Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing - Write a scene

Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare explores the ins and outs of romantic relationships. One of the reasons Shakespeare's plays are so popular hundreds of years later is that the same issues are relevant.

Your assignment is to write a scene based on one of the following scenarios. The best scenes will be chosen to be acted out in class tomorrow as auditions for the roles for in-class reading of the play. You will receive extra credit if your scene is chosen.

  • You may work alone OR with another person
  • Your scene must have at least 3 characters
  • 3-5 sentence description of each character (age, physical description, personality, etc)
  • 2 -3 pages long
  • Your scene must include a clear conflict and a clear resolution
  • Use appropriate language
  • Write in Microsoft Word and then post as a comment to this blog
1. Someone informs you that your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you and tells you when and where you can catch them on a secret date together.

2. A middle-aged man/woman talks to his/her friends about the benefits of remaining single for life.

3. You and your friends talk about a guy and girl who would be perfect for each other.

4. You find out your brother/sister has lied about one of your good friends and ruined his/her relationship.

5. A guy and girl act like they hate each other but deep down really love each other.

6. You ask for your friend’s approval of a guy/girl before you try to win their heart.

7. You eavesdrop on a conversation about how someone who you think hates you actually loves you.

8. You find out the person you’re about to marry has cheated on you—right before he/she walks down the aisle.


Anonymous said...

Shelbie Karker and Melissa Kenney
Amber is 17 and is in the junior in high school. She is shy and smart. She is average height and slim. She plays soccer and volleyball. Amber has a crush on Jack but thinks that he doesn’t like her because she is kind of nerdy.
Erika is 18 and is a senior in high school. She is very outgoing. She swims and plays softball. She is average height and is slender. Amber has been Erika’s best friend since elementary.
Jack is Amber’s next door neighbor and he is not the nicest guy in the school. He is the captain and quarter back on the varsity football team. He’s a senior and is very loud, outgoing, and a jerk. Jack is tall and is very muscular.
Nick is Jack’s best male friend and is also on the football team. Nick is the opposite of Jack; he is very calm and is very nice. He is also a senior in high school. Nick is tall and slim not to muscular. Erika is Nick’s girlfriend.
Erika and Amber are at ambers lying out by the pool talking about Jack and Nick.
Erika: So, Nick and me were wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with him, Jack and I?
Amber: I would go but, I don’t really think Jack is all that into me.
Erika: I think he likes you because Nick always seems to mention that Jack talks about you.
Erika tells Amber she will be right back she is going to say hi to Nick.
Erika: Amber, ill be right back I’m going over to say hi to Nick.
Jack: So did Erika talk to Amber about going to the movies with us?
Nick: Yeah but she believes that you hate her.
Jack: Why does she think I hate her?
Nick: Because you never really talk to her and you ignore her. And sometimes you act like a jerk around her.
Jack: Well I don’t hate her I actually have feelings for her.
Nick: Oh well you should tell her dude.
Jack: Well I don’t want to have everyone on the team make fun of me because she is kind of nerdy.
Nick: JACK! Dude seriously why does it matter what they think? You shouldn’t do that to her. She is a nice girl.
Erika walks in and over hears Nick and Jacks conversation. She tries to be quiet and her accidentally hits her foot on the table.
Erika: OUCH!!!
Jack: What was that?
Nick: I’m sure that was just Erika just listening to our conversation.
Erika walks around the corner.
Erika: Hi boys. What’s going on?
Jack: Oh well we were just talking about how I like Amber.
Erika: Yeah I know I heard. Do you want me to talk to her? Because she thinks that you don’t like her and that you don’t notice her.
Jack: YEAH! Would you do that for me?
Erika: Okay ill go talk to her. See you guys tonight?
Erika leaves and goes next door to Amber’s house.
Erika: I’m back. We need to talk.
Amber: about what?
Erika: I told you that Jack likes you. I over heard Nick and Jack talking about you.
Amber: what were they saying?
Erika: That Jack likes you but he was too shy to tell you.
Amber: JACK SHY?
Erika: So now you have to come to the movies with us.
Amber: Okay I will.
Erika calls Nick and tells him that Amber is going to the movies with them. The girls go off to get ready for their date. They go to the movies and Jack asks Amber out and she says yes.
Jack: Amber I don’t know how to say this but, I do have feelings for you. Will you go out with me?
Amber hesitant to answer: Yes, I will.
Curtains close.

Anonymous said...

-Brian- is tall tan and handsome he’s 18 green eyes dark brown hair and all the girls go crazy over him but he’s with Ashley

-Ashley- who is descent looking 17 and a very nice sweet girl.

-Maria- is the girl who Brian is cheating on Ashley with she’s 18 very gorgeous tan skin green/blue eyes and long black wavy hair and any guy would die to be with her and she’s really sweet and cool.

Setting: Brian is hanging out with Ashley at the mall and just getting a bite to eat and talking about their futures.

BRIAN: So are you enjoying your food babe ?
ASHLEY: Yes I am it’s delicious.
BRIAN: Good Good, so I can see us getting married in the future babe. Can you ?
ASHLEY: Yeah of course I love you and I want to be with you forever.
BRIAN: That’s good to hear, you are the love of my life my world my everything.
ASHLEY: Aw your so sweet hun.
BRIAN: Yeah I know *laughs* you ready go and get out of here I’m tired.
ASHLEY: Yeah sure lets go.
*they exit the mall Brian just dropped Ashley off and just arrived back and he picks up his cell to call Maria*

MARIA: Hello ?
BRIAN: Hey sexy what’ up ?
MARIA: Nothing much just watching tv and you ?
BRIAN: Just sitting here thinking about you.
MARIA: *giggles* nice so did you want to go out or something ?
BRIAN: Yeah I want to go see a movie or something.
MARIA: Okay, sounds good.
BRIAN: Alright ill be there in 20mins.
MARIA: Okay see you then.
BRIAN: Okay babe bye.
Maria: Bye hun.
*they hang up the phone, 20mins has passed Maria’s ready and theres a knock on the door its Brian he greets her with a kiss*

Brian: So you ready to go babe ?
Maria: Yeah im ready.
*they exit the house and enter the car.*
Brian: So what movie do you want to see ?
Maria: Hmm I don’t know probably something scary.
Brian: Okay sounds good.
*Brian receives a text message from Ashley asking him if he wanted to meet her at the movies he responds no I have to work sorry babe and she replys its okay ill just stay home.*

MARIA: Who was that babe ?
BRIAN: My cousin.
MARIA: Oh alright.
BRIAN: This movie is good.
Maria: Yeah it is.
*they just about to go in the movie theater when Ashley spots Brian with Maria*
ASHLEY: *screams* Brian ?!
BRIAN: Uhhh yeah ?
ASHLEY: *screams I thought you had to work who’s this ?!*
MARIA: I’m Maria his girlfriend.
ASHLEY: What ?! I’m his girlfriend.
BRIAN: Look both of you calm down.
MARIA: What’s going on Brian ?
ASHLEY: He’s playing the both of us that’s what’s going on !
BRIAN: Ashley I’m sorry but I cant be with you anymore it’s just not working for me I’m really sorry I should of told you sooner.
ASHLEY: *crying and screaming* IM PREGANT !!
------end of scene 1----
Elizabeth Zagumny
Christina Christian

Anonymous said...

Shantrice, Jessica, Dukes, Hughes

Shantrice- is a 18 year older in the 12th grade, is very Tall, and has a Attitude, Conceited, very Smart but doesn’t do any work or come to school, very flirty

Jessica- is a 19 year older in the 12th grade, is really Short , plays football really Dark skin, is in love with Hughes

Dukes- is 18 in the 12th grade, is Tall, has long hair, Body Builder, Addicted to females

Hughes- is a 19 year older that just graduated last year, also a very well built person, but is in a faithful relation ship with Jessica

Shantrice and dukes is sitting at the table and Shantrice tells Dukes that he seen Hughes with another girl while they were waiting on Jessica and Hughes to come in the restaurant.

* Jessica and Hughes walks in

JESSICA- hey yall whats up
Shantrice and Dukes- Hey Nothing waiting on this slow waiter
Shantrice- Jessica I gotta talk to you about something.
JESSICA- An whats that about

-chuck dalton-

javaughn lindsey said...

Javaughn Lindsey
4 hour

Bird Green, a 23 year old white male, skinny, an is a very jealous person they acts like he is your friend but he isn’t. James Head is a 27 year old black male that is smart and friends with everybody and wants to help everyone get a wife but himself, he is also an person that is going to help a friend . Hand Forth is a 20 year old white man that is looking for love an is bout to get married to Cat.

BIRD: HEY! I think I just saw cat walking with some guy to her room.

HAND: Are u talking about my wife?

BIRD: Yes!

JAMES: they cant be doing nothing, he’s probably just helping her to her room.

BIRD: No I don’t think so lets go see.

(All three of them run to cat’s room an looks through the window)

BIRD: get down and be quiet.

HAND: I cant see anything. (he stands up slightly)

JAMES: there she is with some man I don’t know.

HAND: O MY GOD THAT’S HER! I cant believe this. The weddings off an that’s final! Thank you for giving me that information Bird.

BIRD: I told you, all I wanted to do is help you out.

JAMES: Lets go in there an expose her!

HAND: No! I will deal with it by my self I’m the only one that needs to go in.

JAMES: No! ill help you get that guy because that’s not cool.

HAND: I go by my self and that’s final I will call if I need help.
(Bird and James leaves and go there separate ways)

BIRD: (talking to himself) I’m glad, now they cant get married just like I planed. I got her drunk and told her to go home with him and now there whole relationship will never be the same.

JAMES: I cant believe this he must be hurt I feel sorry for him, he thought he had the perfect girl, I guess not.

Anonymous said...

Will Webster
Mike Broxton

Why lie?

Juan is 16 years old, he is in the 10th grade. He played varsity football and basketball but he is very shy and does not talk in a lot in school. You would think that he is popular but he is not. He got one good friend name Brandon.

(On the phone)

Brandon: What’s good boy

Juan: Nothing why what’s up

Brandon: just wonder if u was going to practice

Juan: I’m about to leave in a minute, you need a ride?

Brandon: yea scoop me up cuz

Juan: Alright im on my way

(In The Car)

Juan: Don’t you know that girl that sit next to you in 5th hour.

Brandon: Yea

Juan: Why she be looking at me all the time?

Brandon: I do not know she probably crazy

Juan: Hell yea I think she is. I just be looking around and she be staring me down.
Brandon: man u wanted me to say something to angle.

Juan: You got her number don’t you?

Brandon: I think so but look don’t call her she might think u crazy.

Juan: I don’t want her number, I just wanted to see.

(Next day in class)

Juan: (whispering) Brandon

Brandon: what!

Juan: Ask her what she looking at me for.

Brandon: A angle so why do you keep looking at Juan

Angle: Because he ugly, I hate him. (Mad voice)

Brandon: Dang why you have to say it like that?

Angle: I don’t kno just Because

Brandon: (Talking to Juan) She said you ugly. (Laughing)

Juan: She don’t mean that, I know she don’t

(At Angle locker)

Brandon: You really think he ugly.

Angle: No I just don’t know why I like him.

(Juan Walks by)

Brandon: Just go tell him Juan aint gone say nothing bad.

Juan: Tell me what!

Brandon: Im gone to leave and let yall handle this.

Juan: What you have to tell me?

Angle: I kinda like you.

Juan: Since when I thought u hated me.

Angle: No not really I just never wanted to say anything. I don’t know why.

Juan: Ok then that’s good to know. Can I get your number?

(Angle writes it down on paper and hands it to him and then walks away with out saying a word.)

Anonymous said...

JaVonte’ Jones and Nathan Johnson

Shaun Michaels is a 27 year old man who is about to get married. He has been dating this girl for a while and really thinks he should tie the knot. Shaun is a very flirty guy that loves sports and girls. Shaun has cold feet about this marriage thing but he feels like its’s best for them both. Shaun is a lawyer who lives in New York.

Moet Lewis is a 25 year old woman who recently moved to New York to forgo her dream of becoming a singer. When she arrived in New York she quickly caught the eye of Shaun and from that point on they knew they were perfect for each other. Moet is concerned about Shaun’s confidence in their marriage.

Theresa is Moet’s best friend. She moved to New York with Moet to insure that she doesn’t get lonely. Theresa think’s Shaun wants to get married but is worried not forever.

Shaun: hey baby!

Moet: hey Shaun

Shaun: hey I have been waitin on you foe a minute wat took you so long u know I don’t like waitin I thought I told u that.

Moet: (Moet swings her hair) I don’t think I like that tone of yours u need to calm all that down foe u get smacked up and down but anyway I missed my first flight so I had to take another is that a problem.

Shaun: I don’t like that fast talking weave swing of yours so we we even so shut up alright.

Moet: u need not to talk to me like that I didn’t know you had such a famine attitude

they both laugh and walk their separate ways.

Anonymous said...

Leah Mac.
Kayla Blevins.
- You find out the person you’re about to marry has cheated on you—right before he/she walks down the aisle.

Courtney- Age 23, Tall with long blonde hair. Skinny and in shape body. Have brownish golden eyes. She’s very selfish, promiscuous, and conniving.

Chloe- Age 23, Medium height. Brunette hair just past her shoulders. Has Baby blue eyes. She’s caring, naïve, and always puts others before herself.

Brad- Age 25, Tall, Skinny but muscular, tan. He has short black hair. He has green eyes. He’s very outgoing, can win anyone over, and tells people what they want to hear.

Plot: the night before their wedding their wedding in Mexico. Their having conjoined bachelor and bachelorette parties in different rooms across the hall. Some bridesmaids have different rooms than the bride. And apparently one of them snuck off with brad in the middle of the night. Chloe came into Brad’s room in the middle of the night because she wanted some reassurance and while talking to him she sees a Red lace bra laying on the floor next to Brad’s bed. She asked Brad about it and he said he didn’t know Where it came from, he thought it was hers.

Chloe and Courtney are in the back of the hallway about to walk down the isle when the music starts playing.

Courtney: you look so pretty, and you’re lucky! You have the most amazing guy

Chloe: thanks, I went into his room last night to talk to him one last time

Courtney: oh really? (Voice shakes) what happened?

Chloe: nothing just asked him if he was ready. I just wanted reassurance you know? I didn’t want to get cold feet or have him get it either. But (sighs) I was worried about one thing…I thought he promised me no strippers but I found someone’s bra in his room

Courtney: Oh…did you? Well I’m sure that it was nothing. Every guy has strippers at his bachelor party.

Chloe: yeah I guess your right I should’ve known he would anyways. But maybe he didn’t even have them maybe the guys ordered them.

(Sound of music starts playing)

Courtney: right, don’t worry about it; it will be fine anyways there’s the music!!! Are you ready?

Chloe: How do I look?

Courtney: You look gorgeous. Even I’m jealous.

Chloe: (grins and starts slowly walking down the isle holding her dads arm. Courtney is already paces in front of her making her way with all the bridesmaids. )

Chloe: I can do this!

Courtney: Looks back at chloe and smiles

Chloe: Looks up at brad and sees him looking not at her, but at Courtney. And Courtney is smiling back at brad. Chloe brushes it off and continues walking toward her future.


Preist: ….We are joined here together….

Chloe: glances at Courtney and tries to eye her that her bra is showing. But before Courtney looks to get the hint, Chloe already realized that Courtney is wearing the RED LACED BRA from brad’s room last night.

Chloe: GASPS!

Everyone turns to look at Chloe right as the priest was asking for Chloe to recite “I do!”

Brad: BABY are you okay?


Brad: tell you what?

Courtney: Chloe what’s wrong?


Courtney: Courtney gasps…CHLOE WHAT ARE YOU DOINGG?

Chloe: why was THAT BRA that YOU’RE WEARING in Brad’s room last night?!

Courtney: Chloe it was nothing! I…I… (Looks at brad for help)

Chloe: punches Courtney in the face.

Courtney fell to the floor and stumbles up screaming at Chloe telling her sorry.

Chloe then knee’s brad in the man area and starts fleeing down the isle not looking back.



Chloe: it’s too late! I have nothing more to say to either of you. I should’ve known last night and now I look like the idiot who walked down the isle for the man who cheated on me.

Chloe: AND YOU COURTNEY…my “maid of honor” MY best friend! I would’ve never guessed.

Chloe continues walking away and the curtains close.

Deena Sciatto said...

George is a 17 year old; he’s a junior in high school and the star quarterback. All of the teachers consider him the class clown, and he likes to party during the weekend. He also has a secret crush on Scarlett; a 17 year old, junior I high school, straight a student and has her whole life planned out for her, she also has a secret crush on George.
No one knows they like each other, they don’t even know the other one likes them. Whenever they see each other in the hall or in class they fight and call each other names, everyone thinks they hate each other. Except Scarlett’s best friend Haley, she can see through Scarlett like water, she knows Scarlett is just putting on an act, what she doesn’t know is that George likes Scarlett back.
Scarlett and Haley are walking in the hall when they bump into George and his friends...

George: dude! Get out of my way! Cant you see I’m walking here?

Scarlet: you’re the one that ran into us? Gosh! Lets get out of here Haley.

They walk into the bathroom to check their hair and fix their clothes.

Scarlett: (while brushing off her clothes) geez he is such a jerk why does he always have to do that? He never watches were he is going. And he always runs into us.

Haley: yeah I know right? (Looking in the mirror to check her hair) he does need to watch were he walks. The hallways are crowded as it is. Hey can I ask you a question?

Scarlett: sure. What is it?

Haley: well you know how I can tell when you’re putting on a show, like if you don’t like something but will pretend to like it so you don’t hurt other people’s feelings?

Scarlett: (a little nervous now) yeah, why?

Haley: well I think I know already but I wanted to find out for sure, you and George have been fighting for the past couple of months...

Scarlett: yeah?

Haley: do you like him?

Scarlett: NO! Definitely not! How could you think such a thing? He’s totally not my type and I would never go out with him in a million years!

Haley: (knowing that Scarlett is lying) just gives her a look

Scarlett: you know I really hate when you read my mind. Is it that obvious?

Haley: no but it’s me so I can tell when your lying, other people might not notice though.

Scarlett: do you think he likes me?

Haley: I really don’t know.

After they are done fixing their clothes and hair they walk out of the bathroom and walk to class. As they are walking to class they pass George, no can tell but as they walk past; George is watching Scarlett. Scarlett looks back and see’s that he is looking at her, he looks back to his friends really fast to try and cover it and thinks no one saw him. But Scarlett knows, she just smiles.

Anonymous said...

Jessica & Shantrice

Caught Up

Guido, Tricey, Keith, Chuck, Kenya

Guido- is caramel skin, good hair, nice, play basketball, worries about school all the time just turned 16 on may 9 thinks he can any girl he won’t.

Tricey- is short, attitude, cheerleader captain, about to turn 16 June 19.

Keith- Is short, plays football, light kin, calm, walk around mad all the time 17 years olds.

Jessica- Is short, gossiper, best friends with Shantrice, skinny 17 years old, cheerleader co-captain.

Chuck- Is conceited, long hair thinks about girls all the time,16 years old interjected, cool person, drives a rang rover.

Kenya- Is stuck up, caramel, 16 years old, cheerleader, always with her boyfriend.

Everyone is walking home from school after the football game is over on Thursday. Jessica, Shantrice and Kenya walking in front of the boys while they are talking about the game.

JESSICA- yall going out with us tonight or what.
TRICEY- I mean it don’t matter where we going.
KENYA- Well hope yall have fun cause I gotta baby-sit my lil bro
TRICEY& JESSICA- Dang girl have fun with that.

*Boys now trying to catch up with the girls walking on the side of their girlfriends holding their hands.

JESSICA- So yall going out with us tonight or what.
KEITH- man where we going cause I’m tying to get out the crib after I hit the shower.
TRICEY- It don’t matter somewhere.
GUIDO- I can’t cause I gotta go to basketball practice tonight.
TRICEY- Well I guess u and Kenya running neck to neck then have fun.
*everyone now goes they separate ways.


JESSICA- Hay girl watcha doing you still coming to the mall with us
TRICEY- Naw I don’t think so ima just stay home in get some rest.
JESSICA- Alright if u need something let me no or if u change your mind you no where we at.
*They hang up the phone Jessica is on her way leaving out the house while Chuck is outside her house with Keith. Now they at the mall Chuck in Keith went into another store. While Jessica is in the store for something to wear. She glances across the store kin see that Kenya and Guido is sitting down holding hands talking across the table smiling at each other.

JESSICA- Tricey let me tell you girl who I see up here at Fridays.
TRICEY- Who dang is that serious?
JESSICA- You would never guess who.
TRICEY- Tell me!!!!! Dang
JESSICA- Kenya and yo man
TRCIEY- Quit playing girl for real
JESSICA- Why would I be lying to you girl
*Tricey is in shock and then hang up the phone. She begins to call Guido phone while he just look at the phone call in press the side button. Tricey gets in her car in rushes up to the mall. She meets up with Jessica and they walk over to Fridays together.

TRICEY- Guido what’s going on
GUIDO- What it look likes
TRICEY- Kenya why would you do this
KENYA- Because he didn’t want you any more and he came running to me cause u aint nothing.
TRICEY- Guido you go leave me for this good for nothing lil girl that don’t got nothing I got.
KENYA- Will I got everything that he want because he came running to me
TRICEY- he only wants you because you get around the whole school.
KENYA- Girl what ever

* Kenya and Guido gets up and leaves while Tricey is ready to fight while Jessica is trying to calm her down

Anonymous said...

Characters & descriptions.

Beefy; is twenty three years old, he likes to eat a lot, he has a beard that attracts all of the ladies, and he has a really hard time trying to find the right girl to spend the rest of his life with.

Ducky; she has really long hair, she quite tall, she loves bright colors, and she enjoys acting ridiculous in public. She’s fifteen years old. And her best friend is Pietry.

Pietry; She’s really short, she’s quiet, and loves to act weird. And she is best friends with Ducky. Also, she is sixteen years old.

Scenario; Beefy Ducky and Pietry are sitting at star buck’s talking about how Beefy has way too many girls he enjoys being with. However, he can’t choose one because he is afraid that he’ll choose the wrong girl and end up being alone forever.

Beefy: You guys I really don’t know what to do.
Ducky; Well come on, pick a girl already.
Pietry; yeah seriously… you need to.
Beefy; I like all thirty three of them…
Ducky; YUP, must be the beard.
Pietry; I doubt it…
Beefy; Come on guys I need your help.
Ducky; well if you don’t want any of them, shave your beard and they’ll all go away.
Beefy; they don’t pay attention to anything else your saying?
Pietry; yeah pretty much.
Ducky; (starts laughing)
Pietry; well not to be mean, but its not right of you to keep balancing all of these girls at once..
Ducky; yeah you should probably pick one soon..
Beefy; it isn’t that easy. I’ve had a thing with all of them. I just don’t want to end up alone.. so I keep all of them.
Pietry; you cant do that!
Ducky; pick one!
Beefy; Just…how the last relationship not letting that happen again!
Ducky: With Jessica?
Ducky: Jeez calm down!
Pietry: get over it.
Ducky; wow…. Okay
Beefy; well I dunno who to pick..
Ducky; pick Rachel.
Pietry: Or Brittany..
Beefy; or Ashley, Jamey, or Francis. I could go on forever.
Ducky: yeah uhh time to pick one, or you WILL end up alone..
Beefy: I don’t wanna get hurt..
Beefy: im gonna pick Jamey.
Ducky: good. (: go tell her now!
Pietry; yeah GO GO GO !
The end.

kassie shelton
taylor sanford.

Anonymous said...


6th hr
Characters & descriptions.

Beefy; is twenty three years old, he likes to eat a lot, he has a beard that attracts all of the ladies, and he has a really hard time trying to find the right girl to spend the rest of his life with.

Ducky; she has really long hair, she quite tall, she loves bright colors, and she enjoys acting ridiculous in public. She’s fifteen years old. And her best friend is Pietry.

Pietry; She’s really short, she’s quiet, and loves to act weird. And she is best friends with Ducky. Also, she is sixteen years old.

Scenario; Beefy Ducky and Pietry are sitting at star buck’s talking about how Beefy has way too many girls he enjoys being with. However, he can’t choose one because he is afraid that he’ll choose the wrong girl and end up being alone forever.

Beefy: You guys I really don’t know what to do.
Ducky; Well come on, pick a girl already.
Pietry; yeah seriously… you need to.
Beefy; I like all thirty three of them…
Ducky; YUP, must be the beard.
Pietry; I doubt it…
Beefy; Come on guys I need your help.
Ducky; well if you don’t want any of them, shave your beard and they’ll all go away.
Beefy; they don’t pay attention to anything else your saying?
Pietry; yeah pretty much.
Ducky; (starts laughing)
Pietry; well not to be mean, but its not right of you to keep balancing all of these girls at once..
Ducky; yeah you should probably pick one soon..
Beefy; it isn’t that easy. I’ve had a thing with all of them. I just don’t want to end up alone.. so I keep all of them.
Pietry; you cant do that!
Ducky; pick one!
Beefy; Just…how the last relationship not letting that happen again!
Ducky: With Jessica?
Ducky: Jeez calm down!
Pietry: get over it.
Ducky; wow…. Okay
Beefy; well I dunno who to pick..
Ducky; pick Rachel.
Pietry: Or Brittany..
Beefy; or Ashley, Jamey, or Francis. I could go on forever.
Ducky: yeah uhh time to pick one, or you WILL end up alone..
Beefy: I don’t wanna get hurt..
Beefy: im gonna pick Jamey.
Ducky: good. (: go tell her now!
Pietry; yeah GO GO GO !
The end.

Anonymous said...

You Want Some Advice
Donald- He is a 50 year old multibillionaire single man. Doesn’t want to get married, and wants to enjoy life to the fullest.
Rob- This is a man about 24 years old and is trying to get married.
Bob- This is a young teenager at the age of 15 years old.
It is 10:00 am, Donald, Rob and Bob are all in the limo just driving to cedar point. They are all just talking.
Donald- Wow isn’t it a beautiful day outside?
Bob- Yes I heard it is suppose to get up to about 93 degrees today.
Rob- I came prepared got lots of water on me.
Donald- That’s good, I guess that means that there’s going to be a lot of ice cream that I will be eating then.
Bob- So hey there going to be a lot of females over there, that I might be interested in?
Donald- Yes there should be I remember when I was your age. Those days were great. Those were some real fun days, didn’t have to worry about nothing. You see me I’m still single it’s just to much fun. It’s your time to go and have fun messing with all the ladies. I don’t know why Rob over here wants to get married.
Rob- I think its time to settle, I really do. I am done with college and got a degree and there’s this girl that I have meet been going with for a while and so we’re thinking about taking the next step. With a serious face.
Bob- Boo! Looking at Donald, them both just smiling.
Donald- Listen you don’t know what your getting into. You only live life once I think that you should live it to the fullest.
Bob- I like what your saying uncle Donald.
Rob- Bob your still to young I use to be exactly like you. You will understand one day, you’ll get here too, very soon!
Donald- Look I’m a multibillionaire, I might be older but look at me I’m over here living it up, and don’t have nothing stopping me. Ladies come and go and I’m just living it up to the fullest. I have never talked about getting married, I just can’t do it. It just dose not suit my lifestyle. I’m just saying it’s a big decision that is just going to put more stuff on your mind for the rest of your life.
Bob- I got no worries, I just have fun
Donald- That’s right kid that’s how it should be. No worries!
Rob- I want to raise a family, and I think I’m ready.
Donald- I’m not saying your not ready I’m just saying that this will put a lot more stress in your mind, and I promise you that this decision will have you give up a lot that you can do in life. Look at me I still live like I’m Bob’s age, I have no worries and all the money and so have fun with it every single second of my life.
Rob- Still though I think that I am ready.
Donald- Like I said, you do what you want but really, I suggest you don’t there’s just so much more you can do when you don’t have to worry about things like that and could just live it up!
Bob- Look at her, she’s a cutie.
Donald- Yes kid, you’ll see a lot more things at Cedar Pointe. How many numbers you think you’ll get?
Bob- I bet I’ll get more than you.
Donald- Yes we’ll both get more than Rob over here! Both Donald and Bob began to laugh.
Rob- You guys have fun, I’m going for the rides.
Donald- yes, we will all have a great time. The weathers beautiful.

-umang mistry
6th our

Kendyl Brown said...

Jayla Carlisle- 16 years old, smart, kind, funny. This person she despises the most is Hayden Baxter because she believe all he is good for to a girl is a one night stand. Her views of Hayden has changed, thus she’s starting to fall in love with him.

Hayden Baxter- 18 years old, considered arrogant, stuck-up, obnoxious, but fools everyone with his good looks, jealous of Jayla for whatever reason. He used to hate Jayla, but finds himself falling for her since he met her.

Madeline (Maddie) Hughes- 16 years old, quirky, shy, and clumsy. Though she’s trying to fit into her own skin, she’s really good at giving her best friend, Jayla, good advice.

Rory Hughes- ___ years old. Madeline’s dad.

On the way home from school……..

Jayla: So I’m sitting in AP Chemistry just minding my own business, then Hayden comes out of nowhere and knocks my binder out of my hands. I’m telling you, he’s such a skunk bag.

Madeline: I’ve noticed he’s been giving you the eye. Are you sure he hates you?

Jayla: Trust me; if I hate him then it’s most likely the feelings are mutual.

Madeline: I’m not so sure. Usually, he puts his heart and soul into hating and torturing you. Lately he hasn’t been doing much anymore.

Jayla: He’s probably plotting some super evil thing against me. I’m about to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell.

Madeline: Okay, what is it?

Jayla: whispering. I think I might be falling for Hayden.

Madeline: Has your brain completely shut down? Remember, you both hate each other, not to mention he’s evil!

Jayla: I don’t know, Maddie, it’s just that when we’re alone talking, he’s such a different person. He’s not as mean as you think he’d be when he’s around more people. I just don’t know whether it’s a lie or not.

Madeline: opening the front door to her house. Well, all I can tell you is trust your instincts. Dad! I’m home!

Rory: coming down the stairs with Allison. Hey, Maddie! How’s it going!? He cheerfully pulls his daughter into a bone-crushing hug.

Madeline: growling. Dad you’re embarrassing me!

Jayla: Its okay, Mr. Hughes, my mom is ten times worse. That’s why I come here after school.

Madeline: At least he doesn’t call you his little cupcake.

Rory: I’ll be upstairs if you need me.

Digging through her pockets, Jayla grabs her vibrating cell phone. It was from an unknown number.

Meet me at the park…….


Jayla: It’s Hayden! He wants to meet me at the park.

Madeline: Go, I’ll tell Dad that you went home.

Rushing to the park, Jayla begins to wonder what Hayden wanted to talk to her about. Arriving at the park, she sees Hayden sitting on the park bench, nonchalantly sipping his bottle of Sprite.

Jayla: Hi……um I got your text.

Hayden: Sorry to bug you, but it’s really important.

Jayla: Well, what is it?

Hayden: shyly. I wanted to tell you……that…..well, I love you.

Jayla: In complete shock. What?

Hayden: I love you. I’ve just been so mean to you these past few years is because I’ve just never had the guts to tell you to your face.

Jayla: Well, that’s kind of how I feel too. I love you too. Kisses her passionately.


Anonymous said...

Jessica Duncan
Le’Johnnese Henderson

“Fool’s Love”

De’Markus- is a 17 year old, has a car and goes to school. He likes to flirt a lot and plays with girl’s emotions. La’Jasha is De’Markus’ girlfriend. And he is the lover of Janise.

Le’Jasha- is 15 years old and goes to school with De’Markus. She is De’Markus’ girlfriend and is deeply in love with him.

Janise- is 16 years old, goes to a separate school from De’Markus and La’Jasha. She is the “other girl” in love with De’Markus.

It is Friday, and Le’Jasha opens her locker, and a note falls out. She picks up the note, opens it and it says in bold letters, “Le’Jasha, yur man is cheatin on yu girl, wit his ex Janise. She told me dat they would be at his house chillin in the basement watchin movies tonite. I think yu should check it out. Yur friend, Jay.” Le’Jasha immediately closes her locker and leaves out the door.

Later that night.
Le’Jasha- on the phone with, De’Markus Hey. What you doing tonight?
De’Markus- with hesitation, Probably going out with the boys. Why what’s up?
Le’Jasha- Just wondering.
De’Markus- What you doing tonight?
Le’Jasha- Umm…nothing, my best friend coming over.
De’Markus- Oh, I’m bout to get ready…I’ma talk to you later.
Le’Jasha- Ok. I love you.
De’Markus- Alright. Love you too.

As soon as De’Markus hangs up, Janise calls.
Janise- Bay, what you doing?
De’Markus- Nothing, why?
Janise- Do you still want me to come over? Laughing.
De’Markus- Yea, be on yo way now.
Janise- Okay. I love you.
De’Markus- Ok, you too.
Janise- For real baby I love you.
De’Markus- Man ok! I love you too.

Janise arrives to De’Markus’ house.
De’Markus- Come in before somebody see you man. He quickly pulls her inside.
Janise- with anger in her voice, Why can’t people see me Mark, don’t you love me?
De’Markus- Man chill! It don’t matter.
They head to basement to watch movies.
Janise- Why we don’t never go out?
De’Markus- Because if we do, I won’t be able to do this. He starts kissing her.

Meanwhile, La’Jasha arrives at his doorstep. She notices the door is not locked, and walks in. She goes looking for De’Markus, and remembers the note saying they would be in the basement. She goes to the stairs and creeps down the stairs. She sees them kissing!

La’Jasha- yelling, De’Markus what is you doing!
De’Markus- Bay, it’s not what it looks like!
La’Jasha- Man, whatever I saw you wit yo lips on her.
Janise- yelling, HER? MY NAME IS JANISE!
La’Jasha- Oh so I guess she getting big.
De’Markus- Baby chill, she don’t mean nothing to me!
Janise- WHAT!! You said you loved me!
La’Jasha- Man I’m done. You can have him, I’m finish!
De’Markus- Baby don’t go!
By that time, La’Jasha was out the door.

Steven Fortner said...

“I can’t believe it”

Shawn – He is 16 years old. He is a tall, nice, smart, and athletic guy with brown eyes that plays for his high school’s football team. He is kind of shy but he is laid back and a silly person, he also knows what to say to the ladies when he talks to them but he has a girlfriend named Robyn that he likes a lot.
Robyn – She is Shawn’s girlfriend that is 16 also and she has hazel eyes and is a little bit shorter than him. She goes to another school and is smart too. She is a silly, nice person but she doesn’t like football but still goes to Shawn’s games to support him.
Travis – He is Shawn’s best friend that is like a brother to him. He is also 16 too. Shawn and Travis are like the same person and like the same things. Travis doesn’t have a girlfriend but is kind of a ladies man but he really likes a girl named Sandra. He is also on the high school football team. He is a little shorter than Shawn but is around the same height.

Shawn and Travis are walking in the hallway at school talking and laughing
Shawn: (laughing) why did the Lions spend all their money on one quarterback when they need a whole team?
Travis: I don’t know, because they’re stupid I guess. How are you and Robyn doing bro?
Shawn: (Excitedly) great man, I think we’re getting pretty serious right now because she told me she had feelings that she never had before about me.

Travis: that’s good bro. hopefully I can get with that girl Sandra, she is so pretty.
Shawn and Travis are at their locker and Robyn walks up and hugs Shawn.
Robyn: (Happily) hey baby.
Shawn: Hey there.
Robyn: (Looking towards Travis) hi Travis
Travis: hey Robyn. Well I am going to leave you two love birds alone. See you later bro.
Shawn: Alright Travis. (Looking at Robyn) So how was your day today? And how did you get up here?
Robyn: It was good but I missed you all day. My mom took me up here; she was going to give you a ride home.
Shawn: What are you doing today because you are always doing something on Tuesday’s?
Robyn: I am going to the same place I always go to; the salon.
(Shawn and Robyn talk about the place she goes too and talks about everything else all the way to Shawn’s house.)
Shawn: Call me when you get from the salon. Thank you for the ride Robyn’s mom.
Robyn: Ok. (She kisses him on the lips) bye
Shawn: Bye
(Travis is walking down his street listening to his ipod when he passes a park and see’s Robyn with another guy and they are holding hands and kissing)
Travis: Is that….Yes! It is! I have to tell Shawn!
(Travis hurries to Shawn’s house and tells him the news he just found out.)

Shawn: No, that couldn’t have been her.
Travis: (Urgently) I’m telling you bro it was her with another guy, why won’t you listen to me?
Shawn: Because every Tuesday she goes to the salon to get her nails done and she would never do anything to hurt me.
Travis: Man, if you want to see it for yourself then go to that park by my house at 5:00 next Tuesday.
Shawn: Fine, I will and I will prove you wrong
(So for the next few days Shawn and Robyn talk about the situation but she is denying it. Finally it is Tuesday, 4:55 and Shawn is walking down the sidewalk when he sees two people but can’t make out the faces, and he sees them kiss.)
Shawn: (Shawn walking over to Robyn and the other guy) So Robyn? Who is this?
Robyn: (Surprisingly) Shawn! I though you were at home. I...I…I don’t know what to say.
Shawn: (Angrily) I can’t believe you would do something like this…..I trusted you and you go out with another guy!
Robyn: But I….
Shawn: (he cuts her off) I can’t believe it. I knew I should’ve listened to Travis. We are done Robyn!
(Shawn walks off and Robyn is standing there crying and runs home. Later Shawn and Travis talk about the situation on the phone and Shawn apologizes to Travis for not believing him.)
Shawn: I’m sorry bro, that’s never gone happen again.

Travis: (Happily) its okay bro, we all make mistakes.
Shawn: next time I am not picking a girl over family.
(Shawn and Travis jus laugh about the whole situation and go on with their lives)

Marcquez said...

Marcquez Gavin
2nd Hour
April 29,2009
"Much Ado About Nothing"
-Write A Scene-


You find out your family member has lied about one of your good friends and ruined his/her relationship.


Mario is a 16 year old boy in the 10th grade at Cleveland High School in Compton California . He was tall light-skin aggressive, ladies man drug dealer. He was raised around a lot of gang banging, drugs, and violence. His brother Charley was apart of a major gang called the snuggie bangers. Mario mother abused a lot of alcohol and drugs.


Michelle is a close friend of Mario. A well mannered girl, that rarely got into trouble. Michele is a quiet girl that really wants to help Mario through his struggles. She lives a totally different life style. Michelle is a very pretty girl with a good attitude.


Is the brother of Mario, 22. He is one of the thousands gangbanger in the city of Compton. Charley is in a gang called the snuggie bangers. He bin to jail several times and was in a wheelchair since e was 17 from a deadly gun battle.
The way he is living his lifestyle he would be dead by time he’s 25.

Mario PO (Officer Tone)

Officer Tone is the probation officer of Mario. Tone doesn’t like Mario so he would do anything he can to lock Mario up for a long time.


Mario mother which is hooked on crack and alcohol. She doesn’t care anything about Mario or his brother Charley. She would do anything to get what she wants even if it involves setting up her own children.

Other People

Which is not important, or have very little parts.

Loud background noises (gun shots, tire screeching, babies crying) Mario looking out the window thinking.

Mario: Man its hard growing up in tha hood. Everyday it’s a struggle tryin to make it to tha next day. I need to leave this marijuana alone it aint me.

Charley: (roll in the room) Wat up doe.

Mario: wat up, dawg it’s hard out here.

Charley: I kno, you heard bout mook, they got him at liquor store on tha corner he was jus getting a 40.

Mario: Dang!

Knock at the door

Mario: Who is it!

Michelle: It’s Michelle.

Mario comes to the door.

Mario: Oh wats up.

Michelle: What you doing?

Mario: Nothin jus thinkin, you wanna go for a ride?

Michelle: Sure, Why not

They go out to Mario car, get in then Mario turn the radio all the way up then speeds off.
Michelle turns the radio down

Michelle: So what’s on your mind?

Mario: My lifestyle in general.

They talk about that. Then they pull up to Mario cousin house. Mario and Michelle go in the house.

Mario: Wat up cuz.

Pookie: Wats poppin, why yal here?

Mario: I jus came to use tha bathroom, you wanna ride out?

Pookie: Yea ill ride wit yall.

Mario goes to the bathroom.

Pookie: So wad up Shelly.

Michelle: Hey pook.

Pookie: So why you messin wit my lame cousin he aint even tryin to be serious bout you.

Michelle: Pook you can stop with the hating and lying because you not gone get me.

Mario comes out the bathroom and goes back into the room with them.

Pookie: aye cuz I got some 24s for yo Monte’ in the yard, go look at em.

Mario: Alright.

Mario goes to the backyard, Pookie grabs Michelle and forces kiss on her. Mario on his way back to the room.

Mario: Aye cuz I like them how much you….

Mario see’s them

Pookie: Aye girl wats yo problem, get off me!

Mario: (Hurt) Dang for real yall its like that.

Michelle: Its not what it…

Mario: Man whateva come on so I can take you home.

They leave, while on the way to Michelle house Mario probation officer pulls them over.

Officer Tone: Now look what we have here.

Officer Tone pull Mario out the car and throw him against the car. Then handcuff him and searches him.

Officer Tone: (Surprised) what you clean!

Officer Tone searches the car and doesn’t find anything so he plants something on him and arrests him. While on they way to the county they drive past an accident and they see Mario brother laying on the ground out of the wheelchair with a bullet in this head and blood everywhere.

Michelle comes up with just enough money to go to the county and bails him out and convince him that she didnt do what he think she did and that the cousin set it up. So after awhile they became friends again, but not as close as they were before.


Jasmine Danielle. said...

Derek- He’s 17, tall, light skinned with a muscular physique. He’s rude, annoying, hypocritical, but, sometimes he has his good moments.

Kiara- She’s 16, dark skinned with short hair. She’s not very smart and not attractive at all. She aspires to always be the center of attention and drama.

Aubrey- She’s quite attractive; tall slim, with long hair. She’s 16, and is very outgoing, smart, and caring. She prefers to keep out of mess and nonsense.

Jessica- She’s 16, medium length hair, and caramel. Very observant, and analytical. She likes to help and get conflicts resolved.

Aubrey and Jessica are on their way home from school. Jessica is driving, and they’re talking about how Aubrey and her boyfriend, Derek’s relationship is changing and relationships in general.

Jessica: Man, if this car don’t move out my way! But anyways, yeah girl you and Derek have quite a relationship.

Aubrey: Who you tellin’?! I think it’s getting serious. I think I might love him.

Jessica: Are you sure it’s not a big crush? Or maybe you’re sprung. I mean, love is a very strong word...

Aubrey: Yeah I mean he makes me feel so good. He’s always telling me I’m the one for him and that he would never do anything to hurt me. He really seems sincere about it and I believe him.

Jessica: She looks over at Aubrey with great concern. I have to tell you something.

Aubrey: What? Is something wrong?

Jessica: You and Derek are both my friends but I feel like we are closer friends because we’ve been friends longer. So I have to tell you that you’re not his only girlfriend. He told me himself.

Aubrey: What! Why are you trying to come between us? What kind of friend are you. How could you make up a lie like that after what I just told you? Stop the car NOW!

Jessica: No I’m not stopping, if you don’t believe me I can show you. Where did he tell you he was going after school?

Aubrey: He told me he was going to basketball practice.

Jessica: Okay.

They ride in silence until Jessica pulls up to a near by Friday’s. Aubrey follows Jessica into the restaurant and upon entering the restaurant they see Derek and another girl by the name of Kiara kissing at a table near the door.

Aubrey: Oh my God. Are you serious?! Is he really kissing that thing? WHAT! (She walks over to them and slaps Derek upside the head.

Derek: Turns around to see an angry Aubrey and a look of remorse spread across his face. Baby what are you doing here?

Aubrey: No! What are you doing here? And with HER?!

Derek: I’m sorry baby it’s not what it looks like, I can explain. Please, let me explain.

Kiara: Now why do you keep calling her baby?

Aubrey: Man, who is you?! (She steps to Kiara and Kiara stands up)

Kiara: You got the audacity to come up here and ruin my date with my man?! Girl you need to back up, I feel like you invading my personal bubble.

Aubrey: I don’t care what you feel like I’m invading! And I don’t like the fact you was just sitting here wit yo lips all over my man!

Kiara: Yo man (laughter in her voice). Girl please.

Derek: Baby…

Aubrey and Kiara answer WHAT in unison.

Derek: Not you Kiara man move! Baby come here (gently grabs her arm, but she quickly snatches away)

Aubrey: Don’t put yo hands on me.

Derek: Man stop playin’ and come here.

Aubrey: I have nothing to say to you! You can just go back over there and continue to have a nice time with your NEW girlfriend because we’re through! To Jessica: Come on

Derek: To Kiara: Ay man pay the bill, I’m out. To Aubrey: Baby come back.

Kiara: In the background: What you mean pay the bill?! You got me all messed up boo boo! Please believe Kiara Latisha Latrice Gregory ain’t payin’ one cent!

Jessica and Aubrey are sitting in the car.

Jessica: I’m sorry.

Aubrey: No I’m sorry for coming at you like that, I should have known better then to think you would lie to me about something like that.

Derek exits the restaurant and to the passenger side of Jessica’s car.

Derek: Aubrey get out the car and talk to me, please.

Aubrey: Jessica lets go.

Jessica starts the car.

Derek: Baby I’m sorry.

Jessica begins to back out and Kiara exits the restaurant.

Kiara: Derek get in here and pay for this food! Even though I asked you on this date you still gone pay for us!

He just stands there watching the car quickly disappear without answering to Kiara.

Kiara: HELLLLLLOOOOOO! What you need her for when you got me? I can give you more then she ever could, now get over here.

Derek walks to his car and pulls off leaving Kiara standing in the restaurant door.

Curtain Falls

--Jasmine Stuckey & Alexis Payne

Anonymous said...

1. Someone informs you that your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you and tells you when and where you can catch them on a secret date together.

Lois Griffin- Slim fit red head woman. She is a very good house wife. Was once a bartender at the Drunken Clam. Hot Mama 35! Has 3 children by Peter Griffin and a dog. She is born to rich family but disobeyed her father and married her mentally retarded husband. She is very smart, complex. She speaks her mind and she loves her husband even thought he is slow. She has a suspicion that her 1 year old son is trying to kill her.

Peter Griffin- Fat but loving man, he is 37. Tall and obnoxious, mentally retarded, alcohol problems wears glasses and makes bad decisions. He works at the beer brewery with his best friends (which are his neighbors). His part time job he is a fisher. He is not very smart and gets drunk with his dog.

Bonnie Swanson- Recently had a baby by Joe Swanson (her crippled husband). She is in her Late 20s. Had a son but he was killed in the battle of Griffindor. She is a house wife (she has to take care of her husband). She recently discovered that she needs some love and affection.

On a nice summer day in Quohog, Rhode Island on Spooner street, Bonnie and Joe get in to fight and she takes a walk in the park with her baby. As she is walking she notices Peter, her neighbor with his son Stewie. She walks over to him and with a very warm greeting,
Bonnie: Hello, Peter.
Peter looks around, alarmed
Peter: What? Who said that…is it the tree Gods? I’ am so sorry about the Christmas Tree, I didn’t want the tree, Lois made me do it. Were Jehovah Witnesses now.
Bonnie: Peter I’m over here, it’s me Bonnie.
Peter: Oh, hi Bonnie. How’s its hanging’?
Bonnie: Oh, me and Joe got in to a little spat, nothing serious.
Peter: Oh, Lois won’t let me pawn the kids. All I wanted was the red shiny ball.
Bonnie: That’s nice Peter
They are sitting there chatting away while their kids play happily.
Peter: While I have to go, gotta catch that new episode of Fast animals Slow Kids.
Bonnie: Okay Peter, see you later
Peter enters the house with Stewie, he sees Lois on the phone.
Lois: Oh, Peter…Hi honey
Peter: Hi John
Lois: Peter, I’m your wife Lois
Peter. Oh hey honey, so I saw bonnie at the park today
Lois. Oh. How is she?
Peter. Good, good. She and Joe got into a little scuffle but she’s good
Lois. Oh that’s terrible. Maybe you should talk to Joe and see what happened
Peter. Okay honey you know it’s something about Bonnie but I just don’t know what it is right now. But I’m gonna go to the can and then bed so umm bye

As peter goes on to do his dirty work Lois feels a sense of unease on peter’s comment about Bonnie. But puts her worries and goes upstairs to bed.

Peter is at Joes house sitting having a conversation with Joe about him and Bonnie.

Peter. But yeah I mean I understand but she’s you’re wife
Joe. Well peter it’s hard to say when deep down she MOCKS ME!!
Peter. What about Joe?
Peter okay Joe I am honestly very uncomfortable seeing you like this so I’m gonna go
And by the way where is Bonnie now that I think of it.
Joe I don’t know... BONNIE!!! BOOONNNIIIEE!!!!!!
Peter. Wow you really need some help.
Joe wait there was a note on the fridge maybe that’s where she is
Peter. Well maybe that’s true look at the note Joe look at the note
Joe. It says that…”what Joe?” I’m leaving you!
Peter. Wow now that’s what I call a hum dinger
Joe. I gotta find my wife!

Joe leaves wheeling himself in a hurry out the door leaving peter by himself confused.

Peter. Hey Lois Bunnies’ gone
Lois. Well go help Joe find her
Peter. Well fine then and by the way… love yew

As peter walks he hears someone whispering out from a bush.

Peter. I told you tree gods I don’t celebrate Christmas anymore. NO MORE TRES!!
Bonnie. Peter it’s me Bonnie
Peter. Hey you gotta stop doing that
Bonnie Peter I want you to come with me

Peter uncertain about the situation agrees and goes with bonnie to a hotel she claims to be staying at.

Peter. Okay why are we here?
Bonnie. Peter don’t you know yet. I’ve always wanted you peter.
Peter. WHAT! Why me?
Bonnie. Because you are fun and sexy and know how to treat a lady and it turns me on
Bonnie thrusts herself at peter making him fall onto the bed.
Peter. I have felt the same but Lois…
Bonnie what about her… she doesn’t need to know
Bonnie and Joe opening the door.
Joe. Hat are you doing with my wife !?

Curtain falls leaving suspense in the audience.
Robert jones Temeria hale

Chloe Wise said...

Stop Playing

-Chanel-is 16 years old, is on the cheerleading team. She is brown skinned, medium length hair, and all the boys like her. Everyone loves her and all the girls are jealous on her but she doesn’t care.
-Sky-is 16 years old, she is the best friend of Chanel. She also is a cheerleader. She has caramel colored skinned, medium length hair and all the boys adore her. Girls tend to dislike her but she pays them no mind.
-Jayar-is 16 years old, he is on the football team. He has a crush on Chanel. The lady’s love him. He tends to go after what he wants.
-Jay- is the brother of Jayar. He is also on the football team and he has a crush on Sky. He is tall, and has as set of full lips that all the ladies love.

Sky-Hey girl, what are we doing this weekend?
Chanel-What’s up girl, and umm I don’t know what you want to do?
Sky-Well you know the one boy that always has his eyes on you in gym class?
Chanel-Um, what’s his name…oh yea that annoying boy Jayar?
Sky-You know that’s his name...Stop playing and you and I both know that you like him.
Chanel she giggles-No I don’t, but what about him?
Sky-He wants to talk to you and he has a brother that thinks I’m cute.
Chanel-Sky, get out what you want to say.
Sky- They wants us to come hang with them this weekend.
Chanel excitedly- You lying?
Sky-I’m serious.
Chanel laughing-No, I don’t want to go hang with them…he is annoying.
Sky- Girl, I don’t see why y’all be playing. You and he both know that y’all like each other.
Chanel-Yeah whatever but I’m gone catch you later. I can’t be late for class.
Sky- Okay.
Chanel leaves and here comes Jayar and Jay.
Jayar- what’s up sky?
Sky- Hey Jayar...Hey Jay.
Jay- what up boo.
Sky-Nothing much.
Jay- Did you set that up for me?
Sky- Kind of, but not exactly.
Jayar-what y’all talking bout, I want to know.
Jay-None of your business.
Sky Giggles-Your future girlfriend.
Jay-Man Sky, stop playing.
Sky-I’m serious.
Jayar laughs.
Jay-What you laughing for?
Jayar- Because You.
Jay- What about me. Can y’all please stop playing?
Sky- okay, we kind of set up something, you know just hang out for the weekend.
Jay- Alright cool, count me in.
Sky- But…
Jay-But What?
Sky- It’s going to be me, you, Jayar and….
Jay with laughter-One of your good looking friend’s right?
Sky-Of course, my best friend Chanel.
Jay-Oh.count me out then.
Jayar laughing-Why you acting like that bro?
Jay- Man, that girl don’t like me. So I don’t see why y’all keep trying to set us up or something. It’s not happening, I can’t stand her.
Sky-You and Chanel be fronting, y’all both know y’all want each other.
Jay-Stop trying, it’s not going to happen.
Jay walks off leaving sky and jay standing there thinking of how they are going to get them both to stop acting like they don’t like each other. Friday comes, after school Chanel and Sky sits around and talk.
Chanel-I’m Bored.
Sky-We about to have company over.
The door bell rings. Sky runs off to answer it, Chanel hears two male voices. In walk Jay and Jayar.
Jay-What’s up Chanel?
Chanel-Hey Jay.
Jayar-So you not going to speak to me.
Chanel with a little attitude- I was going to say hi, can you give me time.
Jayar a little impatient-I’m waiting…
Chanel- Hi boy.
Sky- That’s a shame y’all already arguing and haven’t even been here 5 minutes.
Jayar-Man, that’s your girl.
Sky-Y’all need to talk, so Jay and I are going to leave you two love birds alone.
Sky and Jayar lets out a laugh as they walk out the door.
Jayar-So Chanel can I ask you a question?
Chanel-Just did.
Jayar laughs-Why you got to act like that towards me.
Chanel-Like what Jayar?
Jayar-Like you don’t like me.
Chanel-Because I don’t.
Jayar-Why are you lying, I see it all over your face when my name come up.
Chanel with a smile-No you don’t.
Chanel giggles.
Jayar-We should stop playing with each other.
Chanel-What you mean?
Jayar-We know we both like each other but pretend to hate each other to cover up our true feelings, now am I wrong?
Chanel-No, you right.
Jayar-So can we start over.
Jayar-Good, because I been looking at you for a long time. I like you a lot.
Chanel-I have to but I didn’t know how to tell you that because we always acted like we disliked each other.
Jayar smiles-Well I think you are cute. Can we get to know each other?
Chanel-Yes, we can.
Curtain Close.

Anonymous said...

Erika King


Sherry~ A 20 year old girl with two kids, caramel skinned tone, long black hair, a medical assistant, independent women, engaged to Israel.

Israel~ has two kids with Sherry, engaged to sherry, nappy black hair, drug dealer, light skinned tone, puts his friends clients before his family and girl.22 years old.

Darius~ sherry’s best friend from high school, caramel skinned tone, wavy hair, God father to her two kids,20 years old , studying to become a doctor.

Shanti~ Sherry & Darius best friend, she’s the only one that knows about sherry & Darius seeing each other, browned skinned tone, medium black hair God mother of Sherry two kids, works with sherry at the hospital, 20 years of age.

It was a hot summer day on july4th 2011 sherry rolled over and notices that Israel was gone. So she deiced to hurry and get the kids ready go to her mama house for the 4th of July cook out that started at 4:00. It was already 12:45 she went to bed late because her and Israel had a fight about the coast of the wedding. Her son Shawn was in the kitchen eating cereal and watching cartoons.
Sherry: Shawn go get your little sister Shanya and give her some cereal.
Shawn: ok ma what time are we going to gran-gran house for the cook out?
Sherry: soon as you get ready. Go on now.
Sherry: rolling her eyes as Israel walks in the door. Where were you?
Israel: down the street handling some business do you mind dang?
Sherry: yes I mind we gotta be at my mama house at 4:00 get ready
Israel: I am ready.
Sherry: looking him up and down. No you smell like weed go change.
Israel: get out my face I said I was ready to go now come on
Sherry: trying not to go hard on him in front of the kids. what ever u aint even gotta go.
Israel: find then bring me back some food.
Sherry: thank god. Yup
One the out side sherry was mad but on the inside she was smiling that’s exactly what she wanted. Sherry hurried to her room and sent Darius a text asking if he was going to be at her mama’s house later.
Darius: I will if Israel aint there
Sherry: he’s not
Darius: well yea I’m there. Are the kids staying at yo mama cause to night?
Sherry: yea why?
Darius: because I want some alone time with you to night we gotta that ok?
Sherry: lol yea but what are we gone talk about?
Darius: just wait and see
Sherry: ok I gotta go see you at 4:00 bye better half LOL!!
Darius: Lol u silly bye bay.
While Sherry was getting the kids ready, she couldn’t stop thinking about what could Darius wanted to talk about. I hope it’s nothing bad. Sherry decides to call her best friend Shanti.
Shanti: Hello
Sherry: hey girl
Shanti: hey what’s up?
Sherry: nothing getting ready to go to my mama house u go be there?
Shanti: yea girl you know I cant miss yo mama cooking laugh
Sherry: laugh yea I know rite
Shanti: umm is Israel gonna be there?
Sherry: girl naw I glad to laugh
Shanti: rite…Im just gone come out and say it why are you marrying him?
Sherry: rite about now I don’t even know anymore I use to say because I love him now I just say because he’s the father of my kids and I don’t want them to be father less you know
Shanti: no I don’t know. He can still be a father and not be in the picture. I think your better off being with Darius. He’s going places and looks why better than Israel smoking all that weed that good.
Sherry: I know the weed did that to him. He never use to be like never smoked, sold drugs, disrespects me or his mama. I guess what it’s true that after awhile people do change.
Shanti: yea girl do
Sherry: do u have any idea what Darius wants to talk to me about?
Shanti: yea but he told me not to tell you.
Sherry: why
Shanti: because he wants to be the one to tell you
Sherry: ugh ok I’ll see u later
Shanti: ok girl
Sherry finally made it to her mama house it was a lot of people already their. Soon as she got done hugging every one there she stared look Darius. After ten minus she stopped looking got something to eat out of nowhere came Darius she looked up smiling.
Darius: Hey my better half laughing
Sherry: smiling Hey when you get get
Darius: just a second
Sherry: what did you have to tell me?
Darius: tell you later not now let watch the fire works
Sherry: rolling her eyes and smiling ok sure whatever
Darius: smiling why you mad?
Sherry: I’m not
It was 10:00 pm they were watching the fire workers Darius looked at Sherry and smiled and kissed her on the forehead. Sherry smiled and she grabbed his hand. She yanked his arm, stepped on her tippy toes, and gave him a big kiss on the lips. All Darius did was look at her and smiled.
Darius: what was that about?
Sherry: you know what it was about don’t act brand new laughing.
Darius: laughing I wanna go talk now?
Sherry: yea bout time.
Darius: ok you know I don’t like Israel rite
Sherry: yea
Darius: ok so I say you should marry him because im all you need. He’s never there I am, I’m always their hurts you, I’m always their for you and the kids. I want to live with my kids I don’t want them living with that man anymore. Sherry I just need you to understand that I love with all my heart I always have but you just could see that till now. I wanna be the one you marry please baby don’t marry that weed head. I don’t want you to hurt any more please
Sherry: I don’t know what to say
Darius: say u won’t marry him please Sherry I love you
Sherry: why are you just now telling me how you feel? I’m about get married next month.
Darius: I tried but Darius wouldn’t let get close enough to you so that I could tell you how I felt.
Sherry: I’ll have to think about it Darius I don’t know
Darius: that’s fine taking your time.
Darius and Sherry hung out that whole night talking bout what would life be like if they were together. Sherry didn’t go home till 1:00pm the next day. She was scared to go in the house and get her and the kid’s things she was finally leaving him after 5 years. She new Israel was their waiting on her. So Darius said that he would stay out side just in case he did anything to hurt her.
Israel: who do you think you are coming home the next day you cheating on me?
Sherry: yes I am. I’m not going to marry you anymore Israel I’m leaving you for Darius ok
Israel: no you aint how you just gone cal off the wedding a month before
Sherry: I just did… Im here to get me and the kids things and I’m gone
Israel: ok then leave I don’t need you I can have any girl out I want and you aint gone stop me.
Sherry: so what now that you know I cheated on you… I got another surprise for you the kids they aint yours their Darius’s kids yup I been cheating on you for four years surprise surprise ha ha you just got played I’m gone.
Israel: Darius out side aint he yup I got you
Israel ran out to Darius 2014 bmw said get out the car rite now lets go.
Darius: man naw I’m not bout to fight you over something like this you should have been taken care of yo girl then she would’t have come to me
Sherry: bye Israel never again will I make this mistake again
Three months later Sherry & Darius were married, They got a house together in Northville, Darius became a doctor sherry went back to school to get her bachelors. They also added two more kids two there family, another boy and girl. Israel still selling drugs, doing drugs as well still in the same old trap house that sherry once lived in.


Anonymous said...

Emily Reed and Taylor Scarantino

Samantha: Freckles, Brown Hair, Brown eyes, Tomboy, 16 years old, 5’8”, single, thinks she knows everything, lies a lot,

Amanda: Blonde hair, blue eyes, loves pink, loads of make-up, has the “perfect boyfriend,” 5’4”, Cheerleader, 16 years old, insecure about herself, doesn’t like Sarah, preppy, Michael's girlfriend.

Michael: shaggy brown hair, green eyes, 17 years old, jock, always at hockey practice, Amanda’s boyfriend.

Sarah: Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Amanda’s enemy, Captain of the cheer leading squad, stuck-up, the girl Michael is cheating on Amanda with.

At school, lunchtime after 3rd hour, Amanda and Samantha are sitting with other friends at a lunch table.

Amanda: Have you seen Michael?
Samantha with her mouth full: Not since before school.
Amanda: I wonder where he is. I’m going to go look for him.
Amanda starts to walk away to look for Michael.
Samantha: WAIT!!!
Amanda confused: What?
Samantha: I think I saw him with the hockey team by the gym before lunch.
Amanda doubtfully: Are you sure?
Samantha: Yeah.
Amanda: Okay thanks. I’m going to go see if he is still there. Talk to you later.
Samantha: Okay. See you 4th hour.
Amanda is gone and Samantha finishes her lunch when Sarah walks up to their table.
Sarah: Hey Samantha!
Samantha confused: yeah?
Sarah: Have you seen Michael around?
Samantha: Not today, why?
Sarah: I just wanted to talk to him but thanks anyways.
A few minutes later Michael walks up to Samantha.
Michael: Hey! Have seen Sarah around?
Samantha: Umm yeah she was just wondering where you were.
Michael excited: really!
Samantha suspiciously: …yeah. Amanda was looking for you too.
Michael: Oh, okay then.
4th hour bell rings. Amanda and Samantha meet up in Chemistry class and sit next to each other.
Samantha: dude, Amanda. You’ll never guess what happened right after you left at lunch!
Amanda: What?
Samantha: Well… it’s not good, are you sure you want to hear it?
Amanda getting irritated: YES!
Samantha: Okay, well Sarah walked up to me and was wondering where Michael was and then when she left, Michael walked up and was wondering where Sarah was.
Amanda upset: Oh, well I will talk to him about it later when we hang out.
Samantha: Okay good.
Last bell rings and school is dismissed. Amanda meets up with Samantha.
Amanda: So Samantha, why do you think Michael was looking for Sarah earlier?
Samantha: I don’t know.
Amanda: I don’t either. Well I got to go now. I have to call Michael to see what’s up for later.
Samantha: Okay. Talk to you later.
After Amanda leaves, Samantha sees Michael talking to Sarah. Sarah walks over to Samantha after Michael walks away.
Sarah: Hey, Samantha.
Samantha: Hey? Did you need something?
Sarah: I was just wondering if you could not tell Amanda that I was look for her boyfriend.
Samantha: Okay I won’t.
Sarah: Thank you so much. You’re such a good friend.
Sarah walks away.
Samantha to herself: friend?
Amanda is home now. And just called Michael.
Michael: Hello.
Amanda: Hey Michael, its Amanda.
Michael. I know. Caller ID.
Amanda: Yeah. Anyways. Is there something that you’re not telling me?
Michael: No. Why?
Amanda: Oh, cause I heard that you were looking for Sarah today.
Michael: Yeah, I was just going to ask her for help on my HW.
Amanda: Oh, well you could ask me.
Michael: You don’t have that class so you wouldn’t know.
Amanda: Oh okay. So are we still on for later.
Michael. About that…
Amanda: Yeah?
Michael: I can’t I have a hockey game.
Amanda: I thought that wasn’t until next week.
Michael: It was supposed to be. But it got re-scheduled last minute.
Amanda: Oh okay. So tomorrow then?
Michael: Maybe. We have some family coming over tomorrow.
Amanda: Okay. Well call me after you get home and let me know.
Michael: Okay, talk to you then.
Amanda: Bye.
After a little while, Amanda decides to give Samantha a call to see if that sounds suspicious.
Amanda: Hey, Samantha what’s going on?
Samantha: Not much.
Amanda: I got a question. Do you think this sounds weird? Michael said that his hockey game that was supposed to be next week got scheduled for today and then I asked him if he could hang out tomorrow and he said he has family coming over. And usually I would get invited to come over.
Samantha: That does sound weird. But I got to go. I’m going to the hockey game.
Amanda: Yeah, I don’t like them. So I’m just going to stay home.
Samantha: Kay bye.
At the Hockey game Samantha sees Sarah there with Michael and she over hears their conversation saying that Michael is taking Sarah to the movies at 8pm tomorrow.
When the game is over she rushed to Amanda’s house.
Samantha: Amanda you will never guess what I just over heard.
Amanda: What?
Samantha: its more bad news about Michael. I heard him and Sarah talking and he is taking her to the movies at 8pm tomorrow.
Amanda: So that’s why he didn’t want to hang out tomorrow. At least he told the truth about the game.
Samantha: Yeah. So are you going to go and bust him?
Amanda: Of course I’m going to. Only if you’re sure you’re telling the truth.
Samantha: I am. Believe me I wouldn’t lie about this.
Amanda: okay thanks, you should go now. I don’t feel like company.
The next day, Amanda is at the movies early to catch them. Then they walk in.
Michael: Umm I can explain.
Amanda: Really? Can you?
Michael: Okay maybe I can’t. It is what it looks like.
Amanda: So it looks like your cheated on me with it…I mean Sarah.
Michael: Yeah, I am so sorry. Can I have another chance?
Sarah: Excuse me?
Michael: sorry I care about her more.
Sarah walks away.
Amanda: NO! You cannot have another chance. We are done.
Curtain falls.

Anonymous said...

Much Ado Scene
Mr. Hughes
Kenya Williams & A’licia Croosen
4th hour
“What happens in the dark comes to the light”
“Stop Gold digging”

Shavon- Getting married, 5’2, black crisp, she has a boot mouth, she has ear length hair, 5 kids all different daddy’s, everyone wants her because her father is about to die and she will be left with everything and her father was a very wealthy man.

LaTrieka-light skinned, long hair hazel eyes, thick, nice shape, she’s a gold digger, she’s Shavons best friend and maid of honor. She is 5’5, and has long legs, and is very model type that every guy in town wants.

Cortavious- tall, dark and slim, 6’2 very big feet, pearly white smile, smooth skinned and a smooth talker. Drives an all black Malibu. He acted like a good father to all five of shavons kids.

The day Shavon and Cortavious met. At ponderosa, he had been picking up an order that he had previously called in. and that’s when he met Shavon. Cortavious walks up to.

Cortavious. Hello lovely, he says with an enlightened smile

Shavon. With a sly grim she breaths and says, Hello, and thanks you don’t look to bad yourself

They both share a laugh

Cortavious. So you’re here alone, quickly well if you don’t mind me asking,

Shavon. Chuckling at his nervousness, its ok, the answer to your question is no Im not here alone Im here with my children

Cortavious. Children

Shavon. Yes is that a problem

Cortavious. No not at all

They got to know each other very well and exchanged number. They begin going on dates and see each other very often. The 7 months later they decided to get married little did they no there happily ever after will soon be ending

In the church. Wedding bells ringing, the preacher I preaching…..and suddenly they door burst in comes shavons best friend LaTrieka and every one stares at her with shocked expression as she yells stop u can’t marry her….

Cortavious. Standing in shock as she approaches the alter, Shavon asks laTrieka what she’s talking about and then looks at Cortavious and says

Shavon. Cortavious what is she talking bout.

Cortavious baby I…I

LaTrieka. Yea you betta tell’er before I do cortavious

Shavon then strarts to shake and began to shout infuriately

Shavon.I don’t know what going on but somebody betta start talking and I mean now before I raise all hell up in here

LaTrieka. Fine if you won’t tell her then I will.. Shavon was almost near losing her breath…

LaTrieka. Shavon we’ve been friends for along time and this is going to hurt you but Im sorry….But….

Cortavious. Wait….no wait

LaTrieka. Me and cortavious have been sleeping with each other for about a 4 months now, u remember that night when u introduced at the family affair we had a four months ago well we kind of started sneaking around, going to the movies jumping from hotel to hotel…..Shavon in tears interrupts

Shavon. Sobbing why, why have you done this to me LaTrieka we have been friend for six years. I have been nothing but kind of and like a sister to you and this is how you repay me….I HATE U! She screamed….as she violently bushes through people to get to LaTrieka har brother catches her

LaTrieka. He didn’t really love you shavon oh pull yourself tighter she says with a snap. He was merely using you he found out that when that wealthy father of yours finally kills over that he is leaving everything in his precious possession to you…

Shavon. Looking at cortavious….Cortavious is this true

Cortavious in shock says…Yes it is true but not how you think, LaTrieka came up with the whole idea, she told me that you had told her this and she said that you didn’t deserve that money and that it would get us away from here and we would be free to be together….

Latrieka. Shut up that’s enough..yea I plotted on you and so what, all our lives its always been about you Shavon, Shavon, shavon…well now its about me and Im taking what rightfully belongs to me that your man…he loves me not u he propsed to me but I couldn’t see him marry you and make this a lie I fell for him just like he fell for me LaTrieka and Cortavious walked up to each other and embracingly gave each other a passionate kiss…

Shavon. Well the last laugh is on you….she laughs out loud as a tall darkskined handsome man walks in

Shavon. You see I always suspected that something was wrong with our relationship, you see knowing you for six years was a great joy to me but I also know how vindictive and muliputive u can be so I hired a private investigator as the second the man began to get closer they both started to realize who this mysterious man was the private investigator was tony they all attended college together

Shavon. You see you both know who this man is…we went to school together Im sure you remember tony Peterson. You should most definitely know who he is LaTrieka, seeing as though you after you let Cortavious marry me and get my money and then take it from him. Then leave him to be with tony right

Cortavious. Is that true LaTrieka

LaTrieka. How dare you go against me tony she says as she falls to the floor. I really did love you I thought you loved me

Tony. Why would you think something like that I never liked you I high school I just wanted what every man wanted then, I don’t want you, you mean nothing to me

Shavon. Looks at Cortavious. You see while you two were plotting on me I was seeing tony and so was LaTrieka she was telling him everything to that she was going to be doing to, taking the money to leave you high and dry.

Cortavious. In tears all he could do was look down and cry,

Shavon. But here’s the twist me and you have been together for four months and I’ve been with tony this whole time I knew I couldn’t trust you and tony helped prove me right. And Im expecting throwing he head back in laughter and it isn’t yours…you betrayed my love and my trust and now what do u have no money and you just threw away the best thing that’s ever happened to you now me and tony will live our happy lives finally….

Cortavious and LaTrieka gets up and shame and realize all the looks they were getting from the family….they soon started to feel the tension and ran out the church….Shavon and Tony got married and soon had a healthy little girl and they lived a happy life.
As for Latrieka and ortavious last Shavon heard was that LaTrieka became a stripper and then her past started to catch up with her….
As for Cortavious no one really heard from him after the whole ordeal, he was really hurt by the whole situation and couldn’t handle it and he disappeared

Anonymous said...

Much ado scene
Kayla roman
4th hour
29 april 2009

1. Someone informs you that your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you and tells you when and where you can catch them on a secret date together.

Craig - He is 17 a junior in Thurston high school. Craig is has a lot of friends. He doesn’t care if his friends are jerks but he makes friends with people you wouldn’t expect. Craig is very shallow .
He is really obvious about all he wants in relationships, he has super good style which makes guys make fun of his orientation but all the girls love it he is currently dating Justina.

Justina- Justina is 17, junior in Thurston high school just like Craig, the boy she is currently dating. Justina is smart and really pretty, she isn’t shallow like Craig. She wants a real relationship like a normal couple but Craig isn’t exactly the dream boyfriend.

Sherry- Sherry is also 17 and is a junior in Thurston high school. She is has been best friends with justina since she was in first grade. Even though its no surprise to justina, sherry has witnessed craig flirting with other girls around the school plenty of times. But now sherry has a suspicion that he is definetly cheating on Justina.

Nikki- the random girl from Thurston that Craig might be cheating with Justina on.

JUSTINA AND CRAIG *walk into school*

JUSTINA: Hey baby! Over here * waves*

CRAIG: is talking to another girl by the vending machine, he turns around and sees justina waving to him and looks back at the other girl h-hey baby!

JUSTINA: * walks over* what are you doing craig? She looks at the girl he’s talking to

CRAIG: nothing Justina? I’m just talking to my good friend Nikki. Points to nikki.
JUSTINA: Oh..hi Nikki I’m Justina

NIKKI: I know who you are.

JUSTINA: Ok? Aha. Um sorry I didn’t know who you were

NIKKI: looks at Craig okay so craig ill talk to you tomorrow I cant be late

CRAIG: Yea, me and Justina can’t afford to be late either.

JUSTINA: walks by Craig’s side what is wrong with her? I don’t even know who she is and she gives me an attitude

CRAIG: baby your over exaggerating, its fine, she doesn’t have a problem with you she just doesn’t know you okay?

JUSTINA: fine …but if she acts like that again..

CRAIG: nothing will happen okay? smiles at her I love you, but I gotta go to class okay?

JUSTINA: okay.. I love you too baby,see you in second hour!

CRAIG: okay! he starts walking away and waves to another girl

JUSTINA: keeps staring at Craig, annoyed and walks towards her class and bumps into sherry

SHERRY: okay Justina not to sound like a stalker or anything, but I saw all of that. Don’t you feel a little suspicious? What did nikki even say to you?

JUSTINA: .. nothing she just got an attitude with me. What are you trying to say about Craig sherry?

SHERRY: I don’t know.. it just seems like he’s sort of a player and I don’t want to you get hurt

JUSTINA: I don’t know sherry I just don’t think he’s like that. I mean he has a lot of friends that are girls and maybe it just seems that way because of all those friends.

SHERRY:.. okay I just want to look out for you that’s all

JUSTINA: I know sherry but its fine okay?  I’m going to see him second hour we have to do a project together anyways

*the bell rings *

JUSTINA : she walks out of her first hour and goes to her locker, and excited to start her project in her 2nd hour with craig.

JUSTINA: hey baby, what’s up? So what do you think we should do our project on?

CRAIG: well Justina, about that you know how I was talking to nikki in the morning?.. well we were talking about other stuff too but she was asking me to be her partner for this project cause its an out of class project so she didn’t have to be in our hour to do it.

JUSTINA: … … oh okay?. Well I guess ill find someone else to be partners with..

CRAIG: come on baby, your not mad are you?

JUSTINA:.. no craig,, NOT AT ALL

CRAIG: it seems like you are

JUSTINA:.. no im not
JUSTINA: the bell rings and justina is furious about craig being partners with her. She starts to think about what sherry said during second hour so she finds sherry at lunch

SHERRY: hey justina  whats up? Everything ok you look really p.oed.

JUSTINA: oh no reason you know.. cause Craig totally didn’t just pick Nikki to be his partner for science class at all.

SHERRY: are you serious?.. no, he cant do that to you. I told you he was cheating.

JUSTINA: hes not cheating? No ! you never said he was cheating on me!

SHERRY: justina, do I have to spell it out for you? Even if he wasn’t cheating that’s not fair, and he shouldn’t treat you like that. You don’t go around flirting with other guys so were spying on him tonight

JUSTINA: spying on him? Isn’t that like a little childish I mean.. well.. craig did say he couldn’t hang out tonight, something about a dinner he had to go to with his parents

SHERRY: a dinner? With his parents? When does craig ever hang out with his parents

JUSTINA: I don’t know? I guess.. he doesn’t

SHERRY: your right, he doesn’t so were is he “ eating”

JUSTINA: Mexican fiesta

SHERRY: when is he going?

JUSTINA: around 6

SHERRY: okay, after school we will go to your house for a bit and than we will drive there.

JUSTINA: fine. But i don’t want to actually SEEM like were spying on him so we will be at a table farther away

SHERRY: good idea..

Later that day justina cant stop thinking about it throughout her entire day, every hour it gets worse and worse , but at the same time she is anxious for the end of the day, which is now, and she starts walking towards craigs locker

JUSTINA: Hey baby, did you have a good day?
CRAIG: yea I did, did you  he kisses her on the cheek
JUSTINA: she says with a hint of sarcasm just perfect ..
CRAIG : oh sweet, well Im sorry I cant drive you home, I have to go to that dinner with my parents at six remember? Yea there all annoying I really don’t want to go id so rather hang out with you

JUSTINA: I bet..
CRAIG: ..? are you okay?
JUSTINA: yea craig
CRAIG: fine.. okay whatever I got to go. Love you bye! He starts walking away from her locker and gets in a crowd with a whole bunch of his friends, including two guys and five girls poking him and giving him high fives

Moses said...

The Quite Rumor
Scene One

Johnny Duty- 17 years old, a football player, around 6 foot, funny guy, makes everyone laugh.

Christian Duty- 16 years old, John’s little brother, plays sports, a little shorter then John, and acts more mature.

Will Lebster- 16 years old, John‘s friend, around 6 foot, plays basketball, more quite than John.

Lisa- Will’s girlfriend, around 5’5, outgoing, kind of loud, doesn’t play any sports.

(At john’s house in his living room, Christian is in his bedroom down the hall)

Will- hey wut up john, wut u doin today?

John- nuthin jus getting my stuff together for my football game tonight, wut u doin today?

Will- nuthin jus about to go over Lisa’s house tonight and chill.

John- o is her parents bout to be there

Will- naw not till around 12 and I got be home at 11:30 so ill be gone in time.

John- nice nice.

Will- So ur game start at 7 tonight?

John- yea

Will- at home?

John- yea it’s our last home game too.

Will- alright but I gotta go home and get ready and stuff, peace.

John- alright, peace.

Scene Two

Will is walking to Lisa’s house and see’s John’s little brother Christian.

Will: Wat up Chris.

Chris: Nothin man where u headed too.

Will: o im goin over my girl Lisa house.

Chris: O for real wat yall goin to be doin over there.

Will: Nothing just goin to be chillin, we prolly goin to do something later.

Chris: O that’s wats up she got a friend?

Will: Naw man its just goin to be me and her man. I would have told her to call somebody but I didn’t know you were trying to come with me man I got u next time man.

Chris: It’s all right man it’s all good but just call me if u tryin to do something later.

Will: Ok man I will.

Will starts walking again and stops at Lisa’s house. Will goes to the door and knocks. Lisa opens up the door and let’s will in.

Will: Wats up Lisa, wat u been doin all day.

Lisa: Nothin I just came back from the mall, but I really didn’t do anything all day.

Will: O ok so wat u doin tomorrow after school.

Lisa: I don’t know wat are u tryin to do.
Will: I was thinking about goin to the movies, you trying to go.

Lisa: yea I’ll go. So wat time u tryin to go.

Will: Like around 8 or 9 depending on wat im doin, so im goin to call u if im not doin nothing. But pop in a movie it’s getting boring.

Lisa: alrite

Will goes to sleep and then wakes up and start walking home, then goes to sleep.

Scene Three

John Duty, Will, and Christian meet up at school.

Christian: Wats up Will wat u do last night over Lisa’s house.

Will: Nothing fell asleep and then walked home.

Christian: I know u did more then that.

Will: Naw that’s it man.

John: Come on Chris stop asking him wat he did man its his business.

Christian: Alrite ill stop asking him wat he did.

Will: Man im bout to go to class aint nothing happenin right now.

John: Alrite

Will goes to class and seats in his seat after about an hour in his class he hears a rumor going on.

Will: Wats up with this rumor

Classmate: Dude I heard u did some things with Lisa man you’re the man.

Will: Yo who told u this.

Classmate: I just heard from a couple of people man no one specific.

Will leaves class when the bell rings and goes to lunch and sees Lisa.

Lisa: Hey Will did u hear that rumor
Will: Yea I heard it but I know I didn’t say anything like that.

Lisa: I hope your not lying to me

Will: Why would I do that?

Lisa: because I know how u get around your friends and u tell them stuff.

Will: Man I aint say nothing so don’t come at me like that im gone talk to u later cuz u trippn’.

Lisa: Ok fine

Will starts thinking who could have spread the rumor. Then he goes looking for Christian.

Will: Yo chris let me holla at u real quik.

Christian: Yea man wats up.

Will: Did u spread that rumor about me and Lisa.

Christian: Yea I mean but its true man I know u did all that stuff that’s why I said it.

Will: I told u we didn’t do anything man u need to keep your mouth close u gotta go tell Lisa that u said those things.

Christian: Why?

Will: Cuz she mad at me fool u need to learn to shut up man. She prolly thinking about breakin up wit me now.

Will and Chris go find Lisa and tell her about the rumor.

Chris: Hey Lisa look, Will didn’t say he did anything I spreaded the rumors.

Lisa: for wat though

Christian: I don’t know I thought u guys actually did something im sorry.

So Will and Lisa go on about there business after they settled the rumor.

Anonymous said...

Ray ray : Is the boy who has a crush on a girl but he doesn’t act like it when she is around. He is 15, about 6’2, brown skin and he has a fade, he is a very nice guy until he gets around this girl he just doesn’t act his normal self. He grew up w/o a father so he really don’t know how to talk to girls.

Star: Is a girl who is holds in her feelings. She is about 5,3 and  dark skin, she is 15, she is a shy kind of girl but when she gets around this guy she turns to a whole different person. She is very very very sexy, but deep down she has a crush on him but she doesn’t want anyone to know.

Mann Mann: he is Bobby best friend they are always together. He is the party guy about 6’3 and dark skin. He is the popular guy who everyone knows and he is a jock. But he treat everyone the same he is not a bully.

Mann Mann: a Ray ray you wanna go to dis party.
Ray ray: Yea who all go be there
Mann Mann: Man all da girls and all da fellas. I think yo girl Star go be there.
Ray ray: Oh Hell Naw in not goin then!!
Mann Mann: Why not man? You gotta go everybody go be there
Ray ray: Because I hate her she always got something to day.
Mann Mann: alrite just go and and when you see her go the other way.
Ray ray: Alrite for you man.
Mann Mann: We Here Man.
Ray ray: Man there she go rite there, dang man
Mann Mann: just don’t worry bout it
May: There go yo man Ray ray.
Star: That’s not my man I hate him!!
May: sure u do everyone kno ur in love wit him.
Star: Wateva
Mann Mann: wat up May how you doin Star
May: hey Mann Mann
Star: hi
Ray ray: wat up May…Star
Star: Bye
Ray ray: see there u go girl we just got here and you already startin something
May: you to always actin like you hate each other wats up??
Star: he hates me so I hate him
Ray ray: I said that so how would I hate you..the only reason why I act like this because you act the same way
Star: so wat you sayin
Ray ray: I like you Star!!
Star: do you really
Ray ray: yes I do
Star: wow and I thought you hated me
Ray ray: hell I thought you hated me
Mann Mann: man that party was bangin
May: look at them to all caked up in that corner…I knew they liked each other!!
THIS PAPER SUCKRay ray : Is the boy who has a crush on a girl but he doesn’t act like it when she is around. He is 15, about 6’2, brown skin and he has a fade, he is a very nice guy until he gets around this girl he just doesn’t act his normal self. He grew up w/o a father so he really don’t know how to talk to girls.

Star: Is a girl who is holds in her feelings. She is about 5,3 and  dark skin, she is 15, she is a shy kind of girl but when she gets around this guy she turns to a whole different person. She is very very very sexy, but deep down she has a crush on him but she doesn’t want anyone to know.

Mann Mann: he is Bobby best friend they are always together. He is the party guy about 6’3 and dark skin. He is the popular guy who everyone knows and he is a jock. But he treat everyone the same he is not a bully.

Mann Mann: a Ray ray you wanna go to dis party.
Ray ray: Yea who all go be there
Mann Mann: Man all da girls and all da fellas. I think yo girl Star go be there.
Ray ray: Oh Hell Naw in not goin then!!
Mann Mann: Why not man? You gotta go everybody go be there
Ray ray: Because I hate her she always got something to day.
Mann Mann: alrite just go and and when you see her go the other way.
Ray ray: Alrite for you man.
Mann Mann: We Here Man.
Ray ray: Man there she go rite there, dang man
Mann Mann: just don’t worry bout it
May: There go yo man Ray ray.
Star: That’s not my man I hate him!!
May: sure u do everyone kno ur in love wit him.
Star: Wateva
Mann Mann: wat up May how you doin Star
May: hey Mann Mann
Star: hi
Ray ray: wat up May…Star
Star: Bye
Ray ray: see there u go girl we just got here and you already startin something
May: you to always actin like you hate each other wats up??
Star: he hates me so I hate him
Ray ray: I said that so how would I hate you..the only reason why I act like this because you act the same way
Star: so wat you sayin
Ray ray: I like you Star!!
Star: do you really
Ray ray: yes I do
Star: wow and I thought you hated me
Ray ray: hell I thought you hated me
Mann Mann: man that party was bangin
May: look at them to all caked up in that corner…I knew they liked each other!!

Anonymous said...

Ray ray : Is the boy who has a crush on a girl but he doesn’t act like it when she is around. He is 15, about 6’2, brown skin and he has a fade, he is a very nice guy until he gets around this girl he just doesn’t act his normal self. He grew up w/o a father so he really don’t know how to talk to girls.

Star: Is a girl who is holds in her feelings. She is about 5,3 and  dark skin, she is 15, she is a shy kind of girl but when she gets around this guy she turns to a whole different person. She is very very very sexy, but deep down she has a crush on him but she doesn’t want anyone to know.

Mann Mann: he is Bobby best friend they are always together. He is the party guy about 6’3 and dark skin. He is the popular guy who everyone knows and he is a jock. But he treat everyone the same he is not a bully.

Mann Mann: a Ray ray you wanna go to dis party.
Ray ray: Yea who all go be there
Mann Mann: Man all da girls and all da fellas. I think yo girl Star go be there.
Ray ray: Oh Hell Naw in not goin then!!
Mann Mann: Why not man? You gotta go everybody go be there
Ray ray: Because I hate her she always got something to day.
Mann Mann: alrite just go and and when you see her go the other way.
Ray ray: Alrite for you man.
Mann Mann: We Here Man.
Ray ray: Man there she go rite there, dang man
Mann Mann: just don’t worry bout it
May: There go yo man Ray ray.
Star: That’s not my man I hate him!!
May: sure u do everyone kno ur in love wit him.
Star: Wateva
Mann Mann: wat up May how you doin Star
May: hey Mann Mann
Star: hi
Ray ray: wat up May…Star
Star: Bye
Ray ray: see there u go girl we just got here and you already startin something
May: you to always actin like you hate each other wats up??
Star: he hates me so I hate him
Ray ray: I said that so how would I hate you..the only reason why I act like this because you act the same way
Star: so wat you sayin
Ray ray: I like you Star!!
Star: do you really
Ray ray: yes I do
Star: wow and I thought you hated me
Ray ray: hell I thought you hated me
Mann Mann: man that party was bangin
May: look at them to all caked up in that corner…I knew they liked each other!!
THIS PAPER SUCKRay ray : Is the boy who has a crush on a girl but he doesn’t act like it when she is around. He is 15, about 6’2, brown skin and he has a fade, he is a very nice guy until he gets around this girl he just doesn’t act his normal self. He grew up w/o a father so he really don’t know how to talk to girls.

Star: Is a girl who is holds in her feelings. She is about 5,3 and  dark skin, she is 15, she is a shy kind of girl but when she gets around this guy she turns to a whole different person. She is very very very sexy, but deep down she has a crush on him but she doesn’t want anyone to know.

Mann Mann: he is Bobby best friend they are always together. He is the party guy about 6’3 and dark skin. He is the popular guy who everyone knows and he is a jock. But he treat everyone the same he is not a bully.

Mann Mann: a Ray ray you wanna go to dis party.
Ray ray: Yea who all go be there
Mann Mann: Man all da girls and all da fellas. I think yo girl Star go be there.
Ray ray: Oh Hell Naw in not goin then!!
Mann Mann: Why not man? You gotta go everybody go be there
Ray ray: Because I hate her she always got something to day.
Mann Mann: alrite just go and and when you see her go the other way.
Ray ray: Alrite for you man.
Mann Mann: We Here Man.
Ray ray: Man there she go rite there, dang man
Mann Mann: just don’t worry bout it
May: There go yo man Ray ray.
Star: That’s not my man I hate him!!
May: sure u do everyone kno ur in love wit him.
Star: Wateva
Mann Mann: wat up May how you doin Star
May: hey Mann Mann
Star: hi
Ray ray: wat up May…Star
Star: Bye
Ray ray: see there u go girl we just got here and you already startin something
May: you to always actin like you hate each other wats up??
Star: he hates me so I hate him
Ray ray: I said that so how would I hate you..the only reason why I act like this because you act the same way
Star: so wat you sayin
Ray ray: I like you Star!!
Star: do you really
Ray ray: yes I do
Star: wow and I thought you hated me
Ray ray: hell I thought you hated me
Mann Mann: man that party was bangin
May: look at them to all caked up in that corner…I knew they liked each other!!

TeTe said...

You find out the person you’re about to marry has cheated on you—right before he/she walks down the aisle.


Thomas- Groom
Trish- Bride
Jonathon- Best Man
Bianca- Brides Maid
Damon- Friend of the groom
Tia- Friend of the bride


It is mid-summer and the bridesmaid is in the dressing room fitting on clothes. All of a sudden the groom walks in and starts talking to the bridesmaid. They start to kiss each other and discuss there future together.

Thomas- Baby I can’t wait to be with you.
Bianca – Me too, I don’t think ya’ll should get married, your not in love with her.
Thomas – But I am in love with her.
Bianca – Really!
Thomas – Yes really, I just don’t know which one of you to be with. I love both of ya’ll
Bianca - No! You only love me. We have a baby together.
Thomas- I know that, Bianca. I think about that everyday.
Bianca - Well you should be with me so we can be a family, like we dreamed of, your child doesn’t even know you, and Thomas he talks about seeing his father everyday, what am I suppose to tell him?
{They hear the door slowly open, and they stop talking} {Tia walks to the door and knocks}
Tia- Bianca are you in here.
{Bianca whispers to Thomas to hide}
Bianca- Yes, hold on I’m getting dressed.
{Tia walks in}
Tia- Who were you in here talking to?
Bianca- Nobody, I was on the phone
{Out of no where Thomas phone rings in the closet, Tia starts walking toward the closet}
Tia- Who’s there?
Bianca- No One!
{Tia opens the closet door. And sees Thomas staring back at her}
Tia- Say it isn’t so, Thomas.
Thomas- It’s not what it looks like.
Tia- Really, it’s not what it looks like, but your in your soon to be wife’s best friend changing room.
Thomas- I Know, but. . .
{Thomas starts walking to the door}
Thomas- Don’t tell her, I want to do it myself.
Tia- No! I’m telling her, I wouldn’t be a true friend if I didn’t.
Bianca- Listen here, don’t tell her nothing about what you saw here tonight. And if you do trust I would make your life a living hell.
{Thomas leaves the room}
Tia- No you listen, Trish is a good friend to you; she let you stay in her house when you got evicted, now you cheating with her husband. You disgust me!
{Tia leaves the room}
{Tia starts to walk to Trish’s room to talk to her} {She enters}
Trish- Hey Tia
Tia- Hey girl, I got some news to tell you.
Trish- Girl wants wrong?
{They sit down on the bed}
Tia- Okay, so I went down to see Bianca in her changing room, when I got to the door I heard talking coming from inside.
Trish- What do you mean talking?
Tia- Like about kids and stuff, Trish! So I walked in and no one was there except Bianca. Which was weird because I heard a man’s voice?
Trish- Can you just get to the point, my weddings about to start.
Tia- So we were talking then all of a sudden a phone ring comes from the closet. So I walk over there and there it was.
Trish- There what was?
Tia- Your husband to be!
Trish- What are you trying to say?
Tia- I’m saying he’s cheating on you with Bianca, Trish.
{Trish stands up and gets loud with Bianca}
Trish- I don’t believe you, you’ve always wanted Thomas, so now you come in here making up lies. Get Out Now?
Tia- Just find out, Trish! I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re my FRIEND.
Trish- Was your friend. Now leave my room now!
{Tia exits}
{Trish sits on her bed with a confused look on her face. She doesn’t know who to believe a man she’s been in love with for 10years or a friend she had since middle school}{Two hours later everybody is ready for the wedding when all of a sudden Bianca walks up to Trish}
Bianca- Trish can we talk
Trish- Sure!
{They walk to a corner where no one is around}
Bianca- I couldn’t wait any longer, I need to get this off my chest.
Trish- What is it dear.
Bianca- I’m in love with your husband, and he’s in love with me.
{Trish is speechless}
Bianca- Do you not hear what I’m saying, leave him alone at this moment, he doesn’t want you. You’re pathetic.
{Tears start to form in Trish’s eyes}
Trish- How long?
Bianca- How long what!
{Trish starts crying harder and yelling}
Trish- How Long?
Bianca- 7 years
Trish- You’ve been talking to my husband for seven years?
Bianca- We didn’t want to hurt you.
Trish- Like you already didn’t.
{Trish walks away}
{The wedding starts and everyone looks beautiful except the bride. Her makeup is smeared, and her hair is kind of messed up.}{The slow music comes on and instead of Trish walking slowly to the alter, she was running with tears streaming down her face}
Trish- Thomas
Thomas- What’s wrong?
{Trish starts slapping and beating him like no other}
Trish- How could you? How could you?
{Bianca runs to the alter}
Bianca- Stop hitting him, it’s not his fault, its your!
{Trish stops hitting on Thomas when she notice’s that his nose is gushing with blood}
Bianca- How’s that?
Trish- You’re the one who moved me in your house. You knew we had a connection. You’re the blame for this?
Thomas- Trish, I’m sorry. I really am but I have to be with my son.
Trish- Your son!
Thomas- Yes! My son! He’s five now.
Trish- Your son! You told me you hated kids, you never wanted kids.
Thomas- Yeah I did. But that was with you.

{Curtain Falls}

Terrance Smith And Tiara Yancey

Anonymous said...

Andreas Markellos and Rachel Wright
4th hour

Characters: Jenny, Bobby, Joey, and Billy

Jenny-The girl at school that gets all the guys.She is captain of the cheerleading squad, and volleyball.17 years old.

Bobby-The guy at school who gets all the girls. captain of the football team. 17 years old.

Billy- Part of "the cool crowd". Also wants to be with Jenny. 18 years old.

Joey-Best friends with Bobby, and friends with Billy. Co-captain of the football and soccer team. 17 years old.

SCENE: lunchtime at Thurston high school

Jenny and Bobby are dating, Joey is Bobby’s and Billy’s friend, and Jenny is cheating on Bobby with Billy.

BOBBY: Hey jenny.

JENNY: Hey Boo!!

BOBBY: Wanna hangout after school today?

JENNY: umm, I don’t know, ill call you when I get home.

BOBBY: Alright, I’ll be waiting by the phone. I love you!

JENNY: uhhhh I love you too.(weird face)

Later that day: Jenny is waiting for a ride home and Billy rolls up in his hummer H3 and offers Jenny a ride.

BILLY: Hey jenny do you want a ride home?

JENNY: Umm I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I think my mom will be here soon.

BILLY: come on you don’t live that far from me. We can go hangout at my house for a little bit.

JENNY: ok I guess that’s fine.

BILLY: ok hop on in!

Scene: They arrive at his house.

BILLY: hey do you wanna watch a movie or something?

JENNY: sure. What movie?

BILLY: I have Saw 5

JENNY: isn’t that scary? I don’t do good with scary movies.

BILLY: That’s ok ill protect you. ( puts the movie in and grabs some blankets) Do you want any popcorn?

JENNY: no thanks, im fine.

Scene: meanwhile, Bobby and joey are hanging out at Joey’s house.

JOEY: Hey brah. You wanna go chill at the mall or something?

BOBBY: nah im waiting for jenny to call me.

JOEY: oh come on! Ill go see if Billy wants to come. (calls Billy but theres no answer)

Hmm he didn’t answer, ill just go over there and see if he wants to go. Wait here.

Scene: Joey walks up to Billys house and sees Billy and Jenny kissing on the couch. Joey then runs back to his house to tell Bobby what he had seen.

JOEY: man you don’t even know what I just saw.

BOBBY: what dude? What you see? Come on tell me!

JOEY:I don’t know if I should tell you.

BOBBY: man we been friends for so long, you can tell me anything.

JOEY: I just saw ur girl all up on Billy.

BOBBY: are you serious.. Im gonna kill that kid!

JOEY: nah man. Chill out! We will find away to catch them in action.

BOBBY: where did you see them?

JOEY: their at Billy’s house “watching” a movie, so they will be there for like another hour or so.

BOBBY: alright lets go catch them!

Scene: Bobby and Joey walk over to Billy’s house and see him kissing. Bobby runs in to stop them.


BILLY: chill out!


JENNY: Bobby calm down it was nothing.

BOBBY: nothing? It was nothing? Were done!!

JENNY: no Bobby. Just relax and we can talk about it.

BOBBY: were not talking about anything, WERE FINISHED!

JENNY: (starting to cry) BOBBY PLEASE! NO!

JOEY: lets go man. Shes not worth it.

Scene: Bobby and Joey start to leave Billy’s house. Then all of a sudden Bobby turns around and heads towards Billy.

JENNY: Bobby leave him alone!

BILLY: (sees Bobby comin for him) u sure you wanna do this brah!

BOBBY: (ignores comment and punches him in the face)

JENNY: no no no! STOP!

JOEY: Guys stop come on!

Scene: Bobby and Jenny are broken up for good and Jenny and Billy start to date.

(two weeks later, Bobby, Billy, and Joey all talk and work it out, and become friends.)

Ooh-Gah Boo-Gah said...

“He Didn’t Know”

• Ice is a groom about to get married but the night before he had, had an affair at his bachelor party, with one of the stripper’s. He is tall with medium size body, short hair. He is a smooth talking dude with a calm, content attitude.

• Cream is the bride about to get married but had found out right before she was about to walk, that Ice had cheated on her, with her made of honor’s sister’s daughter in-law’s best friend’s next door neighbor(Zexy). Who she met at her made of honor’s brother’s best friend’s young son’s male tutor’s cousin’s motorcycle teacher’s baby shower. Cream smells like Coco Butter, has a BAD attitude. She is African American and 5’0.

• Zexy is the stripper that had slept with Ice. She is 24, 5’5 and has long brown silky hair that stops at her ankles, has eyes that look like diamonds. She has a coke cola bottled body.

• Crack is the guy that has a camera, who tries just about anything to get a picture of the whole wedding. With each picture he takes he says “Oh Yeah”. He wears a Kangol.

• Pastor Koolaid is the pastor at the church of Sugar Juice. Tall, annoying, kind man, that always rhymes with his words.

Its starts right before the wedding, and while the curtain comes up, Ice is standing near Pastor Koolaid. All is waiting for the Bride to come down the isle.

Pastor Koolaid- leans near Ice’s ear and whispers Howdy there, are you ready share?

Ice- in confusion What?

Crack snaps a picture at Pastor Koolaid and Ice

Pastor Koolaid- You better prepare for your biggest scare.

Ice begins to mumble but is interrupted by the song Love by Musiq Soulchild. The music suddenly stops and down the isle with flowers of death, comes the bride screaming. Crack gets a snap at the bride, jump like Neo from the matrix trying to get different views, he snaps 10 different pictures

Cream- Gahhhhh, I’m going to kill you!!!

When she gets to Ice, she whacks him on the head rapidly with the flowers. Crack snaps 4 or the 5 hits Cream made.

Ice- What are you doing???

Pastor Koolaid- Brother Ice, I suspect she found out nice and now you bout to pay the price, yes you are.

Ice catches her arms fast after one too many blows on the head and asks her what’s wrong, she breaks away from his grip and starts to point

Cream- You a liar, a cheater, deceiver and heartbreaker.

Crack snaps a picture of the extended point of the index finger. Ice screams out of madness

Ice- What did I do!!!?

Cream- You cheated on me at your bachelor party, with some…

Crack snaps a picture right in Cream’s eye with the flash on, she jumps back and screams and knocks the camera on the floor breaking it


Crack runs out the church, weeping

Ice- I didn’t

Cream- You did!!!

Ice- No

Cream- Yes!!! And if you say no than what other person looks just like you with every detail from head to toe

Ice- White Rice

Cream- I’m not stupid!!!

Ice- No, seriously, he’s my long lost, twin.

Out of nowhere the Church Doors open, and Crack jumps through screaming “Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah” right after him comes a man that looks just like Ice

Cream- Who is that?

The man comes closer to Cream

Man- White Rice is the name.

Cream falls out from shock

Curtain closes

Anonymous said...

Shameika Richardson
April 29, 2009
4th hr.


• Valerie – 20 year old girl. lives with her boyfriend Charles. like’s Camisha a as a girlfriend. Ashley’s sister. African American, 5 ft.6

• Ava – 25 year old girl live with her mother. Has a boyfriend named Jermier. Like’s Ashley. Only tells Jemier all her secrets. Afrian American 5 ft.5
• Ashley – 25 year old women. Who is about to get married to Raymond. They live together. Sometimes can’t stand Charles, but she loves him, as if he’s her brother. African American 5 ft.5
• Camisha – 23 year old women. Married to Chris. Hates Christian. But fakes like she do b/c she feel sorry for her. Caucasian 5 ft.5
• Chris – 24 year old man. Love’s his wife, Camisha. Hates Christain. Charles brother. African American mixed w/ Indian. 5 ft. 11
• Christian – 26 year old women. She’s kind of lonely. Has no boyfriend but she has friends. Like’s Raymond. And would do anything to have him to herself. Has a 2 year old daughter. African American 5 ft. 10
• Charles- 23 year old. Loves his girlfriend Valerie. Hates Christain. Chris’s brother. African American mixed w/ Indian 5 ft. 10
• Raymond – 27 year old man who loves his Fiance’ Asley. But is having an affair with christain. Not sure if Christain’s daughter is Raymond’s African American 5 ft. 11
• Jermier- loves his girl Ava and he’s 25. but he has a crush on Valerie. But don’t want to harm his friend charles. So he keep to his self. African American 5 ft. 11
• Every one thinks Raymond hates Christain b/c they always arguing in front of somebody.

The Story:


Everybody is at Ashley and Raymond’s house, talking about the wedding.

(Raymond walk’s in the door kisses Ashley)
Ashley- hey bayb
Raymond- hey, um, why is everybody here?
Ashley- Were going over the wedding. Now sit down and go over it with us.
Raymond – actually baby I would love to, but I gotta go to a meeting, sorry.
Ashley – umm that’s o.k. what time are you coming home.
Raymond – I’ll be back in 4 or 5 hours.

Ashley – o.k. bye baby, be careful

Raymond – alright I will sweetie

Ashley- I love you
(Raymond leaves, and quickly closes the door while Ashley jus said I love u)

Charles – Whiiiile, I haven’t seen Raymond act that way unless, heee (everyone’s quiet)

Ashley – unless he what.

Charles – huh?

Ashley – “Don’t play stupid” unless he what?

Chris - You know what, why don’t we do what we came here to do, which is talk about the wedding

Ashley – has any one seen Christain?

Valerie – o yeah, she said she had to work overtime.

Ashley – oh well, then I guess we gone have to talk to her another time.

Chris – y, no nobody really like her anyway.

Valerie, and Camisha – (one at a time they said) I do

Chris – if u ask me, I think Raymond and Christain is up to something.

Ashley – Raymond wouldn’t do that, he loves me, besides he hate that girl anyway.

Chris – I wouldn’t blame him.
(Charles laughed)

Ashley – ya’ll know what, ya’ll getting on my nerves

Chris – we an’t really did nothing!

Ashley - Hush! young one.

Chris –Cranky

Ashley – let’s go over the wedding kay!

Valerie – Can u just tell me what I’m doing in the wedding, b/c I have to leave soon.

Charles – were you going

Valerie – I have to go to work, remember duh!

Charles – you can be slow sometimes but I still love you though.

Jermier – riiight???

Charles – What

Jermier – nothing I’m just playing.

Ashley - Ya’ll the wedding is Thursday be quiet and listen. Now the wedding is a backyard wedding, so who gone be the one who go out and get the outfits, if something happens, who’s going to be the priest, Come on now be some volunteers of something.

Jermier - I’ll be the sub for the priest if something happens.

Ashley - Thank you, anybody else wanna volunteer.

Valerie – I’ll go get the dresses

Camisha – I’ll order the food

Ashley – I’m gone ask Christain too use her baking skills to bake a cake, so we don’t have to pay too much money.

Jermer – I’ll do the designs in the “back-yard” (being sarcasked) but I’m gone invite some people to help me though

Ashley - o.k. that’s cool.

Valerie – alright girl I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow give you your dress and stuff. Make sure tomorrow at 10:00 you don’t see Raymond o.k. and you betta watch Christain too, she might be up to something. Member what she did to yo’ last man.

Ashley – yeah I’ll never forget that. I still can’t believe she told him I was cheatin on him, jus so he can leave me, and sleep with her.

Valerie – I don’t know why you trust her around yo’ man. something could be goin on right now and you don’t even know it. Mm you know what, I think Chris and Charles know something. about Raymond and Christain. They actin weired. Cause you know how Charles be ready to spill something and, Chris come out of no were and change the subject to something everybody would want to talk about.

Ashley – you know what, girrrl you got a point there.

Valerie – But you know what girl if I find out something I’ll let you know.

(Charles and Jermer is in the back talking about Raymond and Christain)



Valerie – NOW!

(Charles is walking up to Valerie now)

Charles – Can Jermer come.

Valerie – yeah baby I don’t care just come on.

(Charles in a rush to run back to Jermer to tell him he can come)

Valerie – (talking to Ashley now) alright girl I’m bout to go. See ya’(Talking to Charles and Jermer) I’m bout to leave ya’ll. (talking to Ashley) alright gurl bye.

Ashley - you really bout to leave them.

Valerie – kna’ll watch this

(Valerie goes downstairs and start the car).

Charles - what’s that noise

Jermer – it sounded like Valerie’s car.

Ashley – (looking out the window) what is she doin.

(Charles and Jermer, moved Ashley out the way and looked out the window and soon as they saw Valerie’s lights come on. Soon as they saw that, they ran out the door trying to catch Valerie. Charles and Jermer is outside trying to get in the car, but Valerie keep stoping wait, then drive off. But she finally let them get in the car.)

Valerie – now the next time I say come on ya’ll gone listen right!

Charles – Be Quiet!
Valerie - You no what I an’t got time for that.

(Ashley in the window laughing)

NOW mean while Raymond walks in the house.

Ashley-Hey baby were you been you’ve been. gone for over 5 hours sweetie it’s almost 9:00
U left at 3.

Raymond - all baby. The meeting was longer than I thought.

Ashley – well Camisha and Chris need a ride home can I see the key to take them

Raymond - sure baby here, I’m bout to go to bed I’m so tired.

Ashley - Hope you feel better baby.

Raymond- (Kisses Ashley and tells her I love you)

Ashley I love you too baby- now you just go get your rest and I’ll be right back. O.k. bye love you. (Chris, Camisha and Ashley leaving out the door). There in the car now.

Camisha - are you sure you want to marry him.

Ashley - I do, I mean I love him so much we’ve been together for 4 years. He an’t did nothing to cheat on me and I an’t did nothing to cheat on him, hopefully.

Chris – most people actually known there husband for at least 10 or 11 years before they get married.

Camisha – he’s got a point.

Ashley – ya’ll been together for 8 years through ya’ll hold relationship and ya’ll married.

Camisha but we’ve known eachother since we was kids, fell in love at the age of 14, got married wen we was 16

Ashley – see know I know you lying.

Chris – what you talkin bout how you gone tell us

Ashley – o’ I’m not. But yeah, um were her so get out my car.
(they get out the car).

It is now the next day, and the time is 5:00
(Raymond is waking up, and he turns over and wake Ashley up with a kiss)

Raymond -good morning my soon to be wife

Ashley -you so sweet, now were my breakfast?

Raymond – what?

Ashley – I’m jus playing bay.

Raymond – ha, ha u funny, and that’s one of the reasons why I love you.

Ashley - I love you too

Ashley - Mmm what time is it.

Raymond - it’s 5:00

Ashley - What time we go to sleep

Raymond you came in and woke me up then we did something and then went to sleep around 5:30.

Ashley let’s go see how the yard is looking.

Raymond - o.k. but we only got a few hours with each other.

(There in the yard watching the declaration) talking to each other and chilling then they leave and go get something to eat. By the time they got back home, it was time for them to leave each other. But before Ashley left she called Christain and asked her to make a chocolate and vanilla cake, Christain said yeah. So Ashley left and went over Chris house until the wedding day. Now the hold time while Ashley’s been gone Raymond and Christain has been seeing each other.)

Now it’s Thursday, the day of the wedding.

Everyone is getting dressed for the wedding Ashley’s kind of scared.

Christain is mad b/c her love of her life is getting married to a girl she barely like. She didn’t bake the cake. And as soon as she seen Ashley in her dress she felt jealous so she new she had to do something. Christain had DNA test results in her purse from wed… which was from yesterday. So she waited until the wedding start and this is what happened.
I’m just goin to skip to the main part.

Raymond is already up there waiting on his bride to come out.
Then the music starts, and The bride starts to come down the aisle, looking beautiful in her dress. As soon as Christain saw her, Christain reached over and got her purse.
Everybody asking her what is she doin which gave the bride enough time to get in the middle of the aisle.

Christain – (pulls out the DNA test results from the doctor)

Raymond – what are you doing, are you crazy!

Christain – you’ll see how crazy I am!

(Christain stopped everything, the music etc.. and burst out and said)
I had sex with Raymond Deshwan Blackman! This man right here! Satndin on that step!

Raymond – what she lying!

Christain – no my daughter is 2 years old and he is the father of my child! I have proof to prove it, it’s right here look at the results.

Ashley – ( with a low voice) Raymond these results are positive.

Raymond – that can be anybody’s, I mean why would I do her I don’t even like her.

Ashley – your name is on it, along with hers to.

(everyone’s quiet now).

Jermer – he was cheatin on you with her. I was gone say something when the preist started talking.

Christain – how you know

Jermer – don’t worry about that just know that I know.

Ashley – Christain you can have him I’m done with love. And walked away.

Everybody got up and started eating

Anonymous said...

Laurica Lomax
6th hour

Jaylin: A 18 year old that feels that he is really in love

and wants to marry his high school sweetheart( Jaclyn). His

parents did not have his support at first, but later came around

and realized that he was not kidding so they gave him a ring. He

and his friends have a meeting every Monday and Wednesday to

plan the proposal. They chose for him to have a romantic diner

to tell her.

Jaclyn: Jaylin’s 18 year old girlfriend. She works at Wet

Seal in the Southland Mall. She gets angry very easily.



They meet up at her mother’s house before going to work. Jaylin tries to

make a date with Jaclyn.

Jaylin: Approaches her in excitement. Hey sweetie

Jaclyn: Responds in a dull and annoyed way. Hi

Jaylin: I was thinking, since you get off work at 5 pm today we could go out for diner

and see the new Fast and the Furious at the theater.

Jaclyn: No not tonight I’m doing over time.

Jaylin: Looking frustrated and confused. You’ve been doing over time for the

past two Weeks!

Jaclyn: High pitched tone. Oh I know you is not raising your voice at me. Calm

again. I been having to make this money lately. Need to pay for some college expenses.

Jaylin: I’m sorry. I just been missing you a whole lot and think we need to spend some

time together. Hugs her.

Jaclyn: Can you give me $50.00 so I can get buy me some things on break. He gives

her the money. I’ll call you when I get off.

Justin: Jaylin’s best friend. Still a senior in High School.

They have been best friends since the 1st grade. He is friends with

almost everyone in the school/city. Spoiled by everyone in his

family. Spends majority of his time at the mall to spend money on

girls and his self.

Jaylin takes Jaclyn to work then he goes to make reservations. Justin

went up to the mall as well to get Jaylin a nice out fit to look good for his




Justin: calls up Jaylin. What up man.

Jaylin: What up.

Justin: I found the perfect outfit for you. It’s a blue and cream suit. Is that good enough

for you?

Jaylin: Yea. I trust you. Just as long as it’s fly.

Justin: Alright bet. Now, I see these real beautiful girls up here talking at Tropical

Smoothie. I’m about to try and talk to them. Maybe I can find Mrs. Right for me too.

Jaylin: Alright

Justin: Peace.

Half hour after 5pm, Justin took one of those girls from the mall out to

eat. While waiting on a table, he notices Jaclyn eating with some man.


up right away.

Jaylin: What up.

Justin: Man I’m sorry to say this to you like this, but you got to know. Jaclyn over here

playing you man. I see her caked up with some guy at this restaurant. You have to get up

here and bust her. Then I’m gone get some girls to beat her down.

Jaylin: Silent for a moment, then speaks in a depressed/shocking tone. Are you sure it’s

really her?

Justin: Yea I’m positive man. She all over him. This is crazy.

Jaylin: Which restaurant you at? I’m about to go up there.

Justin: Fridays. Hurry up I don’t know how long I’m going to keep my distance.

Jaylin: Alright.

Jaylin arrives and immediately heads to her table with anger.

Jaclyn: Wait baby it’s not what you think.

Jaylin: Please don’t waist your breath, I don’t want to hear it. Give me everything I gave

you back and I’ll give you yours. You could bounce right up out of my life. I can’t

believe I was going to ask you to marry me. KICK ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

andrew welitzkin and joe scarantino

Vesquita: a blonde haired blue eyes super model with a bad attitude. She has just come back from modeling school and is now a regular teenage high school student at lee M. Thurston high.

Sally: a moderate looking young girl with brown hair usually in a pony tail and paints a lot. She has glasses and doesn’t really care what she looks like. She is mostly focused on school and has a great personality but is not to popular because she doesn’t have the “looks” of a popular girl.

Willy: the popular varsity baseball pitcher with the good looks good personality and the grades to match, but is caught making fun of some of the so called “nerds” including sally and her friends, and it causes tension between them.

Vanessa: best friends with sally, and is more out there she doesn’t care what people say or think about her and helps sally with a lot of her problems, Vanessa is a short and crazy girl, she is said to worship the devil but she only puts that image off so people leave her alone, basically fear her.

Vesquita and Willy have been dating for a few months and seem happy but Willy really doesn’t seem to like her, he feels more obligated to be with her because the popular people go together.

Willy pulls in, in his Bentley with vesquita in the passenger seat, vesquita is all over Willy but Willy pushes her off and says… Chill out then sally pulls in, in her hoopdy hippy van given to her by her father with her friend Vanessa in the passenger seat, vesquita and Willy walk by laughing.

Vanessa: disgusted. Why do you still drive this thing?

Sally: its better then walking.

Vanessa: well I would rather take the bus

Sally: what ever deal with it.

Vanessa: Blah! Well any ways lets go before were late.

Sally: staring at Willy as he walks in the school. Mhm

Vanessa: Ew don’t tell me your looking at Willy, that ignorant jerk.

Sally: with quickness no of course not! Not in that way, I was just looking at the trail of slime behind him.

Vanessa: well what ever he’s a jerk, lets go.

Willy and Vesquita found it upon them selves to put water and bubbles in Sally’s locker

Vesquita: with a maniacal tone this is gunna be hilarious

Willy: laughing. Definitely

Willy and Vesquita quickly go across the hall as they see Sally walking to her locker
sally enters her combination and opens her locker to find out that soap and water is pooring in her crotch and making he look like she wet her self running in embaressment she falls and breaks her arm.

Sally: god damnit all! my arm!!

willy goes up to her and checks to see if shes alright, then takes her to the nurses office and waits until she goes to the hospital. willy thus goes to hospital him self to check on her.

willy: are you alright sally?

sally: do i look alright to you im lying in a damn hospital bed becuase of some ones pathetic excuse of a prank!

willy: well yah that pathetic prank was really dumb and im sure the people or person who was involved are very sorry your hurt.

sally: are you saying you know who did this?

willy: thats kinda what im saying

Sally: well who!

willy: well.... me, i did this, and yes im srry. and ill do anything to make it up to you.

sally: well it does hurt and you do owe me, you will do all of my homework while im out and any thing i ask of you here for atleast a half an hour a day.

willy: umm alright? pretty specific commands you got there...

sally: well lets just say ive thought of sum things that would torture a popular kid like your self.

willy: oh great..

the next day willy is up until 3 in the mornign doing all these ap class homework for sally then gets a call from Vesquita. (yes at three in the morning).

Vesquita: hey babe.

Willy: oh hey vesquita.

Vesquita: why are you up so late?

Willy: i could ask the same for you but im to swamped with all this homework im doing for sally.

Vesquita: ew that nerd?

willy: yes that "nerd"

Vesquita: well im going to bed you should two. you need to be rested to carry me tommorow.

willy: yah w.e bye.

Vesquita: ok mr attitude good night!

click morning breaks and sally is in the hospital still and looks at her student conncetion and sees all of her AP work has been turned in.

sally: wow he actually did it...

after school willy goes to visit sally and see's how she is.

willy: hey sally, i got all your work done. so what else do you want me to do...

sally: in confusion. umm.. yah fluff my pillow and get me some coffee would yuh?

willy: umm sure..

he walks to the coffee pot and poors her a nice hot glass of coffee and askes: cream and sugar?
she responds: yes plz. after giving her the coffee he then gentley lifts her up and gives her pillow a wack and strectch to fluff it out a little bit sets it back down behind her and has a seat next to her bed.

willy: so you take alot of hard classes dont yuh..

sally: yah well.. schools pretty important to me my grades are everything, im not multi talented like some people are.

willy: hmm yah i can understand that.

a pause acures and sally is in confusion.

sally: you dont have to stay here if you dont want to..

willy: no ill stay baseball is out and i have no homework so nuthin really to do, and besides i still owe you another 15 minutes.

sally: hmm ok well, if your here then lemme ask you some questions.

willy: ok.

sally: why exactly did you do this..?

willy: well it wasnt my idea. it was Vessys idk. shes very convincing sometimes..

sally: i see. why are you dating her again shes such a.. stops and looks at willy. pretty and selfless girl..

willy: oh be quiet i know shes anoyying as ever and likes to think shes the ruler of the school, when shes gunna end up jobless with 4 kids and a husband whos never home becuase her wifes looks ran out the door becuase she got no highschool education.

sally: wow.. harsh things to say about your girlfriend.

willy: i dont want to be with her i feel more obligated to be with her becuase shes the popular girl and im the popular guy, not to be concieded, but idk.

sally: oh well why dont you break up with her?

willy: reputation will be shot.

sally: who cares about reputation. your probably never going to see most of these people again for the rest of your life, you shouldnt feel obligated to any body, you are your own person and should lead a self lead life, not a hysteric life.

willy: hmm.. i guess.. i guess your right. willy runs to sally and gives her a kiss on the cheeck in excitment and says: thanks i gotta go do some bidness now xD.

sally is completely confused but then.. after a high school career of hating that one person, she now begins to fall in love with him.

sally: no problem!..

willy pulls in at Vesquitas mansion, and knocks on the door.

Vesquita: answers the door, what! oh hey baby.

willy: so vessy poo, whos teh varsity pitcher for our baseball team?

vesquita: you are! in excitment

willy: and whos the captain of the debate team?

vesquita: you are! =D

willy: and who am i dating?

Vesquita: at the top of her voice with excitment. ME! =D

willy: yah not any more. bye!

willy goes back to h bentley and pulls back up to the hospital to talk to sally.

willy: aha guess what i just did

sally: whats that?

willy: broke up with vesquita.

sally: what!?!?! as she thinks to her self "awsome"

willy: yep, and theres sumthing i need to tell you.

sally: really!? with a rush of enthusiasm

willy: yah, i have never.. sally stops him with a kiss

they go on with there routene every day shes in the hospital and dated thoughout college and finally got married after after college.
Vesquita later ends up like willyum had predicted, a parent of 4 in a house alone with her kids, but her looks never got away from her, she now sells cosmetics for cosmo girl, and shows in alot of there commercials.
vennessa being the goth then turns into the hippy, going on tour with one of the beattles and smoking crack everyday. but is succesful in her music and her crack sales.

lavonte desmand said...

“Caught U Red Handed”
Devon –young male strong kinda tall very attractive having affairs with shantrice
Shantrice-young pretty attractive female short hair cheating with Devon
Bryon – young male strong attractive short hair short.
Jawun- goes with Shantrice male strong attractive has pretty girl
Kenya- female short hair goes with/talking to Byron pretty attractive
Devon, Juwan, shantrice , Byron ,kenya

Byron- ( text messages) ay bro

Juwan- whats up?

Byron- ay im about to go out to Fridays you tryna come?

juwan- naw bro im about to go home and chill wit the wifey before are big day tomorrow.

byron- ok bro well I will hit you up later a and tell devon to hit me up

juwan -ok

devon- hello

juwan- what’s up bro

devon- wats up

juwan –nothing waiting on the wifey you

devon- on ma way home

juwan- oh foreal well im bout to meet up with the wife before our big day u kno lol.

Devon- yea where she at?

Juwan- idk im bout to call and see

Devon- alrite imam holla at u later then.

Juwan- (calling)………. Hello

Shantrice- hey baby what’s up

Juwan –nothing thinking about you and the big day where you at

Shantrice- nothing ummm……about to go out to eat wit the girls

Juwan- where yall goin out to eat at?

Shantrice- …….oh baby my mom on the other line imam call u back bye! (phone hangs up)

Juwan- well Damn!...........i love u too

Scene 2

(‘text message”) shantrice- hey

Devon- hey

Devon- so we still on fo tonight

Shantrice – yea where we meeting at?
Devon-Fridays in Southfield 9:00
Shantrice –ok I will be there cant wait to see you<3
Devon can’t wait to see you either
Shantrice did you miss me while you was gone
Devon yea you kno I did who wouldn’t miss you
Shantrice –awww that’s so sweet
Devon ummm we need to have a talk when we get there you kno about us and what’s going to happen between us.
Shantrice- ok
Devon – ok well see you there
Shantrice- ok

Scene#3 at Fridays
Shantrice hey (hug…)
Devon –hey
(They take a seat at the table)
Devon- so about us what’s going to happen you kno between us now that yo big day is tommrow.
Shantrice – idk?

Devon-Wat you mean idk don’t you love me?
Shantrice yea but I love him to
Devon –see I knew it was going to come down to
shantrice- come down to what?
Devon –you choosing between me and juwan
(Byron walks in wit Kenya one of shantrice maid of honor/closefriend they don’t see devon&shantrice yet
Byron –table for two
Waitress – follow me sr.
They sit three tables away from them
Kenya- im about to go to the rest room be back
Shantrice –I will be back
Kenya – shantrice!....
Shantrice- o hey girl
Kenya- what you doin here why you not at home.
Shantrice- ummm I got hungry so I came to get something to eat?
Kenya-o is jawun with you.
Shantrice- umm no he’s at home sleep.
As they keep talking Byron sees devon at the table getting his food Byron walks up
Byron – hey whats up bro what you doin here
Devon-Nothing got kinda hungry so I came here
Byron-o by yourself?
Devon -yea
Bryon – ok den bro
Devon -yup
(Kenya comes back )
Kenya- I just seen Shantrice in the bahtroom
Byron- fo real I just seen devon at that table hold on where he go?
(“Shantrice and devon leave but Kenya and Byron spot them leavin together.byron call jawun rite away”)

Secen4 what’s love
At the wedding

Byron – jawun man you ok
Jawun-its jus hard to think she would cheat on me before our wedding night with one of my best friends
Byron- yea that’s hard to take in you want me to talk to Devon or you got it.

(The wedding starts Shantrice is walking down and don’t see her husband then Byron comes in and says that the wedding has been called off)

Jawun- I thought you loved me and we will be together forever
Shantrice- I do I didn’t mean to it just something that happened.
Jawun- well it’s to late for that we are done! And you can tell youe little lover the same thing.

Ellen said...

She Loves Me!...She Loves Me Not…
Nunu, Cartier, Tiffany, DayQuan, Jocelyn
Nunu: She is quiet and to her self, but when she gets around family she is very outgoing. She and Cartier have been doing together since 2nd grade, and now there’re in the 8th grade.
Cartier: He is very cute and adorable he is in love with Nunu! But she is too young to realize it. He and DayQuan are best friends.
DayQuan: He is Nunu’s Lil brother. He is bad and is a class clown, and he thinks Cartier and Nunu are too cute.
Jocelyn: She is Nunu and DayQuan’s Cousin, but she and Nunu are favorite cousins they are very much similar.

Jocelyn: {calling Nunu she answers all excited}Heyy Nunu!!
Nunu: Hey!!!!What you doin? {Slight pause}. My mama about to bring me over their.
Jocelyn: {Sounding confused} well ill just ask my mama.
Nunu: laughing well hurry up!
Jocelyn: imma call you back.
Jocelyn asked her mama and of course she said yes. Nunu’s mama brings her other like an hour later.

Jocelyn: Nunu rings the door bell. H e y !...looking at Nunu shocked. You was just happy what’s wrong with you!!
Nunu: Looking angry. Dang! Dumb butt I don’t like her
Jocelyn: who?
Nunu: Yo auntie!
Jocelyn: What she do?! DayQuan and Cartier Walks in. Nunu Rolls her eyes
Nunu: Why Yall Come!!? Dang
DayQuan: Nunu Aint nobody come over her for you! ... Smiling Hey Jocelyn!
Jocelyn: Hey!! To Cartier Hey Boo!
Cartier: Hey! DayQuan and Cartier walk down stairs. Nunu and Jocelyn go in the run.
Jocelyn: Omg! Yall are sooo cute!! I Love Yall!!! But imma take him from you!
Nunu: Rolling her eyes You can have him.!
Jocelyn: Don’t act like that!
Nunu: What! I don’t like him.
Jocelyn: So why you go with him then?
Nunu: Because… not knowing what to say.
Jocelyn: Because what?
Nunu: I just don’t! We don’t even talk and he a stalker!
Jocelyn: I doubt if stalking you! You petty! Laughing super hard.
Nunu: Jai!…Staring at her laugh. Its not funny!
Jocelyn: Shaking her head Yes it is…starting to stop laughing. Im sorry Nunu…being sarcastic How is Cartier stalking you?
Nunu: Dang! Why is he going to my NEW school on Thursday! Where ever I go he go!! He just needs to stop it!
Jocelyn: Well Laughing harder Nunu he loves you.!!
Nunu: with attitude Well he need to not love me.
DayQuan and Cartier are playing the game and talking in the basement about Nunu.
Cartier: man why yo sista don’t like me? What I do?
DayQuan: dude you cheating Cartier pauses the game.
Cartier: like forreal-
DayQuan: ask her! push play!!
Cartier: man…I don’t wanna play no more

Anonymous said...

“That’s cold” Carl Stubbs II

Sherbet is a 16 yr old baseball star, from DQHS, and is “the man” at his school and gets all the play. His girlfriend, Mint, is know as the best looking girl in school and flirtiest. His best friend, Rocky Road, tells Sherbet that he that he saw Mint at the local Cream King, with his rival from BRHS; Superman, having some ice cream and kissing. The play starts when Sherbet and Rocky Road are walking home from school, on a Friday, and he tells him the news.

Rocky Road: Did you see dat tigers/yanks game yesterday?
Sherbet: Yea, dem tiger got killed 11 to zip
Sherbet: A, did you see dat Bulls/Celtics OT game doe?
Rocky Road: Naw, I was a the cream king eatin ice cream with my bro
Sherbet: Oh, well it was sweet cause Gordon…. Before Sherbet could finish, Rocky cuts him off.
Rocky Road: I saw Mint with Superman at the cream king yesterday.
They both stop walking. Sherbet pauses and talks very worried
Sherbet: Rocky stop playing, you just mess with me right?
Rocky shakes his head and before he could talk, Sherbet takes him by the collar and
Sherbet: STOP PLAYIN’ MAN!!!
Rocky very scared
Sherbet lets go of Rocky and starts to think
Sherbet: I can’t believe Mint would do this to me…Sherbet starts walking slowly while Rocky walks behind him.
Sherbet: OOO… I fell like crap right know. Rocky starts to laughs. What’s so funny?
Rocky: You know what they say, once a…
Sherbet: SHUT UP!!
Rocky: I’m just sayin’, you should of known what see was ‘bout when you said yes.
Sherbet: Man, Rocky….. you got to help me? Rocky surprised
Rocky: help you do what?
Sherbet: Dawg, help me catch her so I can have some proof. We got to do this.
Rocky: We, when you start speaking French?
Sherbet: Come on man, help me, for real. Sherbet repeats “please” over and over again
Rocky: Alright, Alright. Only because you man dog and I never liked her anyway.
Sherbet: So, How do we make dis happen?
Rocky: OHH, I do remember Superman saying that he wants to go to TGIF on Friday night.
Sherbet: Wait, but me and Mint were supposed to be goin to da movies.
Sherbet: How is that…Before he can say anything else, his phone rings?
Rocky: who is it?
Sherbet: smiling. Its Mint
Sherbet answers the phone and Mint begins to talk
Mint: Hi baby. What ya dooooin.
Sherbet: Nothin’, walkin home with Rocky
Mint: Tell dat punk I said hi.
Sherbet: Mint says hi punk
Rocky: Whateva
Sherbet: He said whateva
Mint: Anyway…baby,-I can’t go out to the movies with you tonight

Sherbet is shocked at what she said and Rocky grins and they both continue

Sherbet: Why not?

Mint: ummmmmmmm. Speaking really fast. I have to watch my sister and brother.

Sherbet: But Mint, you don’t have a brother or sister.

Mint: Oh, Uh, Uh Um; Well. Sherbet and Rocky smile has Mint stutters on her words. Um, I mean, I have to watch my cousins, yea my cousin that’s it.

Sherbet: Ok then, well I will see you tomorrow then, bye

Mint: bye

Mint hangs up the phone and Sherbet and Rocky begin to talk before they part ways.

Sherbet: Ok, Ok we got to get her know, alright

Rocky: Alright….told I wasn’t lying.

Sherbet: Yea, Yea whatever. So how we gone do this

Rocky: Ok, just listen up. Rocky tells Sherbet to meet him at TGIF’s at 7 o’clock and we will spy on them until you feel like getting her

It’s now 7 o’clock, Rocky Road and Sherbet are at TGIF’s and they are spying on Mint and Superman and getting ready to bust her.

Sherbet: I still can’t believe that she doing this to me!

Rocky: Yap, believe it and weep cause its right in front of your eyes

Sherbet: Just look them, kissing and feeding each other like they all that.

Rocky: Man, I’m tired of all this spying, you ready to go bust dis b****

Sherbet: Yea lets get her.

Sherbet and Rocky get up from there table and begin to approach them and they begin to talk

Sherbet: What da f*** you doing, uh

Both Mint and Superman look and are shocked

Rocky: Yea b****, who dis

Mint: Uh, what you doing here

Sherbet: No, what you doing here with dis b****, you said you had to watch yo cousin

Mint: Oh, Uh about that.. um. Mint begins to get scared and Rocky and Superman are staring at each other while they argue.

Sherbet: why did you do this, you should of have just told me and we would of ended this a better way

Mint: Baby no please don’t do this

Sherbet: NO, ITS OVER!!!

Rocky: Yea, h** it’s over, bye bye

Superman: Hey, don’t talk to her like that

Rocky: You better watch who you talking to home boy

Sherbet: Yea, you lucky I don’t come over there and embarrass you

Superman: Come on over den boy, you ain’t going to do nothing

Sherbet: Whatever then, I’m out

Mint: I’m gone call you later


Superman: yell at her one more time, go try me

Rocky: Come on, Sherbet, it ain’t even worth it

Sherbet and Rocky both walk out the restaurant, they look back and see Mint crying, Superman being held back by people, security coming at them and they begin to laugh and run.