Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Huck Finn Exam 1 (1-23): Essay

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces a number of moral dilemmas which reveal much about his character. Choose one of Huck's moral dilemmas and write a well-organized essay in which you:

1) Discuss the moral dilemma and its relevance to the story and to Huck's character development.
2) Argue in favor or against Huck's decision.
3) Provide support for your argument from #2.

Huck Finn Essay Scoring Guide – (10/31/07)

9-8 These well-focused and persuasive essays take an in-depth look at the text and respond fully to the question. Focus is not on the moral dilemma itself, but on the moral dilemma’s relevance to the story and to Huck’s character development. Analysis is supported with specific evidence from the text. Written clearly, coherently, and with precision. Language is formal, in third person, and appropriate to a literary analysis. All but void of grammar mistakes.

7-6 These essays, though they demonstrate understanding of the moral dilemma’s relevance to the story and to Huck’s character development, lack the depth of those in the 9-8 range. Strong thesis but lacking in textual support. Not as clear, coherent, or precise as those in the 9-8 range. Respond to the question but less effectively than essays in the top range. Analysis may be less thorough, specific, and complex than essays in the 9-8 range. Generally contain few spelling and grammar errors.

5 These essays respond to the prompt but are superficial in analysis and rely heavily on plot summary. Though adequately written, most likely have a weak thesis with no focus on the moral dilemma’s relevance to the story and to Huck’s character development. Organization is attempted, but not effective. Generally contain several spelling and grammar errors, which may distract the reader.

4-3 These lower half-essays reflect an incomplete and oversimplified understanding of the definition of a moral dilemma and its relevance to the story and Huck’s character development. Misunderstanding of the question or omission of key elements. Heavy reliance on plot summary. Most assertions are unsupported by the text. Writing conveys the writer’s ideas but reveals weak control over diction, syntax, and organization. May contain several spelling and grammatical errors.

2-1 Although these essays make some attempt to respond to the prompt, they compound the weakness of the papers in the 4-3 range. Reveal misunderstanding of the prompt or may distort the interpretation. Unacceptably brief or are incoherent. Poorly written on most counts. Often written in first person and/or slang/informal language. Too many spelling and grammatical errors to count.

0 These essays make no more than a reference to the task

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reader Response 3: Huck Finn (14-18)

Directions: Reread Ch. 17 and answer the following questions in paragraph form. As always, use quotes to support your points, and include Chapter, page, and paragraph #:

What impresses Huck about the Grangerford’s house? What does this say about Huck’s view of success and happiness?

What is so special about the books in the house? Why is he so interested in them? What does this say about Huck’s view of education? Twain’s view of education?

What is unique about all of the drawings and poems and the scrapbook? With what does the girl seem to be obsessed ? What is the significance of the painting of the girl on the edge of the bridge with three sets of arms. Why do you think Twain describes this so specifically? What might it say about his view of death? Of suicide? Of art? Why is Huck so touched by this girl’s life and art?

FOR EXTRA CREDIT (10 pts): Create your own image of the girl on the bridge from page 77. You may draw, paint, sketch, photograph, digitally enhance—whatever you like.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Reader Response 2: Huck Finn (7 - 13)


For today's response, you are to write 4-6 paragraphs in which you answer the following questions:

How is Huck influenced by the following people: Tom Sawyer, Widow Douglas, Pap, and Jim? Who do you think has the most positive influence on Huck? Negative? Why?

You must write at least one paragraph about each person and include the quote, chapter, page, and paragraph number for each quote. (CHAPTER, PAGE #, PAR. #)

skip lines between paragraphs

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reader Response 1: Huck Finn (1 - 6)

Directions: Choose a theme to focus on in a 3-paragraph response.



Relationship to Parents



Paragraph 1 (Quote): Type one direct quote from Chapters 1 - 7 in Huck Finn that deals with your chosen theme. Type the chapter, page, and paragraph number after the quote. (Ch. 3, p. 9, par 2) Then write the quote in your own words.

Paragraph 2 (Personal Response): Type 3-8 sentences about what you think about the quote and its theme. Relate it to your own life in some way.

Paragraph 3 (Literary Analysis): Type 3-8 sentences about what Mark Twain thinks about the quote and its theme. Relate it to Twain's life in some way.