Sunday, November 8, 2009

Act 1 Study Questions, etc

1. Complete Act 1 Study Questions which can be found here. You must use complete sentences AND include the page #. Complete your answers in MS Word, print out, and turn in . Due at the end of the hour!!!

2. In MS WORD, write a Facebook message to a friend in which you:

+ Paragraph 1: Explain the basic principles of Puritanism and its positive and negative aspects.

+ Paragraph 2: Summarize The Crucible so far.

+Paragraph 3: Give an analogy of the Salem Witch trials to a modern-day situation so your friend can better understand the concept of hysteria and paranoia.

+Paragraph 4: Tell your friend what you think is going to happen in the play.

+Paragraph 5: Tell your friend if they would like/dislike the play and why.

You do not need to write in standard school language, but you may not use curse words!

When finished:


3. Click on Quizlet in the sidebar and brush up on vocabulary.


codi eversole said...

Hey Stacy,

Puritanism is the religion that the people follow in The Crucible. They were extremely boring, and up-tight. The Puritans thought that everyone should go to church every single Sunday. If they didn’t go to church they were breaking the law and thought of as a witch. The only book they were allowed to read was the bible. All of the rules could have helped by bringing the community closer together but it more likely mad the children or young adults want to rebel against the king and the church.

So far in the Crucible, the girls of Salem were caught in the forest dancing with Tituba. When Reverend Parris found them Betty and a few others got sick. When they called the doctor, the doctor said that Betty was sick due to un-natural causes. Making the town believe it was witch craft. Now the whole town thinks that Betty is bewitched and they’re making up crazy stories. Stories like “Betty flew over the barn,” or that Giles Cory’s wife “hides books and when she has them open he can’t pray until they’re closed.”

The Salem witch trials are equivalent to the Swine flu today. In the witch trials when ever someone did something weird or out of the ordinary they were accused of being a witch. Today, whenever someone sneezes or misses a day of school, it’s automatically assumed they have the Swine flu. They paranoia of witchcraft made everyone assume that everyone but them was a witch, which matches up to everyone getting the vaccine because they’re so afraid of getting the swine flu.

In the play I think that, everyone will turn against each other and it will be blown out of proportion. So big that even the reverend will be accused as being a witch, and that everyone, literally everyone will be seen as a witch with out any say in the matter.

I think you’d like this play because it can be compared to a lot of things going on today. It also, isn’t just about witches it’s how the puritans lived back then and how the people of the village lived back then. The play shows how one false statement or one lie can affect more just one person. It shows how gullible people really are and how fast they are to blame the next person then to take the blame their selves.

Anonymous said...

Mone't Torbert

The Puritans were a group of people who grew discontent in the Church of England and worked towards religious, moral and societal reforms. Puritans believed that the Bible was God’s true law, and it was a plan on how to live.
The Crucible at this point is about the daughter of a Reverend that disobeyed the bible by dancing with other young women in the woods, and she suddenly cannot show any live characteristics.
To compare the witch trials to today’s current lifestyle would be as if racism were still a very common characteristic then searching for African Americans if their were crimes during that time. Torturing or any other type of dangerous harm was a method used to provide a confession on witchcraft. It was against the law and was not permitted, such small accusations were just enough for punishment.
My predictions vary in this play but one would be that the devil will get into the young women’s mind and Reverend Parris will be tortured by them all. Escaping Salem would be their plan and they could possibly go on a killing spree of some sort.
In my opinion, you would enjoy the play because it is very entertaining and it will have your attention due to what is currently happening.

Mone't Torbert

toyia bradley 2nd hour said...

Hey, this is Toyia. So, we are reading this book in English 10. I am writing you I can help you better understand the book.

Puritanism is a strict religion. They belief that once you are born, that’s when it is decided if you go to heaven or hell. The women really have no freedom at all. They are to be seen not heard. They children are the same way. If they do anything wrong they endure crucial beatings. The negative thing about being a puritan is that they believe that a lot of things are wrong. People in the village of the puritan people really have no life at all. They kids don’t know what fun is, and to me it seems that they don’t believe in fun. They good thing about puritans is that they believe that everything is wrong and sinful so, they don’t do anything.

In the crucible so far, little Betty wont wake up. They have danced in the forest wit titbua. People in the village are now sayin that betty is practicing witch craft. Rev. Pariis is being very selfish. He is not really worried about his daughter, but he is more worried about his reputation in the village. I think that Abigail has a cloud hovering over her head because after they realize that betty is not normal anymore, she starts blaming other people for practicing witchcraft, and saying she saw people with the devil wen he came her.

Salem Witch trial is just like the Redford police assuming that all high school boys, that are black with short hair, that skip school 2 day out of the week, and have low grades are gang bangers. So, they lock them up and they are kicked out their school and they aren’t aloud to go back home till they are proven not guilty. Hysteria is like if I get upset and start crying and screaming about somebody fighting, then other people that are around me get upset and start crying because they see me get upset. Paranoia is like if I tell you that all boys that are black, that have short hair, that skip school, and have bad grades are gang bangers. So, now you walk around that a lot of black boys that have that description are all gang bangers and you get “paranoid”.

I think that people are finally going to find out that Abigail and john proctor had a love affair. I also think that people with find out that in was Abigail fault that Betty has been witched or is acting funny. I think that they will kill Abigail.

I like that is suspenseful and that even though it not sumthing that we read everyday it sumthing that can be interesting. It keeps you thinking about how people can run they mouth about a certain situation and people will listen. What I don’t like about this book is that they falsely accuse a lot of people. Many people did lose their life during the Salem witch trial because after some many people say the same thing about the same topic, people just start being each other.

Hope this helped.