Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Reader Response #6: Eggers Site

1) Browse

2) Write a 500 word response in which you explain how:

a) we can help 826 national

b) 826 national can help us


Anonymous said...

The 826 Organization

The 826 organization is a program that helps kids from ages 6-18 with their writing skills. This could help our school because they could help us become better writers in our English classes. By them helping us we could get better grades and move on the have a good future and get into a good college and get a good job. One good thing about this program is that it is free for any individual or school class that wants or is in need of help with their writing skills. It could also help us learn better and more proper English, which could help us especially in the work place in the future.

We could help the 826 organization by giving them a job to do and to help us. We could also help them by telling other people about them so they can get even more students attending the classes. I would like doing this program because they said that they go on field trips and do drop-ins at schools for help and I could really use that help a lot. There is something else called the TED program and it gives people a chance to win $100,000 and put it towards any program they wanted. That could help the 826 organization because if people see what good they are doing and give the money to the 826 organization. That could help them because it could give them a chance to get more tools and supplies and have more chances to go on better field trips and just all around have more fun.

Tcripps1 said...

826 National is a school where kids may go to achieve a better reading and writing stance. This could help our school out very much. The average reading level in Thurston for 10th Graders is not what it should be. I think that if we got some of our students who need the help in English, to go to this program at 826 National we could improve our not only 120th grade reading level but 9th and we could go all the way to 5th grade that way by the time these kids come to Thurston they well already have meet the standards.
I think we could help 826 National by being the costumer. Thurston needs the help with that department and not only Thurston but the middle schools. If South Redford School District got involved with this program then we would most likely have a higher class G.P.A and a better graduating percentage. We could also help by word of mouth. Talking about it with other people from other districts would get more business for them and telling parents about this would help also

Anonymous said...

"Reader Response #6
The 826 oragnization

I would say we could help the 826 organization by giving them a job to do and to help us. We could also help them by telling other people about them so they can get even more students attending the classes. I would like doing this program because they said that they go on field trips and do drop-ins at schools for help and I could really use that help a lot. There is something else called the TED program and it gives people a chance to win money and put it towards any program that they wanted. This could help the 826 organization because if people see what good they are doing and give the money to the 826 organization. That could help them because it could give them a chance to get more chances to go on better field trips and get better school supplies.

I would say it can help us an a lot of ways with the middle schools and high schools espically with our G.P.A's in that would be very helful and i think i need the help this why i think it would help us.

By: Devon Porter
Hr: 2nd
Class: English10

Anonymous said...

"Reader Response #6
The 826 oragnization

I would say we could help the 826 organization by giving them a job to do and to help us. We could also help them by telling other people about them so they can get even more students attending the classes. I would like doing this program because they said that they go on field trips and do drop-ins at schools for help and I could really use that help a lot. There is something else called the TED program and it gives people a chance to win money and put it towards any program that they wanted. This could help the 826 organization because if people see what good they are doing and give the money to the 826 organization. That could help them because it could give them a chance to get more chances to go on better field trips and get better school supplies.

I would say it can help us an a lot of ways with the middle schools and high schools espically with our G.P.A's in that would be very helful and i think i need the help this why i think it would help us.

By: Devon Porter
Hr: 2nd
Class: English10