Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reader Response 1: Huck Finn (1 - 6)

Directions: Choose a theme to focus on in a 3-paragraph response.



Relationship to Parents



Paragraph 1 (Quote): Type one direct quote from Chapters 1 - 7 in Huck Finn that deals with your chosen theme. Type the chapter, page, and paragraph number after the quote. (Ch. 3, p. 9, par 2) Then write the quote in your own words.

Paragraph 2 (Personal Response): Type 3-8 sentences about what you think about the quote and its theme. Relate it to your own life in some way.

Paragraph 3 (Literary Analysis): Type 3-8 sentences about what Mark Twain thinks about the quote and its theme. Relate it to Twain's life in some way.


Sundown Native said...

DeVante’ Dickson

Huck Finn Reader’s Response 1 (1-6)

Parental Relationship

Chapter V, Pg. 14, Paragraph 3

“Quote: My pops would not be head over heels beating –nor talking to- me like Pap did to Huck.”

Of course, my life’s going to relate to this statement, and to anyone I know completely. The only one who I can see having problems like otherwise, from the top of my head, is Shevaun with his momma’s boyfriend and/or and all. But it -no pun intended- would be the other way around. What I think about it, though? I think that nobody’s father should have the will, nor the tolerance, to beat their kids frequently.

I wouldn’t exactly KNOW how this would relate to Mark Twain’s life, considering that his father didn’t beat him. But if that was the case, this whole predicament would be emotional for him. You don’t exactly write up a story, which includes a part of your life added to that of your fictional character, and don’t feel like it just happened again. That type of thing rides through anyone’s mind, once they get into that state.

carlynndye said...
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carlynndye said...


"I says to the people, why ain't this n***** put up at auction and sold?" (Chapter 6, pg. 20, par 2) is what Pap said about an African American that is aloud to vote and is treated like a white man. Pap thinks that African Americans are meant to be used as slaves for the white men.

I think that the quote that I chose is wrong in a couple of different ways. The first thing that I think is wrong is that Pap used the "n" word. I don't think that that word is appropiate for use from anyone. The second thing that I think is wrong with the quote is that people should not be sold. People are not property. We are all human beings, and we are all different, but some people are different on the inside and others are different on the outside.

I think that when Mark Twain was writing this quote he was considering the way that most of the white communities felt during this time period. He seemed to understand the way that other people felt about racism, so I think that people that he knew were probably racist. I don't think that Mark Twain was a racist man due to the fact that he was around all different races of people all day long on a boat.

yess said...

"Reader Response 1: Huck Finn (1 - 6)"

The qoute i pick for Huck Finn book is Relationship to parents chapter 5 page 14 and paragraph 3: which is My daddy would not be over be crazy enough to be beating me or talking to me like Pap did to Huck.

My life going to relate to this statement and to anyone I know completely. The only one who I can see having problems like otherwise, from the top of my head, is Danieal with his momma’s boyfriend and all. But it no punintended would be the other way around. What I think about it, though? I think that nobody’s father should have the right or the tolerance to beat their kids all the time dont u think.

I wouldn’t know how this would relate to Mark Twain’s life, considering that his father didn’t beat him. But if that was the case this whole predicament would be for him. You don’t write up a story which includes a part of your life added to that of your character and don’t feel like it just happened again. That type of thing go's through anyone’s mind once they get into that.

By: devon Porter
Hr: 2nd
class: english 10

Anonymous said...

Good post.