Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Crucible Character Profile

3/18/09 – Hughes – English 10

Good afternoon-

Today’s assignment is to create an online modern persona for one of the characters from The Crucible.

Directions: Based on the descriptions below, what we’ve discussed in class, and your own independent web research (see,, etc), create a detailed profile. You’ll transfer this profile to,

where you’ll interact with other characters from the book and eventually from other books.

Your profile consists of the following questions:

1) What is your first and last name?
2) Are you single or married, or in a committed relationship?
3) How old are you?
4) Do you have any children?
5) Are you religious? Explain?
6) Who are your favorite bands/groups/musical artists?
7) Favorite books?
8) What are your hobbies?
9) Where do you live?
10) What is your worst fear?
11) What is your greatest regret?
12) What do you do for a living?
13) How much money do you make per year?
14) Do you get along with your family? Why/Why not?
15) Favorite movies?
16) What is your greatest strength?
17) Greatest weakness?
18) If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
19) What do you think about what has been happening in Salem?
20) Celebrity crush:
21) Real crush:
22) Would you consider yourself austere or extravagant? Explain.
23) Who is your best friend?
24) Your sworn enemy?
25) What makes you happy?
26) What do you want out of life?
27) Do you believe in witches?
28) Would you sacrifice your life for the lives of several people? Explain.
29) What do you look like? Give a detailed physical description and include a picture.

The Crucible - Characters
John Proctor - A local farmer who lives just outside town; Elizabeth Proctor’s husband. A stern, harsh-tongued man, John hates hypocrisy. Nevertheless, he has a hidden sin—his affair with Abigail Williams—that proves his downfall. When the hysteria begins, he hesitates to expose Abigail as a fraud because he worries that his secret will be revealed and his good name ruined.
Abigail Williams - Reverend Parris’s niece. Abigail was once the servant for the Proctor household, but Elizabeth Proctor fired her after she discovered that Abigail was having an affair with her husband, John Proctor. Abigail is smart, wily, a good liar, and vindictive when crossed.
Reverend John Hale - A young minister reputed to be an expert on witchcraft. Reverend Hale is called in to Salem to examine Parris’s daughter Betty. Hale is a committed Christian and hater of witchcraft. His critical mind and intelligence save him from falling into blind fervor. His arrival sets the hysteria in motion, although he later regrets his actions and attempts to save the lives of those accused.
Elizabeth Proctor - John Proctor’s wife. Elizabeth fired Abigail when she discovered that her husband was having an affair with Abigail. Elizabeth is supremely virtuous, but often cold.
Reverend Parris - The minister of Salem’s church. Reverend Parris is a paranoid, power-hungry, yet oddly self-pitying figure. Many of the townsfolk, especially John Proctor, dislike him, and Parris is very concerned with building his position in the community.
Rebecca Nurse - Francis Nurse’s wife. Rebecca is a wise, sensible, and upright woman, held in tremendous regard by most of the Salem community. However, she falls victim to the hysteria when the Putnams accuse her of witchcraft and she refuses to confess.
Francis Nurse - A wealthy, influential man in Salem. Nurse is well respected by most people in Salem, but is an enemy of Thomas Putnam and his wife.
Judge Danforth - The Deputy Governor of Massachusetts and the presiding judge at the witch trials. Honest and scrupu-lous, at least in his own mind, Danforth is convinced that he is doing right in rooting out witchcraft.
Giles Corey - An elderly but feisty farmer in Salem, famous for his tendency to file lawsuits. Giles’s wife, Martha, is accused of witchcraft, and he himself is eventually held in con-tempt of court and pressed to death with large stones.
Thomas Putnam - A wealthy, influential citizen of Salem, Putnam holds a grudge against Francis Nurse for preventing Putnam’s brother-in-law from being elected to the office of minister. He uses the witch trials to increase his own wealth by accusing people of witchcraft and then buying up their land.
Ann Putnam - Thomas Putnam’s wife. Ann Putnam has given birth to eight children, but only Ruth Putnam survived. The other seven died before they were a day old, and Ann is con-vinced that they were murdered by supernatural means.
Ruth Putnam - The Putnams’ lone surviving child out of eight. Like Betty Parris, Ruth falls into a strange stupor after Reverend Parris catches her and the other girls dancing in the woods at night.
Tituba - Reverend Parris’s black slave from Barbados. Tituba agrees to perform voodoo at Abigail’s request.
Mary Warren - The servant in John Proctor’s household and a member of Abigail’s group of girls. She is a timid girl, easily influenced by those around her.
Betty Parris - Reverend Parris’s ten-year-old daughter. Betty falls into a strange stupor after Parris catches her and the other girls dancing in the forest with Tituba. Her illness and that of Ruth Putnam fuel the first rumors of witchcraft.
Martha Corey - Giles Corey’s third wife. Martha’s reading habits lead to her arrest and conviction for witchcraft.
Ezekiel Cheever - A man from Salem who acts as clerk of the court during the witch trials. He is upright and determined to do his duty for justice.
Judge Hathorne - A judge who presides, along with Danforth, over the witch trials.
Herrick - The marshal of Salem.
Mercy Lewis - The servant in Thomas Putnam’s household. Mercy belongs to Abigail’s group of girls.


Kiyanna Ross said...

Kiyanna Ross
Mr. Hughes- English10
2nd hour

Dear, Krystal Chattam

The Crucible so far is turning out to be a really good story. It is really detailed, and it gives me a lot of info on witches that I thought I really didn’t know. Like I didn’t know that witches were real and that they were here in America because I would have been scared it I was there in those times and to think I could turn out to be one or see and speak to the devil and I do not like the devil I worship god and only god, so the story really let me know things that I did not know but so far I do like the story and I cant wait to see what’s going to happen at the end. I also like the book because acting it out in class helps me get a better understanding of the book and it helps me get into better character for the play so just in case I read it I can understand what im reading. So that what I think of the play so far.

The Salem Witch Trails in modern days is like, imma say for example the black history but with that black history is with the civil rights and thing like that where it was nothing like the witch trail but except that they get killed and put in jail for things like blacks talking to whites and blacks using whites thing (bathrooms, drinking fountains, etc.) and with the Salem Witch Trails that get killed for doing witchcraft and just for being a witch and its something like the modern day but it has nothing to do with witchcraft.

The next thing I think is going to happen in the story is that Betty is going to be accused of witchcraft and they are going kill her some way and some how. I also think that all the people that Abigail and Betty said that they saw talking to the devil are going to be accused of witchcraft and they are all going to be killed also. So I can can’t wait to really see what’s going to happen next.

I think that you will really like this play but only if you are into things like that but if not don’t waste your time reading the play.

Anonymous said...

kassandra shelton.

Hiii bestfriennnnddd :) <33

whatchaadoinnn? :D hmm, im frickin bored. so in class right now were reading the Crucible. I didnt like it, at all at first. but reading more of it, im not gonna lie its actually pretty interestinggg. (: everyones being accused of involving themselves with witch craft, and all these idiot people started turning in members of there family, accusing there friends, and pointing fingers at every one around them, just to make sure THEY didnt get accused of it! dumbb! i hate how the word gets around SOOOO frickin fast, and then before you know it every one around the whole intire town is just assuming that everyones involved with witch craft! pahaha, i like how detailed the play is :) it makes it easy to follow along with, and this is proballly the first book i've read ALL year, that i actuallly continued to pay attention everyday in class. :D Its kind of sucky, if you really think about it. I mean these people have to live day by day in complete fear of being accused. MOST of them dont even do anything wrong at all!! yet people blame them, when there doing everyday things! The play shows a modern day family. Living everyday, just like any other ordinary day. An then randomly... a buncha people that work with the government decide its time to question everybody, and get them ALLLL to assume that theres witch craft going on all around them... ew, are you seriousss? i would hate to have anything to do with that whats so ever.. Its kinda funny how Mr. Hughes has us act the play out :) its extremely interesting to watch people actually get into character, annn act as if though its really happening. It helps me understand the play a whole more, then just simply reading it. That gets boring after a while... and i hate reading, ya know?

Living in those days, and being accused of witch craft. Is like today, being harassed for the color of your skin. People are already gonna have an opinion of you, and theres no way you can change that. SO you end up getting killed and crap... yeah thats stupid..! im glad we dont have ANYTHING like that today. or else we would all at some point end up turning on eachother. Ohhh snaps. that woulddd suck :P even though people at this school arleady hardlyy like anybody. hmm oh well!

I think next in the play, There gonna start coming down a lot harder about whoever they THINK is a witch, or performing witch craft. And then there most likely gonna start killing people left and right just so they dont have to worrry about them doing something stupid..or crazy to the rest of the town. I mean i dont blame them for freaking out and blaming everyone but its kind dumb how people get beat, and hung, even when they reallly are innocent...!

Youd like reading this boooook :) its easy to get involved with, and its not boring like most of the books they make us readdd :DD haha. Puratins are people who dont believe that the government is going far enough to punish or get rid of these people. witch craft is like a HUGE frickin deal to them. they dont play, at all. but im over it (: idek.. I deffinitly think you need to read it (: your missing out girl :D pahahahah, I sound like an idiot. But I could care less :P I feel bad for them though, like they got tortured in all sorts of ways “/ but they couldn’t stop it from happening.. whoever invented Puritanism, or witch craft. Started up a whollllleee lot of drama, that’s furrrsure. :) welll, im done here. Buhbyeee :pp <3