Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blog Post 5: Reflection on Conscience

So far in the book, Huck Finn has talked a lot about his conscience, which is defined as "a person's inner sense of what is right and wrong. It leads to feelings of remorse when one goes against his/her moral values, and feelings of integrity when one's actions conform to their moral values. (Wikipedia)"

Your assignment for today is to:

1. Write one paragraph in which you write the following quote from Huck in your own words and whether you agree with it and why/why not:

"But that's always the way; it don't make no difference whether you do right or wrong, a person's conscience ain't got no sense, and just goes for him anyway."

2. Write one paragraph in which you give at least three examples of how Huck's conscience influences his decisions and state whether you agree with his decisions and why/why not.

3. Write one paragraph in which you describe a time when your conscience got the best of you and it resulted in you making the correct moral decision, even though it was difficult for you.

When finished, check out these moral dilemmas and consider what you would do!

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