Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog Post 3: Raisin Character Reflection

So far we have gotten to know several characters (Walter, Ruth, Beneatha, Mama, Joseph Asagai) in A Raisin in the Sun who have either explicitly or implicitly revealed their dreams.

For each character:

1. Explain what you believe to be their dream.

2. Include a quote (with page #) that illustrates this dream.

3. Explain whether you think the character will achieve his/her dream by the end of the play.

4. Defend your answer.


Shelbie Karker said...

Walter-I believe Walters dream is to be to invest the money into the liquor store with bobo and willy."Walter lee is so interested in,'bout the store..." page 33. I dont think walters dream will be achieved because mama wont give him the money.
Ruth-I believe Ruths dream is move out of the old home they have been living in for years."PRAISE GOD!....Please, honey-let me be be glad too."page 91. Ruths dream will come true bc she now knows that mama bought a new house for them to live in.
Beneatha- I believe Beneatha's dream is to become a doctor. "to be a doctor." page 36. I dont think that Bennies dream will come true or be achieved because she doesnt have the money for medical school.
Mama- I believe mama's dream is to make her family happy. "Been thinking that we maybe could meet the notes on a little old two story somewhere......everybody kind of pitch in." page 44. I think mama's dream will be achieved because i think that after they move the will realize they will be more happier with more room and a new house.
Joseph Asagai- I think Joseph's dream is to marry bennie and teach her about her heritage. "For you-I would do much more...Well, that is what i came for." page 63. I think Joseph will achieve his dream or goal with bennie because he is a very nice guy and i think bennie is going to learn alot about him over the days the spend talking about her heritage.

Leahmarie said...

Walter- I believe his dream is to be as successful as a black man can be and own his own business like he wanted to with the liquor so he will know that he finally accomplished what he wanted and its his. P.33 “you see little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘about thirty five thousand, see. That be ten thousand each. Course there’s a couple of hundred you got to pay so’s you don’t spend your life just waiting for them clowns to let your license get approved-”

Mama- I believe that her dream is to hold the family together and be the peacemaker and make all of the family happy.
P.71 shes yelling at Walter and she tells him “…You’ll talk to your wife civil.”
P.73 …it’s dangerous. “When a man has to go outside his home for peace.”

Beneatha- I believe her dream is to be a doctor and get a good education. P.37 Walter and Beneatha in unison say “to be a doctor.” As their talking about Beneathas dream.

Ruth- I believe that her dream is to get out of the apartment because when Mama buys the house she is so excited and tries to convince Walter to be happy. And she said P.44 “well, lord knows we’ve put enough rent into this here rat trap to pay for four houses by now…”

Asagai- I believe that his dream is for Beneatha to stop wasting time and decide if she wants to be with him. P.61 “how much time does one need to know how one feels”

I think that Walters dream isn’t going to happen, he was depending on someone else to help him start his dream and she didn’t help him in the way she needed she wants him to fulfill his dreams but she didn’t want to be the one to buy the store for him.

I think that mama’s dream may happen if she can make walter realize how much he has and that peace can be found in the house if everyone started communicating and agreeing with each other again.

I think that Ruth’s dream is happening, I think she’ll be most happy because she wants space and a bigger house will give her more space emotionally too cause if she wasn’t so suffocated from Walter breathing down her neck maybe she’d have more patience to actually sustain a nice conversation with him.

I think that Asagai’s dream will happen I think that he intrigues Beneatha and she will make up her mind and be with him in the end.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Walter’s dream is to be able to own a liquor store with his friends Bobo and Willy and to be able to support his family without any worries. On page 33 is a quote that illustrates Walter’s dream. “Yeah .You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each. Course, there’s a couple of hundred you got to pay so’s you don’t spend your life just waiting for them clowns to let your license get approved” I don’t think he will achieve the liquor store dream but I think that he will achieve supporting his family in some way. Like he finds a nicer paying job, that gives him more money and his family would have more opportunities.
I believe that Ruth’s dream is for her family to be happy and to live some where nice. On page 43 she shows her tired and mama is telling her not to go to work and Ruth says “ I goy to go in. We need the money”. I do think that she will achieve both dreams. Matter of fact she already has achieved one of them with Mama’s help. And even though she may not think that she is making her family happy she is actually is. And when she fully achieves this Ruth will probably feel really good inside and would stop being stressed.
I believe that Beneatha’s dream is to go to college and become a doctor. A quote of her dream of being a doctor and going to college is where she and Walter are fighting about Mama’s money and what to do with it when it comes and she says with fury “what do you want from me, Brother – that I quit school or just drop dead, which!” I think that she might achieve her dream but I’m not sure. If she gets a job and pays for her own college then yes but other than that I don’t know.
I believe that Mama’s dream is to move out of the nasty old house to a nice one and for everyone to stop fighting and become a family like they used to be. ON page 44 she is talking to Ruth about the ten-thousand dollars coming “I ain’t rightly decided. Some of it got to be put away for Beneatha and her schoolin’ –– and ain’t nothing going to touch that part of it. Nothing. Been thinking that we maybe could meet the notes on a little old two -story somewhere, with a yard where Travis could play in the summertime, if we use part of the insurance for a down payment and everybody kind of pitch in. I could maybe take on a little day work again, few days a week––.” Yes I do think that she will achieve her dream. Actually she has already achieved it buy taking the money and buying a nice house in a white neighborhood.

Joseph Asagai;
I believe that Joseph’s dream is to be happy with Beneatha. On page 61 he is talking to Beneatha about his trip and he says to her “How much time must there be before one knows what one feels” I think that in the end Asagai is going to end up with Beneatha and they are going to get married. Because you can tell that Beneatha really likes him a lot because she talks about him a lot.

D Morris said...

Walter Younger - From what I have seen so far from Walter I can tell that his dream is to start his own business and make money for his family so they can live a good life instead of struggling.
There are also many sayings within the story that shows Walter is looking for money in his dream. (Mama: Son how come you talk so much ‘bout money? Walter: Because it is life, Mama!pg.74) I can begin to see that his dream will not be coming true since his mom used the money to pay for a home for the family instead of giving it to Walter for him to invest in it.

Ruth Younger - From what I have seen so far from Ruth in the story is that her dream involves moving into a better house. There are also many things within the story that shows Ruth wants to move to another home much nicer. (Ruth: Well all I can say is if this is my time in life MY TIME to say good-bye to these goddamned cracking To me her dream has come true since Mama has bought a new home for the family and Ruth is excited.

Beneatha Younger – What I have seen so far in the story it looks as if Beneatha wants to go to school and become a Doctor. Here is an example showing that Beneatha wants to become a Doctor. (Beneatha: Listen, I’m going to be a From what I have seen so far it shows that Beneatha’s dream may come true since her Mama has saved some money up for her even though she used the money to buy another home.

Mama Younger - From what I have seen so far within the Novel Mama’s dream is to see her family live a good life and be happy. I have also seen a few quotes within the story showing the truth behinds Mama’s dream. (Mama: I just seen my family falling apart today just falling to pieces in front of my eyes. Pg.94) In my eyes it looks that Mama’s dream may come true since they will start to move forward by moving into a new home.

Joseph Asagai - From what I can see in the little time with Joesph in the Novel is that his dream is to be with Beneatha. I have also found a quote to along with this thought. (Asagai: Between a man and a woman there need be only one kind of feeling. I have that for you Now even right this From what I have seen so far it looks that Asagai will have a hard time making his dream come true since he has to compete with George as well as Beneatha choosing to become a doctor before getting married.

Melissa Kenney said...

1.I believe that Walters dream is to own a liquor store.
2.The page is 33. “Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see….”
3.I don’t think that Walter will achieve his dream by the end of the play.
4.I don’t think Walter will achieve his dream because no one in the family supports him so he can’t do it all by himself. Also mama used the money she got to buy a house and Walter has no money to get started.

1.I believe that Ruth’s dream is to have money.
2.The page is 43. “I got to go in. We need the money.”
3.I think that Ruth’s dream could come true by the end of the play.
4.I think that Ruth’s dream could come true because Mama bought a house with the insurance money and now they don’t have to pay rent so they will have more money to do other things with.

1.I believe that Beneatha’s dream is to be a doctor.
2.The page is 50. “Get over it? What are you talking about, Ruth? Listen, I’m going to be a doctor. I’m not worried about who I’m going to marry yet – if I ever get married.”
3.I don’t think that Beneatha’s dream will come true by the end of the play.
4.I don’t think that Beneatha’s dream will come true because it costs a lot to become a doctor and she doesn’t have any money. And the money that Mama got she used it to buy a house.

1.I believe that Mama’s dream is to make everyone happy with what she does with her money.
2.The page is 93. “Son- I just tried to find the nicest place for the least amount of money for my family.”
3.I think that Mama’s dream will come true by the end of the play.
4.I think her dream will come true because she got the money and got a new house and when they move into it they will all realize that it is better with a bigger house.

Joseph Asagai:
1.I believe that Joseph’s dream is to marry Beneatha.
2.The page is 61. “How much time must there be before one knows what one feels?”
3.I think that Joseph’s dream will not come true before the end of the play.
4. I think his dream won’t come true because Beneatha doesn’t seem to like him like that and she wants her own space. And earlier in the play she said that she might not ever get married.

Emily Reed said...

Walter-I think Walters dream is to open a liquor store. “You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place would be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That’s ten-thousand each.” Pg. 33, I don’t think Walter will achieve his dream because mama already decided she wanted to invest the money on a new house.

Beneatha- I think Beneatha’s dream is to go to school to become a doctor. “Listen, I’m going to be a doctor.” Pg.50, I think she will achieve her dream because I think she will marry Joseph and he will pay for her to go to school to become a doctor.

Ruth- I think Ruth’s dream is to have a bigger house. “PRAISE GOD! Oh Walter…a house…a house.” Ruth already achieved her dream. Mama went out and bought them a new house with the ten thousand dollars.

Mama-I think Mama’s dream is for her and her family to get move to a new house and be happy. “Travis, I went out and bought you a house with the money” Pg.91, Mama already achieved her dream she bought the house just like she wanted.

Joseph Asagai- I think Joseph’s dream is to marry beneatha. “No. Between man and women there need be only one kind of feeling. I have that for you…Now even…right this moment…” I think he will achieve his dream because I believe Beneatha will come around and show she has the same feelings for him as he does for her.

Michael Flannel said...

1. Walter dream is to open up a Liquor store.

2. “Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind” (Short version) Pg.33

3. No

4. Because he his mother spent it on the house she bought for her family.

1. I think her dream is to for her and Walter to get back close because she think the are not getting along.

2.”Something is happening between me and Walter” Pg.42

3. Yes

4. Because they look like a good married couple that can work things out with each other.

1. I think her dream is to know more about her heritage.

2. “You looking at what a well-dressed Nigerian woman wears” Pg. 76

3. Yes

4. Because anybody can learn about the past.

1. I think her dream is for her kids to have a nice home and stop fighting each other about money and room.

2. “I bought a house” (short version) Pg.96

3. No

4. Because Walter is going to be mad that she did that and did not give him money for the liquor store so they can make some money.

Joseph Asagai:
1. I think his dream is to be with beneatha

2. “No. Between a man and women there need be only one kind of feeling. I have that for you.” Pg.63

3. yes

4. Because it seems to me that she likes him and we already know he likes her.

Doug Mazurek said...

1. I believe he wants to start his own liquor store.
2. Pg 33 "yeah. you see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we fiqured the initial investment on the place be 'bout thirty thousand, see.
3. No i dont think he will achieve this dream because everyone is against it.
4. He comes home drunk and no one likes when he does that so a liquor store will make it to where liquor is all around him.

1. She wants the liquor store too.
2. Pg 41 "it's just that he got his heart set on that store"
3. No i dont think she will achieve this dream.
4. I think she wont because its mama's money and she doesnt want her son always around liquor.

1. She wants to help beneatha in schooling and buy a twostory house somewhere.
2. Pg 44 "Some of it got to be put away for Beneatha and her schoolin' -- Been thinking that we maybe could meet the notes on a little old two-story somewhere."
3. Yea i think she will achieve this dream.
4. I think she would achieve this dream because shes doing something for everyone and not just her self.

1. She doesnt want to do any thing maybe get into a better house.
2. "That money belongs to Mama, Walther, and it's for her to decide how she wants to use it.
3. Yea i do think she will achieve this dream
4. I do think she will because Mama's dream makes sense and people will agree with it.
Joseph Asagai:
1. He wants to become Beneatha's boyfriend.
2. I couldnt find anything for asagai.
3. Yes i do think he will achieve this dream
4. I think this because Beneatha likes him back and because he went threw all that to give her a robe from his sisters wardrobe.

Krystal Chattam said...

Walter-dream is to opean a litttle liquor store.(Yeah you see this little liqupr store we got in mind cost sevety- five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ' bout thrity thousand, see. That be ten thousand each,Course, there's a couple of hundred you got to pay so you don't spend you life just waitingfor them clowns to let your lincense get approved-).PAGE 33

Ruth-dream is to get a new house for her family.(PRAISE GOD! please , honey - let me be glad... you be glad too.Oh Walter a home ...a home.Well- where is it? how much is it going to cost?).PAGE 92

Beneatha dream is to be a doctor,
(lovely lovely. and you know, biology is the greates. I dissected something that looked just like you yesterday.)PAGE 36

Mama- For her family to be happy and her grandkids to have a better home.(she went out and bought a house! You glad about the house? ITs going to be yours when you get to be a man.PAGE 91

Joseph Asaga-dream is to be a doctor.

Kayla Blevins said...

Beneatha: Her dream is to go to college and be a doctor. Beneatha and Walter argue over money and how she will pay for college Walter: I just ain't many girls who decide.. Walter and Beneatha: "to be a doctor." on page 36 . If Beneatha keeps staying determined she will achieve her dream by the end of the play. This is because Beneatha is very strong minded and goes for what she wants.

Walter: His dream is to have money, and a lot of it. Walter thinks if he has a lot of money he will live and be more comfortable. When Mama asks why Walter talks so much about money Walter says "Because it's life, Mama!" On page 74. This goal will not be reached by the end of the play. This is because Walter wants to go out and plan how to get rich quick all the time, and mostly it doesn't work out like that.

Ruth: Her dream is to live nicely and comfortably. She doesn't Necessarily need money to do so, but she is always tired. Tired of arguing, being flat broke, and worrying. "I'm tired." page 42. I believe that by the end of the play, Ruth will have a nicer home with more comfortable living space, and there will be less arguing in the house. This means she will get her dream.

Mama: Her dream is to provide a nice home for her family and make them happy. "I just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes...We couldn't of gone on like we was today." Page 94. She will achieve her dream by the end of the play since she bought a house and it could take a lot of stress off the family.

Joseph Asagai: His dream is for Beneatha to decide if she wants him or not. "How much time must there be before one knows what one feels?" Page 60. He will get his dream by the end of the play. This is because Beneatha seems to be more comfortable around him and he doesn't care about appearances, so Beneatha will probably choose him.

Terrance Smith said...

Terrance Smith
English 10

Raisin Character Reflection

So far we have gotten to know several characters (Walter, Ruth, Beneatha, Mama, Joseph, and Asagai) in A Raisin in the Sun who have either explicitly or implicitly revealed their dreams.

Walter: I believe that Walter dream was to be successful and have money.

Ruth: I think Ruth dream was to live in a nice home and have money
(p. 28) “Well, I ain’t got no fifty cents this morning”. Later Ruth explained to Walter that we don’t have the money to give Travis. I know they will have a nice home and money because Mama already bought the house.

Beneathe: Beneathe wants get in touch with her roots after talking to Asagai.
(p. 76)” you are looking at what a well-dressed Nigerian woman wears” “Enough of this assimilationist junk”. You can tell she want to get in touch with her roots because she cut herself bald.

Mama: Mama dream is making her family happy and have them living nice.
(p. 93) “… I just tried to find the nicest place for the least amount of money for my family

Joseph: Joseph wants to be with Beneathe.

Asagai: Asagai also wanted to be with Beneathe. He wanted Beneathe to be close to her roots.

Anonymous said...

1. Explain what you believe to be their dream.

1). I believe Walter’s dream is to open up a liquor store with Willy and Bobo. 2). Ruth’s dream is to have her baby, have money, have Walter back on her side again and just have everything to her and her family not including mama, Beneatha etc.
3). Mama’s dream is to move out of the apartment and live in Clybourne park.

4). Beneatha’s dream is to become a doctor.
2. Include a quote (with page #) that illustrates this dream.1). “Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each. Course, there’s a couple of hundred you got to play so’s you don’t spend your life just waiting for them clowns to let your license get approved.

3). “Them houses they put up for colored in them areas way out all seem to cost twice as much as other houses I did the best I could”.

4). 3. Explain whether you think the character will achieve his/her dream by the end of the play.
1). I think he will not achieve his dream because, technically the money is mama’s and she wants to buy a house.
2). I think Ruth might achieve her dream because, her and mama have such a close connection.
3). I think mama would accomplish her dream.4. Defend your answer.

1). I think he will not achieve his dream because, like I said before its mama’s money and what she wants is up to her because, its her money.

2). Mama might help out Ruth out because, she’s such a good person and she does a lot to put up with Walter.

3). She will accomplish her dream by buying the house of her dreams with her money.

taylor. said...

Ruth: Wants a new, bigger place to live.
Quote: (page 27) “It ain’t his fault he can’t get to bed no earlier nights ‘cause he got a bunch of crazy good-for-nothing clowns up running their mouths in what is supposed to be his bedroom…”
- I think Ruth’s dream will be achieved… (page 93 & 94) “…HALLELIJAH! AND GOOD-BYE MISERY…I DON’T NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY FACE AGAIN!”

Walter: Walter wants to start a business with 2 other people.
Quote: (page 33) “Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each.”
- I think Walter’s dream to become a “business man” will not be achieved because his mom doesn’t want to spend the money that way. She thinks it will be a waste.

Mama: I think she just wants everyone to be happy and to not fight about what happens with the money.
(page 94) I—I just seen my family falling apart today…just falling to pieces in from of my eyes”
- I think her dream will be achieved because of this new house.

Beneatha: I think Beneatha’s dream is to be a doctor.
(page 36) “to be a doctor.”
- I think Beneatha won’t be able to become a doctor because she can’t pay for the school.

Joseph Asagai: I think Asagai’s dream is to be with Beneatha and teach her all the things she wants to know about where he came from.
(page 63) “For you—I would do much more… Well, that is what I came for”
- I think his dream will be achieved because it seems like Beneatha really likes him and wants to know more about him.

Anonymous said...

What I believe his dream is, was to own a liquor store. On page 33, Walter talks to his wife about it saying that it costs 75 thousand dollars and how they figured the initial investment on the place would be about 30 thousand. I don’t think he would be able to achieve this dream because he doesn’t have the money, and everybody disagrees with the fact that he should do that.

What I believe Ruth’s dream is to get rid of her baby because they can’t afford it. They have no money to raise another child, there son is already sleeping on a couch. On page 75, Ruth said that she put down a payment to get rid of the baby. I do agree that she would achieve this dream because they can’t afford another baby. If you can’t support your family with one child then when you have another one you still can’t support them. It’s going to be harder.


What I believe mama’s dream is to help her family anyway she can. She took her 10,000 dollars and bought a house for her family. She was tired of seeing them struggle and she thought her family was falling apart, so she took the money and invested in a house. On page 91, she told her grandchild that she went and bought a house. I think she would achieve this dream because she wants her family to be happy.

Joseph Asagai:

Terrance Smith said...

Terrance Smith
English 10

Raisin Character Reflection

So far we have gotten to know several characters (Walter, Ruth, Beneatha, Mama, Joseph, and Asagai) in A Raisin in the Sun who have either explicitly or implicitly revealed their dreams.

Walter: I believe that Walter dream was to be successful and have money.

Ruth: I think Ruth dream was to live in a nice home and have money
(p. 28) “Well, I ain’t got no fifty cents this morning”. Later Ruth explained to Walter that we don’t have the money to give Travis. I know they will have a nice home and money because Mama already bought the house.

Beneathe: Beneathe wants get in touch with her roots after talking to Asagai.
(p. 76)” you are looking at what a well-dressed Nigerian woman wears” “Enough of this assimilationist junk”. You can tell she want to get in touch with her roots because she cut herself bald.

Mama: Mama dream is making her family happy and have them living nice.
(p. 93) “… I just tried to find the nicest place for the least amount of money for my family

Joseph: Joseph wants to be with Beneathe.

Asagai: Asagai also wanted to be with Beneathe. He wanted Beneathe to be close to her roots.

chris jones said...

I believe that Walter’s to open up a liquor store with Willie Harris and Bobo with the money mama gets. A quote describes he dream is when mama spent the money on a house and Walter said “So you butchered up a dream of mine-you-who always talking ‘bout your children’s dreams”. I think that Walter will not achieve his dream by the end of the story because the money that he planed on using has already been spent.

I think that Ruth’s dream is to own her own house and get out of that small apartment because she is pregnant and there is not going to be enough room for other baby in the apartment. A quote that lets me know that this is her dream is when mama said she went out and bought the house Ruth said “PRAISE GOD”.I think if nothing that will alter their plans to move at the first of the month happens then Ruth will achieve her dreams of having a house well before the end of the book.

I think that mama’s dream is to see her family get out of the small apartment and be happy. What made me think that was her dream was when she bought the house for them and told Travis “well what do you think your grandma gone and done with that money. She went out and bought you a house! ” . I think she has achieved her of making her family happy by buying the house at least everybody but Walter.

I think Beneatha’s dream is what ever the man she is dating dreams are. The reason I say this is because when Asagai started talking about Africa started wearing these African cloths and was going around the house saying “OCOMOGOSIAY”. I think she will not achieve her real dreams if she keeps chasing after other people’s dreams.

Asagai wants black people not to forget about their where they come from. I think that’s his dream because when he was talking to Beneatha about her hair and said what’s wrong wit it he said “were you born with it like that?”. He probably won’t achieve his dream by the end of the story.

Jasmine Danielle. said...

1. Walter- I believe his dream is to make money so he can be rich and take care of his family. I also think he wants the best in life, and he’s sick of being poor and not being able to get what he wants in life.

Ruth- Ruth’s dream is to have a happy family and for herself, be happy. She, also like her husband, wants to be successful, but not to the same extent that he does. She just pretty much wants to live a happy simple life, where she can just take care of her family without any worries.

Beneatha- Beneatha is trying to make something out of her life. I believe her dream is to be a great doctor and change life for black women after her, because she wants to prove that women can do the same things as men can.

Mama- I think mama’s dream is to keep her family together and close, because at the end of the day, that’s all you have.

Joseph Asagai- I think his dream is to keep his fellow black people together and remind them of their origin and heritage. Also, I believe he wants to be successful in life, but never forget where he came from.

2.Walter – “... I’m thirty-five years old; I been married eleven years and I got a boy who sleeps in the living room-and all I got to give him is stories about how rich white people live...” (34)

Ruth –“Honey... life don’t have to be like this. I mean sometimes people can do things so that things are better... You remember how we used to talk when Travis was born... about the way we were going to live... the kind of house … Well it’s all starting to slip away from us…” (89)

Beneatha –“… But first I’m going to be a doctor, and George, for one, still thinks that’s pretty funny. I couldn’t be bothered with that. I am going to be a doctor and everybody around here better understand that!” (50)

Mama –“Son-you-you understand what I done, don’t you? I-I just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes...We couldn’t of gone on like we was today. We was going backwards ‘stead of forwards...” (94)

Joseph Asagai –“It’s how you can be sure that the world’s most liberated women are not liberated at all. You all talk about it too much!” (64)

3.I think that Walter will accomplish his goal, but when he has, he will realize that money wasn’t everything-family is more important. Also, I think Ruth, Mama, Beneatha, and Joseph achieve their goal, but in the end they will learn more, and learn to appreciate things and life more.

4.I believe that all of the characters are not exactly going to achieve their goal/dream, but in the end they will achieve something that will benefit their lives and help them throughout the rest of it. I also think they will learn that it’s always not about money or materials things.

Anonymous said...

For Walter’s dream, I believe that his dream was to own his own liquor store but the liquor store he wanted he was gone share with his friend Bobo. “You see this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each. Course, there’s a couple of hundred you got to pay so’s you don’t spend your life just waiting for them clowns to let your license get approved”(pg.33). At the end of the book I think that Walter will find a better job then the one he got now and not want the liquor store but if the liquor store idea and change and he do get it I think t will turn out to be successful.

For Ruth’s dream, The book don’t really say what her dream is but I think that her dream is to move out of the house that there living in and for Walter to stop being so mean and getting drunk all the time. At the end of the book I think she will have her unborn child and life happy and maybe find a job of her own.

For Beneatha’s dream, I believe that she wants to finish school with Asagai and then go to Africa and live there because I think that she like’s there music and culture .I also think that she like Asagai. At the end of the book think she is going to marry him and live with him in Nigeria and maybe have some children. “You are looking at what a well-dressed Nigerian woman wears” (pg.76). {She had on the African dress Asagai gave her}

For Mama her dream was just to get the money she had coming in the mail for ten thousand dollars, she is going to go find a house for her family and get them out the place that there living in now.
“I went and took the money and bought a house for Travis”. (pg.91)

For Asagai the book never said his dream but at the end of the book I think he will ask Beneatha to marry him.

Anonymous said...

I think Walter dreams is to buy a liquor stoe so he could drink all the time*pg 33("you see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy- five thousand and we figure the initial incestment on the place be bout thirty thousand)I fill that Walter would not achieve his dream by the end of the play because, he trying to use it on something he won't that mama would not allow.

I think Ruth dream is to get out of the house and move and become a great family and get alone.*pg 93( well well if this is my time in life MY TIME to say goodbye to these goddamned cracking walls! and these marching roaches) I believe her dream would get accomplished because, she knows how mam would handle the fact of the house and them being a happy family.

I believe that Beneatha dream is to become a doctor and goes to school*pg 50 (I'm going to be a doctor I'm not worried about who I'm going to marry yet) I believe her dream would come true because, mama would put some money up so she could go to school.

I believe Mama dream is to make everyone in the family happy with the money *pg 75( when the world gets ugly enough a woman will do anything for her family.) I believe mama dream would come true because, she goes out and buys a nice home for them to stay in to make her family become better than what they are have more room.

I think Joseph Asagai dream is to help Bennie understand is heritage and decide if she is going to be with him*pg 61( how much time must there be before one knows what one feels.

chelsea ball said...

Walter’s dream is to have a store with his friend. "Walter lee is so interested in, 'bout the store..." page 33. I don’t think that he will achieve this dream because mama won’t give him the money for it.

Ruth’s dream is to live in a big house with room in it and clean with the walls not having any cracks in them. “My time to say goodbye… and this cramped little closet which ain’t no how or never was no kitchen!” page 93. I think that she will achieve this dream because mama went and bought them a house to stay in with her insurance money.

Beneatha’s dream is to become a doctor. “To be a doctor” page 36. I don’t think that she will achieve this dream because she doesn’t have the money to go to school for it.

Mama’s dream is for her family to live in a nice house so her grandson doesn’t have to sleep on the couch. “You glad about the house? It’s going to be yours when you get to be a man” page 91.

Joseph’s dream is to marry Beneatha. “No. Between a man and a woman there need to be only one kind of feeling. I have that for you… Now even… right this moment…” page 63. I think he will achieve this because he likes her and I think that she likes him back too. And she likes to study the Nigerian culture and he is Nigerian.

Rachel said...

Walter- I think Walters dream is to use the money to invest it in a liquor store. “This liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand” (Walter page 33.) I don’t think Walter will achieve this dream because mama already went out and bought a house with the money.

Mama-I think Mama’s dream is for her family to be happy and successful. “She went out and bought you a house” (mama page 91). I think mama will achieve her dream because after she got the money she went out and bought a house for her and her family to live in.

Ruth- I think Ruth’s dream is to get out of the house they are living in and start a family. “”PRAISE-GOD! Please honey-let me be glad…you be glad too.” (Ruth page 91) I think she will achieve her dreams because shes so excited to move out of the house and take care of her new baby on the way.

Asagai- I think josephs dream is to marry beneatha and teach her all about his culture. “How much times does one need to know how one feels” (Joseph page 61) I think he will achieve this dream because beneatha is so happy when he brings her gifts from his culture and beneatha loves his songs.

Beneatha- I think Beneatha’s dream is to become doctor. “To be a doctor” (Walter and Beneatha page 37) I don’t think Beneatha will achieve her dream because she doesn’t come off as the person to try for something. It seems to me that she just wants it handed to her.

Rachel Wright

Rachel said...

Walter- I think Walters dream is to use the money to invest it in a liquor store. “This liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand” (Walter page 33.) I don’t think Walter will achieve this dream because mama already went out and bought a house with the money.

Mama-I think Mama’s dream is for her family to be happy and successful. “She went out and bought you a house” (mama page 91). I think mama will achieve her dream because after she got the money she went out and bought a house for her and her family to live in.

Ruth- I think Ruth’s dream is to get out of the house they are living in and start a family. “”PRAISE-GOD! Please honey-let me be glad…you be glad too.” (Ruth page 91) I think she will achieve her dreams because shes so excited to move out of the house and take care of her new baby on the way.

Asagai- I think josephs dream is to marry beneatha and teach her all about his culture. “How much times does one need to know how one feels” (Joseph page 61) I think he will achieve this dream because beneatha is so happy when he brings her gifts from his culture and beneatha loves his songs.

Beneatha- I think Beneatha’s dream is to become doctor. “To be a doctor” (Walter and Beneatha page 37) I don’t think Beneatha will achieve her dream because she doesn’t come off as the person to try for something. It seems to me that she just wants it handed to her.

Rachel Wright

Jessica Taylor said...

Walter dream was to invest into a liquor store pg.33"bout that deal walter Lee is so interested in, 'bout the store and all and sip some more coffee" I believe that Walter would not achieve his dream because mama would not give him any money from the check so he can invest in.

Ruth dream is to move out the house they live ni now to a better house pg.93 " All i can say say is my time in life-MY TIME- to say good-bye". I think that Ruth will achieve her dream becasue mama already bought the house in she is glad about it.

Beneatha dream is to become a doctor pg.50, " Listen , I'm going to be a doctor". I think that Beneatha will not achieve her dream because she haves have no money to pay for her classes.

Mama dream is to make everybody in the family happy pg.75 " When the world gets ugly enough- a women will do anything for her family". I think that Mama's dream would come true because if she makes the wrong choice her kids will still be happy no matter what.

Joseph Asagai dream is to make Beneatha happy pg. 60-61, I'm very glad you are back. I think that Joseph Asagai will achieve his dream because every time he comes back Beneatha is happy to see him and he brings her gifts

Shantrice Jennings said...

Shantrice Jennings 4th

I think Walter dreams is to buy a liquor stoe so he could drink all the time*pg 33("you see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy- five thousand and we figure the initial incestment on the place be bout thirty thousand)I fill that Walter would not achieve his dream by the end of the play because, he trying to use it on something he won't that mama would not allow.

I think Ruth dream is to get out of the house and move and become a great family and get alone.*pg 93( well well if this is my time in life MY TIME to say goodbye to these goddamned cracking walls! and these marching roaches) I believe her dream would get accomplished because, she knows how mam would handle the fact of the house and them being a happy family.

I believe that Beneatha dream is to become a doctor and goes to school*pg 50 (I'm going to be a doctor I'm not worried about who I'm going to marry yet) I believe her dream would come true because, mama would put some money up so she could go to school.

I believe Mama dream is to make everyone in the family happy with the money *pg 75( when the world gets ugly enough a woman will do anything for her family.) I believe mama dream would come true because, she goes out and buys a nice home for them to stay in to make her family become better than what they are have more room.

I think Joseph Asagai dream is to help Bennie understand is heritage and decide if she is going to be with him*pg 61( how much time must there be before one knows what one feels.

February 11, 2009 12:15 PM

Anonymous said...

WALTER- 1.I think Walter's dream is to start making more money, and have a better job than being a limo driver. Walter wants to have a real job, and hes mentioned investing in a liquor store with people he knows,bobo,and willy.

2."Yea. you see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be 'bout thirty thousand see."

another one is:

" this morning,I was lookin' in the mirror and thinking about it..I'm thirty-five years old;I been married eleven years and I got a boy who sleeps in the living room-and all i got to give him is stories about how rich white people live" pg. 33-34

3.I think Walter will get make his dream come true at the end of the book because we are already far enough were we know mama got the insurance check. Walter still wants to invest in his liquor store but i dont think he will acheive that goal because mama spent all the money on a new house.

RUTH-1.I belive Ruth's dream is just to have money and to get out of the house that they live in.
2.quote: "Well-!-All I can say is-If this is my time in life-MY TIME-to say good-bye-to these goddamed cracking walls!-and these marching roaches!-And this cramed little closet which aint now or never was no kitchen."pg.93

3.I think ruth's dream will come true cause mama already bought the house, but than again Ruth and the rest was suprised it was in a white area.

Beneatha-1.I belive Beneatha's dream is to be a doctor. shes mentioned wanting to be a doctor before.
2.quote:" walter:"I'm interested in you. Something wrong with that? Aint many girls who decide-
Beneatha&Walter.: "
to be a doctor?" pg.36

3.I dont think beneatha will reach her goal or acheive her dream for becoming a doctor because they are all poor enough, and I dont think beneatha would have enough money for school.

Joseph asagai-1. I think his dream is to marry beneatha because it seems like in the book , and the piece of the movie weve seen with him in it, they're flirting.
2.Quote:" yes. About how much time one needs to know what one feels."
pg 63.

3.I dont think i have enough information to put together, that Joseph even has a chance to be with beneatha.

Mama.-1.I belive mama's dream is to get a new house, and have more money than now. She also wants to just make her family happy and beable to live a better life than what they have now.
2.Quote:"Course' I dont want to make it sound fancier than it is...I'ts just a plain little old house-but it's made good and solid-and it will be ours.Walter Lee-it makes a diffrence in a man when he can walk on floors that belong to Him. pg92
3.I think mama's dream will come true because half of it did. She bought the new house, but its in the white area.. so thats were the book left off and no one knows what could happen

B-Ball93 said...

Walter: I think Walters dream is to buy a building with bobo and Willy so he can make money so he can take care of his family. "What you tell the boy things like that for?” (Reaching down in his pants drop a coin in his son hands)…Page 31 I think if Walter keeps trying his dream will come true.

Ruth: I think Ruth’s dream is to move out, but also what is ever best for the family. “Yes I would too, Walter. (Pause)I gave her a five dollar down payment. "Page 75 I think Ruth’s dream will happen because she doesn’t need a lot of for her goal.

Mama: I believe mama’s dream was to make every one in the household happy overall. “She went out and she brought you a house."

Joseph Asagai: I think his main goal his to make Beneatha happy. Page 61" (handing her the package) open it and see" I don’t think Asagai will get his dream because George is in his way.

Beneatha: her dream is to be a female doctor. “Ruth? Listen I’m going to be a doctor. " Page 50 I think Benatha will reach her goal on becoming a doctor because she takes it very serious.

Anonymous said...

Walter - I think Walter’s dream is to just be successful; he wants to provide for his family. “This ain’t no fly by night proposition baby”. Page 33. He thinks that by investing in the liquor store, he can make the necessary money to be able to provide his family with a comfortable life. I think he’ll accomplish hiss dream, but I think it’ll be more difficult than he thinks, especially with mama frowning upon the idea of giving him the necessary money to buy the liquor store.

Mama- I think mama’s dream is to do something with the money, that will positively affect the whole family, also mama’s dream is to bring everyone together. “I just seen my family falling apart today just falling to pieces in front of my eyes”. Page 94. I think mama’s dream will come true because she has the money needed to make everyone happy in one way or another.

Beneatha- I think beneatha’s dream is to be a successful black woman. She wants to go to school and be educated. She wants to proves everyone wrong and become the doctor that she knows she can be. I think her dream will come true because mama is set on giving Beneatha money for her schooling. “What do you want from me, Brother – that I quit school or just drop dead, which?” This shows her dedication to becoming a doctor, that’s why I think she will achieve it.

Ruth – I think Ruth’s dream is to move out of mama’s house and to have another baby. The dream of moving out is going to happen because mama has already bought a house, but the dream of another baby may not come true; because of Ruth’s struggle on whether or not to keep it and all the pressure from Walter and the strain on their marriage makes her want to keep it even less.

Joseph- I think his dream is for Beneatha to decide whether or not they should be together, also I think he wants to bring his African culture into everyone’s life. He wants to show “African Americans” who are out of touch with their African side what his culture is all about. I think his dream will come true, I think him and Beneatha will end up together and he’s already made an impression on her because now she embrace her African side.

Anonymous said...

Walter - I think Walter’s dream is to just be successful; he wants to provide for his family. “This ain’t no fly by night proposition baby”. Page 33. He thinks that by investing in the liquor store, he can make the necessary money to be able to provide his family with a comfortable life. I think he’ll accomplish hiss dream, but I think it’ll be more difficult than he thinks, especially with mama frowning upon the idea of giving him the necessary money to buy the liquor store.

Mama- I think mama’s dream is to do something with the money, that will positively affect the whole family, also mama’s dream is to bring everyone together. “I just seen my family falling apart today just falling to pieces in front of my eyes”. Page 94. I think mama’s dream will come true because she has the money needed to make everyone happy in one way or another.

Beneatha- I think beneatha’s dream is to be a successful black woman. She wants to go to school and be educated. She wants to proves everyone wrong and become the doctor that she knows she can be. I think her dream will come true because mama is set on giving Beneatha money for her schooling. “What do you want from me, Brother – that I quit school or just drop dead, which?” This shows her dedication to becoming a doctor, that’s why I think she will achieve it.

Ruth – I think Ruth’s dream is to move out of mama’s house and to have another baby. The dream of moving out is going to happen because mama has already bought a house, but the dream of another baby may not come true; because of Ruth’s struggle on whether or not to keep it and all the pressure from Walter and the strain on their marriage makes her want to keep it even less.

Joseph- I think his dream is for Beneatha to decide whether or not they should be together, also I think he wants to bring his African culture into everyone’s life. He wants to show “African Americans” who are out of touch with their African side what his culture is all about. I think his dream will come true, I think him and Beneatha will end up together and he’s already made an impression on her because now she embrace her African side.

lavonte said...

1.i believe that walters dream is to invest in, this liquor store.with his buddies bobo and willy.but i tink walter means good for is family.but i dont think his dream will be achiveved because mama wont give him the money.pg33

ruth i think that ruths dream is to have a better family that gets along better and a better huband.who doesnt always get drunk ans fuss and cus all the time.i tink her dream will come true.

beneatha- i believe that beneatahs dream is to be a doctor i dont bel

Marcus Stair said...

Walter-Walters dream is to build a liquor store with the money."yeah you see this little liquor store we got in mind cost 75000."(pg33).I do not think that he will achieve his dream because his mother already bought a house with the money.
Ruth-Ruth's dream is fall back in live with Walter again."Honey life dont have to be like this"then they kiss on (pg 89).I dont think ruth will acheive her dream.I believe this because the two of them constantly argue and they dont agree on any thing.
Beneatha-Beneatha's dream is to become a doctor."to be a doctor"(pg36).I do not think that Beneatha will become a doctor by the time the play is over.I believe this because their is no money to give to Beneatha to go to medical school.
Mama-Mama's dream is to make everyone happy and to move out of that house that they live in ."she went and bought a house."(pg.91).I know that Mama will achieve her dream because the money is hers and she controls the money.

Anonymous said...

I think that Walters dream is to be able to make money by building a liquor store and invest it with his friend in order to make a living for him and his family. “Yah. You see, this little liquor store we’ve got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand you see. That be ten thousand each”. I actually for some reason think that he will achieve his dream one way or another because of where there going to live it give’s them more jobs and opportunities. But at the same time I have a feeling that where there going wont be safe so he may not get the job.

nicole powell said...

Walter- I believe walter’s dream is to invest in the liquor store and work their with Bobo and Willy. On page 33, “Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in… license get approved.” I don’t believe Walter’s dream will come true because mama won’t give him any of the insurance money for the store.
Ruth- I believe Ruth’s dream is to get out of the small, crappy, house that she has been living in for years. On page 91, “PRAISE GOD! Please honey- let me… How much it going to cost?” I believe Ruth’s dream will come true because Mama spent all the insurance money on a house mama bought for Travis.
Beneatha- I believe Beneatha’s dream is to become a doctor. On page 36, “To become a doctor.” I believe Beneatha’s dream will come true because Mama told Walter that part of the money will go to her school.
Mama- I believe Mama’s dream is to make her family happy and thankful of what they have. On page 44, “I ain’t rightly decided. Some of it got to be put away for…. I could maybe take on a little day work again, few days a week.”
Joseph Asagai- I believe Joseph’s dream is to marry Beneatha and teach her more about her heritage. On page 63, “For you- I would do much… I must go.” I believe Joseph Asagai dream will come true because he really likes Beneatha and wants to teach her so much about her heritage.

Black Death said...

Walter- I think he dreams of being the best he can and give his son a reason to look up to him. So he will finally know he accomplished what he wanted. P.33 “you see little liquor running to his mind. That be ten thousand each. Course there’s a couple of hundred you got to pay so’s you don’t spend your life just waiting for them clowns to let your license get approved-”

Mama- Her dream is to keep everyone happy and make sure everythings ok. P.71 shes yelling at Walter and she tells him “…You’ll talk to your wife civil.”
P.73 …it’s dangerous. “When a man has to go outside his home for peace.”

Beneatha- I think her dream is to help every one out kinda like mama. P.37 Walter and Beneatha in unison say “to be a doctor.” As their talking about Beneathas dream.

Ruth- Is to leave that dump and get some where, to where she can beath the fresh air every once in a while. And she said P.44 “well, lord knows we’ve put enough rent into this here rat trap to pay for four houses by now…”

Asagai- Wishes for her to either be with him or not. P.61 “how much time does one need to know how one feels”

I think that Walters deam is nothing because he has everyone else do everything and he gets what he wants most of the time anyway.

I think that the mom's dream may happen if she can make walter walter understand how much Ruth loves him.

I think that Ruth’s dream isalready happened becaus, she wanted a bigger house and to get out of that dump. Walter just keeps breathing down her neck witch means should could have a place of her own to go for peace.
I think that Asagai’s dream will happen the the time the play is done.

Megan Wells said...

Ruth: I think her dream is to be able to live comfortably and be able to afford the things her and her family need. “Yes I would too, Walter. I gave her a five-dollar down payment.” (pg. 75) She was willing to give up her baby because she thought it would make it easier on her family because they don’t have the money to pay for the baby’s necessities. I think she will achieve her dream by the end of the story because

Walter: I think his dream is to open a business of his own, to be his own boss. “…, this little liquor store…” (pg. 33) He wants to open up a liquor store so he can make money and be in charge of himself. I think he will not achieve his dream by the end of the story because Mama already spent the money he was going to use.

Bennie: I think her dream is to just be happy. She wants to get in touch with her African roots. But she also wants to become a doctor. “OCOMOGOSIAY” (pg. 76) She was doing a tribal dance and chant. I think she will achieve her dream because I believe she will end up with Asagai and he will teach her more. He believes in her.

Mama: I think her dream is to provide for her family and make them happy. “She went out, and she bought you a house!” (pg. 91) She bought a house because she thought it would make everyone happy because nobody likes living in their tiny apartment. I think she will not achieve her dream. I think Walter will hold a grudge on her about spending the insurance money and will not allow himself to be happy.

Asagai: I think his dream is to marry Bennie and get her in touch with her African roots. “Well…as perhaps a queen of the Nile…” (pg. 62) He was telling her of how she is better off being who she is supposed to be than who America wants her to be. I think he will achieve his dream. I think Asagai and Bennie are going to end up together.

Anonymous said...

WALTER-i think his dream is to be a business man and buy the store him and willy was talking about.i dont think his dream will come true because mama wont give him the money for the store(sadly but gaining in power-page33)

RUTH-i think her dream is to moveout and i dont think she wants to give the baby away its just there is no room for it right now.her dream did come true when mama bought them a house(In tearfully happy release to these goddamned cracking walls-page93)

MAMA- i think her dream is to make her family happy no matter what it takes.i think her dream will come true she alredy started by buying them a house(guess what grandma did for you she went and bought you a house-page91)

ASAGAI-i dnt know what his dream might be he might want to marry beneatha or something like that but i dont think it will com true because she likes george(one must know what one want to know what one fells-page63)

BENEATHA-i think her dream is to be a doctor her dream will come true because mama told walter that half of the money was for benni to go to doctor school(to be a doctor-page36)

amanda sumpter

Anonymous said...

.jaquan M. Harris.

Walter:is the father and his dream is to open up a store and get his family in a good home
And get his son his own room. And his dream that he wanted went down the drain only one in that was just the store dream
In the page # is 26 in 27..i believe ..and yes he got his dream but not the liqure store dream.

Ruth : dream was too live with her own family not other people and want her own bathroom so she was just ready too leave and go live her life better that’s all she wanted and try to stop her husband walter from drinking a little that was her 31 n 32.
She was just getting tiered of every thing.

Travis: dream he was ready 4 his own bed and he wanted money and live and a bigger house. Page 35.he was tide sleeping on his little sofa and sharing bath room and have to get up early just 2 get there first.

Beneatha : was a college girl her dream was to become a doctor and more proble but
I think she could become it 2.her in her brother all ways got in to it and she get mad real fast.i be live she could become any thing when she get out of college and do good.

Mama: her dream was 2 move and a better house and grow her own garden and more
But all she wanted was a good life a little and she got her dream she know what she wanted and got it and she was mean 2 and she tell ruth how to raise her own baby like she had him but that’s all I can say about mama for now

cmb ceo.

javonte jones said...

Walter; I think Walter’s dream is to invest his money into a liquor store with Bo Bo and Willy."Walter lee is so interested in,'bout the store and all" (page 33). I don’t believe Walter’s dream will be achieved because mama won’t give him money to do so.

Mama; I think that mama’s dream is to keep the family close and be the peacemaker and also to be the decision maker of the family.
P.93 she says “son I just tried to find the nicest place for the least amount of money for my family”. Yes I do believe mama will achieve her dream because she has already taken a big step to accomplishing it by buying a house in the white neighborhood.

Ruth; I believe that Ruth’s dream is to get back close with Walter. She says “something is happening between Walter and me”. I believe she accomplish her goal because she has already talked to mama about their problems and I think he will change around.

Beneatha; her dream is to be a female doctor. “Ruth listen im going to be a doctor.” Page 50 I think Benatha will reach her goal on becoming a doctor because she seems like a very smart and determined girl.

Joseph Asagai; I believe his goal is to make Beneatha happy. Page 61" (handing her the package) open it and see" I have doubts he will accomplish this because Beneatha does not seem that interested in him anymore.

Anonymous said...

Walter dream is to become a rich blackman. Mama dream is for her family to be happy. Bennie wants to become the first black women doctor. Ruth wants her husband to listen to her.
Walter says," I got a dream. I got to take hold of this here world, baby! I got to change my life, I'm choking to death, baby!" pg.33
Mama says," I spec if wasn't for you all... I would just put that money away or give it to the church or something." pg.69
Bennie says," Listen, I'm going to be a doctor. I'm not worried about who I'm going to marry yet if I ever get married." pg.50
Ruth says," I got something to talk to you about, Walter." pg.71

I believe Walter will achieve his goal because I think his momma will give him the money he needs for the store. I believe that Bennie will become the first black women doctor because she seems dedicated to it and she don't let nobody tell her other wise. I believe Mama will achieve her goal because her son will become rich and her family will be happy after that. Ruth I think will not achieve her goal because Walter will still not listen to her.

Chloe Wise said...

Walter: I believe Walter’s dream is to open up his own liquor store. He wants the money mama is about to receive to invest in the deal that he, Willy and Bobo. “You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be bout thirty thousand, see.”(pg.33) I think that walter will not achieve his goal in owning his liquor store because he has no money.

Ruth:I believe that Ruth's dream is to move her family from the old house."Praise God!Please, honey let me be be glad too."(pg91)I think that Ruth's dream will be achieved because mama brought them a new home with her money she got.

Beneatha: I believe the Benny’s dream is to finish college and become a doctor. “Aint many girls who decide to b a doctor” (pg.36)I dont think that Benny will achieve her dream of becoming a doctor because she doesn't have money to attend medical school.

Mama: I believe that Mama’s dream is to make everyone in her family happy." understand what i done, don't you? I..i just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes..we couldn't of gone on like we was today."(pg.94) I think that Mama's dream will be achieved because once they move she will see that everyone will b much happier.

Joesph Asagai:I think Joesph's dream is to teach Benny about her heritage and to marry her."Yes.About how much time one needs to know what one feels."(pg.63)I think Joesph will achieve his dream because Benny will soon realize that he is the one for her.

lauren said...

Walter- I believe that Walter’s dream is to invest the money from mama’s check and open a liquor store with Willy and Bobo. (Page 33) “…this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be thirty thousand…” I do not think that Walter will achieve his dream because he was depending on mama for the money and she is spending it on something different.

Ruth- I believe that Ruth’s dream is to have the family be as one and have everyone stop fighting so much. Also as a dream, Ruth will keep the family at peace with each other when they move into their new house. (Page 93) “… then I sat it loud and good, HALLELUJAH! AND GOOD-BYE MISERY…” I think Ruth will achieve her dream my the end of the play because she seems to by trying very hard to keep the family together and she’s doing all that she can to help the family accomplish things that way things should be done.

Beneatha- I believe her dream is to become a doctor. (Page 36) “…to become a doctor.” I don’t think that she will achieve her dream of becoming a doctor because she doesn’t have the money to get through college to become one.

Mama- I believe Mama’s dream is to live in the new house with a garden in the back, the garden she never had. Also Mama wanted everyone to be happy with her choice of buying the house. (Page 91, talking to Travis) “She went out and she bought you a house. You glad about the house?...” I think that her dream will come true because she already bought the house and everyone except Walter was happy that she bought the house.

Joseph Asagai- I think his dream is to be with Beneatha, be happy with her, and marry her. (Page 63) “Yes. About how much time one needs to know what one feels.” I believe that Joseph will achieve his dream of being with Beneatha because he is smart, and seems to have a bit of funniness to him. Plus he bought her a very nice present, and it helped teach her about her heritage.

Cheyenne Floyd said...
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Chloe Wise said...

Walter: I believe Walter’s dream is to open up his own liquor store. He wants the money mama is about to receive to invest in the deal that he, Willy and Bobo have. “You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be bout thirty thousand, see.”(pg.33) I think that walter will not achieve his goal in owning his liquor store because he has no money.

Ruth:I believe that Ruth's dream is to move her family from the old house."Praise God!Please, honey let me be be glad too."(pg91)I think that Ruth's dream will be achieved because mama brought them a new home with her money she got.

Beneatha: I believe the Benny’s dream is to finish college and become a doctor. “Aint many girls who decide to b a doctor” (pg.36)I dont think that Benny will achieve her dream of becoming a doctor because she doesn't have money to attend medical school.

Mama: I believe that Mama’s dream is to make everyone in her family happy." understand what i done, don't you? I..i just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes..we couldn't of gone on like we was today."(pg.94) I think that Mama's dream will be achieved because once they move she will see that everyone will b much happier.

Joesph Asagai:I think Joesph's dream is to teach Benny about her heritage and to marry her."Yes.About how much time one needs to know what one feels."(pg.63)I think Joesph will achieve his dream because Benny will soon realize that he is the one for her.

michael broxton said...

i belive that all walter wanted was to invtest the money to the liquor store. but he never could because his wife would not give him the money. also his wife wanted was to try and make a good life for them but at time walter had promble with his wife. awayls fighting and getting mad at each other.pg33,32

Beneatha dream was about how she wanted to be a doctor. but she knew that her dream was not coming truth because they did have no money for her to go college . so she stay around and help walter with his son but at time .36pg

Ruth dream was to try and make a better life for her family .ruth was pretty good with take care of her son travis .also ruth dream was to get out of the house and live some where that was nice all she wanted was a house for them to sleep and have beds and have a good time .pg 91

i belive that the mama wanted her family to be suecess and half a good life. but she knew that could not happen with out no money that why she help around the house and was watching travis . but when they mama got that check she did not really want that money .pg44

joseph asagail dream was to married bennie but all she want was to teach her things. but thing his dream will come truth but at time joseph was a good guy .

Chloe Wise said...
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Will Webster said...

Walter- I think Walter’s dream is to own a liquor store with his friends. Walter- I think Walter’s dream is to own a liquor store with his friends. On page 33 he was talking about how much it would cost and how much money he will get out of it. I don’t think he will achieve his dream because the book was saying that he is not good with money.

Beneathea- I think Beneatha’s dream is to become a doctor. On page 36 Ruth, Walter and her were talking about how much was medical school going to cost. I don’t think she will achieve this because she hasn’t found her idenity and wont have enough money for medical school.

Ruth- Ruth’s dream is to get out of the apartment and live in a house. I think she will achieve this dream because i think they will buy a new house with the check they are getting.

Mama- Mama’s dream is to own a house with a garden and a yard in which Travis can play. I think she will achieve this dream because she is getting a check, I think she will buy a house with the money and make a garden.

Asagai- I think Asagai dream is to have a serious relationship with beneatha because he always talk about her and he helps her find her idenity. I think he will achieve this dream because she listens to what he says such as when he told her to cut her hair and make it look natural.

momoney211 said...
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momoney211 said...

Moses Hutson
Walter- I think Walters dream is to be a successful businees man who makes a lot of money."Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost sevent-five thousand and we figured the intial investment on th place be 'bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each. Course, there's a couple of hundred you got to pay so's you don't spend your life just waiting for them clowns to let your license get approved" page 33. I do not think Walter will achieve his dream because mama di not give him any of the money out of the $10,000.

Ruth-I think Ruth's dream is to get out of the apartment they are living in right now and she want herself and Walter to be happy. "Well well All I can say is if this is my time in life MY TIME to say good bye to9 these goddamn cracking walls and these marching roaches! and this cramped little closet which ain't now or never was no kitchen! then say it loud and good, HALLELJAH GOOD BYE MISERY I DON'T NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY FACE AGAIN!" PAGE94. I think Ruth's dream will come true but Walter will not be all the way happy because he didn't get the money for his liquor store but is happy he was able to get out that small apartment.

Beneatha-I believe Beneatha's dream is to find her true self and heritage. "I am not an assimilationist" page 63. I think Beneatha will accomplish her dream because she knows the dance and she has the tribal attire.

Mamma-I think her dream is to have a happy family and build a good future for Travis. "I just seen my family falling apart today just falling to pieces in front of my eyes. We couldn't of gone on like we was today". I think Mamma will have her dream come true because she already bought the new house and that should make everyone happy.

Joseph Asagai-I think Joseph's dream is to eventually date Beneatha and help her find her true culture. "No. Between a man and a woman there need be only one kind of feeling. I have that for you now even right this moment. I think Joseph's dream will come true because I think Beneatha will start to wanting to date him too and he brought some stuff to Beneatha so can find her true culture. Moses Hutson 5th hour

Kieshia Perry said...

Mama and Ruth want to get a real house for their family to live in, and for Travis to have a yard he can play in with his friends.

Mama “Been thinking that we maybe could meet the notes on a little old two-story somewhere, with a yard where Travis could play in the summer time.” Page44

Ruth agreeing “Well, Lord knows, we’ve put enough rent into this rat trap to pay for four houses by now.” Page44

I think Mama and Ruth will get their dream because the money belongs to Mama and a new house is something she wants.

Beneatha’s dream would be to become a doctor.

Beneatha “And you know, biology is the greatest.” Page36. I picked that quote because it shows that Bennie is really in to the work she is doing at school to become a doctor.

But,I don’t think she will achieve her dream because she doesn’t seem to be focused on it.

Walter dream is to own a liquor store.

Walter "bout that deal Walter Lee is so interested in, 'bout the store..." Page33

I don't think Walter's mother will give him the money he need to achieve his dream becaues he has a drinking problem.

Joseph Asagi

Anonymous said...

Dasha Robinson

Walter- i believe Walters dream is to tke the money invest it in take it to the liquor sstore an d him willy and bobo and spend a porpotion of it all on liquor ''walter lee was very insterested in,about the store -page 33. i dont think walters dream will suceed.
Because mam wont give him the money.

Ruth-I believe Ruths dream is move out of the old house they have been living in for years."PRAISE GOD!....Please, honey-let me be be glad too."page 91. Ruths dream will come true because she now knows that mama bought a new house for them to live she might have a change slight of idea .




{L33~L33} said...

WALTER:Walter's for him, Bobo, and Willy to invest in a liqour store.Pg_33" you see, this little lqour store we got in mind cost $75,000, and we figured the initial investment on the place be' bout $30,000, see...I don't think he or they will achievehte dream because he wants mama to give him the money but she buys a house.
RUTH: Is to get a home for her family.Pg_91/92-"oh Walter..a home..a home, well- where is it? How much it going to cost?"
BENNIE: her dream is when she gets out of college to become a doctor. Pg_36" to become a doctor" I think she will achieve her dream if she gets a job, to pay the expenses or if her mama give her some money.
MAMA: dream is for her family to have a bigger house and to be happy. Pg_92" It's a nice house too..3 bedrooms-nice big one for you and and bennie have to share our room, but Travis have his own...."
JOSEPH ASAGAI:His dream is to teach Bennie about his heritage, how they wear there hair. clothes etc..make her his girl.

Anonymous said...

Walters dream is to open his own liquor store because thats all he ever thinks about his self the money and his son and he dont care about no body else except for bobo,
bobo is walter mind bobo says lets own are own liquor store walter wants to own one walter was mad cause the money came and his mama bought a house in stead of giving some of it to him so he said so thats the peace and comfort you bought for us pg 94 and pg 95 he said so you butchered a dream of mines and you always talkin bout your childern's dreams so since he is selfish he's won't come true.

Ruth's dream is to move out of the old house into the new one and have a happy family and to get along with walter cause he is not makin her happy he is yelling at her and makeing her mad and sad telling her he dont care about her and he wish he never meet her and that she was the biggest mistake to the family she said hallelujah and good bye misery ... i dont never want to se your ugly face again! pg 94 he dream will not come true the prt to be with walter will not.

Mama dream is to make the family happy and have room to breath and to come together like a family suppose to and she said they have been going backwards instead of forward talkin about killing babies when time get like this is time for something bigger to move us forward pg 94 and i think mama's dream will come true.

beneatha dream is to become a docter and get a good education but she dont have no job and no money and she ants to be a doctor pg 36 she said she wanted to be doctor i think her dream will come true.

Joseph Aasagai is bennies boy friend he is african and he like her and i think his dream is to marry bennie and to teach here more about his life and to teach here how to act like her self when she is with him like her own heritage not his and to teach her how to appreciate what she has right in front of her he said pg how much time there before one knows what one feels and i think his dream will come true.

Kendyl Brown said...

Walter: I believe his dream is to open/invest in his own liquor store with his friends Willy and Bobo and planned on using Mama’s $10,000 check to get it and use that to support his family. On page 33, Walter specifically explains to Ruth what he, Willy, and Bobo planned on doing (despite the fact that Ruth doesn’t want to bother listening to him). I don’t think that Walter will achieve his dream because as the story goes on, Mama ends up not giving Walter the money because she believes that there’s something that she could use the money for that would benefit the family and not just Walter because in reality, Walter only wants the liquor store for himself.

Ruth: I believe Ruth’s dream is to move into a nicer community with her family and for the family to be happy. On page 43, she has a conversation with Mama about the check coming the next day and how she needed the money to support the family instead of just using it for herself. This proves that she will willingly put the family ahead of herself.

Beneatha: I believe Beneatha’s dream is to go to school to become a doctor. She explains to Walter on page 37 that she’s never asked anyone in the family to help her with anything and how she can’t just drop out of school. I’m a little undecided as to whether or not Beneatha can achieve her dream because, even though we’ve been introduced to her in the story, we don’t know enough to determine that. I mean logically, if she can find a way to pay for school and find a job, then yeah, she can definitely achieve her dream.

Mama: I believe Mama’s dream is to support the family and to see them be happy and start being a family like they used to be. When she and Ruth have the conversation on page 44, she explains to Ruth basically that she’s undecided as to what to do with the money herself and what she could use it for in the end. I think Mama will be successful in achieving her dream because I think in the end, she can help the family realize that there are more important things in life besides money like family, friends, and others that you might care about.

Joseph Asagai: I believe that Joseph’s dream is to build a relationship with Beneatha. On pages 60-61, when Joseph comes back from Canada to see Beneatha, they have a conversation about how someone can feel about another in general. I’m not sure if Joseph can achieve his dream because Beneatha is juggling two men her life, George and himself. It depends on whether or not Beneatha can be honest about her feelings for Joseph or George and realize that she’s got to pick one man or the other.

Anonymous said...

Kassie Shelton.

Blog Post 3: Raisin Character Reflection

I think Walters dream is to some day have enough money to be able to open up a liquor store. Page 33. “Yeah .You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each. Course, there’s a couple of hundred you got to pay so’s you don’t spend your life just waiting for them clowns to let your license get approved” I honestly, don’t think that Walter is going to be able to accomplish his dream. For one the cost of opening up a liquor store is just to much for someone who hardly makes enough money to live let alone to run a business.

I think Ruth’s dream is to live in a nice house, to get out of her apartment and have a much happier life with her and her family. Page 91 “PRAISE GOD! Please, honey- let me be glad…you be glad too, Oh Walter…” I think what Ruth wants out of life is going to be a lot easier to achieve because she’s already acted on it, she has a plan of what’s going to happen from here on out, and has everything set up for her and her family to move outta there and start somewhere new.

Beneatha; Beneatha has a dream to become a successful doctor. On page 36 she said “to be a doctor.” Most dreams are unrealistic, or ridiculous. But I think her dream of becoming a doctor will some day come true. I believe in this because if that girl honestly wants it to happen for her that bad, she’ll make it happen regardless of what anyone else thinks of it.

Mama; Mama’s only dream is to have her family be proud of her, And to make them as happy as she possibly can. She cares more about that then just about anything else. On page 44 she said “I ain’t rightly decided. Some of it gotta be put away for Beneatha and her schoolin’- and ain’t nothing going to touch that part of it. Nothing. Been thinking that we maybe could meet the notes on a little old two-story somewhere, with a yard where Travis could play in the summertime, if we use part of the insurance for a down payment and everybody kind of pitch in. I could maybe take on a little day work again, few days a week-“ She loves her family to death. I think her dream will be easily accomplished only because she puts her whole heart into giving them every little they could ever possibly need.

Joseph Asagai; I think Joseph Asagai’s dream is to run away with Bennie and start a life of there own, together. On page 63 “No. Between a man and a women there need be only one kind of feeling. I have that for you…Now even…right this moment….” I think his dream is extremely unrealistic. If Bennie really felt the same way she would of said so by now, but she hasn’t. He either needs to start taking things a lot slower to give her time to know how she feels about him, or give up and get over it.

Anonymous said...

Walter- Dreams are basically about money, I know this because this is all he ever things about!! On page 74 mama says “how come you talk so much about money?”, he says “because it is life”.
Ruth- She doesn’t care to much about money, but just wants to try to live a good life! On page 28 Ruth says “get your mind of money and eat your breakfast”.
Beneatha- Her goal I think is that she gets educated and becomes a doctor! I think this because on page 44 when Ruth asks her what she is going to do with the money mama says “ I am going to put some of it gotta be put away for Beneatha and her schooling”. Mama- Hers is basically for everyone to live a better life, and being happy. On page 94 Mama says “ I just tried to find the nicest place for the least amount of money for my family”.
Joseph Asagai- i think his dream just has to do with him getting and living happily with benetha. On page 61 he says "how much time before one knows how she feels"

-umang mistry

$p3ct@cul@r said...

Walter- I belive Walter dream is to take the insurance money he is going to get and spend it on a liqour store with Willy and Bobo. They talk about it on page 33 where he talks about the investtment of the building. I dont think Walters dream will not come true come true because mama want give him the money.
Ruth- I believe Ruth dream is to have an happy family and move. "praise god! please honey let me be glad you be glad to. pg 91.Ruth dream will come true because they got a new home.
Beneatha-I belive Beneatha's dream is to become a doctor. Quote Beneatha lisen im going to be a doctor. pg 50
Mama- I believe mama's dream is to make her family better happy in any way she can. pg 94 " when she says she just seen her family fall to pieces in front of her. I think her dream will come true because she is doing to make the family more happy.
Joseph Asagai- I think Joseph dream is to marry 63 "for you I would do much more". I dont think Joseph dream will come true because he is not letting Beneatha do what she dreams to do. He is making her plans for her..............Anthony Barley

Taylor Sanford said...

Walter- I think Walters dream is to be a successful black man and to have a lot of money. I also believe Walters dream is to have a liquor store. On page 33 Walter says "Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be 'bout thirty thousand, see That be ten thousand each." I don't think walter will achieve his goals and dreams of the store because Mama spent the money on the house.

Ruth- I think Ruths dream is to be happy with her family, and to be able to have the baby and afford it. I think she wants her family happy and for Walter to be happy and closer to her and the rest of the family in the new house. "...Please, honey- let me be be glad too." Page 91. I think Ruth will acomplish her dream because she's so happy, excited and thankfull that mama bought the house and she cares a lot about her family.

Mama-I think Mama's dream is to keep the family happy and wants everyone just to get along and love eachother. She tries to bring peace and happiness through god to the family. She also doesn't think of money like its everything, she believes you can find happiness through other things in life. Pg.74"So now its life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life- now it's money. I guess the world really do change..." I do think that Mama will acomplish her dream because she bought the house, and everyone just really needed some space instead of being cramped in one little apartment. Everyone can be happy together.

Beneatha- I believe Beneathas dream is to become a doctor. pg.50 "Im going to be a doctor and everybody around here better understand that!" I think she will acomplish her dream, because she is very determined and she knows what she wants. I think if her and Joesph get married she'll acomplish it for sure, because he is very supportive.

Joseph Asagai- I think His dream is to be with Beneatha, hopefully making her mind up on who she really wants to be with. and to help her acomplish her dreams and also to be proud of her heritage and respect it. "about how much time one neeeds to know what one feels" page.63 I think that he will acomplish his dream of getting her because she is very interested in the African culture and so far he is the most supportive man.

Anonymous said...

his dreame is to open up a liquor store and have enough money for him to get a house big enough for him and the 32-33 says that walter and his friend can open up a liquor store and split the I do not think he will go threw with his plans because of his wife and mom they are always so up tight about every decssion he makes and how he will use his money and walter knows mama has a check of money on the way and he wants but mama wont let him use it because she thinks his ideal is sort of dumb.

ruth dream is to have money and to have a house for the family. pg 34 -35 say that ruth has no money but would like to make enough money for them to live a desent life. yes i think she will go threw with her plans because mama sometimes thinks that her desicions are good but she mama knows she can do better than that and knows mama has a check for alot of money and does not want any of it.

her dreame is to become a doctor and make lots of money.on pg 35 it says that Beneathat wants to be a doctor and go to medical school. yes i think she will go threw with her plans and be a doctor but there is one thing stoping her from getting there is medical school because it costs a lot of money and walter is mad or is just laughing at her because he knows we dont have that kind of money.

her dreame is to get the house that they want and have good grand kidsthat will know sleep well at night.on pg 91 it talks about mama getting the check and getting the house that they wanted for her and the family. yes i think she will fall threw with her dreames because she allready got her money and got the house for the family.

Joseph Asagai
Is to marry Beneatha and have a family.Pg 85-86 talk about when asagai wants a family. yes i think he will fall threw with his plans because walter and him sometimes get a long.

By Gregory Amerkhanian

Anonymous said...

Joe Scarantino

WALTER- i think walters dream is to be succesful and open up a liquor store. I think Walters dream is to open a liquor store. “You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place would be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That’s ten-thousand each.” p.33. i dont think he will achive his goal because mama already said what she wanted to do with the money.

MAMA-I think Mama’s dream is to make her family happy and to buy a new house. “Travis, I went out and bought you a house with the money” Pg.91 i think mama will achive the goal because its her money.

RUTH-I believe Ruth’s dream is to get out of the house that she has been living in. “PRAISE GOD! Please honey- let me… How much it going to cost?”p.91.I belive that she will get her dream.

Beneatha- I think Beneatha’s dream is to go to school and become a doctor. “Listen, I’m going to be a doctor.” Pg.50,i belive this because she is going to marry Joseph Asagai adn he will pay for it.

JOSEPH ASAGAI- I think Joseph’s dream is to marry Beneatha. “No. Between man and women there need be only one kind of feeling. I have that for you…Now even…right this moment…” p.64. i dont think this will happen.

Steven Fortner said...

Walter-I think his dream is to invest some of the $10,000 to buy a building and make his own liquor store with Bobo and Willy. "Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be 'bout thirty thousand, see."page 33. I don't think Walter will achieve his dream because mama won't give him the money he needs.

Ruth-I think Ruth's dream is to move out of the small apartment the family lives in. "Well-well!-All I can say is-if this is my time in life-MY TIME-to say goodbye-to these cracking walls!-and these marching roaches!!..." page 93. I think Ruth will achieve her dream because mama boutght a new house for the family.

Beneatha-I think Beneatha's dream is to be a doctor. "I'm interested in you. Something wrong with that? Ain't many girls who decide"-(walter) -"to be a doctor" (walter and beneatha. page 36)I think Beneatha will achieve her dream because if there is left over money from the $10,000,some of it can be used for beneatha to go to medical school.

Mama-I think mama's dream is to take care and keep peace between the family. "I-I just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes..." page 94 I think mama will achieve her dream because everytime the family gets into an arguement she seems to resolve it and she tells the family what is best for them.

Joesph Asagai- I think Asagai's dream is to marry Beneatha and to have her be attached to his culture. "I'll show you how to drape wear it well..very well...mutilated hair and all." page 61. I think Asagai will achieve his dream because when he gave Beneatha the clothes, she seemed to like them and she was dancing in the clothes too.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Walter’s dream in my opinion is to be a successful man who owns many stores and/or franchises, is able to take care of his family and never has to feel less of a man. “Anybody who talks to me has to be a good for nothing loudmouth, ain’t he? And what you know about this good for nothing loudmouth? … When he wanted me to go into the dry cleaning business with him. And now he’s grossing a hundred thousand a year. A hundred thousand dollars a year. You still call him a loudmouth?” “You tired ain’t you? Tired of everything? You couldn’t be on my side for nothing that long, could you? (p.32)
By the end of the story I believe he will not be able to achieve his dream because of a lack of support and money.
Ruth’s dream is to be able to live in a family without and drama that’s seems close to perfect and be in control. “ Beenie why you always gotta be pickin’ on yo’ brother? Can’t you be a little sweeter sometimes? (P.38-39) I believe she will not achieve her dream because there seems to never be happiness within this family and will never be unless Walter is happy. Also Mama seems to rule all including Ruth and her son.
Beneatha’s dream is to find herself and to be able to go back to her African roots and to become a doctor. “Who the hell told you to become a doctor……?” (Walter says to Ruth).” Get over it. What are you talking about Ruth? Listen, I’m going to be a doctor. I’m not worries about who I’m going to marry yet-if I ever get married.” Beneatha in my opinion will reach her dream because of her strong will to be something and her focus mind.
Mama’s dream is the same as Ruth’s but she wants Walter the first to be a round and for Walter the second to be more like him. “No, theres something coming down between me and them and don’t let us understand each other. One done lost his mind talking about money all the time and the other commence to talking about things I seem to never understand. What is it that’s changing, Ruth. Mama will receive her dream in my opinion as soon as she gets the money because it seem to be the greatest problem.
Joseph Asagai’s dream is to convert Beneatha back to her African heritage and to get her to love him. “ How long must there be before one knows what one feels?” “You wear it well…..very well……….mutilated hair and all”. I believe Asagai will receive his dream because it sis currently in progress and is achievable.

Erica Stair

Anonymous said...

Derrick king dream is open up a liquor store and Ruth dream is to live in a house with just her family. Beneatha want to become a doctor but she dont have enough money. There mama want to make all i family happy. Joseph Asagai he wnat to show her and teach her some stuff about his heritage.

2.on page 33-34 he said he wanted to own a liquor store. on page 91 ruth says she wants to have a house with just her family. on page 36 Beneatha says she wants to become a doctor. The mama said she was tryin to make every body happy on page 44. on page 63 Joseph Asagai said he wanted to teach Beneatha some stuff about is country.

3/4.I dont think that walter will complete his dream because his mama said she was not goin to give him the money to open up his own liquor store. I think ruth will get her dream because her mama went out with the money and bought a house. beneatha will get what she wont because her mama just got her check in the mail. The mama will not get her dream because she cant make her son walter happy because she is not using the money to invest it in liquor store. Joseph Asagai will get his dream because beneatha is into learning about the african heritage.

Anonymous said...

WALTER:Walter's dreams sometimes seem selfish, bu he really does have good intentions at heart. Walter dreams of a life where his family doesn't really have to worry about basic things (shelter, food, space, money). He initially planned to acheive that by investing money into a liquor store. "..I got a boy who sleeps in the living room -- and all i got is stories to tell him about how rich white poeple live" pg.34. The store costs $10,000, and his mother won't give him the money so his dream won't happen. Atleast not the way he wants it to happen, because he won't be getting the money from his mother.

RUTH: From what I understand, Ruth's dream is for her family to get out of their current "rat trap". She also wants things to get better between her and Walter. "..We've put enough rent into this here rat trap to pay for four houses by 44. "But he needs something -- I can't give him anymore" pg.42. I think that slowly (but surely) Ruth's dream (atleast part of it) is being realized. She's alredy gotten the house part of her dream, but there's still Walter.

MAMA: Mama' dream is for her family to be a happy connected family again. She sort of thinks that this can help be accomplished by getting out of their current living conditions. "I ain't rightly decided yet.. Been thinking that maybe we could meet the notes on a little two-story somewhere" pg.44. At this point in the story, she's pretty torn about how separated her family is. It's hard for me to say whether or not she'll see her dream come true. At the moment I don't really seeing it happening.

JOSEPH ASAGAI: I'm almost postivie that Joseph really likes Beneatha, partially for who she is, but more so for who she has the potential to be. He wants her to be how she is as opposed to hot the rest of society is. "But what does it matter. Assimilationaism is so popular in your country" pg.63. Beneatha is a pretty complex girl, and honestly I don't think she'll ulitmately give up her assimilationist habits.
BENEATHA: Beneatha dreams of one day becoming an African-American doctor. "But first I'm going to be a doctor.." pg.50. Beneatha may or may not follow through with her doctor plans. She has a habit of switching her goals/desires in life, so it isn't reall safe to say that she'll be a doctor

Anonymous said...

1. Walter is a strong man who likes to be independent from everyone else. He loves money, sometimes even more than his family and thinks that opening up a liquor store would be the best thing for his family. He plans on using his mother’s insurance money that she acquired from her husband’s death. “Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each…” This act of selfishness lands him in a heap of trouble with his wife, Ruth, who likes to save as much money as possible for things that are a necessity for living.

2. Ruth is very loving to her family but looses her temper at times. She is the head of the household and likes to have everything her way. When something doesn’t go her way, she uses her demanding attitude to show it. When she askes her husband Walter, ”…what kind of eggs you want?” (pg.26) and he replies “not scrambled.” (pg.26) she goes on in her angry fit and stirs them up anyway. She keeps the house in good shape while still working for other families, cleaning their houses. On the arrival of the news of her pregnancy, she immediately gets scared and wants to have an abortion in order to lesser the stress of the family. Although she thinks that an abortion is more practical, I think she will go through with having the child.

3. Beneatha is a strong spirited person who speaks her mind and will do anything to achieve her dreams. Eventually, she wants to become a doctor and makes sure that everyone knows that. As a women, this dream seems impossible in the times. Much doubt was on the women work force and their abilities. Today we know that women can do close to anything that a man can, but at that day and age women weren’t seen as strong individuals. I think that over the course of the book, she will get closer and closer to her dream and achieve her goals.
4. Mama, the mother of Walter and Beneatha, is a very religious person who loves her family and relatives very much.
5. Joseph Asagai

++i'll finish the rest tonight++

Anonymous said...

Walter- I believe that he will fulfill his dream to become succesful and open his own liquor store."Walter lee is so interested in,'bout the store"pg.33. But i doubt that he will achieve because he doesnt have the money to do so because moma wont give it to him!
Ruth- All ruth really wants is to get her own house for her and her family to have more space to live. And basically become more of a independent women instead on always relying on MAMA. Please, Honey let me glad, you be glad too." pg.91-92
Beneatha- Her dreams are to become famously knowned in the doctor's position. {Walter and Beneatha (insuion)-"to be a doctor".pg.36-37 but she really dnt have the money in order for her to even go to school and become knowlegeable to become a doctor.
Mama-Clearly MAMA's dream is to keep her family together and make sure that they are happy and got what they need. "Come here travis, you know that money that we got in the mail this morning?, what you think your grandmama gone and done with that money?, she went out and she bought you a house!pg.90 and she will accomplish because clearly she bought them a house!
Joesph Asagai- His dream is to settle down with beneatha, and marry her, and show her things that she never even thought, heard, or seen before..{heritage}. " Well Thats what i came here for" pg.63-64

Ellen said...

Walter::'I think his dream is to open up his own liquior store and to be able to take care of his family with other having to depend on his"Thats it.ther you are.Man says to women:i got me a dream.Woman say:eat your eggsman say: i got to take hold of this here world baby!And woman will say:eat your eggs and go to work.Man say: I got to change my life, I'm choking to death, baby! And his woman say- Your eggs are getting cold!"I dont think he will achevie this dream because his mother has already spent the money and she doesnt agree with what he wants it for not one bit!

Ruth::' her dream is to move out that"Well-well!-All i can say is good-Bye-to these gotdamned cracking walls! -and this marching roaches!- and this cramped little closet which ain't now or never was no kitchen!...then I say it loud,HALLELUJAH! AND GOOD BYE MISERY...I DONT EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY FACE AGAIN." Yes she will achieve this dream because thats what Mama is going to wioth the money anyways.

Benetha::'bennie's dream is to become a doctor and got school. pg 50 Bennie says "Get over it?what are you talking about, Ruth? Listen, I'm going to be a doctor. I'm not worried about who I'm going to marry yet-if i ever get married.I think she will acheive her dream because was talking about putting money up for her anyways.
Mama::"Her dream is to keep her family togehter and keep peace between ever one. on pg 94 she says"I-I just seen my family falling apart just got to do something differnet, push on out something bigger..."I dont think she will acheive this because walter will leave Ruth and cause promblems just because he cant get his store.
Asagai::'His Dream is to marry Beneatha pg 63 he says "No. Between a man and a woman there need be only one kind of feeling. Ihave that for even...right this moment..."I do think he will acheive this because she really likes him and is willing to learn his culture and backgroung just to be close to him even though she cant see it she is changing for him.

lejohnnese henderson said...

I believe that Walter’s dream is to own a liquor store. “This little liquor store we got in mind…let your license get approved”(pg.33). I think Walter might not achieve his dream because every time he comes home with a new get rich quick scheme. Nobody takes him serious. I believe he doesn’t take his own self serious.

I think Ruth’s dream is to try to have a better and happy marriage with Walter. “There ain’t much between us…a little even”(pg.88). I believe that they might not change at all. But Ruth will stay married to Walter. I think this because he doesn’t seem like he wants to change for their marriage.

I think Mama’s dream is to move out of that apartment the family lives in. “She went out and bought you a house…get to be a man”(pg91). I think Mama will move into her house. I believe that because she want’s a place that’s big enough for all of her family to fit.

I believe Beneatha’s dream is to become a doctor. “I’m going to be a doctor…understand that.”(pg50). I think Bennie will achieve her dreams. I believe this because she has self determination and she knows nothing is going to stand in her way of becoming a doctor.

I think Asagai’s dream is to be with Bennie. “For you…so much more”(pg63). I think he will be with Bennie. I believe this because Bennie already has some type of feelings for him. Soon she will be with him

Jessica Duncan said...

Walter:I believe that Walter's dream is to open up a liquor store and provide for the family. pg.33 says "You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost sevety-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be 'bout thirty thousand..." I think Walter will probably end up getting the store on his own instead of him using his mother's money. If Walter works toward his goal of buying the liquor store, he will eventually be able to provide more for his family. And as much as Walter talks about money, he most-likely would do anything to get his money.

Ruth:Ruth's dream is to move out of that old house and get a new one so her family can be happy. pg.93 states "Well-well! All I can say is-if this is my time to say these goddamned cracked walls!...and this cramped little closet which ain't now or never was no kitchen!...then I say it loud and good, HALLELUJUAH! AND GOOD-BYE MISERY...I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY FACE AGAIN!" Seeing that I've read what happens...I pretty much know that Ruth may get the house she wanted. In fact, the reason she is saying these things (HALLELUJUAH) and all that is because Mama came home with the news of getting a new home. So therefore, I believe Ruth's dream is achieved!

Beneatha:Her dream is to become a doctor. pg.37 says Walter and Beneatha (in unison)"to be a doctor". I don't think Bennie will achieve this goal because she is into different things. Like I don't think she is really focused on being a doctor, especially with her being into all that Nigerian stuff. She just really isn't focused enough for me to know if she really wants to become a doctor.

Mama:Mama wants her family to stop always arguing, mainly Beneatha and Walter, and she wants her family to be better and live in a better home. pg. 94 says "Son-you-you understand what I done, don't you?...I-I just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes...We couldn't of gone on like we was today. We was going backwards 'stead of forwards-talking 'bout killing babies and wishing each other was dead...When it gets like that in life-you just got to do something different, push on out and do something bigger...I wish you say something, son...I wish you'd say how deep inside you you think I done the right thing-". Mama's dream may be for them to move to a better house, but I don't think that her children will ever stop arguing just for the fact that they are siblings.

Joseph Asagai:Joseph's dream as of now in the book, is to be with Beneatha. pg.63 says "Yes. About how much time one needs to know what one feels." I think he will end up with Beneatha.

The Smart_One said...

Walter: I think Walter’s dream is to be a business man, and open a liquor store or any other type of store. On page 33, Walter is talking about the store he wants. He says “Yeah. You see this liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand dollars and we figure the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each.” I think Walter will eventually get his liquor store because they have so much money to spend, they already bought a house, so what else would there be. I think that would be the last thing bought by the end of the play.

Ruth: I think Ruth’s dream is to just get out the apartment because everyone is crammed in there and they have to share a bathroom with other people. On page 91-92 Ruth shows her excitement when mama tells them they got her house. She said “PRAISE GOD! Please honey-let me be be glad too. OH Walter a home…a home. Well-where is it? How big is it? How much it going to cost”? I think Ruth will achieve her goal because her dream was to get a new home and mama already bought one, so her dream has already been accomplished.

Beneatha: I think Beneatha’s dream is to be a doctor and very educated. On page 50

I'm not done yet. I will finish it at home.

*Alexis J* said...

• Ruth
1. I think that Ruth’s dream is for her and Walter to be a happy couple again. Also she wants him to be able to talk to her about his feelings.
2. “There ain’t so much between us, Walter… Not when you come to me and try to talk to me. Try to be with me… a little even.” P.88
3. I think that by the end of the play Ruth will get what she wants because the purpose to writing a story is to illustrate growth. I think that when they move into the white neighborhood they will be forced to stick together because of the time period and all the segregation. I think by putting themselves through that, they will grow together and become closer and fonder of each other again.
• Walter
1. I think Walter’s dream is to become rich and have lots of nice things.
2. “Charlie Atkins… When he wanted me to go into the dry-cleaning business with him. And now he’s grossing a hundred thousand dollars a year!”
3. By the end of the book I don’t think Walter’s dream will come true. It takes a lot to become rich and everyone doesn’t know how to do it. I also think he doesn’t have what it takes to become rich or the patience. It takes money to make money and Walter is kind of trying to talk Ruth and his mother into giving him some insurance money, but I know it’s not going to work because they think his dreams are nonsense and unrealistic.
• Mama
1. I think Mama’s dream is for Walter to be the man his father was and to make her family happy.
2. “I’m waiting on you to be your father’s son. Be the man he was…. And I’m waiting to see you stand up and look like your daddy…..” P.75
3. I think Mama’s dream will come true because I believe that Walter will grow as a man once he gets over his drinking problem. I think Walter is the problem one in the family because he drinks too much and he has a real bad attitude.
• Beneatha
1. I think Beneatha’s dream is to finish college and become a doctor.
2. “….but first I’m going to be a doctor… I am going to be a doctor and everybody around here better understand that!”
3. I think Beneatha’s dream will come true because it seems like she feels very strongly about it and is willing to work for it. I also think she will be able to achieve her dream because she now has the money to do it if, and only if, her mom decides to give it to her, but I think Mama will end up giving it to her f she needs it for school. I think that because Walter stated how Mama is always saying she wants her kids’ dreams to come true.
• Joseph
1. I think Joseph’s dream is to become a doctor so he can go back to Nigeria and help his own people.
2. N/A
3. I think Joseph will get his dream. It all comes down to determination and how strongly you feel about accomplishing something. Also Joseph is very in touch with his African heritage and he feels deeply for his people, so I think he will be able to accomplish his goals.

Ariel said...

I believe Walter’s dream is to invest in a liquor store. With
Bobo and Willy “you see this liquor store we got” (page.33)
No I don’t believe he will invest in a liquor store
because he won’t be able to afford it.

Ruth’s dreams for everybody to be happy to and move
to a better place then their apartment.
“PRAISE GOD!....Please, honey-let me be be glad too."(page 91)
Yes, because they know Mama spent her check on a new house.

Her dream is to go to college and to become a doctor
“ I’m going to be a doctor”
Yes, because she will marry Joseph and he will pay for her
to go to college to be a doctor.

Mama’s dream is for Travis to live better and the family
“Travis, I went out and bought you a house with the money” Pg.91
Yes, because she went and bought a house with the check

Joseph Asagai-
Joseph's dream is to marry bennie and teach her about her heritage.
"For you-I would do much more...Well, that is what i came for." (page 63).
I believe Joseph will achieve his dream with bennie because he is a very nice guy and i think bennie is going to learn alot about him over the days the spend talking about her heritage.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1. Walter is a strong man who likes to be independent from everyone else. He loves money, sometimes even more than his family and thinks that opening up a liquor store would be the best thing for his family. He plans to use his mother’s insurance money that she acquired from her husband’s death. “Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each…” This act of selfishness lands him in a heap of trouble with his wife, Ruth, who likes to save as much money as possible for things that are a necessity for living.

2. Ruth is very loving to her family but looses her temper at times. She is the head of the household and likes to have everything her way. When something does not go her way, she uses her demanding attitude to show it. When she asks her husband Walter, ”…what kind of eggs you want?” (pg.26) and he replies, “Not scrambled.” (pg.26) She goes on in her angry fit and stirs them up anyway. She keeps the house in good shape while still working for other families, cleaning their houses. On the arrival of the news of her pregnancy, she immediately gets scared and wants to have an abortion in order to lesser the stress of the family. Although she thinks that an abortion is more practical, I think she will go through with having the child.

3. Beneatha is a strong spirited person who speaks her mind and will do anything to achieve her dreams. Eventually, she wants to become a doctor and makes sure that everyone knows that. As a woman, this dream seems impossible in the times. Much doubt was on the women work force and their abilities. Today we know that women can do close to anything that a man can, but at that day and age women were not seen as strong individuals. I think that over the course of the book, she will get closer and closer to her dream and achieve her goals.

4. Mama, the mother of Walter and Beneatha, is a very religious person who loves her family and relatives very much. When she and the family are waiting to receive an insurance check in the mail from her deceased husband’s life insurance, the family is eager to spend it and gets into struggles and fights over the fate of the money. "I-I just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes..." (page 94) She is always concerned for her family and their happiness and well being. Before the rest of the family can do anything in spending the money, she decides to buy them a house with much more room then they have now. She buys them a house where they can each have their own room, verses now where they’re sharing rooms and bathrooms and sleeping on the sofas. While her attitude might now always be the best, her only dream is to make her family as happy as possible. In buying the house for them, in a way, she has already achieved this dream.

5. An African student, Joseph Asagai courts the attentions of Beneatha. In trying to win her affections, he is persistent but never overbearing. He flatters her with gifts (something that George Murchison has not done); in addition, Asagai's gifts are not meaningless trinkets but are things that are both useful to and desired by Beneatha--such as the Nigerian robes he clearly has gone to a lot of trouble to obtain. Asagai's compliments to Beneatha are sincere and therefore believable. His peaceful ways and calm manner give Beneatha an appreciation of his views even when they disagree. Contrasted with George Murchison's abrasive put-downs of Beneatha and George's insistence on retaining his narrow-minded views, Asagai appears as Beneatha's savior from the potential tragedy of her eventually becoming George's wife. So far, in the book, his dream is not really revealed. If I had to take a guess, his personality shows that he wants to finish school and influence Beneatha through his ethnic culture.

The Smart_One said...


Walter: I think Walter’s dream is to be a business man, and open a liquor store or any other type of store. On page 33, Walter is talking about the store he wants. He says “Yeah. You see this liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand dollars and we figure the initial investment on the place be ‘bout thirty thousand, see. That be ten thousand each.” I think Walter will eventually get his liquor store because they have so much money to spend, they already bought a house, so what else would there be. I think that would be the last thing bought by the end of the play.

Ruth: I think Ruth’s dream is to just get out the apartment because everyone is crammed in there and they have to share a bathroom with other people. On page 91-92 Ruth shows her excitement when mama tells them they got her house. She said “PRAISE GOD! Please honey-let me be be glad too. OH Walter a home…a home. Well-where is it? How big is it? How much it going to cost”? I think Ruth will achieve her goal because her dream was to get a new home and mama already bought one, so her dream has already been accomplished.

Beneatha: I think Beneatha’s dream is to be a doctor and very educated. On page 50, Beneatha says “I’m going be a doctor...understand that.” I don’t think that Beneatha will become a doctor, like she says, because she is all caught up in Asagai’s Nigerian ways and George’s, soon to be, lots of money. So that’s what I think will happen with her.

Mama: I think that Mama’s dream is to have her family get along better, live better and live in there own house. On page 94, Mama has a long statement to Walter about why see bought the house. She says “Son-you-you understand what I done, don't you?...I-I just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes...We couldn't of gone on like we was today. We was going backwards 'stead of forwards-talking 'bout killing babies and wishing each other was dead...When it gets like that in life-you just got to do something different, push on out and do something bigger...I wish you say something, son...I wish you'd say how deep inside you think I done the right thing". I think that Mama will get her dream because with the new house, the family will stop stressing out and taking there anger out on each other.

Asagai: I think Asagai’s dream is for Beneatha to choose him over George and marry him. On page 61, Asagai expresses how much he likes Bennie. He says “How much time must there be before one knows what one feels”. I Think Asagai will get his Beneatha because for one, George is always talking ‘bout her and Beneatha is already getting used to Asagai’s Nigerian ways (culture).


Anonymous said...

Kassandra Shelton.

A raisin in the sun questions.

1)Hansberry’s overall message/lesson was that money doesn’t always buy happiness. And sometimes people don’t realize how important family really is.

2)The central themes of the play are money, race, heritage, happiness, success, and family.

3)The central conflict is about them struggling with money at first and then after a while it was not knowing what to do with the money.

4)Mama; she’s about peace, togetherness, and religion. Beneatha; She’s about education, heritage, and doesn’t believe in god.

5)Ruth; Walters’s wife, cooks/ supports Walter and Travis. Beneatha; she doesn’t like Walter.

6)Class plays a role because Walters family was considered to be lower class due to the fact that they had very little money.

7)Gender plays a role because the men assume what jobs and such that women can do, and women automatically result to being house wives because they aren’t expected to do anything harder then that.

8)Race plays a role because African Americans are usually considered lower class while most Caucasian people are considered higher class because of there race.

9)If I were to write act 3, I would make Beneatha end up with Asagi, I would have the family end up being extremely happy now that they have all of that money, Beneatha would start going to collage, And Ruth and Walter’s marriage would become a lot stronger once they have both accomplished what they wanted to with the money.

10)Yes, Walter is a likable character. He cares about his family, And in most cases he does whatever he can to give them just what they want.

11)George’s view on education, he’s stuck up about the fact that he has a good education. Walter just wants his kids to be exactly what they want to be, but he doesn’t care for it much. And Beneatha wants nothing more then to become a doctor and have a good education.

12)Mama’s plant, Beneathas hair, George’s shoes, A raisin in the sun. These things all symbolize the characters main focus about them selves. Mama wants peace. Beneatha wants to look pretty and have an education. And George wants all eyes on him all the time.

13)Yes, I do. Because even though a lot of the terms they use are inappropriate, it’s a very interesting play that needs to be read by all students.

Anonymous said...

We think is Hansberry's overall message/lesson is very simple, money corrupts people’s life! Not only effecting themselves but also the people around them.
The central themes of the play are money, power, respect, poverty, family, trust, and the struggle for peace.
The central conflict is Money. This plays a key role because everyones dreams in the family is based on money, then when they finally have some, it corrupts the foundation of a happy family!
Beneatha Mama
Atheist Highly religious
Trying to be a doctor uneducated
Trying to be educated Doesn’t care about her academics
Despises Walter Cares a lot about family
Beneatha Ruth
Not married mother
Wants to be a doctor pregnant
Lots of energy housewife
Non-religious Always tired

Class plays a role by the communities and the disadvantages they have. Then also there race also plays a big role by then being lower class and the type of jobs they have.
Gender play a role by the way they thing and how they talk about what a man has to do, and what a woman is good for. In the book they talk about how Walters’s job is not fitting for a man!
Race play a role by most of them having jobs where they still work for others or the “white man” and still have nothing to show for it. Walter talks about how the white man has got it easy. So like how they(African Americans) don’t really got it as good as the whites.
If we were to write Act 3, we would have a fast forwarded time period in which Ruth was about to have the baby and Walter finally shows what he is going to do with the money, and if his still going to stay a drunk or not!
We think that Walter is a likable and sympathetic character. This is true because he is sometimes selfish with his dreams but all and all he thinks more about his family because he says that it’s not right for his family to suffer and that he realizes that he should be doing more for his family. Usually in a story the person that has a problem within himself is the sympathetic character. In this case we feel bad for him because he has a problem (drinking) that he is trying to deal with for the goods of his family, and loved ones.
George Bennie Walter
Seems educated Wants to get educated Doesn’t really care for himself
Belives that American take education for granted Wants to be a doctor Makes fun of educated people
Makes a living w/o it
Helps out beneatha with education money

The following symbolize
Mama's plant- how their lives weren’t changing but getting worse as a family
Beneatha's hair- expression of individuality
George's shoes- arrogance of the college kids
a raisin in the sun- what happens when dreams are denied and class together with others
Yes, we think this play belongs in the English curriculum because it shows real life encounters. It shows that not all dreams do come true, and that money is a root of many evils.

-umang mistry, chace mclaughlin, and derrek king

Anonymous said...

1.i believe that walters dream is to invest in, this liquor store.with his buddies bobo and willy.but i tink walter means good for is family.but i dont think his dream will be achiveved because mama wont give him the money.pg33

ruth i think that ruths dream is to have a better family that gets along better and a better huband.who doesnt always get drunk ans fuss and cus all the time.i tink her dream will come true.

beneatha- i believe that beneatahs dream is to be a doctor i dont believe she wii get there.pg76

believe Mama dream is to make everyone in the family happy with the money *pg 75( when the world gets ugly enough a woman will do anything for her family.) I believe mama dream would come true because, she goes out and buys a nice home for them to stay in to make her family become better than what they are have more room.

I think Joseph Asagai dream is to help Bennie understand is heritage and decide if she is going to be with him*pg 61( how much time must there be before one knows what one feels.

Jerry Daniel Marion Parker Hancock said...

Walter- I believe that walters dream is to own a liquor store w/ his two friends Bobo and Willie Harris. He says this in pg.33 when he and ruth have a little bit of an argument when he says Damn th eggs. I do not think he will achieve this goal do to the reason that he is to caught up in it and to confident in it. And b/c he seems like all he's interested in is money and nothing more.

Ruth- Ruth has a dream which is to see her husband become a man or become the man she wants him to be but I cant really find a page for this so I'm going to go with moving out of that nasty house. On page 44 she shows this when she calls the house a rat trap and says shes tired of it. I believe that she will achieve this dream b/c she seems like a good guy in the story and good things always happen to the good guys.

Mama- I believe her dream is to see her son feel his fathers shoes and become the man that he was androvide for his family the way he did. I believe she expressed this on pg. 71 when her and Walter has a little altercation. I also believe that this goal will not be accomplished due do to the money issue w/ walter.

Asagai- Asagai's goal is to become Beneatha's man. You can tell by the way he talked to her w/ so mush respect and love in pg. 61 where he and her meet in her house and o on and on talking and talking and the whole deal w/ him giving her a gift. I beleive that he wont achieve it b/c he might go back to nigeria and leave her or because George might have something to do with the reasoning of why they cant be together.