Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Crucible - ACT Prompt

1. Type your free write into a word document.

2. Decide whether you will AGREE or DISAGREE with Proctor's decision to be hanged.

3. Cut out the parts of your free write that do not make sense for your argument.

4. Transfer the material from your free write and your quotes from yesterday into the following outline format.

a) Introduction
b) Reason 1 - include quote from book w/page #
c) Reason 2 - include quote from book w/page #
d) Reason 3 - include quote from book w/page #
e) Acknowledge and oppose other argument
f) Conclusion

5. Make sure your essay is in proper MLA format.

6. Print your draft and make sure I mark it before you leave class.


Leahmarie said...
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Anonymous said...

I disagree that John proctor should be hung because he did not lie he did not know none of this witch craft. He was protecting his name and wife and kids from the witch craft. Elizabeth proctor was supposed to get hung but she did not get hung because she was having a baby they said they will wait until she has the baby and hang her. John proctor got hung for his lying but it was not really a lie he protected his only name he had. He did not want anyone else to no anything about the witch craft situation.

John proctor had saved his name by the judge not taking it away from him. He was always telling the truth about everything until he had signed his name on the piece of paper saying he did not lie and to witch craft. The judge asked him for the piece of paper but John proctor did not give it to him. He was protecting his name from being nailed to the church door. The judge said we have to nail it to the church door so everyone can see your name john proctor said no you saw me right my name one the piece of paper tell them your word is as good as mine.

Elizabeth proctor was shocked that her husband had been hung because now she has to support the family without a husband. In Salem town if you did not have a husband you would not get anywhere really. John proctor had sacrificed himself for no reason to show them they were wrong. Everyone hated each other because he was now the main cause of the witchcraft. When Abigail was the main cause of all the witchcraft she should be the one that should be hung and not john proctor for his lying of witch craft.

The witch hunt was over when john proctor got hung. They should have killed Abigail for her drinking the chicken blood and dancing for the witch craft.
John proctor did nothing wrong the only he did wrong was not saying Abigail was guilty for witch craft. He was not guilty for doing anything he was guilty of writing his name. But he did save his name from being nailed on the church door.

Even though he died he should have not been hung because no people now know the side of Salem. They know taking a innocent life is wrong because the have hung john proctor the innocent one Abigail should take the spot of john proctor. She is the guilty one for witch craft.

By gregory amerkhanian

Brittany Rogers said...

Brittany-andria Rogers

The Crucible
John Proctor of the crucible was hanged in order to save his name. The decision of John Proctor was a very difficult one. Although many others said he did the right thing and died with pride in his heart I strongly disagree with his decision. In other words think John proctor should have lived.
First of the many reasons why I think John Proctor should have lived is because he was honest and confessed himself once he knew that all was coming to the end of the town of Salem. He tried to be an honest man and follow the rules of god but was desperately blinded. Hale: “God damns liars”. So by admitting the truth about his affair and after Abigail disappears, should be enough evidence to uncover the truth.
Another reason why I think he should have lived is because he deserted his family. I think his children would rather live with their father then having to deal with his death. If John would have confessed and waited out I’m almost positive when the truth was revealed that Judge Danforth would have told everybody that it was a mistake and clear John’s name. I think his family should have come before everything else. And Elizabeth needs him now that she is having another baby how will the child feel growing up without a father; who was too proud to save his name then to stay with his family. “Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss”
The last reason why I think John proctor should have lived is because I don’t think that a name is something to die over. Danforth: “Do you mean to deny it Mr. Proctor”. John: I meant to deny nothing”. To me it seem like he is