Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blog Post 2: Huck Finn Response (Ch. 13 - Ch. 17)

For the past few days we have been looking closely at how specific characters in the book affect Huck's behavior, decision-making, and moral development. For today's posting, you are to put the first side of the chart from yesterday in paragraph form (first and last paragraph are written for you). Thus, your post should be 6 paragraphs, structured in the following way:

Intro paragraph: In Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck, the protagonist, is greatly influenced by four people: Widow Douglas, Tom Sawyer, Pap, and Jim.

Body Paragraph 1: WIDOW DOUGLAS
a. How Widow Douglas influences Huck directly
b. How Widow Douglas influences Huck indirectly
c. Quote/Passage and Page # that illustrates A or B

Body Paragraph 2: TOM SAWYER

(same format for TOM SAWYER)

Body Paragraph 3: PAP

(same format for PAP)

Body Paragraph 4: JIM

(same format for JIM)

Conclusion Paragraph: Without these key influences in his life, Huck would be a very different person.

***HINT: Type your response in MS Word and cut/paste***

Friday, November 14, 2008

Blog Post 1: Huck Finn Response (Ch. 1 - Ch. 12)

After creating your blog, write one paragraph summarizing Huck Finn so far and one paragraph responding to the book--What do you like? Dislike? Why? How does it compare to Of Mice and Men.