed.and i think that dis lady named tituba will get killed.and these girls that were doin the acusin and callin out peoples names will be found out and will get into truble but i dont think that they will got killed.
i dont think that you would like dis book doe cause if you dont read it the right way and wit the right perspective you will not get in and you like readin them books wit drugs and stuff in them.but the book is really an ok book if you pay attation call me when you get done readin dis

Da'Nesha Bennett

Keith Hollie said...

Wats up D and Guido,
Puritanism is a religion dat was practice back in the old times. The puritans were very religious. They did not go against their religion. The puritans were also known for criticizing people. The also hung people just for being accused of being a witch. They were also known for their strong faith.

So far in the crucible, Betty is jus wakin up from here daze and everyone is at each others throat. Abigail is jus accusing people of being witches or doing magic. John Proctor has no respect for Parris because he believes dat his brother in law should be the minister. Giley is tryna help solve some problems but no one is helping him or let alone listen to him. Abigail blames the whole night in the woods on tituba. Tituba confess to doin wizardry in the woods and also names others who do it to.

The Salem witch trials are like the civil rights days. If you were any color then white you got treated wrong. If you were accused of wizardry you were treated wrong. If a black man was to whistle at a white woman he would be beaten. If a person was to be accused of wizardry he/she would be beaten or killed.

I believe dat the people in the story goin to treat tituba wrong. They might even kill her for admitting to doin the wizardry. Abigail will still try to get w/ john but he will refuse her for a while then he will give up. Parris is goin to keep Betty on a strict watch.

I like the play because I enjoy acting it out. Makin the characters have a little Hollie in them lol. The energy in plays are always fun and jus portraying another person is str8. So I really like this play.

Nick Gregory said...

Hey wat sup's. Were reading this book in my english class called the crucible. Even the title sound boring, it sounds like cruel & usual punishment. But were learning about puritanism, it's the practices of te puritans. It's a little confusing though, your considered "pure". you had to be a member of the church, & the girls were treated wrong.

So far it's not that boring, it's not as boring as i thought it be. Parris's daughter betty is knocked out unconsious. And parris called the doctor. When abigail walked in parris somehow knew she was involved with this. when betty wakes up she acts all crazy. And parris's slave tituba is accused.

the salem witch trials, was basically when people were accused of being witches. The stuff that convinced people they were witches was just stupid.Like if you have a birth mark they accuse you of being a witch. But a similar situation in our time would be like your accused of being a rapist just because you kissed a girl. Now you see how wrong that would be.

I think that tituba is going to be the one conjuring up spells. Betty is going to die. Abigail is going to die. And the devil is the one just toying with people's minds for amusement.

I think for the most part you would like it. But some parts are really dull. But it is based on a true story, so that's decent.

Anonymous said...

-Ryan Dukes-

Hey Justin wats going on? In 4th hour we are reading the Crucible. It is about a bunch of puritans going crazy with hysteria and paranoia. Puritanism is just an old religion from a bunch of old guys from England who came to America cuz they didn’t like the way the church was working in England. They set up a theocracy which is when the church and state r together. They believed they crated a city upon a hill in which they all had a direct relationship with god. The puritans were strict and fierce with church and prayer. They believed god had your whole fate decided from birth and that people could see signs to show them. All of these beliefs were all right except for church and state being together. That would cause problems for people of different religion and beliefs.

So far in the book this girl Betty was knocked out and everyone gathered to see wat was going on like reverend parris and john proctor and Abigail Williams. This old slave woman named Tituba took Abigail and Betty to dance in the woods. Eventually after being dumped by john proctor Abigail decide to accuse tituba of witchcraft for attention. Soon she and Betty were going crazy with accusations of many Salem citizens which led everyone to suspect witches were in Salem.

The Salem witch trials were nothing but crazy people getting paranoid over nothing. It was like if a crime was committed and there were no leads but everyone suspected u if u were an ex-con. U would be tried and arrested cuz of who u r and ur past and that just isn’t right. It is like when groups of people start running in one direction and instead of asking questions u get scared and just start running with everyone else. If u accuse someone of being a terrorist because they r Muslim then u r acting just like at the Salem witch trials.

Wat I think is going to happen later in the book is that everyone starts to get paranoid and scared and the accusations start to arise and people start getting arrested for no good reason. More and more people r going to get accuse by Abigail and the girls. Then more and more people r going to get killed. Eventually they r going to not even ask for evidence and just assume the girls r telling the truth and just hang or imprison them this is going to lead to more paranoia and it will just get worse and worse until someone eventually comes to their senses and starts asking for actual proof.

I think u wouldn’t like this play dude cuz of the way it is written. U would break from the old style English. Also because u r more into easier books with more science fiction and not plays. This book would probably put u to sleep and I know how u hates having to follow along with so many characters.

Anonymous said...

Wat up doe billy bob thorton umm im in 4th hour and we reading this lil book called the "The Crucible". And im bouta tell u basically about how the puritans and how they were so. Puritans are ppl. who in the 16th and 17th century was very strict about their religion and they really belived in god and they had to praise him most of their days. And if you wanted to be one u have to like literally dedicate yourself to that.

And in the book the crucible so far some girls was out dancing two girls were unconstion.and everybody in town was gathering around and the reverend didnt want anybody to kno because he would like lose his job and everybody would talk about him. and they went to go get this person which name is tituba because they believed that she could talk to the dead. And this man came in and he was gon settle the whole lil situation.

Ok and the salem witch trials was basically like if i was bouta rob a bank and and i told you to stay in the car i be right back and you didnt kno wat was goin on and i jus came back wit two duffle bags full of money and jus told u to drive and then later we got caught they would like think WE set this up wen it was Me that did the whole crime but we both would get locked up cus they would think WE did it.

And i think that tituba is goin to die before she speak the truth and the two girls are goin to be let go.

And i think you would like this play if u act it out or watch someone else act it out because to me reading is boring no fun wit out u actin but thats my opinion......!!

-Chuck Dalton

A'licia Chesson said...

hi Ciarra,

i want to taell you about this new book i am reading in my engligh class called "The Crucible".We have been reding this book for about a week i thought it was going to be boring, but it ok so far.

the people have there on way of life called "Puritanism". They are a very differnt kind of people. They are very far out people, not like every day day peolpe. The man have all the power, and the women and children are treated very badly. They belived in god but they wanted to live there own way.

the book so far is kind of good. So far beety is on her sick bed because someting happened to her when she was caught dancing wiht the ohter girls in the forest. Her dad is a reverend of the town and he dosnt want to the poeple of the twon to judg him for what his daughter has done.the other girls that were in the forest doing supposeily "wicth caft" didnt want to confuse but the did later on inthe play.

The Salem witch trials is based on what the people of the town think the girls wrer doning in the forset. just like that time when your mom thought you sold that money out of her purse but really your lil sis sold it. Then she put you on a 2 week punisment. but after the 1 week she new that your sis sold the money. Thats what happened wiht the Salen witch trials.

I think what is going to happen at the end of the book is that the town peolpe are going to try in kill the girls for doing witch caft. But the town will realise that the are not guilty.

I think you will like this play because what happen to you wiht the money siduation. Beacuse it dosnt fill good to be accusted of doing something that you didnt do.

Anonymous said...

Hey ashleyyyy :D !

Heyy  omg I’m so bored but yea, guess what? Did you know that puritan’s believe that the bible is like.. god’s law book? Almost everything they learned had to do with god or when people had days off from work, they didn’t just sit around and hang out. They stayed home and like..prayed all day? Idk that’s kind of weird. And also women weren’t allowed to talk or anything in church that’s really dumb I wonder why guys had so much authority over almost everything a long time ago. They don’t now 

So yea anyways this book the Crucible, It’s alright. This man’s daughter, Betty will not wake up, and her father trys calling the doctor and he says that he thinks she might be afflicted with the devil. Five other girls were with her when they started acting all weird just like Betty. They know a woman named Tituba that was watching these girls for their parents and they think that she contacted the devil and made these girls afflicted with him!. This is all started in a village of Salem , Massachusetts start accusing people of being witches. Remember when we went to Salem Massachusetts?! With my grandma? Were reading about all this stuff it’s cool.

Yea so do you know what hysteria and paranoia actually means? Hysteria is like an uncontrollable fear and paranoia is like when we watched the grudge a long time ago, and we were so annoyed and kept getting scared that there were things in my room. Well the Salem witch trials is all about this stuff. The Salem witch trials is when people accused of witch craft. People were like..thrown to the bottom of lakes and if you sunk you were a human if you floated, you were a witch. Either way you were screwed isn’t that dumb? So I bet millions of innocent people died.

You should read this play its pretty good so far. Our class acts it out they do an okay job but it makes me understand the play so much better too because I get to see it visually. Don’t you love when classes act out the story? But … I don’t like it if I have to be in it haha. Anyways Even though you haven’t read it, I really think Betty isn’t better already because in the last chapter we read she wakes up and confesses who she saw with the devil. Which this whole play. She doesn’t even wake up till than but I still think there is something a little fishy about the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Shaeika Richardson

What up Von, I just wanted to tell you about the Puritans and everything else that’s been going on in this play. First off maaaan these puritans are crazy they want you to be Christian and all dat. Maaan dis play is a trip. They will kill you if you don’t go to church and dat’s kind of a bad thing cause everybody an’t gone be like dat yo.’ like everybody an’t gone wanna do all dat all the time. But the only good thing about dat is really nuthin. If you good, holy, and Christian den u straight.

But up in the Crucible so far is actually good. People in dat play were getting wild and crazy on me. I had to close my eyes, and my ears. All b/c they was dancing naked in the woods or forest or whatever dey was at. And Tituba was singing something dat made Parris think something was going on especially wen Betty passed out. den they called hale to come see wat was wrong wit Betty. Hale is some kinda minister dat work wit things like possessions of evil, and stuff like dat. He called on Tituba cause he think dat she got something to do wit all dis, and Betty be actin crazy. Everybody just trippin cause Betty passed out, won’t wake and wen she do, she don’t normal.

As for The Salem Witch Trials, back den the bible says something about, if u see a whitch u gotta kill it. So back den if u were accused of being a whitch den u sha’ll die. So since it was people going around accusing people of being a whitch some people were scared for there life and some people just didn’t care. For those who were out dere dat was a witch probably was paranoid really bad, or they probably was feeling like they’ll never catch me. So some were paranoid and some were scared and some just probably didn’t care.

Right about now, I think dat everybody in the play gone find out dat Betty Is being mind controlled by the devil, and everybody gone think Tituba gone have something to do wit it, and they gone try to hang Tituba. And I also think dat Abigail gone get caught accusing of people and she gone die. Reverend Parris gone start to like children. A lot of stuff gone change.

But knowing u, u probably gone like this book b/c u like drama, and this book got a lot of drama in it. But den again u probably not gone like the book b/c u don’t like sacred stuff. U probably will start to get scared. So u probably would read dis book scared and just don’t care, keep reading it and den once u done u gone be having nightmares for a very long time.

Desmond Ingram said...

Desmond Ingram Wat up keith u need 2 kno abt Puritanism real fast. It’s a religion dats real strict and pree much outkast u if u are not a Christian and follow da rules of being puritan den yea u will most likely will not be welcomed as a real Christian and wont even be claimed by ur own family. One main thing 4rm wat dey teach is never let wicked things live here on earth bcuz dats wat god said ( the bible) and dey go on a witch trial bcuz dey start 2 suspect dat salem, mass. Is filled wit witches dat study witchcraft and da puritans are bound 2 kill them.

So far da book crucible is good but boring bcuz it’s a book dat u really cant get into unless u really like 2 learn abt things lik witchcraft which I really don’t like learni9ng abt it bcuz its pree boring. But I also say it’s a good book bcuz it really explain things good abt dfis religion called puritan . a quick summary of it is about 2 females dancing in the woods then one of the gurls fainted and the reverend was concerned about is reputation arnd da village and so they brung in this slave named tituba that worked with witchcraft and who worked for Lucifer and after dat everyone was spilling out names of who worked wit witchcraft.

I think now in days if all of this stuff happened I believe ppl would be more lenient wit witchcraft but I also believe that sum of the ppl would go out there own way and persecute the ones who study witchcraft but I dnt think times are better than dey were 400 yrs ago. I still believe ppl dnt lke witchcraft jus as the puritans did.

I believe that in the rest of the play will be as it is which is boring but idk wat else can happen maybe more ppl will come fourth and admit dat there witches or study witchcraft but maybe more ppl will say dey are witches and wizards bcuz dey are jus persecuted and dose not wanna die.

And ii do not like this play bcuz as I said before its just boring.

Anonymous said...

Emily Davis
4th Hour

Ashley what up piiiiimmmmppp !!! yesser for sure im down wit that so we just gonna meet up ther and me and Shawn will meet u up ther at 8:30ish =] im tell my mom im at Taylers house so I can stay the night lol im so fudging bored im sittin hear in 4th hour and we are reading this one book and I got to act augh w/e it’s 10 points but it think it the crucible I think I spelled that right but yur lucky u aint got to read it it sucks and they got to many ppl in it but yeah they are out in the forest and this one chicks uncle comes and finds them and there dancing and chanting things when he comes and the chick I play she was runnin thro the forest naked lol for sure I so run thro the forest naked lol Froggy wishs her were there lmao but yeah I guess ther doin witch crap and the next day the preachers daughter is like dead but alive just chillin in her bed and every1 is all at the preachers dude house b/c they say they were doin witch craft and the preacher asks his niece what was goin on and she lies and then like 4 more ppl show up and I got lost and they were all yellin at each other and the preachers daughter wakes up and runs in the wall it was funny as crap when this chick like jumped up and ran in to the wall lol I would not do that and then she tried jumpin out the window thinking she could fly and everyone is getting pissed at the preacher telling him to go talk to all the towns ppl down stairs and the ppl start yellin about whos land is whos and sayin how they lost like 8 kids and just random pointless crap but that’s as far as I got ugh I hate it it’s stupid .
But yup we had to guess what was gonna happen and I think the preacher and all the girls that were in the forest are gonna get killed for bein witches and wizards lol wizards that’s a sweet word XD and just the town is gonna kill like everyone off but idk I guess what I think is gonna happen even though It sucks.
Oh I forgot to tell u that I need to shut up talking bout this b/c I don’t even no why im talking bout this stupid book IT SUCKZ trust me they got to many ppl and it’s not even good they need to stop talking about land and witches and just get into it already and kill some ppl and make it interestin and have action but nope itz a lame case bouk lol member when I made that word lol I told Jackie give my any word and she said book so I made bouk lmao funny as crap but u don’t want to read it .
Oh yeah but there was on coolz thing about it the ppl are I think itz called Puritans and they are like all obsessed about god like they want to rap him lol ther like u have to be perfect and can’t do nothing wrong and try livin in this everything right civilization which is stupid lol me and you would be gone with in like 3 seconds if u even made it that far lmao and yeah like if u did something wrong and u were a chick they would kill u 4 bein a witch crazy crap like that but why itz cool is itz like ther all crazy about god how Mech is with smoking lmfao that’s why it was funny it was just a cool comparison =P
O crap I forgot to tell u about the witch trials my bad I pro got u lost lol srry well I kind of told u well if u do something wrong don’t go to church act funny or some 1 wants something of yurs u will most likely but called a witch and then killed which is gay but yeah I forgot to tell u that Brian said that u had drugs when they were askin who was a person that seemed like u do drugs man he so ratted u out idk what there gonna do now even though u dn’t even do it I heard thre about to kick u out of school and lock u up =_[ that’s crap they cant do that just cause they think u do when u don’t!!!!!!!! lol SO JK but that’s how it would be like now lol srry I had to screw with u =] lol
Aight I see u later lol I still can’t believe but me and Shawn <3 =) Peace

nicole powell said...

Watcha reading? In 5th hour English we are reading this book called the Crucible and it has to do with witchcraft and accusing people that are innocent.

Puritan are people who only believe in church and god. They wanted more purity in worship. You had to be a full member of the church to be a puritan. Women could not talk in church only the men did. Women and children were not very respected.

So far in the book this girl Betty is in a coma. Her dad doesn’t want any one in the village to think she is a witch because of the way she is acting and how she isn’t waking up. And the night before Abigail, Tituba and some other girls were dancing in the forest. Tituba was singing them in the forest when the girls were dancing. Some people in the village think she is a witch and put a curse on Betty because she was singing songs in a different language. When she didn’t tell them that a frog hopped into the kettle, they think she was trying to kill her.

The Salem witch trials were like someone being accused of stealing without the accuser having any evidence. Because there was no “real” evidence that they were witches. People just went around accusing people for no reason at all. If they had a grudge on someone they would accuse them of being a witch or if they didn’t like someone they would accuse them also.

I think that Betty will come out of the coma. But I think Tituba is really the witch and talks to the devil and is trying to curse everyone. I think Revered Parris is not going to be the minister of the church after the whole village finds out that his family might be interacting with the devil.

I think you would like the play because it's more about accusing the innocents and you'll see what will happen to them if they are accused even if they are innocent. I like this book more then the following books we have read because it’s more of what I like to read, more crime, and it keeps me on my toes.

Anonymous said...

Hallo Liebe! So u asked about the Puritans? Well they were really uptight and religious. The women were not respected at all and kids were slaves. Days off for them meant praying all day. Who can do that? Anyway, and anyone who didn’t go to church was looked down upon.
The book that I’m reading in class is called the Crucible and it’s about the Salem witch trials. There is this little puritan village called Salem in Massachusetts that the book takes place in. These girls are accusing people of being witches and it sets the town up in this huge up-roar. It’s comparable to rumors. One person gets a hold of some gossip and texts their friends who text their friends and next thing you know there is this huge thing that may or may not be true.
I think the next thing that’ll happen is the town starts the actual trials on the people who the girls are accusing. We ended at the closing of Act 1 where Betty and Abigail are screaming out the names of people who they think are witches.
I like the book but I don’t think you’d like it because they use a lot of old English in the dialogue. I love you but I’d have to translate what they are saying so you can get it. Yes, I did just call you not smart. :P
Ich liebe dich, nicht sie vergessen
Diana M. Ludwig

javonte jones said...

what up doe q? whats been gud wit u?Im readin this book in my english class called the crucible. It's kinda borin rite now but i hope its gets better.

In the book its like 6 girls who are believed to be like haunted by the devil or somethn lol.They were caught dancin by a fire in the woods wit this one african slave lady named tituba.Tituba sings songs often in different languages and things like that.tituba belongs to parris who is one of the 6 girls mother.Now parris's daughter wont eat and is completely gone. This man’s daughter, Betty will not wake up, and her father trys calling the doctor and he says that he thinks she might be afflicted with the devil.So now at this point all eyes are on tituba she is blammmed for all the weird behavior by the girls.

The salem witch trials, was wen people were called out on being witches.They did dumb stuff to see if people were witches or not.Like if you had blond hair they accuse you of being a witch.Or if u had a mole and u didnt bleed if it was needled u were basically a witch.

Next i think they gon kill tituba and realize she wasnt a witch. i believe that one of the girls are witches and they convinced the other girls to the devil.

Bro, i almost forgot to tell u about the puritan stuff. If u was a puritan u gotta go to church every service.They were very big on religion and stayin faithful to god.But the women were more likely to go to hell b4 the men because they couldnt be preachers. They had to stay in the house and work there, they couldnt get a normal job like men.Thats kinda bold and funny tho lol.
Whatever u do try to avoid this play if its possible. This play is soooooo boring so far, but ill hit u bak up and let u kno how it all turns out.

Anonymous said...

Sup Buddy!

So I’m reading this play called the Crucible. It’s really cool. I’m diggin’ it. Anyways, it’s about the Salem witch trials. This town was full of these Puritans, which if you ask me, were really dumb…

Puritanism is extreme strictness in moral or religious matters. They believed that when you were born it was already decided whether you were going to heaven or hell. And you got signs or clues through your whole life telling you where you were going.

We’ve read act one so far. I’m playing Abigail. She is the villain. So far, we’ve learned that Abby is sleeping with John Proctor who is married to Elizabeth. She is an orphan who is living with her uncle (Rev. Parris) and her cousin (Betty). Betty is sick and Parris doesn’t know why. The doctor said it was probably unnatural causes. Parris calls for Rev. Hale, who is an expert on witches. He declares that Betty is being influenced by a witch. Parris reveals that he saw the girls dancing in the woods and someone was naked, and there had been a pot with something moving in it on the ground. Abby accuses Tituba (Parris’ slave from Barbados) of doing the witchcraft.

I would consider the Salem witch trials to after 9-11. Everyone was paranoid and going into hysteria. After 9-11 people thought all Arabic’s were terrorists. During the Salem witch trials everyone accused other people of witch craft.

I think next John and Abigail are going to meet again even though he says he doesn’t want to anymore. Then I think she is going to use that against him so that he won’t tell about Abby doing the witchcraft because she can threaten him with blackening his name too. I also think the girls will blame many more people.

I think you would really like it. I love it. It’s way better than Huck Finn, Raisin in the Sun and Of Mice and Men. Way better. It’s amazing. I think you would like Abigail. I think she’s funny. Especially the line, she said something about John clutching her back, sweating like a stallion. I don’t know... it was weird. But you’d like it.


Anonymous said...


What up man you ever read this book called the Crucible. If you haven’t stay away from it its terrible. In the book it’s a group called the puritans. They are very religious and have boring lives. They tried to get other people to believe in god but if they was a Puritan they couldn’t believe in nothing else. They do not go outside the little village. I couldn’t do that.
So far the Crucible is the most dumbest, boring not interesting at all book I ever read. It is about some little girls getting accused of being witches. Who cares if they are Witches or not its no point of trying to find out. People eventually are going to get killed for being accused of being witches. If they would of never accused the little girls none of this would be happening.
The Salem witch trials was when a lot people were getting accused for doing witchcraft. Nobody had any real evidence to say that they really are doing witchcraft or not. Therefore people was just going around accusing other people for doing witchcraft.
I think that at the end people will find out that nobody they accused were doing witchcraft they were just scared that someone else is going to accuse them so they accuse someone else before anybody could accuse them.
Honestly I think you will fell the same way I fell about this play. You won’t like it because it is flat out dumb . You still should read it but I bet you don’t finish the first 5 pages Lol.


Anonymous said...

Gates 1

Alfonzo Gates

Mr. Hughes

5th hour

The Puritanism basic believed n the life-giving power of Holy Scripture. They believed in the sovereignty of the Spirit. They believed in supreme importance of preaching. They believed in the primacy of the intellect.

In the Puritan New England town of Salem, Massachusetts, a group of girls goes dancing in the forest with a black slave named Tituba. While dancing, they are caught by the local minister, Reverend Parris. One of the girls, Parris's daughter Betty, falls into a coma-like state. A crowd gathers in the Parris home while rumors of witchcraft fill the town. Having sent for Reverend Hale, an expert on witchcraft, Parris questions Abigail Williams, the girls' ringleader, about the events that took place in the forest. Abigail, who is Parris's niece and ward, admits to doing nothing beyond “dancing.” hile Parris tries to calm the crowd that has gathered in his home, Abigail talks to some of the other girls, telling them not to admit to anything. John Proctor, a local farmer, then enters and talks to Abigail alone. Unbeknownst to anyone else in the town, while working in Proctor's home the previous year she engaged in an affair with him, which led to her being fired by his wife, Elizabeth. Abigail still desires Proctor, but he fends her off and tells her to end her foolishness with the girls.Betty wakes up and begins screaming. Much of the crowd rushes upstairs and gathers in her bedroom, arguing over whether she is bewitched. A separate argument between Proctor, Parris, the argumentative Giles Corey, and the wealthy Thomas Putnam soon ensues. This dispute centers on money and land deeds, and it suggests that deep fault lines run through the Salem community. As the men argue, Reverend Hale arrives and examines Betty, while Proctor departs. Hale quizzes Abigail about the girls' activities in the forest, grows suspicious of her behavior, and demands to speak to Tituba. After Parris and Hale interrogate her for a brief time, Tituba confesses to communing with the devil, and she hysterically accuses various townsfolk of consorting with the devil. Suddenly, Abigail joins her, confessing to having seen the devil conspiring and cavorting with other townspeople. Betty joins them in naming witches, and the crowd is thrown into an uproar.

The Salem Witch trails were like if I told that u was a witch u wood b killed for that. They wood ask u questions and do experiments 2 u like, stick a knife or something like that n your back 2 c if u r n pain or c if u bleed.

I think the play gone end kinda like a scary movie, because it is going 2 b a lot of killing and stuff. But the guy I was playing gets killed I get smashed by big bolder. 26 people actually die n dis story.

U wood like dis story because it got a lot of killings and its not really boring like people say it is. It is like a mystery thing cause everybody blaming everybody else so that they wont get killed.

Anonymous said...

WATS GUD gurl guess wat we readin in class?? dis new book in mii english class its called da CRUCIBLE its a gud book soooo far and in da story they sat sumthin bout tese ppl called puritans they believed in church and god and stuff lyke dat and if u wanted 2 be 1 u had 2 be a full member at the church first da ladys were treated bad they wasnt even alound to tlk in church....I KNOW WRONGG RITE!!!

howeva in dis book its lyke six gurl and they was singin in da forest and dancin wit a slave names tituba now dis man named paris has a daughter betty and shes actin crazy and wont eat nun and her friend 2 so betty was lyin in bed and all of a suddent got up and ran to da window screamin fo her mama (lolzZz) it was funni to mii so its lyke everybody in her room and cant nobody get along but her daddy Parris is afraid if da news bout his daughter get out he will be kicked out of the town and lose his job nowdis otha man cumin to town cuz he know a lot of stuff bout witchcraft (yeah they believed in it)

sooooo say that everybody thought u was a witch hey would put u through diff stuff lyke they would tie u to sumthin and through u in da river and if u floated u was a witch but if u sink u not but da killer part bout all dis is dat i died either way and they didnt care(so bold rite!!!!)

i cant really say wat i think is goin to happen at da end but i have a clue lyke maybe the gurl will get cought lyin and go to jail or they might be cured but im not gne tell u cyz i want u to read the book.....OTAY

i think u would read dis book cuz i lyke it and i dnt rea dat much so for me to lyke it u know its a gud book but read it and tell me wat u think otay ......!!!!!BYE <3 <3 <3


Anonymous said...

Como estas, Megan?,

Alright, get this! We’re reading this book in 5th hour (kinda fun!). It’s about all these paranoid psycho’s who thought everyone was a witch. No questions…just “You’re a witch? DIE!” It’s totally barbaric! But that’s why I like this story. Well, actually it’s a play. These people are what they called Puritans. Guess it was, like, a religion or something. It was a male dominance society, too! The women were treated like they weren’t important or their opinions didn’t matter. Pretty much their whole life was based on a series of the question, “Am I going to Heaven or Hell?” If they had a day off, they couldn’t relax. NOOOO!!! They had to study the bible or pray all day. They don’t have many material items either. It is very bland. Biggest problem…They did NOT approve of Witchcraft. Thought it was bad or something. I, personally, think it would be friggin’ sweet to do that kind of stuff.

Okay, to the good stuff. Basically there is this girl, her name is Abigail. She is seventeen and had sex with a married man. He’s like thirty, too, so that’s just gross if you ask me. But whatever. Anyways, her cousin, Betty, is sick (so said) and will not wake up from this stupor she is under. Abigail’s uncle, Rev. Parris, had caught Abigail and a few other girls, including Betty, dancing in the woods. His servant from Barbados, Tituba, was dancing and singing around a fire. The doctor that they call says there is nothing wrong with her physically so they should think about supernatural causes. When Parris leaves the room, we find out the girls are planning something and Abigail threatens two of her friends that briefly stop by. She said she would make them wish they never saw the dawn if they tell anyone what happened in the woods. John Proctor, the man she is having an affair with, stops by the house to tell Abigail that he isn’t going to be seeing her anymore. She makes this really creepy comment about him behind the shed and sweating like a stallion. Holly crap, it was funny! Kind of embarrassing to read even by yourself. This makes her angry and she starts to throw a fit when Betty starts yelling and trying to jump out the window. Parris and a few others were downstairs singing a psalm when she started acting out so they seized when they all came back into the room. They all start talking about the problems in town when the accusations start. Giles says he can’t pray or read the bible when his wife is reading these mysterious books that she hides. He claims when she puts them away, he can suddenly pray again without problem. Near the end of Act 1, Abigail says it was Tituba that did it and so they bring Tituba into the room and speak with her. She says she has seen people in town with the devil himself. Tituba calls off the names and then Abigail and suddenly Betty start calling off multiple names. Then the curtain falls.

Creepy, huh? Bunch of paranoid crazies! Its like when everyone sees people like us. They automatically assume we are going to be, like, psychotic deranged serial killers so they avoid us and spread rumors of things we have never done just to get others to talk crap then no one wants to talk to you. You try to deny the rumors and people just scoff and sneer and you, calling you a liar. It almost hurts, you know. Just because I wear dark colors, I am depressed and worship the devil and absolutely love metal. I like metal… but I also like Oprah, ‘80’s, alternative, and country. I hate judgmental people. HATE THEM!!!!!

So, I think that Abigail is going to say that John’s wife is a witch just to spite her and so Abby can keep John but doesn’t suspect that John will find that a low blow. He will tell the village that she is a fraud and none of those people were witches and she had many innocent people killed. John will die at the end because Abigail gets angry so she blames him of witchcraft and using it to make her want to sleep with him. That’s what I think will happen anyways…

I think you would like the play just because we could have a lot of fun making fun of the Temptress and how she reminds me of a prostitute. Lots of people we could laugh at. And just the thought of all those people that died just makes a person curious about what will happen to them and who will live. Yeah, you’d like it. Give it a try.

Erica Kole

Anonymous said...

Ay wass good bro

Puritans are like people pf the religion puritans. This was started and stuff in England and stuff but they had a king and stuff, so they left to America. While this time they had people in other countries that practiced witchcraft and stuff and so they started to practice witchcraft in America as well.

I have been reading this book the crucible. So far they have introduced all the character and stuff. They believe in witches and stuff in the community, and so they accuse some people of being witches and stuff.

An analogy of the Salem witch trials in America to the modern day things are things like people getting or being accused for something they didn’t ever do. So like how many Arabic and Muslims are being accused of being a terrorist and stuff when really they could be the most innocent people in the world! It was as simple as look she’s a witch and she would be accused! Just like that they got Arabic, and Muslim people accused.

I have been reading this so far and I think that pretty soon someone is going to get hung or die by being accused of being a witch in the society. Tituba is I think going to get hung first simply because of the stuff she says and how she is suspected. I think that there are throughout the book going to have people die and stuff but at like by the end of the book its going to be simply this is stupid and people start to get a little since in what is going on is wrong!!

I think that the play is okay, and that you might like it. I have heard its got many awards and stuff so yea you might just like it, but from my opinion I think its okay, kind off boring at times, but sometimes you also run into some interesting parts!

-umang mistry 6th hour

Anonymous said...

Heyy whats up???
So, guess what? We are acting this play out in Mr. Hughes’ class right? And its called The Crucible, its pretty good so far, I missed a day of reading tho cuz I was out sick, so I’m not entirely sure what goes on in the play but its generally about this girl that’s sick and her family calls all of these ppl to figure out what is wrong with her, and some ppl think she’s a witch, oh I forgot to tell you about that, um so its generally about the Salem witch trials, sorry bout that, you prolly didn’t know what I was talking about. So anyways, this chicks dad calls up this guy that is like the guy to call to figure out if someone is a witch and he comes and well when we left off these girls were telling him all these names that they saw with the devil, cuz they wanted to get close to Jesus again, so yeah.
Oh and all these ppl are like super afraid of witches and like um, “evil actions” cuz they are super religious and their religion is called Puritanism, they are like hard core Christians and junk so like whenever they find out about ppl doing witchcraft…they hang them, so its pretty intense, cuz they are really afraid of witches and such.
I don’t know if you would like it or not, cuz I don’t know what types of books you’re interested in but I like it so far.
I think the girls that told that one guy all those names, I think they will get “set free” and all the ppl they named off will get hanged, that would b really sad tho.
So that’s basically what goes on in that book, you should check it out. But I’m gunna talk to you later so have a good day! Peace <3

Kendyl Brown said...

Heyy Kim, what’s really gud?

So yaah, we’re reading this book in English called the Crucible (u probably already read it in Honors).

It has something to do with Puritanism, which is kind of like hardcore belief in God and people normally would go to church like all the time. This all took place back in the 16th and 17th century and it kind of like supported “purity” and stuff like tht!!

Well, so far, Reverend Parris is facing conflict with his rep in the town b/c his daughter, Betty Parris, has been showing signs of the possibility that she may be possessed by the Devil. He questions, Abigail, his niece what happened in the forest with their servant, Tituba. He calls 4 Reverend Hale to come to Salem to help Betty become un-possessed by the Devil (if that helps). At this point, Betty finally wakes up and goes into who she saw with the Devil and then Abigail starts blaming ppl. 2 b/c she wants to get rid of her own personal enemies and now she sees her chance.

So yeah, you knw how we’re learning about WW2 in AP right? Well, this hysteria is kind of like when the U.S. put Japanese-Americans in concentration camps b/c they were freaked out about Japanese peeps invading the U.S. YIKES!!!

I think that later on in the play tht innocent peeps who r being blamed by Abigail are goin 2 get into sum deep dukey!!! Also, I think that someone might actually be on 2 Abigail and her lies and she might get in trouble too!!

I knw we both hate school in general, but I think this book is kind of not the books u r used to reading. U knw tht ttly the books we read are suggestive (sum of them), but really idk.

Luvs u bbe!!!!

Ur besttii,
Kendyl <3333

andrew said...

Hey, Vesquita how are yuh? Oh you want to know about the Crucible? Well let me see, it involves a lot of Puritanism, hysteria and paranoia. What’s Puritanism you ask? Well Puritanism is being all holy, never turning to the devil for any thing looking only for god and his holy presence to help you and guide you threw any hardship or just for a prayer. Well the Crucible is a great play written by Arthur miller about 2 main characters Abigail and john proctor. Abigail being of the age 17 years is in love with Mr. Proctor and has had an affair with him, Mr. Proctor being married to Elizabeth proctor doesn’t want to love Abigail but can’t help but feel a lovable tug towards her presence. Well from what I read it’s a pretty good play, betty is sick and Abigail and mercy are at her side, they believe betty was bewitched and everyone starts having a big discussion about what was going on in the town because they seen Abigail and all these girls in the woods dancing out in the forest with there dresses on the ground, and a big pot with a frog in it, so of course they thought they were witches. In the Salem witch trials, in the late 1600’s people were suspected of being witches or wizards just by looking like a witch or because you talk funny or hunch your back and have a big nose basically if you look like a witch then you are suspected of being a witch, and when they find what they call “proof” then you know you are in deep trouble cuz you will either get tested by getting thrown into a lake tide to a chair and if you float then you are a witch if your drown then you are human, either way you were still going to die, and everyone was scared to live with a witch so they’d get rid of any body who is considered to look like a witch cuz they don’t want to be cursed or have a spell cast upon them witch called for mass hysteria (when your feelings are controlled by the movement of the crowds feeling). What I think is going to happen in the play is that betty is going to be killed and everyone is going to get found out that they are suspected witches and will be either tested and survive or murdered, and john will take Abigail and run away from Salem and they will live happily ever after until the rest of the town finds them lol. Either way I think john is going to admit his true feelings for Abigail and they are going to be together from then on and john’s name will be ruined but still be known, and reverend hail I think is going to get ruined all together. I think you would like the play, because it confuses you on what’s going to happen next and then when you find out what happens it surprises you and keeps you on the lark for any foreshadows or clues about the future of the play, I also think you’ll enjoy this play because he shows a great love story between two people and how Abigail is accused of being a witch but john doesn’t tell because it would ruin his name for having such relations with such a young girl.

Anonymous said...

Wat up doe my dude, a dog listen im in English 10 6th hour class and we reading dis book dats called “The Crucible” and so far in da book we have learned dat dare r sum people walkin around dis mug telling otha people dat deez ladies are some witches but if you ask me I really don’t believe dat people back in da day would really think dat dare was witches flyin round and doin thangs like day say dat day do.
Puritanism was jus comin into da areas round dem places like Salem and all round doze areas but it mean really dat you should getcho on relationship wit god by not usin a man in da middle or in otha words by not havin ta go ta a minister or a pastar jus talking straight to god from your self and day believed dat only men can talk in the church but only while church was in service I think.
Dog basically da book is doin wat people nowadays do like wen we see white people some black people automatically dat day are raciest or somethin is wrong wit em or even like arabs wen we see dem da first thang dat be comin ta our head is terrorist but dats not always true doe.
But like I was talkin bout da play but I think dat day is gone eather find out who started all dis commotion or day is gone just start goin round poping people off mosly girls doe cause a dude cant be a witch.

Joshua Hoskins

Ellen said...

Whats up Kay,
Sooo were reading this book in english called The Crucible.Im bouta tell you about it, but first you gotta know about Puritanism which is bascially when you believe in the chruch of god and and you you a member of the chruch. you gone get mad when i tell you this...they treat women soooo wrong they can't even speak in chruch aint that bout nothing.!!

So one night the there were six girls in the woods dancing aroung naked and people claim to have saw smoke in the air. This girl named Betty gets "bewitched" and she jumps ups and hits the wall, like what the heck is wrong with you.??Lol...But every body was all in the room beside her bed talking about what could of happened who could of bewitched her. Putnam and Proctor dont even like each other...petty, but they fighting over land and money i guess thats major ill be mad to if somebody tried to claim my money and land.!

I think Abagail gone get caught because she not to smart she dont know how to get attention of herself and she is sooo freakin evil i swear.

You would be soooo freaking BORED if yall was reading this play it's sooo eww. idk i just don't like it. But its striaght if you play a role in the play.

Anonymous said...

Hiii bestfriennnnddd :) <33

whatchaadoinnn? :D hmm, so in class right now were reading the Crucible. I didnt like it, at all at first. but reading more of it, im not gonna lie its actually pretty interestinggg. (: everyones being accused of involving themselves with witch craft, and all these idiot people started turning in members of there family, accusing there friends, and pointing fingers at every one around them, just to make sure THEY didnt get accused of it! dumbb! i hate how the word gets around SOOOO frickin fast, and then before you know it every one around the whole intire town is just assuming that everyones involved with witch craft! pahaha, i like how detailed the play is :) it makes it easy to follow along with, and this is proballly the first book i've read ALL year, that i actuallly continued to pay attention everyday in class. :D Its kind of sucky, if you really think about it. I mean these people have to live day by day in complete fear of being accused. MOST of them dont even do anything wrong at all!! yet people blame them, when there doing everyday things! The play shows a modern day family. Living everyday, just like any other ordinary day. An then randomly... a buncha people that work with the government decide its time to question everybody, and get them ALLLL to assume that theres witch craft going on all around them... ew, are you seriousss? i would hate to have anything to do with that whats so ever.. Its kinda funny how Mr. Hughes has us act the play out :) its extremely interesting to watch people actually get into character, annn act as if though its really happening. It helps me understand the play a whole more, then just simply reading it. That gets boring after a while... and i hate reading, ya know?

Living in those days, and being accused of witch craft. Is like today, being harassed for the color of your skin. People are already gonna have an opinion of you, and theres no way you can change that. SO you end up getting killed and crap... yeah thats stupid..! im glad we dont have ANYTHING like that today. or else we would all at some point end up turning on eachother. Ohhh snaps. that woulddd suck :P even though people at this school arleady hardlyy like anybody. hmm oh well!

I think next in the play, There gonna start coming down a lot harder about whoever they THINK is a witch, or performing witch craft. And then there most likely gonna start killing people left and right just so they dont have to worrry about them doing something stupid..or crazy to the rest of the town. I mean i dont blame them for freaking out and blaming everyone but its kind dumb how people get beat, and hung, even when they reallly are innocent...!

Youd like reading this boooook :) its easy to get involved with, and its not boring like most of the books they make us readdd :DD haha. Puratins are people who dont believe that the government is going far enough to punish or get rid of these people. witch craft is like a HUGE frickin deal to them. they dont play, at all. but im over it (: idek.. I deffinitly think you need to read it (: your missing out girl :D pahahahah, I sound like an idiot. But I could care less :P I feel bad for them though, like they got tortured in all sorts of ways “/ but they couldn’t stop it from happening.. whoever invented Puritanism, or witch craft. Started up a whollllleee lot of drama, that’s furrrsure. :) welll, im done here. Buhbyeee :pp <3

Taylor Sanford said...

Heyyyy bestfriendd :]
<3333 WHATUP :D
Uhmmm yeah, so in english;;; were reading this play/book thingggggy and its called the curicible.. Its a really old play nd all but its actaully pretty interesting :p its about like these people who get accused of practicing witch craft just because of a stupid rumor someone started! Isn't that stupid? I hate when people believe EVERYTHINGGGG THEY HEAR! HA, we kinda have something in common with the play! :) Anywhooooo- These people are "Purtians" or something like that, and they think everything should be pure and stufffff. In the book people go crazy for some reason??? & they think RANDOM people are witches... like the kinds of people you would never expect... people that are religious and are so nice & known as a good person- those types of people were accused for absolutley NO REASONNNNNNN? idfk, its weird. But some people started accusing there family memebers nd stuff... pretty messed up if ya ask me! ahah, so yeah... i actually KIND OF like the play :p I mean, i haven't done barely ANYTHINNNNG all year :x and i've actually been following along with this book for once, and its better :p I like the idea of the play, its really interesting especially since most of it actually happened in real life nd all! Idk, i don;t really like when they act it out in class tho.. bc Alllll the kids that act are all MONOTONE nd make in boring... i mean im not saying i could do any better because im NOT getting up there to act out!! hahahah, but there's only like THREEEEE GOOD actors that really get into it, so i like them :] but yeah- I do appreciate them trying though, bc its wayyyyyyyy better then reading.... & Mr.Hughes let us listen to a piece of the audio... like the book "on tape" er whatever, and let me tell you its freakinnnn boring as crappp. i already have a hard time keeping my self awake in that class with what we do now LET ALONE LISTENING TOO THATTTTTTTT, it would suck hahaha. ihml! <3 but anyway; I don;t know whats going to happen in the play... its not very predictable which i like (: i like reading stuff that is unexpected! its goood, lol :) but yeahhh. I don;t really like how they talk though, hahah. since its back "in the olden days" they use big words nd stuff but its still fine ! Ewwwwm they use to do so much bad crap to the people they thought were witches... like its so dumb! But im not gonna spoil the rest for you becaus im making you read it ! now! :) hahahaha. <3 i own you bwahhah jk (: lol. wellll yeah. I guess you can kinda compare it too stupid RUMORS at school.... like people that accused me OF ALLLL that stuff last year ? im sure you remember :) but just because people hear something and they automatically beleive it... i can barely handle THAT i can;t beleive a rumor got THAT big that long ago & it made history! Crazayyy isnt it? stupid also- over that little of a rumor everyone went crazy haaaaaaaaa, DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA! lol. anywayyyyyyyy ,you should read it!: )

btw; im coming over later (:


Anonymous said...

Joe Scarantino
-Hey, im in Mr. Hughes English class and he is making me do this boring assignment about the Crucible. It’s telling me to explain what the principles of Puritanism are and to summarize the play so far. Puritans are Psycho people who left England to make there own religion. The bad thing of this is that if you don’t believe what they believe or do what they do they think your a witch and then they will put a noose around your neck. Then hang you. As you are hanging they point and laugh.
-Well a summary of the play so far is that Betty is unconscious and all the town people think she has been cursed by devil and try to blame a slave named Tituba for doing it. Everyone in that town are Psycho-Maniacs. Everyone starts telling everyone that they saw other town people flying. Most of the women are accused for bring witches.
-Next in the play I think Betty is going to die and the town people are going to kill Tituba. Then start killing all the other suspected witches.
-So far I don’t like this book. It’s straight up boring. But I have to read it and do all the work to get my grades up so I can get my phone back.

Steven Fortner said...

What’s up bro, in my 6th hour class, which is English, and we are reading this play called the Crucible and it’s a pretty good play so far, if u read you would have a different opinion. So it’s these people called the Puritans and they practice Puritanism obviously. Puritans wanted to “purify” the church and for a person to be a puritan you had to become a part of the church and do all of the churches expectations. Women weren’t allowed to talk in the church and I think that’s kind of sexist because if the men can talk why can’t the women talk?

So far in The Crucible there is a guy named Reverend Parris and he believes his daughter, Betty Parris, is possessed by the Devil she isn’t speaking or moving or anything. So Reverend Parris calls over Mr. and Mrs. Putnam, who have lost 7 of their children but they still have one named Ruth and she seems to be possessed too. Reverend Parris also has a lady named Tituba and a girl named Abigail, because he is trying to figure out what happened to Betty and Abigail keeps saying they were just dancing in the woods, but Parris say a naked women running around. Then there’s a guy named John Proctor who had an affair with Abigail when he had a wife named Elizabeth. John seems not to like Abigail anymore but Abigail is still all over him and I’m sure he wants her off him because he wants to stay faithful to Elizabeth. In Salem, there are girls and old women being accused of being witches and people believe that Betty was possessed by a witch that made her praise the Devil. Abigail accuses Tituba of conjuring spirits because of the weird things she was doing in the woods. To get to the bottom of everything, Parris calls a women name Rebecca Nurse and she is like the lady who can cure everything or tell what’s wrong with people, she is also accused of being a witch too because of her old age. Later, Tituba is given a choice to either tell the people what happened or she will be hanged and she accuses Sarah Good of being a witch, Abigail also starts accusing other people to look like the innocent person.

An Analogy of the Salem Witch Trials is like my phone being stolen and I asking who you think took it and your are just accusing random people but they are really innocent and you aren’t giving that person a fair trial.

I think the next time we read, I think Abigail is going to try to manipulate John into marrying her or something like that and that there is going to be another “witch” attack somewhere else. I also think that the people of Salem are going to start accusing Tituba of being a witch.

I think you would like this play because it is very interesting and Abigail sometimes says some freaky thing to John, and that’s very interesting that, that kind of stuff are put in books. This play is also somewhat funny too; at least if you act it out with someone or a class.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Barley........whats up homeslice how things? So let me tell yo something we are reading this book in my english 10 class called the crucible. Now first im gone tell you about princples of puritanism. Well basically you belived in going to church and worshiping god. They really don't like witches. They don't let women do anything which funny they can't evev talk in church.

In this book its like these little girls who were playing in the woods. Which is like an forbidden place for anyone to go. But these girls were dancing around this fire listening to this lady Tituba stories or songs. So now this reverend name Parris daughter is tripping and this other girl. Betty who is Parris daughter got up once but she ran into an wall lol. But all this stuff is bringing an crowd so the town is coming together aroun her. Then theres these dudes name Procter and Putnam who don't get along.You know reverend Parris he is so worried about getting kicked out of town because of his daughter. So he has this other reverend coming name reverend Hale.

So basically back then people where really worries about witches. So if you had brown eyes or blonde hair you were accused. Then they would do these test to see if you were or kill you.

What i think thats going to happen in the play is. Those little girls are going to be killed and that lady Tituba. But reverend Parris gone get to get his job.

I think you would dislike it because it really not all that intresting. But hey where two diffrent people you could.

Ooh-Gah Boo-Gah said...

Subject: The Crucible

Ay MANNNNN…. Did you know that this Puritanism thing is crazyyyy MANNN… DOG, I mean.. it’s cool that they wanted all they penepples (people) to go to church and believe in God and wat not, but I mean, I think that junk started to get redunkulous when people didn’t go to church and they would hang a brother fo that crudd… and that BS (booty sweat) about females or housewives gotta be quiet and stuff, and that they can’t be divorced and if females did certain things they weren’t pose to than they would b acuzed of witchery dat snooze ain’t right… :(

But look doh, this book about this crazy buzz that went all around in this town and the buzz is that people thought evry body that was next door, walkin by them, and evey person they looked at was a witch cuz they was paranoid. But like the forreal plot resolves around this dude, John Proctor and this slick chick named Abigail… She was sneaking around wit this dude and his wifey found out and dumped the chick from her duteys, and she started getting the bad eye from all this penepples from around town,… so now this chick named Betty was I think faking, but in some sort of trance and she woke up and her and Abigail started to just name people and acuze them of witchery. I feel sorry fo them… :(

Ok, so if you don’t get this so far, than let me teach you a lesson in F-Snitchery 101… when I say F that means fake,,, so when people got acuzed of be a witch to save they own unlucky lil life they would say that someone else was a witch… So it’s like when you got arrested that other day and those cops said if you don’t tell me who did that one thing, than you would go down for it so… even if someone didn’t do the crime, you just came up wit someone name and said they did it to save yo butt… good thing you went to the cops and told them you were mistakin… :)

Honestly since the Big H already told us what’s going to happen from the lil history lesson he gave, I think a bunch of people gone die, John gone die his wife and other people… Bold ain’t it… :( but I think that Abigail and Betty gone live and somewhere at the end say they were sorry…

MANNNNNNNNNNN…. THIS PLAY SUCKS… lol Jk… the play cool and what-not, you no cuz they got they cool moments and bold moments and fool moments and honestly I think this play might start out good and end good too... :)

Jessica Duncan said...

Hey Girlie!! Okay, in 6th Hour, theres this book called The Crucible, and it's kinda weird but it gets good. There are these puritan dudes who believed in God. They were full members of Church. But also as a Puritan, the women were treated way different from the men. They also couldn't believe in other religion views. That is so sad! But they did try to get other people to believe in God;;

`But anyway, The Crucible has these people in them. Abigail is this 17 year old who dancing around the fire and singing Barbados songs and stuff,,like but aint nobody pose to know that yet! So anyway, Betty is in the room and like erbody from the town was in the room arguing. It was Mr. and Mrs. Putnam, Parris'(Betty's father), Proctor, Abigail, Reverend Hale, and Giles. It was retarded! And Putnam & Proctor don't like each other;;and they both claim the land to be theirs and Proctor tried to steal firewood. Tituba is accused of being a witch & should be hanged. Mr and Mrs Putnam lost 7 children. Reverend Hale came to the town to talk to them, and at this point Abigail has told that she saw the Devil and wrote in his book and her and Betty start saying who they saw with the Devil.

Okay say you had a mole on your back or something, and they put a needle in it to see if you bleed or feel pain and if you did you weren't a witch. But if you didn't feel pain, you were accused. That's just like they say if you float on water then you a witch, if you sink your not a witch. That's all just messed up.

I think that Abigail is gone get caught up in alot of stuff. Her name is not gone be clean in town no more and its gone be all bad! Tituba prolly gone get killed and some other people that was in the devil's book is gone get killed. But i think that they gone spare Abigails life. And I think she gone try to get revenge on Elizabeth for trying to fire her!

The only thing I don't like about the play is the fact that it is complicating at points and they just sometimes need to get down to the point so i can know wat they talkin bout. I do like the play though cuz its got some good parts.

Anonymous said...

James Jones

The basic principle of Puritanism is the belief that there is nothing between yourself and god, as where other religions have priests and others who are spiritually closer to god than regular followers. A positive attribute that comes from Puritanism is that they feel closer to god without having to go through spiritual leaders. A negative aspect is they have to lead themselves because they don’t have spiritual leaders.

So far in the crucible an increasing amount of people are being suspected of performing witch craft. People are getting worried that the evil spirits might take over their bodies.

Think about this, somebody robs a bank and gets away from the crime scene. Word starts going around that you robbed the bank and you get taken into custody by the police. Now everyone thinks that it was possible for you to be the robber and the court decides that you did it and without substantial evidence, convict you and take you to jail for the robbery of a federal bank. So then another bank gets robbed and the same thing happens to another innocent person.

I think that people are going to keep getting accused of witch craft and hanged until masses of people are hanged for a crime that can’t even be proved in any way, shape or form. But somebody is probably going to make a valid point about the ridiculous claims that people are being killed for.

You wouldn’t like the book at all because you wouldn’t be able to understand what is going on. Also you would get tired of trying to keep track of all the characters. Also overall its not a very appealing book in which a mind like yours would enjoy.

Anonymous said...

James Jones

The basic principle of Puritanism is the belief that there is nothing between yourself and god, as where other religions have priests and others who are spiritually closer to god than regular followers. A positive attribute that comes from Puritanism is that they feel closer to god without having to go through spiritual leaders. A negative aspect is they have to lead themselves because they don’t have spiritual leaders.

So far in the crucible an increasing amount of people are being suspected of performing witch craft. People are getting worried that the evil spirits might take over their bodies.

Think about this, somebody robs a bank and gets away from the crime scene. Word starts going around that you robbed the bank and you get taken into custody by the police. Now everyone thinks that it was possible for you to be the robber and the court decides that you did it and without substantial evidence, convict you and take you to jail for the robbery of a federal bank. So then another bank gets robbed and the same thing happens to another innocent person.

I think that people are going to keep getting accused of witch craft and hanged until masses of people are hanged for a crime that can’t even be proved in any way, shape or form. But somebody is probably going to make a valid point about the ridiculous claims that people are being killed for.

You wouldn’t like the book at all because you wouldn’t be able to understand what is going on. Also you would get tired of trying to keep track of all the characters. Also overall its not a very appealing book in which a mind like yours would enjoy.

Anonymous said...

what up man ???
so were reading about this book in english called the crucible we are also acting it out it some times can get a little crazy. there are these withces that are weird. and there are these girls that are being acused of witches and witch craft but the girls say it is not true but every body else has accused of them doing wicth craft.
and they said if they poke your back with this needle and you do not bleed you are then a wicth. the only way to kill a wicth is to burn them or some other way to kill them.and plays are even graded on each section/chapter. so far were in 3 or 4 place out 4 clases and who ever wins gets extra credit the book itself is a little boring and sometimes intreasting. but it can be funny like people running into walls and being like diffrent but at the same time weird. I think overall you would like this book but you might not because it might not be your type of book because of all of the wicthes and wicth craft.

By Gregory Amerkhanian

lejohnnese henderson said...

Hey Ash.babyy!! :-)
How you been.?? Good but i gotta tell you something.

OMG.its this thing called Puritanism. Its like some pure Christians. Wen they give their all to god. Like the bad thing is if you mess up or do something wrong then everybody gone think you work with the devil. I guess the good thing would be that you get to go to heaven if you pure enough. Lol

In 6th hour we reading this book called the Crucible. It’s weird but funny at the same time. lol. Its bout this town called Salem I guess. And these girls [Abigail, Betty & etc.] that start accusing people of witchcraft. But like nobodies really a witch. See it all started when Betty & Abigail got caught in the woods with Tituba. Then Betty got sick & her daddy went all out & called ole dude. But then like a lot of people came into the play. So basically a lot of people bout to die. OOOh girl let me tell you bout this nasty girl Abigail. Dude she slept wit her boss husband & made me think of you |insider|.jp

Okay I know how slow you can be so the fear of witches is kinda like the fear of communism. They both like real ridiculous. Remember in history when we was learning bout how America was scared that communism would take over the world. That’s kinda how people felt bout witchcraft. They would how stupid trails and kill a lot of people just like US did wen they feared communism. They was real paranoid.

You might like the play because you like weird things. And the play is a better than most people think.

Anonymous said...

Derrick King

What up fool. We is reading this book in class call the crucible. In this there is people in the book that go to church all the time. They belived that some people is talkin to the devil. The people that go to church all the time is called puritan.

in the book there is these girls that is dancing around this fire singing some songs. They get caught and people believe this one girl name betty is cursed by the devil and Mr. putman duaghters, But they balme this person tituba because tituba showed them the dances.

This book is related to the Salem witch trails because it was a trail that acussed woman of being under the curse of the devil. They was also acussed of being a witch.

I think that tituba is going to accused of being a witch and be killed because she showed the girls that dance I also think that after they kill tituba they is goin to find out that tituba is not a witch.

I think when u read the book u will think that the book is kinda interesting but at the same time u is goin to thin that the book is kinda boring at the begining of the book

Brittany Rogers said...

Hey what you been up to?

Well we're reading this book called the crucible. It’s about the Salem witch trials. The religion of this book is based on the beliefs of the puritans. Their kind of strange and sexist from other religions, I mean they still believe in god and everything. But the women and children are treated unequal to the men in the village but only at certain points.

So far the book is kind of interesting. It has this crazy love triangle between a man named John proctor, his wife and a teenage girl named Abigail. The man is trying to end the relationship with the girl because he thinks he's in a bad situation. Abigail and her friends we're trying to get in contact with the devil at the beginning. But, now all Abigail is denying it and trying to clear their names by accusing others of being witches. One of the girls that were dancing became very ill which causes the girls to admit everything they were doing cause witchcraft wasn't allowed in the town of Salem.

Today you can compare the Salem witch trials with terrarium. When people were blamed for being a witch back then they would suffer dire consequences, just like today with the issue of terrorism.

Up next, I don't think John Proctor will be able to resist the seduction of Abigail and won't end their hidden relationship. I think everybody else will find out John will suffer and his name will be ruined .Abigail will probably be beaten by her uncle whom she lives with and disowned. I think all the people the clamed of being a witch will die or be severely punished.

I think you would enjoy this book because it’s educational and it makes you thinks about what would happen to you if u were in the same situation as the people who were being accused.

Anonymous said...

hey wats gon on?? anywayz in my english class man we readin dis book calles the crucible. it's ok but let me tel u wats goin's bout dez purins rite thats a reilgous group thats all im sayin if u want 2 kno more found out on ur own tyme hun sorry dnt like u dat all started wen this gurl named Abigail and her cousin betty went out in the woods they were dancin 4 da devil i tink it was and wen they came back their was something wrong with betty i think she fanted or sumthin like dat idk go read it ya self lol j/p. some people said that the devil was out their with them thats wast made them go out dere in 1st place and that y Betty was sick b/c the devil go inside her . Abigail's uncle asked her wat happenend out their he go say was dey naked.. so Abby laughed it off and said naw all we was doin was dancen.then cumn in the room was dis lady named Tituba i kno rite lol.. NE wayz she came in the room actin like she was wooried about her and the nurse said that she was go b ok so she walked bac out da room.let me stop and tel u y they thoghtr the devil was out dere wit them...ok where dey live alot of people ben dyin cuz dis gurlz kep gettin captured by the devil and dey eitha go sick or died. that was the plan for wen the gurl betty got sick her dad felt a little sorry for her but nit really cause he dnt like kids...i kno he dnt like kids but he got 1...move n on Abigail was begin 2 be blamed that she had the devil in her b/c she alwayz wud laugh at pryer,so revrend Hale had 2 question her and tel who does she she blamed tituba b/c she was the one that made her lagh all the Erika king 6th hr

Anonymous said...

Hey you!! Listen 2 this…Puritans wer “Godly” people. They devoted themselves 2 God and the church. They lived by the Good Book, as much as possible. Now, some uf em made mistakes but they all believed in God. It was good to feel pure, but if uthr ppl had tha least suspicion of you not believing in God, or you did something wrong, you wer accused of not being puritan, but a witch.

My class readin this book, “The Crucible.” It’s a girl who did it to da preacher!! Na dey pos2 b “Puritans” or whateva, but da preacher gettin his busy on wit dis young girl dats 17. anyways, proctor daughter sick and he hopin she not a witch. He caught her, his niece (tha girl dat did it to da preacher), dey friend, and dis slave lady in tha woods. He said his daughter was flyin, da salve lady was singin sum jibberish ovr da fire, and sumbdy was runnin around naked! Lol. Uthr ppl came2 da town to c what was goin on, and random ppl uh da town started telling this man how they thought they family members might b witches etc. ima get bac2 u on dat tho.

Na “The Salem Witch Trials” was jus horrible.! Ppl was accusing utha ppl uf bn witches. At 1st, it was kinda logical, dey had reasons2 think ppl in tha town wer withces. But then its got outa hand. Ppl started accusing ppl jus cus dey aint like em and stuff. Like, if sumbdy made sumbdy mad, dey wud accuse em uh bn a witch. Think abt its as like, da 911 accident. Anybdy who looked like a Taliban gets accused uf bn a terrorist and gotta get patted dwn etc. Well dats ha dis was. I feel bad for all tha innocent ppl dat got accused uh bn itches and got taken away frm dey families. But evrybdy was paranoid cus u cuda got accused at anytime. It was like, u ghet accused, n den dey b like sho us sumbdy els dat cud b a witch den if u aint one.

Next, I think da whole twn gon find out abt J.p and Abigal (da nasty lil girl). I think dey both gon b accused uh bn witches. Da whole twn gon jus b like skip dis whole “Puritan” thing cus J.p was da preacher or whateva and he havin affairs wit kids. Dey probly gon kill J.p and Abigail.

I don’t think u wud like da play tho. It don’t really catch yo attention or nothing. Its like, blah blah, boring. I jus listen cus I got2. its important, but it don’t get yo attention. Anyways, bout to go so, l8r, Love ya!! <3

Jasmine Danielle. said...

Alexis/Peezy/big dog! I’m in Mr. Hughes’ class and I just wanted to tell you about this book or play called The Crucible. First let me tell you about Puritanism, which is basically their religion and what not. So it’s these people that came over from England that didn’t like the way England’s religion was. So, they made their own and came to America after years of persecution. It was good because they “purified” their religion in a sense, but they also had theocracy, which was the state and church combined. (Which was pretty stupid I think but w/e) So that’s a lil overview/summary/lesson on them puritan people!

Okay, this book is kinda like a show or something ‘cause it’s this daughter of a reverend that is accused of bein bewitched! –Her name is Betty Parris. (what kinda name is that though?) So they all tryna figure out what the heck is wrong with this lil girl .. she bein all stupid sayin dumb stuff .. runnin into walls and stuff .. so they bring in inspector gadget (Lol) to figure it out. (This one man named reverend Hale that’s ‘pose to specialize in witchcraft or something) So while this is goin on, this one respected man in the town is tryna get over the fact he had an affair with this sixteen year old girl Abigail which was his servant. But look dog, this man was like thirty-three!! (Can you say statutory rape?!) She still “loves” him but he don’t love her! (I guess he just got what he wanted and left huh? Lol) But while all of this is goin on the whole town is goin crazy over witches bein all over the town and believin that Satan is takin over people. (them people was crazy maaaaaaan) So basically these people are tryna figure out who was a witch or not.

So just in case you a lil slow, the Salem Witch Trails was like the modern day terrorist attack on the U.S. Well it’s not so much of the attack part but many people were accusing innocent people of being witches like modern day people accuse and get scared when they see a muslim or something. Lol. It’s not funny but it is. But anywho, there was mass hysteria in Salem which was all them stupid people runnin around like some freakin hyenas screamin “There’s witches!”. Many people were paranoid because they thought the devil was gon come in them or somethin .. if you ask me the whole thing was stupid! So that’s the best I can explain it .. hope you get it ‘cause if you don’t then … you’re dumb man. Lol.

Alrite so let me tell you what I think is goin to happen in this mug. First, I think the girl Betty is goin to really be a witch, and everyone is goin to find out, BUT somehow Reverend Hale is goin to get the “demon” out of her. Next, I think that this lil affair thingy gon turn into something more again .. (hey maybe it’s just me) .. Then I think some other people throughout the story are goin to be accused of bein witches .. like someone out of the ordinary .. Reverend Parris quizás (perhaps) Lol. I think somehow, the ending’s gonna be dramatic .. (“Dramatic *****”) Jeezy voice .. Lol

Well personally, I think you should read this ‘cause it’s really good so far. Like I told you before it’s like a soap opera! Forreal though .. and it’s some parts in there where you gon be like “unt uh they sound like us!” Lol. But be like Nike and just do it. (well just read it .. Lol)

Jasmine Danielle. said...

Alexis/Peezy/big dog! I’m in Mr. Hughes’ class and I just wanted to tell you about this book or play called The Crucible. First let me tell you about Puritanism, which is basically their religion and what not. So it’s these people that came over from England that didn’t like the way England’s religion was. So, they made their own and came to America after years of persecution. It was good because they “purified” their religion in a sense, but they also had theocracy, which was the state and church combined. (Which was pretty stupid I think but w/e) So that’s a lil overview/summary/lesson on them puritan people!

Okay, this book is kinda like a show or something ‘cause it’s this daughter of a reverend that is accused of bein bewitched! –Her name is Betty Parris. (what kinda name is that though?) So they all tryna figure out what the heck is wrong with this lil girl .. she bein all stupid sayin dumb stuff .. runnin into walls and stuff .. so they bring in inspector gadget (Lol) to figure it out. (This one man named reverend Hale that’s ‘pose to specialize in witchcraft or something) So while this is goin on, this one respected man in the town is tryna get over the fact he had an affair with this sixteen year old girl Abigail which was his servant. But look dog, this man was like thirty-three!! (Can you say statutory rape?!) She still “loves” him but he don’t love her! (I guess he just got what he wanted and left huh? Lol) But while all of this is goin on the whole town is goin crazy over witches bein all over the town and believin that Satan is takin over people. (them people was crazy maaaaaaan) So basically these people are tryna figure out who was a witch or not.

So just in case you a lil slow, the Salem Witch Trails was like the modern day terrorist attack on the U.S. Well it’s not so much of the attack part but many people were accusing innocent people of being witches like modern day people accuse and get scared when they see a muslim or something. Lol. It’s not funny but it is. But anywho, there was mass hysteria in Salem which was all them stupid people runnin around like some freakin hyenas screamin “There’s witches!”. Many people were paranoid because they thought the devil was gon come in them or somethin .. if you ask me the whole thing was stupid! So that’s the best I can explain it .. hope you get it ‘cause if you don’t then … you’re dumb man. Lol.

Alrite so let me tell you what I think is goin to happen in this mug. First, I think the girl Betty is goin to really be a witch, and everyone is goin to find out, BUT somehow Reverend Hale is goin to get the “demon” out of her. Next, I think that this lil affair thingy gon turn into something more again .. (hey maybe it’s just me) .. Then I think some other people throughout the story are goin to be accused of bein witches .. like someone out of the ordinary .. Reverend Parris quizás (perhaps) Lol. I think somehow, the ending’s gonna be dramatic .. (“Dramatic *****”) Jeezy voice .. Lol

Well personally, I think you should read this ‘cause it’s really good so far. Like I told you before it’s like a soap opera! Forreal though .. and it’s some parts in there where you gon be like “unt uh they sound like us!” Lol. But be like Nike and just do it. (well just read it .. Lol)

Anonymous said...

Aight diss is jus a test b/c I jus posted my long lil thang and I dnt see it up on here so.....

Anonymous said...


Wats da deal my Ninja.... Shoot we n diss borin stupid dumb good for nouthin Eng. Class But look dawg.. I would be sleep up n diss boy but we readin diss book called da Crucible... Dawg diss book is da sh.... Up;; had ta catch my self I cant cuss n my txt msg's no mo....Moms checkin up on me stuff u kno how she But anywyas let me tell u bout da book and den ima tell u bout wat happened wit me and shantaniqua at lunch man she a trip.. But anyways look diss book so kold dawg.... But look n order ra get it u gotta kno wat a Puritan is first cause then u jus gone think that deeze ppl jus krazy and wat not.... So look dey deeze ppl dat only believe n good and wat not like they have Zer0 Tolerence for bad and for any body that believed n da Devil and wat not.... SO anyways diss book is Fictional or Non Fictional I really dnt kno which one means its a true story but anyways its true.... So look bac n like the 1600 wait wait wait he said 1692 to be xact but look ppl was believein dat er'body was witches n if u was accused of witch craft or was possesed Spell Check by the devil then u was gone get killed look da book start off wit diss chick name Betty and her daddy Parris Think That she posesed by da devil right....Which she is if u ask mme. So anyways Betty passed out and dey cant get her up and da daddy think that da devil messed her all up and stuff so he get da goin on his niece Abagail cause he think that she was da cause of all of diss.... Well actually he kno dat she is and so he also call up da doc and da doc say that he dnt kno wats wrong wit her ..talkin bout its cause of "natural Causes" and stuff but look man we all kno dat she really posessed by da devil so i dnt even kno why dey tryna purp.... So look ma mans Parris Da daddy he purpin to cause he dnt even lyke kids let alone his own so look he jus tryna make sure his reputation aint jepordized so i dnt even lyke him dawg..... O yea I forgot ta tell u dat Parris caught Abigail and his Daughter n da woods dancing n da woods around diss fire and castin spells and wat not.... and dare was a dress on da ground and a girl runnin round butt naked look diss dude name Putnam cum n and he tell er'body dat dey lil Ruth who was wit dem is n da same state dat betty n but n lyke ten min. dey servant cums n and tells er'body dat she is bac to normal but look Mr. Hughes keep lookin over here n I kno he kno i'm txtn so look jus ta make a long story short Putnam pressures Parris to call a beheading and to claim dat he has discovered witchcraft and er'body starts gettin paranoid about diss and start claimin dat dare is sumbody n dey house dats a witch lyke my mans Giles corey thinkin dat his wife is a witch and den I guess Parris is jus friendly or his door aint closed cause ppl jus keep poppin up outta nowhere n his house and da play dnt neva say so n so knocked on da door it jus say my manz putnam walks n now..... So Betty wakes up and gets da cryin and stuff but its only her and abigail n da room so she tells Betty starts runnin off wit da mouth about talkin too much and Abby slaps her and tells her o yea and the Putnams servant must of been n da woods too cause dey told her not to confess to any witch craft dey may have did o yea and dey said dey was n da woods to cast a spell dat would kill Lizzy Proctor John Proctors wife who fired Abby so I guess dey drank sum blood and said sum stuff well dats wat betty said rite b4 she was slapped ta sleep Den er'body starts talkin bout a bunch of nuthin and start arguin and stuff wen John proctor entered da room AIGHT MAN MR HUGHES IM LIKE REAL MAD CAUSE I JUS POSTED DISS LONG MSG AND WEN I CLICKED ON POST ALL OF IT ERASED AND IT DIDNT EVEN POST SO YEA DISS IS JUS WAT I COPIED AND PASTED FROM EMAIL AND IM NOT RETYPING DISS WHOLE THANG OVER CAUSE I STILL GOT OTHA HW TA DO SO DISS IS MY ASSIGNMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Erica Bazman(: said...

+Explain the basic principles of Puritanism and its positive and negative aspects.
Puritan’s were a religious group that believed the Church of England was corrupt and that it needed to be purified. They believed in Puritanism. There were two different groups of Puritans, first those who believed that the Church of England was corrupted and that Christians should separate from it and then there were those who believed in the reformation of the church, but not separation. The only positive aspect of Puritanism is that they believed in following the bible and that there was a god in the world. The negative aspect of Puritanism is that they took the beliefs in the bible and changed them to fit society and killed people thinking that was what god wanted.

+Summarize The Crucible so far.
So far in The Crucible, Betty Parris is sick in her bed and is believed to be cursed by the devil. Many people come to see her and Reverend Pariss, her father, accuses her and her cousin Abigail of dancing in the forest at night and seeing a naked girl dancing around a fire with them. Abigail blames Tituba of making them drink blood. We find out that Abigail and John Proctor had an affair. Abigail still wants John but John doesn’t show that he wants her too. Reverend Hale comes to Salem to look for the devil inside people. Betty’s dad doesn’t want the village to find out that she is being accused of witchcraft because that would ruin his reputation. Betty finally ends up waking up and her and Abigail blame Tituba for making them do witchcraft and conjuring the devil. Tituba then accuses Sara Good of being a witch.

+Give an analogy of the Salem Witch trials to a modern-day situation so your friend can better understand the concept of hysteria and paranoia.
The Salem Witch trials were a time when people were accused of being witches without there being any evidence against them. For example, if someone stole Mr. Hughes cell phone he would have every student in his entire classes write down the name of two people who they thought could have stole his phone. If people didn’t write down the name of two people, they would get a zero on the activity which would be worth a test grade. The person who had their name written down the most would automatically be searched and blamed for the crime, even if they didn’t do it. This is similar for the Salem Witch trials because if someone didn’t like someone, they could just tell the town that they were a witch and that person would be killed or put in jail.

+Tell your friend what you think is going to happen in the play.
So in the play, I think John Proctor is going to end up telling the town that Abigail is a witch and then she is going to be put in court and end up telling the town about their affair and now the entire town will know about their love affair and maybe he will be accused of being a witch too because he cheated on his wife with Abigail, who is also believed to be a witch. I think the people that Betty accused of being witches will be put in court and maybe even killed. I also think Tituba will be hanged for teaching the girls about the devil.

+Tell your friend if they would like/dislike the play and why.
I think you would like this story because it’s actually interesting. I think learning about the Salem Witch trials is pretty cool, idk why but yeah I just do. The fact that there is a love affair and possible deaths makes you wonder what’s exactly going to happen.

Anonymous said...

- Man my dude Te-Te let me tell u about this Puritanism I just heard about..
Man they super lame, they ain’t got no type of style they strict like my mama (lol) they don’t have big screen TV’s and they real religious. And you know we don’t go to church at all (SMH). But, I think Puritanism was more of pessimistic type of looking at life, they don’t really have a optimistic type of lifestyle they were to austere and hypocritical to me because, they believed in witch craft; which to them was a devil’s game but, I thought God was the ruler of all for them.. So, instead of them tryna stop the whole “witch craft” epidemic they should have let God do it.

- In the crucible right now we were introduced to a variety of characters. Abigail, Rev. Parris, Rev. Hale, Betty, Tituba, Mary Warren, Mercy Lewis, Giles Corey, John & Elizabeth Proctor ETC. In the beginning of the story we found out that Betty Parris was supposedly “possessed” along with Giles Corey’s wife. We found out that a group of girls were with Tituba in the woods dancing around a fire and one girl was running naked. Abigail was having an affair with John Proctor and she had worked for the Proctor’s but, Elizabeth disliked her because, she knew of the whole affair but, never spoke upon it. Betty has awoken from her comatose state and has spoken but, Abigail threatened her and Mary Warren if she even spoke out about the time in the woods with Tituba. They had all got into a argument about wood and property…Abigail and Betty started to accuse innocent people.

- Now, Girl you remember the time when everybody was all accusing girls of random stuff in THS and in Pierce One day a girl would be gay, the next day a girl would be bi-sexual, another day a girl would be a b-word (lol) because, she wasn’t hanging out with them Lol..that’s kind of how it is because, of something one girl sed it circulated all around the school then everybody, start making accusations and confrontin’ the girl(s) for something that wasn’t or was true. And even though the girl(s) didn’t get hanged you can tell they were mad/sad from the rumors around the school.

- Te-Te I think that Abigail and Betty Parris is going to get in too deep, something that could get them 2 hanged I think that’s what their afraid of. Also I think Elizabeth will be killed and John Proctor would try to Kill Abigail. And I think the court scenes are going to be the most dramatic scenes.

- I like the play so, far girl its different from what I would generally read. But, you always have to be different most of the time. it’s a really good play and it has a lot of drama which keeps your interest.

Te.Te said...

Wat Up Mikaylia…Watzz Popp.n Big Dawg.
Ay…How UFeel About TheeCrucible.?`
iThink iTzz iight…iMean TheeWhole Puritanism
Thang…iMean Come On.
So Puritanism…Bascilly Religion Rite.?`
Yeahh.!` PPl Lyke That Think Every`Thing
Should Be [[PURE]]…iGuess…
LoLsZz…How Pure R U. ?`
They Came Off As Good PPl So Y Would They Do Wrong.?`
They Came Here From England
inThee17th Century
Lyke Thingzz Would B Any Better Here HU.?`
Just Think Of Liv.n Bacc Then
They R Thee1zz Who Start`ed That Salem
Witch Trail Stuff…Accuse.n PPl
Just Pick.n PPl Off As Bein Witchzz
Stuff Lyke:
1)iF They Didn`TT Go 2Church
2)Or iF They Wuzn`TT Known in TheeTown
3)Or iF They Look Funnie
Just Imagine Bein Alame Ugly Person Bacc Then
Lyke Remember That Episode Of Family Guy
“That Baby iZ TheeDevil, That Baby iZ Possess`ed,
That Baby iZ Possess`ed By Satan.!`”
So Wat Do UThink About That.?`
Well Thatzz All iKnow.
Ta` Ta 4 Now Hun.
Luv Ya.!` <3

In the book The Crucible so far there is a little problem that is starting to erupt. Reverend Parris thinks that his daughter is possessed and the doctor thinks other wise he feels it is a natural cause. Parris also accuse Abigail of being a witch because he saw her Betty and Tituba dancing around a fire in the woods and he also saw some one running naked. Also Abigail had an affaire with John Proctor and she was dismissed by them her reason was that Elizabeth didn’t like her. To take the blame off her, Abigail start to accuse others of being a witch and people believed her. She know what she was doing is true so she told the others girls she will kill them if they tell the secret. Giles is a man of the town and he thinks his wife is a witch as well, when ever she reads her “book” he can’t seem to pray.
Abigail also blames Tituba, that she made her drink blood and does other things.

To make an analogy between the Salem Witch Trail and to today’s problems. Lets say we are at a party and some one cell phone comes up missing. Well we know that there are two people there that are capable of doing so. So then those two people are accused, now it could be a possibility that they didn’t even do the crime. But they are suspect because of past events of them stilling cell phones. So if every body thinks they did it, they are the ones who get search and put out the party. That’s how the Salem Witch Trails was. If someone was accused of being a witch because they didn’t go to church or was not known in the town, then they went to jail or was killed.

I think the town is going to kill Tituba because of what they think she did to Betty and Abigail and the Proctor are going to be expose of their past love affair. Also I think that Elizabeth is going to be locked up in jail because of the Poppet Mary gave her and Mary is going to end up in jail as well.

*Alexis J* said...

What Up My Dog Aka J Breezy Bka Jasmine Danielle Stuckey (Oh That’s That Gov For You).?! Man I’m Sittin In Mr. Hughes Class Readin This Book About These Weak Witches from WAAAY Back In The Day… These People Aint Have No Life.! They Called Puritans && They Made This Lil Town In Mass. (Massachusetts If You Slow) LOL.! But Anyway Its Called Salem… They Had They Own Religion Called Puritanism And They Couldn’t Do NOTHIN.! They Had Moved From England Bc They Aint Like The Way The English People Did The Curch Bc It Wasn’t “Pure” Enough For Them (Boo-Gee English People) Yea So They Thought They Was Extra Holy Bc They Followed The Bible Down To The Freakin Page Numbers LOL.! But Yea They Was Weak.

Well Back To This Book… So This Girl Was Playin Sick (Playin Roles LOL.! Inside Stuff) An These Stupid People In Her Town Thought She Was Possessed By A Witch Because She Was Sleepin EXTRA Hard (Well At Least That’s What I Think She Was Doin) So Her Daddy Was All Selfish && Stuff Bc Everybody Thought She Was Very Sick && All He Could Think About Was His Rep (GRIMEY) They Called The Doctor To Come All The Way From Another Town Just To Tell Them If She Was Possessed…. && Then In The Background This One Man Named John Proctor Was Backdoorin Wit His Servant Abigail But Look Though She Was 16 An This Fool Was Freakin 36 (UGH.!) So His Wife Elizabeth Found Out An Fired Ol Girl Instead Of Beatin Her Down (If That Was Me We Woulda Had To Role Out On Her Wit Them All-Black Skis) LOL.! So Pimpin Proctor ( That Was Wack) LOL.! He Wanted To Stop Messin Wit Abby But She Had Fallen In Love Bc He Had That A1 (Darin Voice… LOL.! Inside) && She Went Hard Bc He Aint Want Her No More… But Back To Bedsick Betty LOL.! (WEAK) Yea So Everybody Was In Her Room All In Her Grill An Then The Accused Abby Of Bein A Witch Bc She Betty An Some Other Girls Was In The Woods Dancin Wit This Black Slave Named Tituba… An You Know How You In Trouble An You Blame Somebody Else.? Yea I Know You Do… Well Abby Did That To Tituba… An They Was Gone Kill Tituba So She Confessed To Witchcraft An Then Betty Wanna Jump Up In The Bed Accusin Of Seein Like 50000 People Of Bein Witches… Well Not 50000 But Yea I Told You She Was Playin Roles…

So This Like Obama && Some People In The Us… A Whole Bunch Of People Feel Like The President Or His Family Is In Harms Way Bc Hes The Countries 1st Black President… Mass Hysteria (I Know Mr. Huey… LOL.! Told Yall Bout That) Man HATERs.! UGH.!

Im Finna Put These Physic Abilities On You Real Fast… So I Think Abby Gone Get Into It Wit Lizzy Bc Of Her Jealousy (She Thirsty.!) An Then Everybody Gone Find Out That Lil Betty Was Fakin Her Sickness (Them Roles Exposed)

I Don’t Think You Would Like This Bc Of The Witchcraft Stuf… BUT You Might Like The Affair Stuff Bc You A Gossiper.! LOL.! Jk

Anonymous said...

Mike VilleMonte

What I think is going happen in the next chapter is some of the girls are going to be accused of being a witch, and like Mary wont be because she is trying to tell the truth and its just not working out in her favor when she is in court she should of never said she seen anything. Even if she has pardoned with the devil. But I think the girls are being forced to say all of those things in being a witch, because it just seems like they were being told they will die if they do not do as there told. So I believe someone is black mailing them.