Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Raisin In The Sun - Intro

You have 3 assignments today, so use your time wisely.

1. Complete the survey here.

2. Spend 20 minutes on Quizlet (Click on Literary Terms on the right side of the page). You will be quizzed on all 60 terms this Friday.

3. POST as a COMMENT: Write AGREE or DISAGREE and defend your answer for the following statements:

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
2. Money can buy happiness.
3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.


Emily Reed said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
Dissagree if you decide when your 30 that you want to be a pro-football player you won't be able to do that.

2. Money can buy happiness.
Dissagree. Money can't buy happiness money just gets you what you want. Material things don't really make you happy.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
Dissagree women can't do everything. Their not allowed to be a football player cause its a job for men.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
Agree everyone has a fair chance to do what they want.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
Agree if you don't go to college you won't have the skills to do any job you want.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
Dissagree parents have to admit when their child is wrong. They can't support them on everything.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
Agree religion, race, etc. None of that matters. When you care about someone you won't let that stuff get in the way.

Shelbie Karker said...

Shelbie Karker---
I agree with the first quote. When you put enough effort into something you can get what you want out of it. I disagree money cannot buy happiness. People may think you can but all in all you arent really happy. I disagree that women have the same opportunties as men but they have to work just a little harder for it. I agree minorities have the same opportunities as whites. There is no reason why we have to be different. I agree that if you have a college education you will do better in life. You may go farther with your dreams and your carrer. I agree parents should support there children no matter what, the only reason your parents shouldnt support you if you committed a crime. I agree you can be of a different culture and still be healthy

Anonymous said...

1) I both agree and disagree to thiws statement. Becauseb like someone could work really hard and still not achieve his/her dream. But they could also work hard and achieve thier dream.
2)I highly disagree for many reasons. One reason is that someone could be a millionaire and have no friends or something and be very unhappy. Money sometime can NEVER buy happiness.
3)I agree, because us women can do the same things as men can. Just because they maybe stronger and bigger doesnt mean we cannot do the same.
4)I agree. because just because you have a different skin color/race doesnt mean thy can't do the same as white people. We all can achieve the same things if we try.
5) I agree and disagree because there are times were you do need a college education to be successful and there are some people that have not gone to college and became even more successful as people that have went to college.
6) I agree. It the parents job to support their children no matter what. For example, your kid gets in trouble alot and gets bad grades. The parents/parent should always be there for the kid even though they are not doing the right thing, they should be there to help them out with there problems.
7) I agree, people that are of completely different cultures can have a relationship. Just because there cultures are different doesnt mean that there personality is different. They are just the same as people of the same culture.

-Emily Engleby
2nd hour

damonKG said...

1. This is true because you see people like Kurt Warner of the Arizona Cradinals not playing in the NFL until he was 28 years of age now he is playing in his third superbowl and has one ring under his belt.
2.Here is a funny quote I made up..
The love of money is the root of all evil; Evil is the root of all sadness.
3.Yes in recent years they have made many women versions of sports and opened up jobs to women.
4.Agreed Barack Obama is proof.
5.Bill Gates didn't go to colllege look at him.
6.Should parents support murders I do not think so.
7.Love does not see race.

damonKG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leahmarie said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.

I disagree, because in a way yes everyone "could" nothings completely IMPOSSIBLE but, i do believe that in certain circumstances some people might not ever be able to reach a dream merely because of situations. maybe its a money issue, that they couldnt be able to have enuogh money to follow their dream. or maybe their mentally incapable, like what if a mentally handicapped persons dream was to be a lawyer, someone with downsyndrome for instance obviously cant be a real lawyer and be succesfull so in a way its not always true that if you "work hard" youll be able to achieve your dream.

2. Money can buy happiness.

I disagree, because though you might be able to finally BUY every material item youve always wanted. your not always happy, it doesnt mean that all your problems are solved, that someone will forgive you for something you did because you have money now, or that youll find someone who really loves you because for one, you might always question if they love you for your money or you, and two money just CANT make you happy.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.

I disagree, because our society in this generation puts stereotypes on everything, and we create an image the way we want to see a certain sex, race, or ethnicity. so its not always as easy for a woman to be a president as it is for a man since they've always been thats how people see things.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.

I agree, even though in todays world theres still racism, different ethnicities have all been succesful in the same job. their not held back, and its not like people immediatly put them down or turn them away because of their race.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.

I disagree., some people are born succesful, if you have a celebrity parent you technically dont have to do ANYTHING but be cute and get attention. they dont have to go to college to be an actress because people will consider them allready since they know their parents. so no not everyone is succesful with a college education.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.

I agree, they should love you for who you are and help you with whatever you want. They should believe in you and since they were your support when you were being raise they should be your support when you decide to raise yourself.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.

I agree. many people have relationships and communicate and get along and their not fromt he same culture or race. their not gonna not be friends with someone because of a religion and culture.

Melissa Kenney said...

1. I agree with the statement that with enough hard work, everyone can achieve their dreams. I agree with this because if someone wants to go to a good college then they have to work hard in school and you could get a scolarship or get a student loan to go to tht college you want.

2. I disagree with the statement theat mondy can buy happiness because you wouldn't be happy if you were all alone but rich. You could buy the things you wanted but you can't buy love.

3. I agree with this becuase now there are laws that say that women cannot be treated differently then men. Now its different then it was 50 years ago when women got paid less for doing the same job as a man would.

4. I disagree with this because some people are racist and they will not empoly minorities.

5. I agree with this satatement because for most jobs it requires a college education. And to get a good job you must go to college. With the rising cost of living you have to get a good job to survive.

6. I disagrre with this statement becuase parents need to look out for their children and should not support them if they think it's a bad decision. The bad decision could put their life in jeopardy or hurt someone else. And parents should teach their kids to do the right thing even though it's not what the kid wants.

7. I agree with this becuase it doesn't matter what color your skin is or what your background is you can have a good relationship if the two people love each other.

Melissa Kenney
2nd hour

Terrance Smith said...


I agree because I think with alot of effort you can achieve anything.


I don't think money can buy happiness because you can be rich and not be happy.

3.Both Agree and Disagree

Women do have same oppertunity as men but some get tooken adventage of and get discriminated and not able to do anything.


Minorities dont always get the same oppertunities as white people because of maybe where the come from or how they or color.


I raied that college is a great oppertunity to get a good education and do asomething with your life


Parents should support their children because what ever they want to be or their dream they should support it not critisize them.


I t depends on they way they act to detemine a possitive healthy relationship

Krystal Chattam said...

1)Agree if you work hard we can do whatever we want. But a little help want hurt.
2) Disagree money cant buy happiness it can make life better but it dont make you happy family make life happy.
3)Agree we are all equal in a fun way women do thing man do.
4)i dnt realy know.
5)Agree because to ba a lawyer you got to go to collge and if you want many you got to make it.
6)Agree because you bring them in this world then you should be their nop matter what right or wroung they are yours and they need it to make it.
7)Agree because if you love that person nothing can bring you apart.

Anonymous said...

I agree that with hard work everyone can achieve his/her dreams if they work hard because if you work for it then you should be able to get what you want.

I disagree with the statement that money can buy happiness because if you just buy your way thru life then how will you learn to truly be happy and love the little things.

I disagree with the statement that women have the same opportunities to succeed as men because women just in the last like 50 years have been given just below the smae amount of money and men and that is not fair.

I disagree with the statement that minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people because most white people think that they are above other people and they are not they are looked down on and not treated fair.

a college education is not necessary to be seccessful because look at mark twain or enstine they both did not go to college and they are some of the most respected people in histroy so people who say that school is inporment are wrong because in my own expirence i have learnd more from my home life and tv then at school.

I agree that parents should support their children no matter what because they are going to be what ever way they are you can guid them to what is right and wrong but in the end they are going to do what they think is best and that should be supported no matter what.

I agree with the statement that people of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship because why should it matter what culture you are or race or any thing if one person loves another and that person loves them back who are we to juge whats right and wrong? if they don't see a problam then why should we

Derrin Evans said...

1.yes if you do have enough hardwork u could achive your dream if uput your mind to it.

2. Money can bu happiness. I disagree money can not buy you happiness because money is just paper just caring for your self can make u happy given can make u happy.

3.women have the same opportunities as men. I agree a women can do whatever they want to do.

4.Minorities have the same opportunties to succed as white people. I disagree it's to much racism in the world for people like blacks not to be able to get a job.

5.A college education is necessary to be successful. i agree cuz everyone needs a good job

Brittany B said...

1: Agree i agree because if people didnt have dreams they wouldnt try to make it in life.

2: Disagree i disagree because money can only buy u things money cant buy happiness

3: Agree i agree because everybody is the same.

4: Agree i agree because everybody is the same it doesnt matter what color you are.

5: Agree i agree because without school and education in anything people wouldnt be able to make it in life.

6: Agree i agree because if children didnt have anyone else 2 help support them they should always have their parents.

7: Agree i agree because anybody can have a healthy relationship.

LaRaeia Hittleman said...

1. Agree. I think everyone can acheive their dreams because if they really want to do something, they're going to do their best to try and make that happen.

2. Disagree. I don't believe money can buy you happiness because you can have all the money in the world and that doesn't mean that you won't be lonly, you might not have people that care for you like you would like, etc. So no I don't think money can buy you happiness.

3. Agree. I think women have the same opportunities to succeed as men because women are hard-working just as much as men are. There are many women in high-paying, upscale jobs. So i definately agree.

4. Agree. I agree people of any race can succeed just like white people. There are many blck/hispanic'any race other than whites that are famous making millions of dollars, or living in big houses driving nice cars, with high-paying jobs. I think majority of this country now, doesn't even look at race, you may come across a few prejudice people, but overall I think minorities have the same oppotunities as whites.

5. Disagree. I believe you can be successful w/o going to college because a degree doesn't gaurentee you a job, you can have a degree and working 2/3 jobs just to provide for your family. You can get a good paying job and be successful w/o a degree.

6. Agree. I believe parents should support their children no matter what because that is their child. If they made the decision to have the child then they should take care of them and provide for them and support them in everything they do

7. Agree. I think a couple w/different cultures can have a healthy relationship because the color of your skin and your traditions can't stop you from loving someone. If you find a connection in someone and you love them you do whatever you can to make that person happy no matter what your culture may be.

Anonymous said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
Disagree everybody isn't capable of everything they want to do.Due to age, illness etc.

2. Money can buy happiness.
I disagree money cannot buy happiness or any emotion. Materials don't make you happy.

Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I agree women can do just about everything a man can do and/or more.

Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I agree every one has a chance at doing something.

A college education is necessary to be successful
Agree unless you luck up like Paris Hilton Or rappers.

Parents should support their children no matter what.
I disagree you can't depend on your children for everything we have to support our selves one day and thats how it should be.

People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
Yes cultures does not matter if you love/like them this shouldn't ruin your happiness because, of someone's opinion.

taylor. said...

1.I agree with this quote. If there is something someone wants bad enough and they try their best to get it, it is possible to achieve their goal/dreams.
2.I don't think money can buy happiness. Money can buy you Things but they don't necessarily make you 'happy.'
3.I agree. Women can do anything men can do.
4.I agree. Just because someone has a different skin color doesn't mean they can't do what other people can do.
5.I agree, a college education is necessary to be sucessful because most jobs these days require a college education.
6.Disagreee. Although a parent should always support their child, when they are doing something wrong they should tell them.
7.Agree. Someone with a different race or culture can have a healthy realationship with someone else no matter what. None of that matters.

Te.Te said...

1. Agree , I Believe if you work hhard enought you can be what ever you want to be in life.

2. Dissagree, Because you can have alot of money, but that doesn't mean you are happy. Money can not buy you happiness...it just gives you what you want. You can't buy life, you can only live it.

3. Agree, women can be just as successful as men. Women are just as smart, strong and intellgent. Men are not better then women just because they claim to be "dominat".

4. Agree, just because you are white, that does not make you right. Minorities can be successful as well. You don't have to be white to be successful. The color of your skin does not have intellgence on it.

5. Dissagree, college is not for everybody. Some of the most successful people did not go to college, or didn't finish it. Such as Mark Twain.

6. Agree, I feel that parents should behind their child no matter what dession they make. That is the responsabilty as a parent is to support them and fix their mistakes

7. Agree, Race as nothing to do with love. Anybody can fall in love no matter what color they are. And a healthy relationship is a good one.

Anonymous said...

I agree that with enough hard work anyone can achieve their dreams because all it takes is hard work and detication for someone to do what they want to do in life.

I agree that money can buy happiness because if you have money you can buy whatever it is you want and you can only be happy if you have what you truely want.

I agree that women have the same opportunities as men. But unfortunately they have to work harder than men in todays society but yes they can still have the same opportunities as a man.

I dissagree that minorities have the same opportunities as white people but in todays society being minority means that you have to work twice as hard to get the same privelages white people are given without any work going towards it.

I agree that a college education is neccesary to be succesful because jobs are based on experiance and intelect and the only way you can truely gain that is attending college.

Jasmine Danielle. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1. I beieve that this is very much true.

2. To some people yes it can.

3. No this is not true. It's very unfair.

4. I disagree this is still a factor in the world today.

5. In most ways yes, but it is not the only way to be successful.

6. This should always be the case, no matter what.

7. Yes.

Anonymous said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I agree because some people thought they couldnt and it actually happend
2. Money can buy happiness.
In really small cases it can but i actually disagree because it only gets you what you want
3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I agree, just as blacks can have the same as whites, and as other examples , were all equal :)
4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I agree, everyone has a chance at succeding no matter what color or whatever.
5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I agree because maybe before you could truly succeed without a going to collage but now most jobs you need to go to collage for.
6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
I agree, there shouldnt have to be much of a arguement to agree with this statement..
7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
I agree , its happend before and happening now so i dont see why they cant.

chelsea ball said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
disagree bacause sometimes no matter how hard you try you may not reach your dreams.
2. Money can buy happiness.
disagree because you could have all the money in the world and be unhappy.
3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed.
disagree because women cant do everything that men can do.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
agree because everyone can do what they want to succeed.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
disagree because some people who never even went to college are successful.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
agree because parents need to support their own kids no matter what.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
agree because that could be the person that you love and it doesnt matter their culture.

Rachel said...

1.With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I agree with this statement. If you actually try to reach your dream you will have a better possibility that you will reach it then not doing anything to try to reach your dream. If you don’t try then it will just be a dream. But if you actually try then you might reach it.

2.Money can buy happiness.
I disagree. I don’t think money can buy happiness. Yes money can make you happy but happiness is something that can’t be bought. Your friends and family can make you happier then money can.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I agree. Men and women are no different then each other. We both have to try to get somewhere. It’s not easily for one then the other. Everyone is equal.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I agree. Like I said everyone is treated equally. It might be harder for someone but in the end everyone has the same opportunity to succeed if you just try.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
In some ways I agree. If you want to be more successful in life its better to get a college education but people have come successful without going to collage. In the long run I think it will be easier to get a college education first.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
In some ways I agree. If you’re doing something to better your life then your parents should support you but if you’re not doing anything with your life your parents shouldn’t support you.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
I agree. It doesn’t matter of your race or what your culture is I believe everyone can be loved. Just cause u have different cultures doesn’t mean your relationship will be different then the next persons.

by rachel wright

Emily said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I agree with this statement because if you go to school and work for your dream and what you want to do when you get older you will be achieving your dreams after your done with school and you have that job.

2. Money can buy happiness.
I agree because if you want to go live somewhere warm you can buy a house there but if you have no money you can’t you also can buy the clothes, food, cars, houses, shoes, and go on vacations when you want to you can have what you want and that would make me happy. If I have shoes and clothes and a sports car I won’t need a man ha ha player =]

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I disagree because they have already proved that women get paid less then men still and they still get judged when you go to school to do “a mans job” the judge and pick on you for doing it and they have to prove them self’s more than a man would have to because if it was lets say a welding job they would probably pick the man before the woman so no women do not have the same opportunities.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I disagree they have the same problem as women the get judged for jobs people think are white people jobs and they have to prove themselves more to get the job if they even get that opportunity.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I agree because no one besides McDonalds and like pizza places will give you a job these days with out a college education and everyone that did not go to college can back me up on how hard it is to even find a job but then find one that will hire you with a high school education and then pay good money.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
I Absolutely agree with this if you get bad grades yeah they can still get mad but they still need to support you if you go out with a boy and he might be a different race it should not matter if that’s wow you like then they should support you no matter there color and if you want to die your hair green they should support you expressing yourself and just being you.!!!!!!!

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
I agree because you can have like a fairytale relationship and be healthy because if you to love each other it does not matter the culture LOVE is blind.

Emily Davis
4th hour

Jessica Taylor said...

1. I Agree with this quote because if any body try doing sometihng they might chieve theri dreams.

2.I disagree because when some people see money they care about it their still going to be sad.

3.I Agree because any or everybody could do the same thing the others do.

4.I Agree beacuse all people should be able to do the same thing as others do.

5.I Agree and Disagree:I disagree beacuse any body could know anything;I agree because going to collage can help yuo eith your future.

6.I Agree because without a parents help i kid will not know what to do if the problem happens again

7. I agree because people can be friends with whoever they want to be friends with.

Shantrice Jennings said...

1.With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.* I agree with this because if you have perservence in yourself than nothing should stop you from making your dream come true, as long as you keep tring it may not happen right then and there but as long as you never give up then it would come true.

2. Money can buy happiness.* I disagree because, money can't always make you happy just because, you got money that don't mean you happy money isn't really everything.All money do is sometimes bring problems.

3.Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.* I agree because, as long as women try they may be able to succeed not saying that they gone get far, it make take them sometime but, they will try men are always not good at everything.Men can't do everything that women do but, thats not saying that they can't try.

4.Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as men?* I agree because, everyone should have the same and be treated the same no matter what the issue is.

5.A college education is necessary to be successful. I disagree because, to get a job not any job but like to won't to work at bk or mcdonalds all you have to do is have high school diploma maybe not even that.

6.Parents should support their children no matter what?* I agree its best parents should support their child no matter what because,there should always be your parents supporting you no matter what they may not won't to but it's best that they do.

7.People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.*I agree because,nothing should stop you from caring for someone no matter how they act or what race they are if you really care then you don't have anything to worry about.

By shantrice Jennings 4th

devonta waters said...

i agree becaues if you really try hard at something you can do or be anything wont to be in life

Andreas Markellos said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I agree with this statement because if you practice something so much harder than a different person you will be better at them at whatever it is. Also you would get good at your dream so it will come true.

2. Money can buy happiness.
I disagree with this statement because if you just have money, it doesn’t mean that your guaranteed happiness, you have to do something with your money, but not just buy things. You have to use things right and not wrong.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I agree with this statement because they can work just as hard at something as a man can. And if they are being treated unfairly they should tell someone about it.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I agree with this statement because if they are a legal citizen, they have the same rights as anyone else, so they could go to the same schools and same jobs.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I disagree with this statement because you do not need a college education to be successful, it will just help a lot.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
I disagree with this statement because if their kids are doing something wrong, the parents should not support their kids.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
I agree with this statement because if they both like to learn about new things and new cultures, and they get along, they could have a good relationship.

christina christian said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.

i agree because if you really truely want something you can get it if you have a plan and you put a lot of effort into making it happen.actually try to make it happen even though it may get hard and you may give up dont because you can do it.anyone is capable achieving there dreams.they just have to try.

2. Money can buy happiness.

i dissagree because materialistic things cant always make you happy.like what would you do if you didnt have any money then you would have other things to make you happy like your friends and family.money may get you what you want but end then end it doesnt always make you happy.cause you may not always have it.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.

i agree it really depends because some jobs men could do better and we people hire people they look at that.because men are way stronger than women i mean women may be able to do the jobs but it might take them a while.but if women want something like a job or whatever they should have a opportunity to at least try it.because women and men should have equal rights.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.

i agree because no one should get treated down because of their race,color,gender,or sex.everyone should get treated equally no matter what.for example my dad is mexican and a lot of mi familia on his side tell me how they or their friends used to get put down because they werent originally born in the us and i feel that is very wrong.and the same with african americans they went through a lot of prejudice just because the color of their skin and that is wrong.because everyone should get treated equally no matter what.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.

i dissagree because its not always neccessary i guess it really depends on what you want to do in life.i mean some things might require more skills but you dont always have to go to college.i mean it would be good if you do because you would get jobs easier because you have a college education.but it really depends on you.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.

i agree because children look up to their parents and they count on their parents.so parents should be there for their children and support them in everything they do.even though they might feel that their child is making a bad choice maybe they should let them make it so they could learn from.but parents should support their children because it also could mess up the relationship better the parent and the child.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.

i agree because you cant help who you love.it doesnt matter what race,gender,or color they are you cant help it.and just because to people are totally opposite doesnt mean that their relationship wouldnt work out.love is love no matter what.and when you truely love someone you wont let anything get in your way.

Marcus Stair said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I agree because if you work hard on something and prepare for it then it is possible for it to happenas long as you work hard at the right times
2. Money can buy happiness.
I agree because with money you can use money to complete all of your dreams that you have had without worrying about how much it cost.
3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I agree with this because if any one work hard at what they want to do it can happen.
4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
i agree and disagree with this because if you work hard you can have the same oppurtunities.but if the job you are trying to work at is owned by a racist than the chances are slim.
5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I also agree and disagree with this because people are found on the streets and can become famous.But i do believe that college can make the chances better.
6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
i disagree because if their child is doing some thing illegal then the parents shouldnt support them.
7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
i disagree with this because it all depends on how you know the person and how you feel about each other.

Desmond Ingram said...

1. I agree that everyone can achieve his/her dreams if they work hard at it because hard works goes a long way but if you dont work hard at your dream eventually you will fail.

2. I dissagree that money can buy you happiness because you can have all the money in the world but if your not happy then it does not matter, yeah money can buy you materials, but it won't buy you happiness.

3. I agree that women has the same opportunites as men because women and men are all equal and actually football is just not a "man" sport its actually a pro football leauge for women also so when it comes to jobs women and men are all equal.

4.I agree that minorities has the same right as white people because miniorities can think,learn,talk,atheletic and etc. just like or as a white person can so theres really no diffrence. 5. I agree and i dont agree because if you dont go to college than you wont be able to be a highly skilled doctor or lawyer or whatever but it is possible that if you dont go to college you can still be succesfull ( not the illegal way ) its plenty of millionaires who didnt go to college and became succesful but i agree that college is very important.

Anonymous said...

1. With enough hard work,everyone can achive his/her dreams.
i agree if put enough hard work in something you can achive all your dreams, look @ Tom Brady he was drafted the 20th pick overall and now he is the greatest QB in the nfl.

2. Money can buy happiness
i dissagree money cant buy you happinessit can just get you what you want and buy you nice things you think you want.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
i agree women have the same opportunities as men, because women can play pro sports just like men. and they can also get jobs just like men.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
i dissagree because alot of white people are races and there like the boss of your opportunities .

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
i agree if you dont go to college you wont know what to do in a real job.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
i agree parents should support thier kid on everything so their kids can live thier life

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
i agree because race dont matter
Tommie boyd

Anonymous said...

1) agree, i agree with the first quote because if you work hard enough because you really want it then you will achieve that goal/dream.
2) disagree. i disagree with the second quote because money just gives you what you want, it doesnt really make you happy.
3)disagree. i disagree with the third quote because women always have to work harder then the men usually do to show that they are important.
4)agree. i agree with the fourth quote race doesnt matter, you should have an equal chance to do anything you would like.
5)agree. i agree with the fifth quote because if you dont go to college its harder to find jobs that make good money and its harder to persue your dream.
6)disagree. your parents shouldnt support their childern on everything because than they would like everything is right when things are bad, so they wouldnt know the difference between right and wrong.
7)agree. i agree with the seventh quote because no matter what race, sex, religion, etc. as long as you are happy and love that person with all your heart then nothing can come between them.

nicole powell said...

1) agree, i agree with the first quote because if you work hard enough because you really want it then you will achieve that goal/dream.
2) disagree. i disagree with the second quote because money just gives you what you want, it doesnt really make you happy.
3)disagree. i disagree with the third quote because women always have to work harder then the men usually do to show that they are important.
4)agree. i agree with the fourth quote race doesnt matter, you should have an equal chance to do anything you would like.
5)agree. i agree with the fifth quote because if you dont go to college its harder to find jobs that make good money and its harder to persue your dream.
6)disagree. your parents shouldnt support their childern on everything because than they would like everything is right when things are bad, so they wouldnt know the difference between right and wrong.
7)agree. i agree with the seventh quote because no matter what race, sex, religion, etc. as long as you are happy and love that person with all your heart then nothing can come between them.

Gary said...

1. I Disagree because everyone is not physicaly or mentaly able to do anything like not everyone can play football and not everyone can play basketball.
2. I agree and disagree on this quote because most wealthy people have alot of problems in their life, but if some one homeless an dwon the lottary their money would buy them happieness.
3. I disagree because women cant do averything men can physicaly but men also cant do some things women cant do.
4. I agree minorities can do what ever they want like white people.
5. I agree because now of days everyone needs a degree to get a job and be succesful in life.
6. Yes and no to this quote because if their kid get put in jail over and over and they all ready bailed them out then the kid should make his own way out and go on their own.
7. Yes i agree it doesnt matter what minority you are you can like anyone you want.

javonte jones said...


Megan Wells said...

1. Disagree, some people have dreams that are way to unrealistic and will never be met.

2. Disagree, money can buy things to make you happy at the time.. but it wont last.

3. Disagree, women arent given some jobs that men get because they are women. No matter how qualified they are, businesses judge on sex, race and religion rather than the skills needed. Yes, there are jobs that women can have that men cant, but way fewer than vice versa.

4. Disagree, businesses claim to keep everything the same but often judge things other than thier qualifications. Often you will find that certain people get certain jobs before other people. Allthough it isnt always necisarily the white man that gets the job.

5. Disagree, many people have very successful lives without college. They can learn the skills they need from other places. they might not always have a job they enjoy, but they make a living.

6. Disagree. Parents should support thier children only if they are doing the right thing. If a child does something illegal or morally wrong than they should be punished for thier wrong doing so they dont think its okay to be bad for the rest of thier lives.

7. Agree,People of different culters CAN have healthy relationships. Wether they do or not is a different story.

Erica Kole said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I disagree with this statement because some people can work hard their whole life and not achieve or reach their life dream.

2. Money can buy happiness.
I disagree with this statement. Money can't buy love and friendship. Material items don't make good companions.

3. Women have the same
opportunities to succeed as men.
I agree with this statement. Women have as many rights as men do. Some sports girls can't play but there are some sports men can't play. Women and men can be lawyers, doctors, engineers, authors, etc.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I agree with this. Martin Luther is an example of this. Everyone has a fair chance at life, it just depends on how hard you try.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I agree and disagree. Mark Twain did NOT have a college educations and is still known as an amazing and successful writer. But these days, yes, you would need a college education or you won't be able to get a well paying job to support yourself or your family.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
I agree with this because it's their kid. If they don't like what they're doing, they can atleast support them and what they want to do in life. It is their decision and kids look to their parents for support. If they don't give that, it can lower the childs self-esteem and they would have no faith in themselves.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship
I agree with this as well. I have many different cultured friends and I get along well. We never bring up religion if we know its something the other person disagrees with. We can have different morals but we are all still people and can be friends with someone. If you care about them, that stuff doesn't matter to you, the human being does

lauren said...

1. I agree that if you work hard you can achieve your dreams because if you think positive about your situation and work hard you can do it.

2. I disagree, money can not buy you happiness becuase material objects can not make your happiness. You ahve to create happiness in your own way.

3. I agree that women have the same opportunities to succeed as men. Only because woman and men arn't any different as far as job and work skills.

4. I agree that minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people because everyone should be given a chance to do what they cant.

5. I agree that a college education is necessary to be successful because in these days there is no good paying jobs that you can get without a college education.

6. I disagree that parents should support their children no matter what because if their children want to go out and so something bad then why should the parent support their decision.

7. I agree that people of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship because the type of culture your in should not matter.

Kieshia Perry said...

1. Agree. If it is something that you really feel you can do and you put your all into it then it can be done.

2. Disagree. You can buy all the things you want but you wouldn't really be happy if you don't have someone with you caues if your house burned down you wound have nothing.

3. Disagree. Women have some of the opportunities to succeed as men, but men don't really have the same opportities as women.

4. Agree, Disagree. People are all given the same opportunities but, its the path they choose to take

5. Agree. If you want a really good job you need to go to college.

6. Disagree. Some parents don't agree with some or most of the things their kids do but, the parent should still be there for their kid.

7. Agree. Yor race dosen't matter and shouldn't when something is really important to you.

{L33~L33} said...

1)Agree- if you a have plan, set expectations, and effort for anything it's worth getting acomplished.

2)Agree- cause money can buy the things that make you happy.

3)Disagree- women and men are different in many ways, a man can do have any job in the army but women have a limit of jobs.

4)Disagree- Any human being can succeed.

5)Disagree- Some singers have no experience with college education and still they're successful singing.

6)Agree- no matter what the circumstances are or what crime they have commited, everybody needs support and that's a parent role- to giev thier child support...good or bad.

7)Disagree- some cultures have different religions and believe certain things. It's like an Atheist and a Jehovah Witness in a relationship.. Jehovah's don't believe in cussing, birthday presents etc, and is very heavy into the Bible. Vice versal a Atheist who doesn't believe in God and does things the oppposite.

javonte jones said...

1)I agree with this first statement because if you want your dream to come true, with hard work and practice anything is possible.
2)I disagree with this statement because when you get money you become depressed.Also money can buy you anything but when its all gone youre back at point a.
3)I agree with this statement because women are just as capable of doing things with there life as a man.
4)I agree with this statement-just because youre of different descent and different background dosent mean you can succeed more than white people.
5)I agree and dissagree with this statement.I agree with this because without an college education you dont have a very good chance of making it in the world.I dissagree because there are many celebrities who didnt go to college and still succeed in life.
6)I agree with this statementbecause children are going to make mistakes and parents should just let them learn from them, also if the parent raised the child right then they shouldnt have anything to worry about.
7)I agree with this because it dosent really matter what culture you come from you cvan still have a healthy relationship.

Anonymous said...

1.Agree, I agree because if you work hard and do everything you supposed to do;you will eventually reach your goals.

2.Disagree,I disagree because money can only buy materialistic things and those will only make you happy for a certain amount of time.

3.Disagree, I disagree because eventhough we may not like it but because of how the world is unfortunately we dont get the same opportunities.

4.Disagree, I disagree because rascism still exists in the world.

5.Agree, I agree because it is possible but very rare that you see someone being very successful with no college eduacation,

6.Disagree, I disagree because even though your children have their own life to life parnets still have some say so. You cant support your child if he wants to get bad grades, or sell drugs or something.

7.Agree. I agree because everyone doesnt judge people according to their race.

momoney313 said...

1.Yes you can achieve your dreams with enough hard work because as long as you keep working hard thing will happen it might not happen fast but you dream will be acomplished.

2.Money can and can not buy you happiness because if you have a lot of money things can be easier for you with paying bills, buying grociers, living good but if you all ready have a mental problem or any other problems money will not fix those things so you will still be unhappy.

3.I believe women have the same oppurtunities as men because women are treated as equals now and can do the same things that a man can do.

4.Yes and no because minorities still might get treated unfairly in some ways but for the most part if you do work hard you will not get treated bad.'

5.No you don't need a college education to succeed because a lot of millionaires have not gone to college and still are successful some people probley just got there GED or didn't even finish high school at all and still make plenty of money.

6.Yes i believe parents should support there children because parents bring kids here on earth so they should be ready to support there children and if your not don't have kids

7.yes people can have a healthy relationship as long as you can get along with each other.


Chloe Wise said...

1.i agree because in order to become what u want u have to work to get there its not just given to you.
2.i disagree because the people who dont have as much money as others are happier than the ones with money.
3.i agree because we are all equal.
4.i agree because we all want to have sucess in life not just a specific group.
5.i agree and disagree because it is people that have finished high school but did not attend college that are still successful in life and i disagree because without college education you can still make it but it will just be harder for people to succeed.
6.i agree because nobody should not want their child to be a failure if you dont support them they turn away from you and start bad habits.
7.i agree because relationships should not be based on different cultures.

Rory said...

1. Agree. I agree because......

Anonymous said...

1. I agree with enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams

2. Money can buy things that can make you happy but money cant buy happiness

3. i agree that women can do anything men can.

4. i agree. just because you have diffrent skin dosnt mean that you dont have the same oppertunities as white people.

5. Disagree. some great people like mark twain didnt go to colledge.

6. agree. i belive that Parents should support their children no matter what.

7. Agree. Someone with a different race can have a healthy realationship.+

erica stair said...

1.disaggree, because though you may work hard sonme dreams or items are inevitable to achieve. Life may come at you to prevent obstacles and stuff happens unexpectadfly at times.
2.Disagree, money can buy you material things but happiness is achieved through ones own self and those around him or her.
3.Disagree, women are constantly discriminated against in all things from olden days to the present due to the fact that the common ideal is that mean are superior and the white man is the most superior.
4.Disagree, not all have same opportunities because life and schooling is a diffrenciated factor. If you live in a "white" neighborhood schooling is better giving you a greater chance to achieve success than in a predominantly "black" neighborhood with horrible schools, less technology, etc.
5.Disagree, sometimes in life you are able to become successful though you may not have the college education.
6.Disagree, sometimes childrens decisions are immoral or just dumb and should not be supported by parents, that person, and/ or society.
7.Agree, though society may not see it fit the relationship can be healthy because ethnicity and color to not make a relationship or pose happiness.

Erica Bazman(: said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I disagree with this statement because there are some people in the world that have problems in their lives that stop them from being able to achieve their dream, for example if someone has a learning disability and wants to become a doctor, there is not really a way they could get rid of that disability and continue on and become a doctor.

2. Money can buy happiness.
I disagree with this because eventhough you may have everything you want, material things aren't what matters most in the world. Material things won't always be there and focusing only on money may push away the people you care about, who would always be there for you. Materials can't always make you smile or talk to you when you need someone by your side.

3. Women have the same opportunites to succeed as men.
I disagree that women have the same opportunities as men because we do have the same chance to succeed but theres many people in the world who believe women are much weaker than any man, and some of those people own companies. When those people hire women for jobs they give them the less paying jobs, thinking that only men can handle the stronger jobs, which isn't true.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I disagree with this because there is still much racism in this world today and many people base the way they treat someone on the color of their skin.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I disagree with this because people have different opinions on what successful is. Some may think it's getting married and raising a family while others may think it's going to college and getting a steady career, and then getting married and having children.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
I agree with this statement. I believe that no matter what a kid does, their parents should be there to help them. That doesn't mean that when a kid is doing something wrong they support them, but it means that when their doing wrong, they guide them to help them do the right thing and support them during that improval.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
I agree with this because I don't think that social relationships should effect the way people talk to eachother. Race is nothing but a color and people need to see through the color of someones skin and into who they are as a person and then decide if they could have a healthy relationship based on how their personalitys would connect.

Jimmy Bones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Kendyl Brown said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams

I agree with this quote because if you put enough effort into something, than you can accomplish anything you want to.

2. Money can buy happiness.

I strongly disagree with this because you shouldn't be caught up in all the material things that money can purchase.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.

I agree with this because yes, there are certain things women can't do that men can in vice versa, however, there are many things that women and men can do.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.

I absolutely agree with this comment because for example there has been mostly white presidents in U.S. history but now we have our first African American president.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.

I partially agree with this because there are somethings that you don't have to have a college degree to apply for a certain job, but I do agree that most careers require a college degree.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.

Not necessarily because, parents have to observe that some situations, their child is not always right.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.

I agree because as long as you love that person, other things shouldn't matter to your relationship whether it happens to be your race or anything else.

Kendyl Brown, 6th hr

Anonymous said...

1. Agree. If someone REALLY wants something than I think it's entirely in their ability to get it.

2.Disagree. I don't think you can buy happiness, but I do think that you can buy things that make you happy.

3.Agree. Things have changed alot as far as the role of women in society. Jobs that were once reserved for men are now being occupied by women. Women can do anything men can do (except get pregnant by themselves).

4.Agree. As a member of a minority race in the U.S. i can say that minorities have the same opportunities as white people. I have yet to come upon an instance where my race has hindered me from achieving something.

5.Agree. There are ways to live a successful, happy life without going to college. Some people's idea of a successful life doesn't require a college degree.

6.Disagree. I think that the only instance where parents shouldn't support their children is when the children are maing an attempt to do something that puts their lives in danger (suicide, cutting, etc).

7.Agree. I agree that people of different races can have healthy relationships. I've dated peple of other races and they were all healthy relationships. Even the relationships I have with my friends and family. Not all my family members or friends are of African American descent, and I have healthy relationships with most of them.

Jimmy Bones said...

1)Dissagree because alot of people who work really hard to achieve their dreams sometimes dont ever come close.
2)Dissagree because money isnt everything in life.
3)Dissagree because women are often looked at as less important than men even though in reality they are equal.
4)Dissagree because minorities are treated like crap and most of the time in legal issues are gone against by racist people.
5)dissagree because mark twain didnt go to college but still managed a very successful life.
6)Dissagree because if my kid started killing people for no reason i probably wouldnt support him for that.
7)Agree because i have plenty of friends that are from completely different cultures.

$p3ct@cul@r said...

Agree...because whatever you put your mind to you can do. So if you work hard you will get it.

Disagree....money can not buy happiness because even when you have money you can still be mad.

Agree...they have the same rights

Disagree...still this day people are treated unfairly because of there background.

Agree....without college there is no chance you can not even flip a burger it is the best thing to do if you want to go somewhere

Disagree....your parents are not always going to agree with you because they doent have to.

Agree...yes they can they have the choice if they want to have a good one they can if they want to have a bad one they can.

Anonymous said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I agree, If you want something bad enough and are willing to put your whole heart into it, then anythings possible.

2. Money can buy happiness.
I disagree, It doesnt matter how much or how little money you have. That wont decide if your happy. Money has absolutly nothing to do with it. All money does is buy you stuff. It takes way more then just "stuff" to actually make someone truly happy.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I agree, The only difference between men and women is there gender. Women can do just as much as men can, regardless of curtain jobs that can only be done by men.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I agree, The color of your skin doesnt even ramotely show the greatness of a person. And everyone has the ability to be great, Not just the ones who are white.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I disagree, Sometimes a collage degree is needed. but other times it isnt. There have been people out there who've become famous, rich, or sucessful without having even gone to collage yet alone getting there degree.
6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
I agree, even though we sometimes have ridiculous dreams, and want something thats clearly never gonna happen. The only thing that matters more then anything, is having a parent to be by your side regardless of the choices you might be making. Some dont even have parents, But even then an adult to turn to is needed.
7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
I agree, so many people just assume that you can only be happy with someone who is just like you. And that isnt true. The race of a person doesnt decide on wether or not they're gonna make you happy. I dont see why so many people make such a big deal out of race. Its the color of your skin, thats it. Nothing more- nothing less. Relationships are based on personalitly and the way you are towards one another. You dont choose the color of your skin, you cant help it.

Ooh-Gah Boo-Gah said...

Kurt-Anthony Canyon(Mr. Koolaid Man)*ROCKS*
1. I agree because if you put enough work into anything you can most likely do anything.
2. I don’t agree because money can’t buy REAL love or real things, it can only buy things that resembles it but its not real.
3. I agree because I think that everyone is equal.
4. I don’t agree because there are still racist people in the world that don’t let others have what they want, but if someone trys with all there will than they can succeed.
5. I don’t agree because there are a couple of people in the world that still make a living in the world that didn’t go to college.
6. I don’t agree because if the parent’s children are doing something WRONG than the parents shouldn’t go along.
7. I don’t agree because maybe someone is the relationship’s family might be racist or don’t like the other because of their race. It’s hard to have a relationship outside of your race.

Brittany Rogers said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams. I agree because i belive people can do anything they want. Nothing is impossible.

2. Money can buy happiness. I agreee i think money can buy happiness because if u have an arguement with sombody and decide to buy them something to make things better sometimes it works.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men. I disagree because there are things men can do and women cant for exapmle women can't play professional footbal and men can some women might want to play footbal and can't.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people. I disagree not everybody has the same opportunities because minorities might not have enough $.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful. I agree because the smarter you are there will be a better opportunites for different jobs.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what. I disagree because if your child is in trouble with something thats dangerous i don't think u should support it because thats not being a good parent.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship. I agree i many cultures have different ways in having a great relatinship.

Ariel said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
Agree,life is not easy and the hard make you better and if you strive then any dream is possible to achieve.

2. Money can buy happiness.
Disagree, Money can't buy happiness because the more money you get the more problems you have.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
Disagree, Women dont have the same opportunities because there are some things that men can do that women can't

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
Agree, I believe that anybody and everybody has a chance to do what they please.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
Agree, If you dont have college education you wont have a well paying and steady job.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
Agree, if parents dont support there children that might bring a lack of confidence.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
Agree, any culture can have a healty relationship because its the way you feel about that person and how you run your relationship

Ellen said...

1.I Agree With This Because The More You Work Towords Something You Get The Same OutCome That You Put In.Like If You Put In 50 Percent Most Likely You Get 50Percent Out Of It.
2.I Disagree With This Because You Can Have All The Money In The World And Still Have A Srewed Up Life,Weather It's From Childhood,Or Recent Struggles.Money Cant Buy You A Decent Past,If You Had It Rough.!
3.I Disagree With This Even Though Thats How It Should Be In Reality It's Not.
4.I Agree Because Every One Has The Same Chances It Just The Way You Take Advantage Of Them.
5.I Agree Because Now And Days It's Very Had To Find A Job Even With A High School Diploma.
6.I Disagree Because Some Things You Decide To Do Can Be Harmful To Yourself And A Parent Is There To Protect You.And Most Likely Wouldn't Aprove Behavior.
7.I Agree Because People Are People And A Relationship Goes Futher Thand Your Skin Or Relgion.

The Smart_One said...

1. I agree because if give anything your all, you will get a lot back in return.
2. I disagree because nothing can buy happiness, its up to you to choose the way you will be happy
3. I agree because they just need to work hard and show you deserve it and you will receive it.
4. I agree because all you have to do is put your mind to what ever you what to do, succeed in everything else and you will be even the same or better as them.
5. I disagree because you see basketball players leaving college without graduating and they are still successful.
6. I agree because it motivates more people when other people are around them doing what they want to do.
7. I agree because it’s up to them to make it work if they want to.

Carl stubbs

jasminepeterson said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I think it can go either way it depends on what the dream is but i definatly thin k that anybody can achieve his or her dreams.

2. Money can buy happiness.
I dissagree: because i think you can have all the money in the world and be the most depressed person. Just because you have money doesn't mean yoyu are goin gto be happy all your life it might give you happiness for a short period of time but not all the time.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I dissagree. men get more opportunitys then men becaus esome people think women are not as stable as men but thats not true men can be just as bad as women they look stable on the outside but they can be messed up on the inside.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I dissagree. I think in certain situations white people have more oppertunitys then other races.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I dissagree not all the people who are successful dont always go to college it help yoyu do more but its not neccessaraly true

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
i dissagree with that because if they dont believe in it then they shouldnt pretend

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
i dissagree every relationships have their problems

Jessica Duncan said...

1. I agree that with enough hard work, everyone can acheive their dreams because no matter what the situation is, anyone who strives for something they want, most-likely they can do it, you just need hard work !
2. I disagree because you can buy anything in the world with your money, but material things may not make you happy. You can buy yourself the most pretty expensive thing that you really want and admire it but there are still things in your life that make you unhappy, and you cant use money as an option to nake you feel better.
3. I agree because women have their duties and men have theirs, but anybody can do and be anything they want if they try. There are somethings that women can and cannot do. Playing sports like football (rough sports), are mainly to be left for men. As far as the business industry women have just as much the same opportunities to succeed as men.
4. I agree because everyone most-likely have the same opportunities and chances as everyone else.
5. I agree because a successful life to me is having a career. And to have a career, you have to have the right amount of knowledge to know what the job requires. I think that going to college is the only route to having a successful career.
6. I agree because children should always have someone by their side and whos better than the people who raised you. You say your friends will be with you through whatever, but thats not always true. And parents should always be there and have your back when your friends dont.
7.I agree. Race, religion, or anything else doesnt make who you love. You decide who you love, not your race.

Steven Fortner said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.

I agree because if a person puts in hard work for something, they can achieve a great goal in life.
2. Money can buy happiness

I disagree because money can't buy everything like love, love is a feeling not a material you can get off the shelf.
3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.

I agree beacuse woman can do anything they want if they work at it.
4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.

I agree because people of different minoritities have the same rights we do.
5. A college education is necessary to be successful.

I agree because if you don't go to college then you won't be anything in life.
6. Parents should support their children no matter what.

I agree because no matter what your child does you should love them and support them through thick and thin.
7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.

I agree because it doesn't matter what race,color or anything else all that matters is who you like and if you like them for the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

1. yes everyone can achevie there dreams by there hard work but if you dont work you wont fulfill your dreams.

2.money cannot make happiness but it can buy you stuff to make you happy.

3. yes women have the same opurtunity as men do there just as same as men.
they can be a football player no rules against it. women cant do everything they need help from men to like mechanical and construstion and other stuff.

4.yes they have the same oppurtinties as white.yes everyone has a fair chance as everyone else.

5.yes you need a collage education.agree you need a collage degree to do work.

Gregory Amerkhanian

Deena Sciatto said...

1. I agree, I agree because if someone works hard enough I believe they will achieve their goals or dreams. It takes work to achieve those, and with hard work and dedication they could pull it off.

2. I disagree; I disagree because most people who have a lot of money aren’t happy, they may appear to have everything on the outside but some feel empty on the inside (if that makes sense).

3. I agree, I agree that now woman have the same opportunities as men do, a long time ago woman definitely did not.

4. I agree, I agree because I doesn’t matter what color you are in order to get a job or anything else, unlike it was a long time ago.

5. I disagree, I disagree because some jobs don’t require you to have a college education but, a college education is important and if you want to be paid well you might want to consider getting a college degree.

6. I agree to a certain point, I agree because parents should be supportive of their child, but I think it should have its limits, a parent should support their kids within reason.

7. I agree, I agree because even though they are from totally different cultures they could still have plenty things in common.

Anonymous said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
Agree- if someone is really determined to do something they can to it.

2. Money can buy happiness.
Agree- I think money can buy happiness, if somebody wants something and is happy and excited when they buy it.. that means that money can buy happiness.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
Agree- I Think women can do anything men can, for example there are women in the army.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
Agree- Race has nothing to do with how smart and successfull you are.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
Disagree- Mark Twain didn't go to colege and he became a successfull author.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
Disagree- parents need to tell their children right from wrong.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
Agree- Race/religon shouldn't determine someones personality.


Anonymous said...

Kassie Shelton :))
1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I agree, If you want something bad enough and are willing to put your whole heart into it, then anythings possible.

2. Money can buy happiness.
I disagree, It doesnt matter how much or how little money you have. That wont decide if your happy. Money has absolutly nothing to do with it. All money does is buy you stuff. It takes way more then just "stuff" to actually make someone truly happy.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
I agree, The only difference between men and women is there gender. Women can do just as much as men can, regardless of curtain jobs that can only be done by men.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
I agree, The color of your skin doesnt even ramotely show the greatness of a person. And everyone has the ability to be great, Not just the ones who are white.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
I disagree, Sometimes a collage degree is needed. but other times it isnt. There have been people out there who've become famous, rich, or sucessful without having even gone to collage yet alone getting there degree.
6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
I agree, even though we sometimes have ridiculous dreams, and want something thats clearly never gonna happen. The only thing that matters more then anything, is having a parent to be by your side regardless of the choices you might be making. Some dont even have parents, But even then an adult to turn to is needed.
7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
I agree, so many people just assume that you can only be happy with someone who is just like you. And that isnt true. The race of a person doesnt decide on wether or not they're gonna make you happy. I dont see why so many people make such a big deal out of race. Its the color of your skin, thats it. Nothing more- nothing less. Relationships are based on personalitly and the way you are towards one another. You dont choose the color of your skin, you cant help it.

6th hour, 1/28/09.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with #1 because alot of people work hard but cant achieve their dreams. hard work is just part of the problem. i disagree with #2. money can buy alot of things but it cant buy happiness. you can have anything in the world but money is a material thing. its had nothing to do with emotions. I dont agree with #3. a woman can be much smarter than a man but the way the society is, women are discriminated against. they aren't given as many chances as men. i disagree with #2. minorities are also discriminated aginst.

Jasmine Danielle. said...

1. I agree with this statement because it's never too late to anything. It might take you longer and be harder to achieve, but you can do anything you want.
2. Disagree. Money can't buy happiness,love,friends, or anything else that actually means something in life. Although it is helpful, it doesn't make you happy.
3. With this statement i go both ways. It all depends on what women are trying to do, because some things are just for men, as some things are just for women.
4. I agree. It doesn't matter what color, race, or ethnicity you are, you have the same opportunities as white people.
5. I Agree because usually there isn't any good jobs people can get without a degree. Especially now-a-days, without a college degree, you're bound to be flipping burgers.
6. Disagree. Yes, when the child is doing something positive or the child is right in the situation okay. But when they're doing something wrong, parents shouldn't support that. It's a difference between rewarding and disciplining your child.
7. Agree. Your culture shouldn't have any effect on whether your relationship with someone is healthy or not. It's all about personality and how you treat that person; what's on the inside.

*Alexis J* said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.

I agree because anything you put your mind to you can do. If you want to achieve something then you have to work for it and if you work hard enough for it you will eventually achieve it.

2. Money can buy happiness.

I disagree because some of the wealthiest people are the most lonely and depressed. Alot of people that are rich and have alot of nice things aren't very happy becaue they are lonely. Some feel as though they cant trust anyone because everyone is after their money so they isolate themselves. I think thats why many celebrities often turn to drugs or end up killing themselves.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.

I disagree because many people have in their head that this is a "man's world". Also alot of people believe that the man is superior to women.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.

I agree and disagree because some people are still racist today.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.

I agree and disagree because it all depends on what a persons definition of successful is.

6. Parents should support their children no matter what.

I disagree becuase when some one is wrong they are wrong. I don't think that should change just because it's your child.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.

I agree because i have healthy relationship with alot of people who have different cultures and ways of living.

Cheyenne Floyd said...

1) Disagree- I disagree with this statement because there are some cases when people cant achieve their goals no matter how hard they try. I do believe that with enough hard work you can achieve a piece of your goal though.

2) Agree- I agree because there are many poor people who are extremely stressed because they don't have enough money to buy the things they need. With money, they wont be as stressed, therefore, happier. In some cases greed will get the best of you so the opposite will occur.

3) Agree- A lot of people say that women are discriminated against but I believe that true talent and skill is undeniable. If she really has what it takes to succeed, she will.

4) Agree- I cant make an excuse for my color. The same applies here that applied to women. Sometimes we might not be as educated as whites but many minorities are very smart. There are laws and scholarships in our favor so we can and will succeed.

5) Agree- I believe that you should go to college no matter what. You may have money and material things but if something went wrong you need something to fall back on. Its also a positive thing to tell your children or grandchildren so they will make good decisions for their future.

6) Agree- I think children need to be shown love no matter what they are doing. If they aren't being shown love the situation gets worse (in the negative case). If the child is doing something positive, they need to be supported and encouraged to continue moving forward so they don't slide back.

7) Agree- We have seen a lot of change in this country. Dr. King had a dream that people would be judged by their character. If we have a biracial president, anything can happen.

brian said...

1.with enough hard work,everyone can achieve his/her dream. i agree because hard comes great sucess.
2.money buy happiness. agree because with money you can do anything you want.
3.women have the same opportunities to succeed as men. i agree because a women can do everything a man can do.
4.minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people. i disagree, black people can do the same thing as whites
5.a college education is necesary to be successful. i agree because without a college education you nothing.
6.parents should support their children no matter what. i agree because if your kids dont have that support thet want care.
7.people with different culture can have a healty relationship. i agree because you can be friends with anybody dont matter what color there are.

Keith Hollie said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams.
I agree because if you want to be a football or basketball player you will have to work from high school up to the pros.
2. Money can buy happiness.
Dissagree. I believe money just brings more grief and stress to you.
3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.
Agree. Women do have the same opportunities as men such as the womens football league.
4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.
Agree. I believe that in this present day everyone is equal
5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
Agree. It will be alot easier for you to find work with a degree than just a high school diploma
6. Parents should support their children no matter what.
Agree. I agree to a certain extent. When their child messes up they are all they have.
7.People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.
Agree. I believe this because you can taste for another culture or have alot in common with another culture

lejohnnese henderson said...

1.Agree b/c when you put enough hard work and effort into something you will get what you want out of it.
2.Disagree b/c you can have money and still not be happy.
3.Disagree b/c most places discrimanate against women.
4.Disagree b/c of racism against minorities.
5.Disagree b/c some people dont need a college education to do what want in life.
6.Agree b/c no matter to what happens childern need their parents support or they'll be discouraged in life.
7.Agree b/c i think opposite attract and 2 people from different cultures might learn more

Anonymous said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams. i agree because if you put your mind to it you can do anything.

2. Money can buy happiness.i dissagree because to me with or without money your life will be the same.

3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men.i dissagree because ther are some things women can do that men cant and ther are some things men can do thet women cant so woman dont have the same opportunities as men.

4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people.i agree because it dosent matter what color you are you can do the job just as better as a white person can.

5. A college education is necessary to be successful.i agree and dissagree because all joba dont recumend a college education but at some jobs it is needed.
6. Parents should support their children no matter what.

7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship.i agree because a relationship is not based on the color of your skin or your race it based on the fellings you have for that person at the time.
amanda sumpter

Jerry Daniel Marion Parker Hancock said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams: No b/c there are just some dreams that are physically or mentally impossible to achieve no matter how much work you put into it but if it is a resonable goal like your already 6'0 tall and you want to play absketball than yea maybe than.
2. Money can buy happiness: No b/c money cant buy everything and especially love and w/out love it may be an impossible task to become happy or live in happiness.
3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men: Yes this is very true anything a man can do so can a women there's no difference between the two accept the obvious fact.
4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people: YEs if they can put there mind to it just like the first question see now this is one of those reasonable tasks that explained, see this can be done.
5. A college education is necessary to be successful.
6. Parents should support their children no matter what: Well any kid in the world would say yes but face it kids aren't always making the right decesions so I mean what parent should support their kid who's out in the streets hustlin.
7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship: Yes its possible but there may be a lot of controversy towards the middle but as they overcome it and love dominates that Yes I believe they can.

Elizabethxtju said...

1. With enough hard work, everyone can achieve his/her dreams. I disagree with this statement because some people can work hard their whole life and not achieve or reach their life dream. 2. Money can buy happiness. I disagree with this statement. Money can't buy love and friendship. Material items don't make good companions. 3. Women have the same opportunities to succeed as men. I agree with this statement. Women have as many rights as men do. Some sports girls can't play but there are some sports men can't play. Women and men can be lawyers, doctors, engineers, authors, etc. 4. Minorities have the same opportunities to succeed as white people. I agree with this. Martin Luther is an example of this. Everyone has a fair chance at life, it just depends on how hard you try. 5. A college education is necessary to be successful. I agree and disagree. Mark Twain did NOT have a college educations and is still known as an amazing and successful writer. But these days, yes, you would need a college education or you won't be able to get a well paying job to support yourself or your family. 6. Parents should support their children no matter what. I agree with this because it's their kid. If they don't like what they're doing, they can atleast support them and what they want to do in life. It is their decision and kids look to their parents for support. If they don't give that, it can lower the childs self-esteem and they would have no faith in themselves. 7. People of completely different cultures can have a healthy relationship I agree with this as well. I have many different cultured friends and I get along well. We never bring up religion if we know its something the other person disagrees with. We can have different morals but we are all still people and can be friends with someone. If you care about them, that stuff doesn't matter to you, the human being does